
    Aphria läuft und läuft und.....der stärkste Wert unter den Cannabis Herstellern mit Quartals Gewinne - 500 Beiträge pro Seite

    eröffnet am 16.11.16 00:33:20 von
    neuester Beitrag 20.05.21 17:44:04 von
    Beiträge: 8.005
    ID: 1.241.544
    Aufrufe heute: 3
    Gesamt: 1.053.582
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    ISIN: CA03765K1049 · WKN: A12HM0 · Symbol: APHA
    0,00 %
    0,000 USD
    Letzter Kurs 01.05.21 NYSE

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     Ja Nein
      schrieb am 16.11.16 00:33:20
      Beitrag Nr. 1 ()
      Habe die starken Cannabis Werte: Aphria, Canopy Growth, Aurora und Mettrum uvm verglichen!

      Aphria scheint noch das größte Potential zu besitzen.

      Canopy MK= 1,8Mrd; Aurora =665 und Aphria =680 Mio. Mettrum über 300 MK. APH hat aber bereits in USA Partnerschaften angekündigt siehe weiter unten! Ich rechne hier die größte Chancen im Wachstum ein. Aphria hat bereits die Fühler nach USA Arizona und Mexico ausgestreckt! Professioneles Management sehr agil in allen Bereichen! Canopy Growth aktuell höchste MK sehr professionelles Management! Ein gutes Management Nachzügler

      Es gibt noch viele Sicherheit auch gutem Potential nur....Aphria schmiedet starke Partnerschaften.

      Aphria hat mit Massroots eine Partnerschaft und wird dort wohl zusätzlich Zuspruch bekommen!

      Apps zu den Werten gibt es auch einige, da hat wohl Aurora die Nase vorn mit einer eigenen!

      Canopy Growth baut mit Tweed - Snoopdog - Bedrocan und vielen anderen schon Markennamen auf!

      Da dürfte noch eine Weile was gehen nach der Wahl in den USA! Marktanalysen zu Folge (in 2020) mindestens ein Marktumsatz von 21,7 Mrd US Dollar + X. Kanada 5 Mrd + X + Rest der Welt ansteht!

      Die heutige News war dann wohl der nächste Katalysator:

      Meldung von Heute Partnerschaft auch noch mit Phytopain: PhytoPain und Arlene Dickinson (Direktor)…

      Arlene Dickinson: Selfmademillionärin und bei der Dragons Den = Höhle der Löwen Sendung in Kanada für 8 Jahre dabei.

      Mit Copper State Farm ein Medical Pharma Hersteller in Arizona-USA, haben sie eine IP Transfer Vereinbarung und die Rechte auf mindestens 5% der Flächen der größten Farm gesichert!…

      The remaining membership interests of Copperstate will be held by Copperstate Farms Investors LLC (“Investors”). The General Partners of Investors are Fife Symington and Scott Barker. Mr. Symington, a 20-year veteran of greenhouse growing, owns over 850 covered acres of greenhouses (equivalent to 37 million square feet) in Mexico and ships over 175 million pounds of vegetables to the United States annually. As part of the transaction, Aphria invested as a Limited Partner, purchasing sufficient membership interests in Investors to bring Aphria’s total flow-thru ownership in Copperstate to 10%.

      Aphria Homepage:

      Alle Aphria news:

      Umsatz und Gewinnreport mit mehreren Quartalen Gewinn:…

      Es gibt sicher auch noch versteckte Perlen unter den Cannabis Herstellern - nur der schnellste und agilste mit ausreichend Kapital als FIRST MOVER wird wohl den Markt überrollen.

      Hoffe das dies Aphria wird!

      Es sollte dennoch jeder seine eigene Analyse und DD für sein Invest machen.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 01:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 2 ()
      Auch die Grünen wollen Cannabis über den Bundesrat legalisieren...
      .....damit sollte auch der Schwarzmarkt und damit die Kriminalität bei Cannabis zurückgehen.…

      schrieb am 16.11.16 01:19:14
      Beitrag Nr. 3 ()
      Zu der Meldung von Heute noch....
      ....Arlene Dickinson Selfmademillionärin und bei der Dragons Den = Höhle der Löwen Sendung in Kanada für 8 Jahre dabei.

      Ihre Homepage.....
      schrieb am 16.11.16 01:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 4 ()
      Ich hatte auch mal die Facebook Zahlen und....
      .......Wachstum an Likes verglichen, da lagen Aurora/Mettrum vorn, jedoch holt Aphria schnell auf:

      Aurora Cannabis:…



      Canopy Growth:…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 01:52:49
      Beitrag Nr. 5 ()
      Cannabis Lockerungen in den USA von 1970....
      ...bis 2013 und letzte Woche ging es munter weiter mit 8X "Ja" von 9 in den Staaten.

      Trading Spotlight

      East Africa Metals
      0,1450EUR +14,17 %
      Breaking News & Rallye “ante portas”?! mehr zur Aktie »
      schrieb am 16.11.16 02:02:02
      Beitrag Nr. 6 ()
      Und die 2016er Wahlen....
      ....haben gar in einigen Staaten die freie Nutzung "Recreational" erlaubt....

      schrieb am 16.11.16 02:58:43
      Beitrag Nr. 7 ()
      Bei freie Nutzung "Recreational" erlaubt....
      .....reden wir von 65 Millionen Amerikaner + die freie medizinische Nutzung in vielen weiteren Staaten!

      Hier die Info!…
      schrieb am 16.11.16 10:23:56
      Beitrag Nr. 8 ()
      Aphria dürfte die größte Kriegskasse unter den....
      ....großen Marihuana Herstellern haben!…

      Auszug: 90 Mio cash + eine weitere Partnerschaft mit Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. !

      Currently trading with a market cap of C$438 million, Aphria will have roughly C$90 million in cash on its books by the end of this month. We believe the company is on the verge of some major developments in terms of production and M&A activities. With smart money coming in at C$4 a share, we believe this bull run could just be getting started in Aphria. Aphria is certainly a must-own in the cannabis space. We will be updating our subscribers with the latest on Aphria and other cannabis names. For complete coverage, sign up below!
      schrieb am 16.11.16 10:36:06
      Beitrag Nr. 9 ()
      Warum Aphria bald bis zu 2 Mrd. Marktkapitalsierung haben könnte....
      ....Aphria Secures Immediate Access to Eight-Fold Production Increase, With Fully Built-Out Capacity of 1,000,000 Square Feet, Supporting $700 Million in Annualized Revenue!

      News aus April!…
      schrieb am 16.11.16 11:28:44
      Beitrag Nr. 10 ()
      Was ist das denn für eine Schrottaktie? Kursziel 0.0001. :laugh:

      Einer der besten Cannabis-Aktien. Gute Umsätze, schon in den grünen Zahlen. Dürfte noch viel höher gehen. Fragt sich nur, wann man einsteigt. Erscheint mir zur Zeit etwas zu hoch. Klar, ich will günstig rein. :D
      schrieb am 16.11.16 11:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 11 ()
      Mal ne Frage. Wie siehst du den Trump-Sieg in Bezug auf Legalisierung von Cannabis? Hat er sich in irgendeiner Weise dazu geäußert?
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 11:50:46
      Beitrag Nr. 12 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.705.070 von jhackel am 16.11.16 11:30:23
      » Hanf News » Neuer US-Präsident Trump - ein Erfolg für die Legalisierung von Marihuana?
      Neuer US-Präsident Trump - ein Erfolg für die Legalisierung von Marihuana?

      Die Legalisierung von Marihuana schreitet immer weiter voran!

      In mehreren Bundesstaaten der USA ist nun der Verkauf, Erwerb und Konsum legal, sodass nun mittlerweile jeder fünfte Amerikaner die Möglichkeit hat, Marihuana legal zu kaufen. Der legale Anbau und Verkauf in Colorado ist beispielsweise bereits ein voller Erfolg und auch andere Bundesstaaten folgen dem guten Beispiel. In allen anderen Bundesstaaten gilt jedoch nach wie vor das Drogenverbot aus unterschiedlichen Gründen. Seit der Wahlnacht und dem Sieg von Donald Trump fragen sich nun aber doch einige, ob sich daran nicht doch in naher Zukunft etwas ändern könnte.
      Die Wahlnacht - ein Erfolg für die Marihuana-Lobby
      Kalifornien hat nun als bevölkerungsreichster Bundesstaat die Legalisierung von Marihuana als reines Genussmittel beschlossen und auch in Massachusetts, Nevada und Maine waren die Wähler für eine Freigabe. In Florida darf Marihuana zwar noch nicht für den privaten Genussgebrauch gekauft und geraucht werden, für medizinische Zwecke ist hier aber eine Freigabe erteilt worden. Arizona hängt während dessen noch am Bürgerentscheid zur Legalisierung fest, aber auch das ist nur eine Frage der Zeit. Aber was hat das nun mit der Wahlnacht zu tun?
      Marihuana darf nun auch zum purem Genuss in allen Bundesstaaten konsumiert werden, in denen mehr als 20 Prozent der Bevölkerung stehen. Das bedeutet, dass die gesamte Westküste legal Marihuana kaufen und anbauen darf. Für weitere 30 Bundesstaaten wird es als Therapiemittel anerkannt werden. Und genau dies ist ein mega Erfolg für die Reformbewegung von Marihuana. Denn nur wenn es endlich mehr gute Beispiele gibt, an denen wir uns orientieren können, kann auch bei uns ein Umdenken stattfinden. So bleiben Staaten wie Kalifornien oder Colorado keine Ausnahme mehr, sondern ganz Amerika könnte in dieser Sache zum Vorbild werden. Und wir alle wissen, dass wir bereits so einiges von den Amis übernommen haben.
      Colorado ging mit bestem Beispiel voran
      Colorado war der erste Bundesstaat, der 2014 Marihuana offiziell als Genussmittel erlaubte. Ihm folgen Bundesstaaten wie Washington, Oregon und Alaska. Seit 1996 ist an der Westküste Marihuana für medizinische Zwecke zwar erlaubt, dennoch dauerte es weitere 20 Jahre, ehe die Freigabe auch als Genussmittel folgte. Es war allerdings bereits davor ziemlich leicht, dort eine ärztliche Genehmigung zu bekommen.
      Erfolgsmodell Colorado, so nennen es Befürworter der Legalisierung, wenn es um die Legalisierung anderer Staaten und Länder geht. Die Zahl der Drogendelikte ist seit 2014 massiv gesunken, die zusätzlichen Steuereinnahmen waren und sind ein weiterer positiver Aspekt. In Kalifornien könnten Schätzungen zufolge knapp eine Milliarde Dollar Steuern pro Jahr zusammen kommen, Colorado brachte es im vergangenen Jahr auf 135 Millionen Dollar Steuern. Aber wie das eben immer so ist, gibt es dennoch immer noch Kritiker, die sich nach wie vor gegen eine Freigabe aussprechen. Die negativen Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit seien ihrer Meinung nach immer noch nicht ausreichend untersucht und auch für den Straßenverkehr bedeutet die Legalisierung eine zusätzliche Gefahr.
      Auf Bundesebene betrachtet ist die Substanz nach wie vor verboten und wird auf eine Stufe mit Heroin gestellt, nur steigt die Zahl der einzelnen Gegenden, in denen der Konsum erlaubt ist. Und das ist leider immer noch mehr als widersprüchlich und daran muss sich auch etwas ändern. Und das wird es auch, jetzt, wo auch Kalifornien mit im Geschäft ist.
      Der Krieg gegen die Drogen ist und bleibt unproduktiv und wird auch sonst nichts bewirken, außer noch mehr Widerstand. Das sehen einige Parteien und Kongressabgeordnete mittlerweile auch so. Barack Obama lies verkünden, dass die Position gegen die Drogen immer unhaltbarer werden, je mehr Bundesstaaten die Verbote fallen ließen. Und jetzt müssen sich die Amerikaner mit Donald Trump auseinandersetzen, der sich im Wahlkampf für die Genehmigung von Marihuana als Therapiemittel aussprach. Typisch Trump überlässt er es jedoch den einzelnen Bundesstaaten, ob und inwiefern eine Legalisierung statt finden solle.

      Link dazu:…
      schrieb am 16.11.16 12:03:49
      Beitrag Nr. 13 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.705.070 von jhackel am 16.11.16 11:30:23
      Wenn Trump sich mit mindestens 65 Mio Amerikaner anlegen will.....?
      Zitat von jhackel: Mal ne Frage. Wie siehst du den Trump-Sieg in Bezug auf Legalisierung von Cannabis? Hat er sich in irgendeiner Weise dazu geäußert?

      Auszug aus dem Bericht:
      Und jetzt müssen sich die Amerikaner mit Donald Trump auseinandersetzen, der sich im Wahlkampf für die Genehmigung von Marihuana als Therapiemittel aussprach. Typisch Trump überlässt er es jedoch den einzelnen Bundesstaaten, ob und inwiefern eine Legalisierung statt finden solle.

      Meine Meinung:
      Bis Trump im Januar zum Präsident vereidigt wird, wird er sich ein demokratisches Grundverständnis anlegen müssen.
      Dazu kommt das der Sektor bis 2020 über 20 Mrd $ Umsatz generieren kann, die da aus Schwarzmarkt Steuergerld machen können!

      Trump ist Unternehmer und sein "Make Amerika Big Again" wird gegen die Stimme des Volkes nicht regierbar und haltbar sein.

      Also wird der sonst so beratungsresistente Donald wohl die Stimme des Volkes die ihn gewählt hat auch gelten lassen müssen!
      schrieb am 16.11.16 12:55:23
      Beitrag Nr. 14 ()
      Noch ein paar Zahlen, wie z.B.: Gross Profit von über 80%....
      und zum Management mit "Management Circular" vom 27.10.…


      Analyst Coverage:

      Clarus Securities Inc Noel Atkinson
      Dundee Capital Markets Daniel Pearlstein
      GM Securities Inc. Martin Landry
      Mackie Research Capital Corporation
      P I Financial Jason Zandberg
      schrieb am 16.11.16 15:41:30
      Beitrag Nr. 15 ()
      Chart sieht bis jetzt und heute wieder gut aus!

      schrieb am 16.11.16 17:06:59
      Beitrag Nr. 16 ()
      Vielleicht ist er ja selbst Kunde. Gibt es zu der Aktie auch Ergebniszahlen?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 17:17:43
      Beitrag Nr. 17 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.708.283 von sdaktien am 16.11.16 17:06:59
      Zitat von sdaktien: Vielleicht ist er ja selbst Kunde. Gibt es zu der Aktie auch Ergebniszahlen?

      Quartalszahlen: 2 Beiträge vorher....oder hier…
      schrieb am 16.11.16 17:30:59
      Beitrag Nr. 18 ()
      Nur Zahlen Q3. Das ist etwas wenig, auch wenn die auf den ersten Blick gut aussehen.

      Beim Überfliegen hab ich gesehen, dass es da wohl noch Optionsprogramme für weitere Aktien gibt. Weisst du, wieviele Aktien da noch dazukommen können? Das ist nicht unwichtig, wenn es darum geht, wie ein eventuell anfallender Gewinn verteilt wird.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 17:47:24
      Beitrag Nr. 19 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.708.547 von sdaktien am 16.11.16 17:30:59Steht im MDA:…

      Common stock 90,196,539 90,196,539
      Stock options -- 3,917,436 3,917,436 5,083,454
      Warrants -- 14,306,359 14,306,359 14,306,359
      Compensation warrants -- 1,739,070 1,739,070 1,739,070
      Warrants on exercise of compensation warrants -- 265,391
      Fully diluted 90,196,539 111,590,813

      Fully diluted nach der Finanzierung im Nov. mit Bought Deal von 35 Mio + 5 Mio ca. weitere 10 Mio Aktien.
      schrieb am 16.11.16 21:53:02
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MagicMOD moderiert. Grund: auf eigenen Wunsch des Users
      schrieb am 16.11.16 21:55:37
      Beitrag Nr. 21 ()
      Short Attack nach Trading Halt für alle "Gras" ....
      ...Aktien, die wurden heute von IIROC ausgesetzt und plötzlich brach Panik aus. Typisches Short Szenario, bei dem die großen Ihren Reibach machen!…
      schrieb am 17.11.16 08:23:11
      Beitrag Nr. 22 ()
      Es war wohl Canopy Growth der den ersten Halt verursacht hat....
      Da gibt es wohl auch ein Gesetz, das Aktien die innerhalb weniger Minuten +/-10 % machen oder über 30% steigen ausgesetzt werden können nennt sich "single stock circuit breakers".

      Einige der Werte haben die Marijuana - Blase erzeugt, Aphria gehört wohl nicht dazu.

      Mit knapp 90 Mio $ cash und 1 Mio EBITDA also Gewinn im letzten Quartal, dürfte sie bald wieder zurück zu alter Stärke finden.…
      schrieb am 17.11.16 08:28:54
      Beitrag Nr. 23 ()
      Video dazu zum Thema.....
      ...die haben Aphria jedoch nicht mal im Fokus.…
      schrieb am 17.11.16 13:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 24 ()
      Hier steht es zu Aphria nochmal geschrieben:
      Of all marijuana producers, Aphria Inc. stands apart as the only company to be turning a profit from the production and sale of medical marijuana. This is partly due to them being the most cost effective producer in the industry with an “all-in” cost of $1.80/ gram. This makes you wonder just how low prices will go when the marijuana industry shifts to awholesale distribution model. Readers should note that LPs have been selling marijuana atabout $8.00/g.In addition, Aphria has one of the most well-equipped leadership team, which will continue to drive value for its shareholders. Led by President and CEO Vic Neufeld,who was previously CEO of Jamieson Laboratories Canada, Aphria has solidified its operational excellence and is in the best position to grow its value for shareholders through expansion, as it holds one of the largest cash positions in the industry, supported by positive operating cash flow.

      Based on this analysis, Maple Leaf Green, Supreme Pharma, Aphria, and Aurora come out on top.

      Aphria Inc. stands apart as the only company to be turning a…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.11.16 13:28:28
      Beitrag Nr. 25 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.715.246 von sunny3999 am 17.11.16 13:27:14
      Link dazu:…
      schrieb am 18.11.16 07:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 26 ()
      APHRIA INC NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) Head of the Cannabis Class
      By Jermaine Farmer - November 17, 2016

      APHRIA INC NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) is a stock that’s been powering in an uptrend on the strength of legislative changes here and in Canada, and the anticipation of more to come. In addition, according to, APHQF is currently at the top of the list “of all the stocks in the The Marijuana Index’s comprehensive list of North American marijuana-related stocks” as far as total performance this year.

      Traders will note 52% added to share values of the company over the past month of action. Market participants may want to pay attention to this stock. APHQF is a stock whose past is littered with sudden rips. Moreover, the company has benefitted from a jump in recent trading volume to the tune of just shy of 490% above its longer run average levels.

      APHRIA INC NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) trumpets itself as a company that produces, supplies, and sells medical cannabis in Canada. Its cannabis products include dried flowers and cannabis oils.

      The company sells its products through its online store and telephone orders, as well as MMPR licenced producers. Aphria Inc. is headquartered in Leamington, Canada.

      According to company press materials, “Aphria Inc., one of Canada’s lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.”

      Clearly, with exposure to the cannabis marketplace in North America, this is another stock that greatly benefited from both the anticipation and outcome of the huge US referendum on pot legalization that took place across nine states on November 8 (last Tuesday). The voting went well, with 8 of 9 states moving forward on the legislative path toward greater legal sales. Industry analysts have posted expectations of somewhere on the order of a 3-4x growth in legal sales footprint in the US as a result.

      However, the Canadian cannabis story may even be hotter right now than the US one, and in fact may provide a model for what we will eventually see here in the states. In Canada, legislation is likely to be on the table sometime next year to fully legalize pot on a national basis for all conceivable consumers, according to a promise made by the country’s PM Trudeau.

      In addition, the company just announced that it has entered into an agreement with Clarus Securities Inc., on behalf of a syndicate of underwriters, pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase, on a “bought deal” basis, 8,750,000 Common Shares of the Company at a price of C$4.00 per Common Share for aggregate gross proceeds to the Company of C$35,000,000.

      The Company has agreed to grant the Underwriters an over-allotment option to purchase up to an additional 1,312,500 Common Shares at the Offering Price, exercisable in whole or in part at any time for a period ending 30 days from the closing of the Offering. In the event the over-allotment option is exercised in full, the aggregate gross proceeds of the Offering will be C$40,250,000.

      According to the release, “The Company intends to use the net proceeds from the Offering for the development of infrastructure, purchase of capital equipment, capacity expansion, strategic investments, and general working capital purposes.”

      At this time, carrying a capital value in the market of $319.3M, APHQF has a significant war chest ($39.63M) of cash on the books, in a pool of total assets approaching $63M, which leans against an appreciable load ($5.73M) of total accumulated debt.

      The bottom line is; APHQF is making real money, with trailing revs already coming in at $8.79M. In addition, the company is starting to see major topline growth, with quarterly y/y revs increasing at 360%. In other words, this is a top performer with a great balance sheet, great financials, and likely strong catalysts ahead. We will continue to follow it closely.…
      schrieb am 18.11.16 13:28:05
      Beitrag Nr. 27 ()
      Arlene Dickinson joins board of medical marijuana player Aphria (Cantech Oct. 28th)

      Medical marijuana pubco Aphria (TSX:APH) today announced that former Dragons Den star Arlene Dickinson has joined its board.
      “We are very pleased to have Arlene join the board. The former Dragon will provide valuable marketing experience and a no holds barred approach to future strategic directions,” said Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer of Aphria.
      Dickinson is the CEO of Venture Communications. Under her leadership, the Toronto-based firm has become one of Canadas biggest marketing and communication firms. She is the author of two books, “Persuasion” and, the more recent “All In..”. Dickinson is the recipient of honorary degrees from Mount Saint Vincent University, Saint Mary’s University and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. She sits on the Leadership Council of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics and is the recipient of The Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal.
      Today’s news follows on a report earlier this week from Clarus Securities analyst Noel Atkinson, who says Aphria is the company best positioned to serve the potential pharmacy market in Canada. On Tuesday, Shoppers Drug Mart submitted a Licensed Producer (LP) sales license application to Health Canada to dispense medical cannabis prescriptions.
      “We see Aphria as the best-situated of the publicly-traded LPs to thrive as a wholesaler in a pharmacy dominated medical cannabis market,” said Atkinson. “The Company has the lowest known production costs per gram in the industry, has been able to scale successfully to 43,000 sq. ft. of production with zero crop failures, its management has extensive experience in selling large quantities of health products to Canadian pharmacy chains, and the Company appears to be at least as focused on the medical market as the rec market. Canopy Growth is at a much larger production scale than Aphria and its Bedrocan and Tweed units have been selling into the medical market for quite a while, but it remains to be seen whether Canopy would be willing to allocate a large portion of capacity to wholesale for pharmacies when it has the largest direct-to-patient revenue of the public LPs and is so heavily investing in its recreational strategy. We know of no other public LPs producing at scale in-house. Of the privately-held LPs, only a few appear to be successfully growing at high capacity utilization in larger facilities and focused on the medical market, most notably MedReleaf, CanniMed and CannTrust.”
      Atkinson has a “Buy” rating and one-year price target of $5.00 on Aphria, which closed Friday at $3.65.…
      schrieb am 18.11.16 20:08:45
      Beitrag Nr. 28 ()
      Marijuana Dominates Canada: Supreme Pharmaceuticals, Canopy Growth, Aphria Inc
      Aphria Inc. is in a similar situation, but its valuation has increased even more dramatically. On October 19, 2016, Aphria closed at $3.82. At the time of writing on November 18 at noon on the east coast, Aphria’s share price was $6.78. In the last thirty days, it has traded a total of 70.1 million shares, just under Supreme’s volumes, and its up by 77 per cent.
      That’s the kind of win most investors only dream about. Is it going to happen again? You bet it is. But you’ll have to be a subscriber to the premium edition if you want to find out who it’s going to be.…

      schrieb am 18.11.16 21:11:51
      Beitrag Nr. 29 ()
      Financial Post schreibt:
      Marijuana stocks stealing all of the action in Canada by unprecedented volumes. [/url]…
      schrieb am 19.11.16 08:37:37
      Beitrag Nr. 30 ()
      Der liberale Premierminister Kanadas JUSTIN TRUDEAU sagt:
      We will legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana.

      Canada’s current system of marijuana prohibition does not work. It does not prevent young people from using marijuana and too many Canadians end up with criminal records for possessing small amounts of the drug.

      Arresting and prosecuting these offenses is expensive for our criminal justice system. It traps too many Canadians in the criminal justice system for minor, non-violent offenses. At the same time, the proceeds from the illegal drug trade support organized crime and greater threats to public safety, like human trafficking and hard drugs.

      To ensure that we keep marijuana out of the hands of children, and the profits out of the hands of criminals, we will legalize, regulate, and restrict access to marijuana.

      We will remove marijuana consumption and incidental possession from the Criminal Code, and create new, stronger laws to punish more severely those who provide it to minors, those who operate a motor vehicle while under its influence, and those who sell it outside of the new regulatory framework.

      We will create a federal/provincial/territorial task force, and with input from experts in public health, substance abuse, and law enforcement, will design a new system of strict marijuana sales and distribution, with appropriate federal and provincial excise taxes applied.
      schrieb am 19.11.16 09:03:14
      Beitrag Nr. 31 ()
      Canadian marijuana producers eye U.S. market to have their weed and smoke it too
      Video Link dazu:…

      The groundswell of American states that bent toward legalization last week may give a big boost to Canada’s marijuana industry — not because Canadian producers want to move south, but because the drug’s murky U.S. legal status positions them to have their weed and smoke it too.

      California, Nevada, Massachusetts and Maine voted to legalize recreational marijuana last Tuesday and four more states voted in favour of medical marijuana use.

      The vote sent cannabis stocks in Canada and the U.S. soaring. Shares of Los Angeles-based Pineapple Express Inc. rose 29 per cent Wednesday while the legalization news pushed Canada’s largest marijuana company, Canopy Growth Corp., to a billion-dollar valuation.
      schrieb am 19.11.16 09:37:28
      Beitrag Nr. 32 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.702.421 von sunny3999 am 16.11.16 01:39:09
      Auch diese Woche wieder, das prozentuell größte Wachstum an LIKES für Aphria auf Facebook!
      Zitat von sunny3999: .......Wachstum an Likes verglichen, da lagen Aurora/Mettrum vorn, jedoch holt Aphria schnell auf:

      1. Aphria:…

      2. Aurora Cannabis:…

      3. Canopy Growth:…

      4. Mettrum:
      Mal sehen wer das Rennen in der nächsten Woche macht!
      schrieb am 19.11.16 17:43:52
      Beitrag Nr. 33 ()
      Canada’s cheapest pot producer sees sunshine as the secret to dominating legalization era Video vom CEO Vic Neufeld.…
      Aphria Inc.’s marijuana greenhouse is probably a space as different as it could be from a drug dealer’s dingy basement. But it is home to some of the lowest-priced commercial pot in the country.

      Canada’s budding marijuana industry could blossom into a $5-billion market if Liberals make recreational pot legal

      Associated Press
      It is already being compared to the end of prohibition.

      Justin Trudeau’s majority win paves the way for Canada to legalize recreational marijuana, a move that would transform the country’s nascent pot industry overnight. But while that is extremely exciting news for the licensed producers in the space, it would bring plenty of challenges as well.

      Nothing here screams “cheap,” however. The spotless 22,000-square-foot facility is lined with more than 20,000 cannabis plants at various stages of development. Automated lighting and roofing systems ensure that plants receive exactly the right amount of light. A water system provides flood irrigation for stock plants, and drip water for the plants nearing harvesting. Scientists and other workers mill about inspecting plants, rooting and cataloguing specimens and collecting clippings.

      Once the buds are harvested, they are sent through a sealed door into the “vault” next door, where computers control airflow and humidity to allow the product to dry by just the right amount. A machine tests moisture levels, and the dried plant is moved to another room with controlled temperature and humidity, where it is stored and ready to ship.

      Aphria was founded by two agri-business experts, and they have come up with many creative ways to improve efficiency and keep operating costs down. Instead of buying fertilizer, they purchase the root chemicals (such as ammonium nitrate and potassium sulphate) and make their own. That means their fertilizer costs just half-a-cent per litre, or one per cent of their growing costs. Since pesticides are verboten, to get rid of pests, they fight fire with fire by releasing predator bugs into the greenhouse to kill the pot-eating insects. Just the use of a greenhouse itself is a big part of Aphria’s low-cost secret weapon.

      “Nobody believed us when we said what we could do,” co-founder Cole Cacciavillani said.

      People are paying attention now. Aphria was the first of Canada’s major marijuana companies to try producing pot in a greenhouse. But rivals have started to follow suit, including industry leader Canopy Growth Corp., formerly known as Tweed Marijuana.

      More greenhouse production seems certain in the future, thanks in part to the new prime minister, Justin Trudeau. If he keeps his pledge to legalize recreational marijuana, he’s likely to turn a tiny commercial pot market into a much larger one. And once that happens, success in this business will be all about expanding scale and lowering costs.

      Dax Melmer for National PostA cannabis plant grows in a greenhouse at Aphria Inc. in Leamington, Ont.
      The easiest way to achieve both is by using greenhouses, rather than grow-op warehouses strung end to end with energy-sucking electric lamps. Leamington enjoys bright, sunny weather — it’s known not just as the Tomato Capital of Canada, but because it’s in the southernmost part of the country’s mainland, also as the Sun Parlour of Canada. And it has more acres of greenhouse space than anywhere else in Canada or the United States. That puts the town of 28,000 in the sweet spot to become a key North American weed hub.

      “Over the long term, the greenhouse is the way to go,” said Aaron Salz, an analyst at Dundee Capital Markets. “It’s so much easier to scale a greenhouse than an indoor (facility).”

      Leamington is still reeling from the partial closure of a 105-year-old Heinz tomato-processing plant last year. But the booming agri-business and greenhouse industry is a major bright spot.
      schrieb am 19.11.16 19:01:16
      Beitrag Nr. 34 ()
      Aphria low cost production gives high returns - mit Bildern und Zahlen!…

      Liste aller von Health Canada freigegebenen Cannabis-Hersteller:

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.11.16 11:55:31
      Beitrag Nr. 35 ()
      The Marijuana Revolution - CNN Special Report by Dr. Sanjay Gupta
      Die Marihuana Revolution auf CNN:

      schrieb am 20.11.16 11:56:57
      Beitrag Nr. 36 ()
      Aphria still in technical breakout mode!
      Ab 4:00 min!

      schrieb am 20.11.16 12:56:54
      Beitrag Nr. 37 ()
      Colorado Marijuana Country: The Cannabis Boom (2015)
      schrieb am 20.11.16 13:09:01
      Beitrag Nr. 38 ()
      Inside America's Billion-Dollar Weed Business: The Grass is Greener!
      schrieb am 20.11.16 13:46:28
      Beitrag Nr. 39 ()
      Wettbewerbsvorteil startet mit günstigsten Herstellungskosten....
      ....also Preisdruck auf die Konkurrenz um Marktanteile zu sichern!

      CEO Vic Neufeld sagte, auch mancher WB kaufe bei Aphria...

      schrieb am 20.11.16 14:12:30
      Beitrag Nr. 40 ()
      Jeder sucht das "NEXT BIG THING" zum Anlegen!
      Dieses wird aktuell auf der ganzen Welt ganz heiß diskutiert:

      Aktueller Bericht aus "Die Zeit" Cannabis Legalize it! Und dann?…
      schrieb am 20.11.16 14:34:54
      Beitrag Nr. 41 ()
      Der Wettbewerbsvorteil von Aphria und seinem starken Team!
      schrieb am 20.11.16 14:47:14
      Beitrag Nr. 42 ()
      Studie zum Cannabis Markt: Recreational weed could be a $22.6B industry…

      Sales of legalized recreational marijuana would surpass combined sales of beer, wine, and spirits, it says.

      In partnership with RIWI Corp., Deloitte surveyed 5,000 Canadians this past summer — including 1,000 identified as recreational marijuana users — and calculated that the base retail market alone would be worth $4.9 billion to $8.7 billion annually. (BLAIR GABLE / REUTERS)
      schrieb am 20.11.16 15:04:30
      Beitrag Nr. 43 ()
      Canada could thrive from marijuana legalization in U.S. states
      Brendan Kennedy, the CEO of Privateer Holdings, says he expects Canadian producers will enter into partnerships and joint ventures with their neighbours.…
      schrieb am 20.11.16 15:35:44
      Beitrag Nr. 44 ()
      The Dragon of Aphria - Arlene Dickinson joins Aphria board....
      ...Leamington pot producer adds former Dragons’ Den star Arlene Dickinson to board of directors

      schrieb am 20.11.16 17:59:29
      Beitrag Nr. 45 ()
      Erst im August hatte Aphria die Lizenz zum Cannabis Öl Verkauf erhalten und schon....
      ...mischen sie unter den Besten im Preissegment mit und werden wohl noch einiges optimieren!

      schrieb am 20.11.16 20:07:48
      Beitrag Nr. 46 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.731.545 von sunny3999 am 19.11.16 19:01:16
      Die Growth-Rate ist beeindruckend. Danke Sunny, für die Informationen ;)
      schrieb am 20.11.16 20:18:55
      Beitrag Nr. 47 ()
      BNN Video zu volatilen Marihuana Werten...
      Marijuana stocks: Volatility baked in for now
      Shares in Canadian cannabis producers soared and fell yesterday in a speculative frenzy. Then they were up again this morning. Khurram Malik of Jacob Capital Management says the advent of a large recreational market should see these stocks higher in a year's time but during the next six months, there will probably be some alarming dips and steep rises.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.11.16 20:37:19
      Beitrag Nr. 48 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.735.196 von sunny3999 am 20.11.16 20:18:55Im Klartext, also ein sehr volatiler Anstieg, mit immer wiederkehrenden Kaufmöglichkeiten.
      schrieb am 20.11.16 21:47:38
      Beitrag Nr. 49 ()
      Legal pot in Canada could sell for $5 a gram — or less
      Aphria sollte die unter 5$ erreichen können...…
      schrieb am 20.11.16 21:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 50 ()
      5 Besten Marihuana Aktien in 2016
      5 Best Marijuana Stocks Of 2016.....…
      schrieb am 20.11.16 22:20:52
      Beitrag Nr. 51 ()
      Das ist keine heiße Luft - über 200 Mio Cannabis Umsatz in den USA!
      212 Mio Marihuana zu 246 Mio alkoholischen Getränken! Tendenz steigend...

      2016 is a milestone year for sales of pot in state

      Editor’s note: An earlier version of this story contained incorrect information. Marijuana sales did not eclipse sales of hard alcohol. Marijuana sales in the second quarter of 2016 amounted to nearly $212 million. Spirits sales in the same period amounted to almost $249 million.

      Read more here:……
      schrieb am 21.11.16 08:31:35
      Beitrag Nr. 52 ()
      Video zu Kalifornien nach der Wahl zur Legalisierung von Cannabis!…

      Diskussion und Bericht zur Freigabe in Kanada - Alkohol hinter dem Steuer ist 20x gefährlicher als THC!…
      schrieb am 21.11.16 10:23:57
      Beitrag Nr. 53 ()
      Berlin: Rot-Rot-Grün macht neuen Anlauf für Cannabis-Modellprojekt

      USA: Nicht nur Kalifornien legalisiert Cannabis

      schrieb am 21.11.16 11:14:39
      Beitrag Nr. 54 ()
      Legalisierte Weltbevölkerung wächst!
      Zeiten ändern sich: Über 70 Millionen Menschen leben seit dem 10.11.2016 in einem Staat mit legalem Cannabis als Genussmittel!

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 12:40:02
      Beitrag Nr. 55 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.737.818 von sunny3999 am 21.11.16 11:14:39Du machst Dir echt viele Mühe hier........mal ein Dankeschön....viele interessante Sachen dabei.
      bin seit 3.11....hier dabei und 75% im Plus das kann sich sehen lassen.......wobei ich bei anderen Werte wie z.B. Marapharm im Minus liege ........mal sehen on der Cannabis Zock aufgeht.

      Viel Glück an Alle Investierten!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 13:34:38
      Beitrag Nr. 56 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.738.550 von Aktiengeier_1 am 21.11.16 12:40:02
      Bin auch schon eine Weile dabei....
      ....mußte aber die US - Wahl abwarten um offiziell das Thema auszurollen. Ohne die Legalisierung in den USA sehe es hier nicht so GRÜN im Depot aus.

      Legalisiert Holland (16,8 Mio Einwohner fehlt in der Darstellung)
      Legalisierung in Colorado (USA, 5,4*)
      Legalisierung in Washington State (USA, 7,0*)
      Legalisierte Weltbevölkerung: 12,4*
      Legalisierung in Uruguay (3,4*)
      Legalisierte Weltbevölkerung: 15,8*
      Legalisierung in Alaska (USA, 0,7*)
      Legalisierung in Oregon (USA, 4,0*)
      Gesamt: 4,7*
      Legalisierte Weltbevölkerung: 20,5*
      Legalisierung in Kalifornien (USA, 38,8*)
      Legalisierung in Massachusetts (USA, 6,7*)
      Legalisierung in Nevada (USA, 2,8*)
      Legalisierung in Maine (USA, 1,3*)
      Gesamt: 49,6*

      Legalisierte Weltbevölkerung: 86,9*

      2017 ff..

      Wie geht es weiter?

      Kanada hat schon die Legalisierung für 2017 angekündigt (35,2*). Allein das lässt die Zahl der legalisierten Weltbevölkerung auf über 120 Millionen ansteigen...
      * Millionen Einwohner
      schrieb am 21.11.16 13:36:51
      Beitrag Nr. 57 ()
      Ob es 'der' stärkste Cana-Wert ist sei mal dahingestellt, mir persönlich gefällt aber Aphria auch sehr. Ganz stark positioniert hat sich meiner Meinung nach aber auch Canopy, durch die globale Ausrichtung. Und da ist auch meine erste Frage zu Aphria. Es gibt ja die Zusammenarbeit mit Massroots, einem cana-social-network aber was machen die genau? Ist das ein Distributor? Und wie läuft eine Lieferung in die USA ab, ist das ohne Weiteres möglich?

      Canopy positioniert sich zB. auch in Australien und Deutschland, allgemein in Regionen wo die Legalisierung oder ein anderen Umgang mit Cana vor der Tür steht.

      Wie gesagt, grundsätzlich bin ich von Aphria überzeugt und auch nur dort investiert aber um alle Märkte zu erobern muss wohl noch ein wenig getan werden. Was denkt ihr dazu?
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 13:53:36
      Beitrag Nr. 58 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.739.057 von TheDude335 am 21.11.16 13:36:51
      Zitat von TheDude335: Ob es 'der' stärkste Cana-Wert ist sei mal dahingestellt, mir persönlich gefällt aber Aphria auch sehr. Ganz stark positioniert hat sich meiner Meinung nach aber auch Canopy, durch die globale Ausrichtung. Und da ist auch meine erste Frage zu Aphria. Es gibt ja die Zusammenarbeit mit Massroots, einem cana-social-network aber was machen die genau? Ist das ein Distributor? Und wie läuft eine Lieferung in die USA ab, ist das ohne Weiteres möglich?

      Canopy positioniert sich zB. auch in Australien und Deutschland, allgemein in Regionen wo die Legalisierung oder ein anderen Umgang mit Cana vor der Tür steht.

      Wie gesagt, grundsätzlich bin ich von Aphria überzeugt und auch nur dort investiert aber um alle Märkte zu erobern muss wohl noch ein wenig getan werden. Was denkt ihr dazu?

      Massroots ist eine App und Blog, die die Anwendungen und Verarbeitungen den Kunden näherbringt. Die könnten auch den Verkauf von Aphria-Cannabis für USA über ihre Plattform steuern.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 14:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 59 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.739.057 von TheDude335 am 21.11.16 13:36:51
      Aphria hat einen medizinischen Partner in Australien...
      ....Medlab und Exclusivrechte von Aphria entwickelt Medizin auf Basis Cannabis (THC) in Australien.

      Aphria verkauft sein KNOW-HOW an Copperstate Farm - Arizona (US) und sichert sich 5% + weiter 5% an Einnahmen!…

      Arlene Dickinson von Dragons Den ist als Direktor benannt und Aphria hat schon jetzt eine Umsatz Ausbaustufe Phase 3 von 700 Mio $, das allein sollte einen Marktwert von 2,1 Mrd ergeben. :eek:
      schrieb am 21.11.16 14:39:54
      Beitrag Nr. 60 ()
      Arlene Dickinson von Dragon Den ist wohl die stärkst Ergänzung im Team!
      schrieb am 21.11.16 15:39:40
      Beitrag Nr. 61 ()
      Chart startet aus dem Minus aber fängt sich wieder!
      Kanada (CVE:APH): [/url]"][/url]

      USA (OTCMKTS:APHQF):[/url]
      schrieb am 21.11.16 21:45:20
      Beitrag Nr. 62 ()
      Korrektur war notwendig!
      Bei Closed Deal nächste Woche und News mit anstehender TSE Hochstufung spätestens im Frühjahr 17 sollte Aphria 2 stellig werden.
      schrieb am 21.11.16 22:36:41
      Beitrag Nr. 63 ()
      Aphria Inc continues Its Ascent Following Supply Agreement…

      Furthermore, Tetra Bio-Pharma also revealed that it plans to market PPP001 worldwide, with Aphria being the exclusive supplier, for the API, for both the development and commercialization phases. It should be noted here that much US regulations, Canada also calls for the implementation of GMP, as well as rigorous quality systems. Moreover, lot-to-lot consistency is also to be demonstrated, prior to manufacturing of the final product.
      schrieb am 22.11.16 15:59:45
      Beitrag Nr. 64 ()
      National Post says Aphria, others hear vet med pot bill soaring
      Grund für den Absturz:

      2016-11-22 08:49 ET - In the News

      Also In the News (C-ACB) Aurora Cannabis Inc
      Also In the News (C-CGC) Canopy Growth Corp
      Also In the News (C-MT) Mettrum Health Corp
      Also In the News (C-OGI) Organigram Holdings Inc

      The National Post reports in its Tuesday, Nov. 22, edition that Veterans Affairs Canada is set to "reduce substantially" the amount of medical marijuana for which retired soldiers can seek reimbursement. The Post's John Ivison writes that the program under which veterans could access marijuana for medical purposes was introduced in 2008-2009 and by the end of the year there were just five recipients being reimbursed $19,000. An unnamed source says there are currently 3,300 users -- double the number from official statistics released in March -- and the department has projected the program will cost $90-million in the current fiscal year, if trends continue. To put that in context, the government spends about $247-million a year on all health treatments for veterans. Veterans Affairs Minister Kent Hehr said in March he would review the issue and he is expected to announce a dramatic reduction in the amount the department will reimburse from the current 10 grams a day. It is understood veterans will still be able to access whatever amount of marijuana is authorized by their doctors, but the government will not reimburse at current levels, unless there are exceptional circumstances.…
      schrieb am 22.11.16 19:00:23
      Beitrag Nr. 65 ()
      Aphria Inc: Making Heads or Tails of APH stock
      Auszug vom Aphria coverage:

      Imagine the possibilities that recreational marijuana can do to the bottom line of a company that is already running in an efficient profitable manner. Under this premise, the profit potential for APH stock is stratospheric.…
      schrieb am 22.11.16 19:35:12
      Beitrag Nr. 66 ()
      Heute wurde das mittlere Bollinger angelaufen. Schöne Korrektur. Der Wert war total überkauft. Abkühlung ist notwendig und meiner Meinung nach die Basis für einen künftigen weiteren Anstieg.
      schrieb am 23.11.16 10:10:22
      Beitrag Nr. 67 ()
      Positiver Beitrag zu Wirkung von Cannabis bei Veteranen mit PTSD!
      MedReleaf continues to lead on scientific research: Landmark, peer-reviewed study shows medical cannabis dramatically improves lives of veterans with PTSD

      The study, being presented today in Vancouver at the 7th Annual Military and Veteran Health Research Forum, was conducted by Dr. Paul Smith, MD, using several of MedReleaf's proprietary strains of medical cannabis including AviDekel, Luminarium and Midnight.

      From baseline to follow up, the study revealed a number of key insights on patient outcomes including:

      Aggregate score of both PTSD symptoms and social impacts improved by 59%
      Drug and alcohol overuse was reduced by 82%
      Marital and relationship harmony improved 65% and
      Severity of pain experienced by patients decreased 48%
      Improvements in outcomes were also associated with a 50% reduction in the consumption of PTSD-related medications, including opioids. 36% of patients on PTSD related medications at baseline discontinued all such medications, for an estimated annual savings of $2,300 to $3,800 per patient.…
      schrieb am 23.11.16 15:55:06
      Beitrag Nr. 68 ()
      Auf allen Kanälen....
      Vivien Azer, a cannabis analyst from Cowen Group Inc. indicated in a report that sales of recreational and medical marijuana will reach $50 billion by 2026.………
      schrieb am 23.11.16 19:16:32
      Beitrag Nr. 69 ()
      Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld sagte im July 2016 auf BNN ....
      .....12-15% Marktanteil für Aphria voraus. [/url]

      Für Kanada in 2020 mit einem Markt von 5,7 Mrd $ 0,684 - 0,855 Mrd $ Umsatz

      Für USA mit 22,5 Mrd $ in 2020 wären das 2,7 -3,35 Mrd $ Umsatz.

      Das heißt hier dürfte Cashmaschine entstehen mit dem besten Team, den günstigsten Herstellungskosten und dem meißten Cash von ca. 100 Mio $. [/url]

      Das BNN Interview dazu:…
      schrieb am 23.11.16 19:53:01
      Beitrag Nr. 70 ()
      Deloitte hat seine Marktanalyse veröffentlicht mit einem 22,5 Mrd Markt!
      Understanding the recreational marijuana market:
      - Public opinion,
      - consumption
      - trends and retail
      - opportunity
      schrieb am 23.11.16 20:52:22
      Beitrag Nr. 71 ()
      Aphria's Partner Partner un Marke "Tokio Smoke"
      Auszug aus dem Bericht:
      Alan Gertner is a very interesting person.

      The 32-year-old entrepreneur spent a number of years travelling the world while working for Google – living in New York, San Francisco, Bangkok and Singapore – and making mountains of money. But while heading to a voodoo ceremony in Ghana one day, he discussed his life with a Ghanaian tour guide and came to a realization: He wasn’t happy at all.

      Tokyo Smoke currently has an agreement with one of the largest producers of medical marijuana in Canada, Aphria, and Gertner says that medical marijuana users will be able to order cannabis from his brand starting in January.

      And once the federal government legalizes pot next year, Gertner and his father will be well positioned to shift into the retail marijuana industry.

      Nuer Internetauftritt: [/url]

      schrieb am 23.11.16 21:29:11
      Beitrag Nr. 72 ()
      Behandlungsalternativen für Brustkrebs....neue Aphria Werbung!…
      schrieb am 24.11.16 09:34:19
      Beitrag Nr. 73 ()
      Insiderkäufe am freien Markt sind immer ein gutes Zeichen!…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.11.16 13:32:25
      Beitrag Nr. 74 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.761.887 von sunny3999 am 24.11.16 09:34:19
      Hallo Sunny,

      ich habe soeben erst deinen Thread mitbekommen und muss sagen, da ist auch für mich viel Neues dabei. Ich bin vom Erfolg von Aphria, Organigram, Canopy Growth und co überzeugt und bin selber auch seit über einem Jahr investiert.

      Jetzt gerade habe ich allerdings angefangen zu verkaufen und üppige Gewinne mitzunehmen. Ich glaube wir stecken gerade Mitten in einer Rally die zu einer kleinen Blase geführt hat. Versteh mich nicht falsch, ich bin auf lange Sicht vom Erfolg 100% überzeugt aber moment ist doch alles ein wenig teuer.

      Wie siehst du das?

      Ist der Run auf MJ Aktien in Kanada evtl nur der Task-Force geschuldet, die spätestens nächste Woche einen Plan zur Legalisierung vorstellen soll?

      Keep up the good work. I really appreciate it!!!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.11.16 14:37:46
      Beitrag Nr. 75 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.763.843 von vonsen am 24.11.16 13:32:25
      Es kommt auf die Kanadier und Trump an!
      Die Task Force wird nächste Woche wohl ihren Ratschlag und Plan der Legalisierung und zur weiteren Vorgehensweise der freien Nutzung "recreational" in Kanada abgeben.

      Die Welle wurde in Colorado angestossen und lief erfolgreich! 4 weitere US-Staaten haben für recreational gestimmt. Weitere werden folgen.

      Die Büchse der Pandora ist geöffnet und wird schwer wieder zu schließen sein, zumal Arbeitsplätze und Steuereinnahmen für den Staat dahinter stehen.

      Trump ist zwar der Staat, meint er zumindest, wird sich jedoch schwer gegen eine Mehrheitsentscheidung der Bevölkerung entgegenstellen können. IMO.

      Wenn Trudeau in Kanada auf Green also recreational geht was sein Wahlversprechen war in 2016, dann dürfte Partystimmung aufkommen.

      Also der medizinische Nutzen ist in vielen Fällen bewiesen und der Markt allein ist riesig.

      Achterbahnfahrt wird jedoch weitergehen mit Über- und Unterbewertungen. Das ist nicht nur dem Markt also Börse geschuldet, sondern den großen Jungs im Casino, also den Hedgefunds und Investmenthäusern.

      Oder wer von euch denkt hier, das ein paar kleine Anleger mit 100erten Millionen $ solche Kursbewegungen bei Allen MJ Aktien mit +/-20-30 anstellen können?

      Die Fahrt wird sehr spannend mit Gewinnern und Verlierern, wie immer im Leben!
      schrieb am 24.11.16 14:47:24
      Beitrag Nr. 76 ()
      Aphria Management - 2 Videos und Beitrag
      Aphria Kanadas günstigster Hersteller!

      schrieb am 24.11.16 15:02:29
      Beitrag Nr. 77 ()
      Aphria agrees with changes to Veteran Affairs policy
      Das ist profihaft:
      schrieb am 24.11.16 15:23:18
      Beitrag Nr. 78 ()
      Thanksgiving USA
      Das Handelsvolumen dürfte wegen dem Feiertag etwas niedriger sein als wie sonst weil "Grossen" wahrscheinlich langes Wochenende in US haben. Morgen auch nur verkürzter Handel in USA.

      Volatilität voraus!
      schrieb am 24.11.16 15:44:24
      Beitrag Nr. 79 ()
      Mew Highs in APH are still possible!
      Na denn, lets get high !

      schrieb am 24.11.16 16:06:42
      Beitrag Nr. 80 ()
      Chart Kanada sieht wild aber bis jetzt gut aus!
      schrieb am 24.11.16 19:14:26
      Beitrag Nr. 81 ()
      Wenn das ein reverse Schulter-Kopf-Schulter Formation wird...
      ...müßten wir im Plus bei 5,8-5,9 schließen (zumindest ins Plus sollte es gehen) und das wäre zu gleich ein sehr bullisches Zeichen. :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 24.11.16 20:12:46
      Beitrag Nr. 82 ()
      Canadian Marijuana Stocks Could Mellow Out Until Spring: Bruce Campbell
      Despite the recent stomach-churning ups and downs, Bruce Campbell contends that legal marijuana will be a “huge” growth industry for the next 10 years, both on the medical and recreational sides of the market. Longer term, the estimates are this sector could be $9-$11 billion in Canada: $3 billion of that from medical and $6-$7 billion from recreational. That will, of course, take years to build and develop, he said. And, to put that into perspective, the illegal marijuana black market in Canada is estimated at $10 billion, bigger than either wine or spirits.

      In fact, Mr. Campbell is so positive on the Canadian marijuana space that his firm is in the process of launching a Marijuana sector fund.…
      schrieb am 25.11.16 09:12:37
      Beitrag Nr. 83 ()
      Aphria Vorteile kurz nach Priorität zusammgefasst :
      - 3 Quartale in Folge Gewinn erwirtschaftet (hat kein anderer MJ - Player),
      - somit grundsolides Management und sehr guter Trackrekord also Erfolgsquote,
      - 2 Anteilseigentümer (mind. 20% Anteile) sind seit Generationen in der Grüngemüsebranche,
      - 100 Millionen Cash + Gewinne versprechen kontinuierliches Wachstum,
      - Vic Neufeld hat sehr enge Verhältnisse zu Health Canada,
      - Vermarktungsstrategie auf vielen verschiedenen Feldern wie,
      - Veteranen, Krebspatienten, Schmerzpatienten, Mentale Krankheiten,
      - starkes Beratungsteam "Inhouse",
      - exclusive Partnerschaften mit Pharmaindustrie auch schon in Australien
      - Markenaufbau für den Lifestyle mit "Tokio Smoke" (ex. Google Manager)
      - Partner und Rechte zur Ausweitung des Geschäftes in Arizona USA
      - Bought Deal bei 4 $ kommt nächste Woche zum Abschluß
      - durch das Aphria noch nicht an der TSE gelistet ist, fehlen noch solide Institutionelle
      - die mit der höher Listung an der TSE erst Positionen aufbauen können,
      - Canopy ist an der TSE und hat eine MK 1,6 Mrd und GWPH (Nasdaq) von 3 Mrd US$,
      - für Zocker ein Spielfeld um kurzfristig Gewinne bei der Volatilität zu generieren,
      - langfristig bei Freigabe durch die Regierung Kanadas/USA ein solides Investment.

      Heute wird es nochmal spannend, jedoch schon ab nächster Woche rechne ich einer positiven Tendenz.

      kurzfristiges Ziel Richtung 8 Can $
      mittelfristiges Ziel 2stellig (10+ Can $)
      langfristiges Ziel anhand Fundamentaldaten die bekannt sind (700 Mio $ Umsatz realisierbar) 20-30 C$

      Hier sind zukünftige Stärkung des Teams, Partnerschaften, Landerwerb und Celebrities die gewonnen werden nicht enthalten!

      Noch viel Phantasie bis die ganz "Großen" Instis/Funds einsteigen & noch Zeit um eine gute Position aufzubauen.

      Irgendwann kommen dann die große Pharma- oder Tabakmultis und bieten eine Übernahme an.....

      ...............................................dann ist Zahltag!
      schrieb am 25.11.16 12:01:14
      Beitrag Nr. 84 ()
      Aphria's exclusiv Partner Medlab in Australien...
      ...bekommt Lizenz von der australischen Gesundheitsbehörde TGA.

      Depression and the Gut Microbiome
      Presented by Professor Luis Vitetta

      Topics covered in this clinically relevant webinar include:
      Mental Health in the population Depression in Clinical Practice Current treatment options - Nutraceuticals Gut Microbiota in Depression Probiotics as an adjunct treatment option Online exclusive:
      Post-script: Medicinal Cannabis
      Webinar Only Exclusive Offer!

      schrieb am 25.11.16 13:41:51
      Beitrag Nr. 85 ()
      "bought deal"
      Nächste woche soll ja laut der homepage von aphria der Deal mit clarus securities abgeschlossen sein. Interpretier ich das richtig, dass wir ggf. Nächste Woche abwärtsdruck bekommen da ja mehr Aktien vorhanden sind?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.11.16 18:11:53
      Beitrag Nr. 86 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.771.304 von Snaxico am 25.11.16 13:41:51
      Zitat von Snaxico: Nächste woche soll ja laut der homepage von aphria der Deal mit clarus securities abgeschlossen sein. Interpretier ich das richtig, dass wir ggf. Nächste Woche abwärtsdruck bekommen da ja mehr Aktien vorhanden sind?

      Am 18ten August hat Aphria einen bought deal von 2$ gemeldet und war weder davor noch danach nochmal an den 2 $ sondern zwischen 10-20% höher! Nach der Meldung ging geradewegs auf die 4 $ zu!…

      Was werden die wohl nach closed deal mit 100 Mio $ cash an News melden ?
      schrieb am 25.11.16 18:38:39
      Beitrag Nr. 87 ()
      Wollte eigentlich auf folgenden Artikel hinaus…
      So wie ich das nämlich verstanden hab soll dieser deal ja am 29.11 abgeschlossen sein. Korrigier mich wenn ich falsch liege aber dann sind doch mehr Aktien im Umlauf. Wollte nämlich selbst nochmal meine Position aufstocken aber finde den Preis von über 5 cad aktuell zu hoch
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.11.16 19:32:19
      Beitrag Nr. 88 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.773.662 von Snaxico am 25.11.16 18:38:39
      Aphria hat nach bought deal...
      ....fully diluted 111 Mio Aktien im Umlauf.

      davon werden knapp 25 Mio Aktien vom Management gehalten siehe Management circular.…

      Also sind nur noch 86 Mio für den offenen Markt, das ist der prozentuell geringste Anteil an handelbaren Aktien an lizensierten MJ.
      schrieb am 25.11.16 22:35:12
      Beitrag Nr. 89 ()
      Are Texans Finally Warming Up To Weed? Some Legislators Think So
      Das wären weitere 27 Mio Bürger in den USA wenn die für "JA" stimmen sollten.…
      schrieb am 26.11.16 10:03:17
      Beitrag Nr. 90 ()
      December 5 – 6, 2016
      Viejas Casino & Resort, Alpine, CA…
      schrieb am 26.11.16 10:06:55
      Beitrag Nr. 91 ()
      Kanada dürfte wohl im Frühjahr 2017 legalisieren ....
      ....damit ist der Markt für 5-7 Mrd $ nur für Kanada offen und die großen mit Cash positioniert!


      schrieb am 26.11.16 11:04:28
      Beitrag Nr. 92 ()
      Über Jahre viele Analysen zur Legalisierung in USA/Kanada
      mit recht annehmbaren Resultaten für den Staat und die Bevölkerung.

      Dose of Reality
      The Effect of State Marijuana Legalizations…

      Legalized Cannabis
      Fiscal Consideration in Canada…

      Jede Finanzierung in diesem Sektor führte zu höheren Kursen, weil der große Markt der dahinter steht den erzielbaren Marktwert in 1-2 Jahren wiederspiegelt!

      Ich denke Aphria ist dabei sehr gut aufgestellt mit seinen Partnern in Arizona-US/Kanada/Australien für den medizinischen Markt.

      Für den freien Markt wird eine eigene exclusive Partnermarke "Tokio Smoke" generiert, die im Januar ihre Tore im ersten Store in Toronto eröffnet!

      Die Hedgefunds haben die Finanzierung in 2015-16 voran getrieben und die großen Investmenthäuser und Fonds werden wohl demnächst auch erste Positionen in dem Multi Mrd. Markt aufbauen.

      Ich rechne mit vielen News nach Bekanntgabe der "Task Force" Info am 30 Nov. interessant, das Aphria am 29 Nov. den Closed Deal vermelden will.

      Weitere News von Aphria zu Partner, Landakquise, Direktor uvm mit News von Anderen WB, dürften die Kurse wieder nach nach Norden treiben, für ein potentiellen Markt von 22 Mrd. $ in 2020!
      schrieb am 26.11.16 11:20:13
      Beitrag Nr. 93 ()
      Unabhängige Marktanalyse zu Kosten per Pfund
      Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Cannabis Benchmarks:

      Greenhouse - Outdoor - Indoor

      Aphria ist mit seiner Gewächshausstrategie für den Wettbewerb auf dem richtigen Weg!

      schrieb am 26.11.16 11:30:55
      Beitrag Nr. 94 ()
      Wer sich noch tiefer einlesen will...
      .....hier die Links zu Investoren und allerlei Plattformen die diesen Markt vorbereiten:



      Service und Produkte:…

      Ein Riesenmarkt!
      schrieb am 26.11.16 11:50:38
      Beitrag Nr. 95 ()
      Info der Legalisierung ist durchgesickert...
      Jodie Emery ‏@JodieEmery 25. Nov.

      Looks like "legal" will mean people will be arrested unless they buy Health Canada's stock-market pot.



      Legalized Marijuana Could Drive a New Tech Boom

      schrieb am 26.11.16 12:44:03
      Beitrag Nr. 96 ()
      Auf einige US-Staaten folgt Kanada..... 2017 oder 2018!


      schrieb am 26.11.16 18:42:13
      Beitrag Nr. 97 ()
      Video mit Vic Neufeld zur Markenstrategy und Branding!
      Medical marijuana company CEO says branding for recreational market will be 'edgy' [/url]…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.11.16 23:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 98 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.777.676 von sunny3999 am 26.11.16 18:42:13Tolle arbeit von dir, postest echt gute infos
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.11.16 08:31:48
      Beitrag Nr. 99 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.778.471 von Snaxico am 26.11.16 23:54:21
      Zitat von Snaxico: Tolle arbeit von dir, postest echt gute infos

      Danke :)

      Hier die Nov./Dez. Ausgabe der CannaInvestor:…

      Wer den Markt durchleuchten will. Achtung auch viel heiße Luft.
      schrieb am 27.11.16 08:51:42
      Beitrag Nr. 100 ()
      Task Force Report ? und Präsident Obama Herunterstufung von Cannabis als Risikodroge Stufe II
      Doctors Nova Scotia Homepage zur Legalisierung in Kanada - Task Force Report ?:…

      Präsident Obama Risikoabstufung auf II für Cannabis:…

      November 26, 2016
      Obama will sign executive order rescheduling Marijuana as a Class II drug.
      The outgoing president will sign an executive order reversing President Richard Nixon's 1970 order, listing Marijuana as a Schedule One Drug, forbidden at all times. This is said to have been a jab at 1960's "Hippy Culture."

      President Barack Obama, who wrote of experimenting with marijuana as a young man, will legalize marijuana on his way out of office. He will make pot a Class II drug, legal under Federal law with a doctors prescription. States will be able to continue to outlaw marijuana, if they choose. About half of US States now permit medicinal cannabis or recreational marijuana, within certain limits.
      schrieb am 27.11.16 10:07:42
      Beitrag Nr. 101 ()
      Aphria's Partner Tokyo Smoke Found - Hybrid Cannabis Cafes
      Neue Farben für Aphria's recreational Produkte ?

      Tokio Smoke:
      AVAILABLE In legal recreation markets across the USA in 2017
      TOKIO SMOKE: Available soon in legal recreation markets across the USA in 2017

      Tokyo Smoke brings emotion, design and function to cannabis
      Tokyo Smoke’s commitment to refined design drives the approach in the Cannabis space. Cannabis is an emotive experience and the product should match the needs and desires of the consumer. Tokyo Smoke has 4 proprietary strains of Cannabis; Go, Relax, Relief, Balance, which have been crafted and perfected over the past 20 years. These strains will be available through legal channels in 2016/17.

      Go - an energizing, awakening sativa
      Relax - an easing indica
      Relief - a soothing CBD
      Balance - a consistently crossed sativa-indica hybrid
      schrieb am 27.11.16 10:11:40
      Beitrag Nr. 102 ()
      Aphria's Partner Tokyo Smoke Found - Hybrid Cannabis Cafes
      Alan Gertner früher Google Manager....

      schrieb am 27.11.16 16:39:44
      Beitrag Nr. 103 ()
      Wir sind die Guten - Warte auf erste Ergebnisse von Studien!
      Can Cannabis Help Repair Arthritic Joints?

      Two Canadian licensed producers of medical marijuana, Aphria, Inc. and the Peace Naturals Project, contributed $100,000 each to the Arthitis Societyto fund the grant, and the research project has been approved by Health Canada. Researchers hope to start the study by September, and preliminary results will be collected by the end of 2016.…

      Medlab and Aphria Complete Cannabis Supply Deal Ahead of Cannabis Human Trials

      Medlab's forthcoming human trial, for management of intractable pain with oncology patients, will apply cannabis whole plant extract of both CBD and THC in a 1:1 ratio with NanoCelle™, making it the first trial of its kind globally.
      "Our agreement with Aphria establishes a sustainable supply of consistent and active ingredients, which is important because precision and accuracy of the active ingredients are of primary concern as we are working to build a true pain management medicine."…

      Rethink Breast Cancer - Aphria's Commercial

      Confused by the many ways to ingest medical cannabis and what is best for you? This video explore ways medicinal marijuana can be ingested, including the challenges around dosages, and pros and cons of distribution methods.…

      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 27.11.16 17:43:56
      Beitrag Nr. 104 ()
      Weitere Werbe Videos zu medizinischen Nutzung von Cannabis...
      von der Facebook Seite "Rethink Breast Cancer"

      Mary Jane Medicine:…

      Know Your ABC:…

      Communication is Key to Access:…
      schrieb am 27.11.16 18:08:07
      Beitrag Nr. 105 ()
      The Scientist: Are We Missing Something?
      schrieb am 28.11.16 10:59:10
      Beitrag Nr. 106 ()
      Was gerade in Colorado passiert, wird die letzten Cannabis-Gegner bekehren
      Aus dem Bericht:
      Wir verschwenden Zeit und Geld

      Eine Legalisierung würde nicht nur den Schwarzmarkt für Marihuana überflüssig machen und somit der deutschen Justiz erheblich Zeit und Geld sparen, sondern dem Staat auch noch Gewinne in Form von Steuern bringen. Der Hanf-Verband schätzt, dass allein im ersten Jahr bis zu 1,4 Milliarden Euro in den Bundeshaushalt miteinfließen könnten.

      Dieses Geld könnte nachhaltig in Infrastruktur und Bildung investiert werden, Menschen, die an und unter der Armutsgrenze leben, könnten unterstützt werden, ohne den Steuerzahler zusätzlich zu belasten -ein Gewinn für die gesamte Gesellschaft.…
      schrieb am 28.11.16 11:25:16
      Beitrag Nr. 107 ()
      Pro und Kontra Cannabis: Immer mehr Politiker fordern Legalisierung…

      Cannabis legalisieren - Warum eigentlich nicht?…

      Der US Schwarzmarkt in 2012 war über 40 Mrd. US$…
      schrieb am 28.11.16 17:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 108 ()
      Ein Vergleich von Aktienanzahl - MK - Umsätzen - Gewinn
      Offiziell hat jedoch wohl nur Aphria ein positives EBITDA von 1,0 Mio im letzten Quartal.

      schrieb am 28.11.16 19:47:59
      Beitrag Nr. 109 ()
      Aphria's Oktober Präsentation
      Aphria ein strukturiertes Unternehmen mit solidem Management und bereits positiven Zahlen in drei Quartalen in Folge und weiteren 100 Mio Cash für weiteres Wachstum.…

      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 28.11.16 20:16:46
      Beitrag Nr. 110 ()
      Info zum anstehender Task Force Bericht
      Video zu Trudeau mit Begründung warum Legalisierung ....…
      schrieb am 29.11.16 16:21:11
      Beitrag Nr. 111 ()
      Gehst du aktuell kurzfristig von steigenden Kursen für Aphria aus? Ich wollte nämlich aufstocken aber meine order wurde wegen 5 cent bei der letzten Konso nicht ausgelöst -.- . Denkst du wir sehen nochmal die 4,20 Cad +/- 10 cent wieder ?
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.11.16 17:16:04
      Beitrag Nr. 112 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.793.438 von Snaxico am 29.11.16 16:21:11
      Ich hoffe bei closed deal mit news und somit höheren Kursen.
      Wenn keine News weiß ich nicht ob es runter geht. Die 5 C$ scheint zu halten......
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 29.11.16 19:48:43
      Beitrag Nr. 113 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.793.885 von sunny3999 am 29.11.16 17:16:04Hallo Sunny,
      großes Kompliment zu deinen tollen und sehr ausführlichen Beiträgen und Informationen, man sieht Du lebst mit dieser Aktie ***

      beim Kurs sehe ich noch eine Korrektur welche um die 4,50 CAD drehen könnte *** bitte nicht erschrecken :confused:

      langfristig gute, bis sehr gute Aussichten :yawn:

      uns allen viel Glück und Erfolg ***
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 09:50:49
      Beitrag Nr. 114 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.795.013 von AktiesuchtBauer am 29.11.16 19:48:43
      News release within two weeks...
      ....of the closing of the financing is what I heard. As of tomorrow, you have 14 days to buy your position back or cover your short position. That's all I will say. You have been warned. GLTA.

      Bin gespannt ob der Kurs die nächsten 2 Wochen einen positiven Verlauf nimmt.

      Ich bin immer noch der Meinung Aphria baut sehr solide mit hohen Preisenerst den medizinischen Markt in USA/Kanada auf, um die Gewinne zu maximieren. Dann wird der allgemeine Markt gegenüber dem WB über kurz oder lang im Preiskampf erobert.

      Die verzetteln sich auch nicht mit dem australischen oder europäischen Markt, der noch im Dornröschenschlaf ist. Es wird da investiert wo die Ernte, den meißten Ertrag bringt.

      Das sieht so aus als wären sie hinter her gegenüber Canopy/Aurora , das wird sich jedoch sehr bald auf breiter Front ändern.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 10:15:05
      Beitrag Nr. 115 ()
      US-Alkoholindustrie kämpft gegen Cannabis
      Massachusetts, Nevada und vor allem Kalifornien als bevölkerungsreichster und wirtschaftsstärkster Bundesstaat stimmten am 8. November für die weitgehende Legalisierung von Marihuana. Damit ist - einschließlich der Staaten, die die Droge auf Rezept mit medizinischen Gründen zugelassen haben - der Verkauf von Cannabis nun in der Mehrheit der US-Bundesstaaten erlaubt.

      Der Umsatz der legalen Hanf-Industrie in den USA dürfte innerhalb der kommenden zehn Jahre von derzeit sechs Milliarden Dollar im Jahr auf 50 Milliarden steigen, heißt es in einer Analyse von Cowen & Co, einem Finanzdienstleister.

      Viele Alkoholhersteller fürchten, dass dieser Boom auf Kosten ihrer Verkäufe im Wert von derzeit rund 200 Milliarden Dollar jährlich gehen wird. "Es gibt ein reales Risiko für den Alkoholkonsum", sagte die Cowen-Analystin Vivien Azer der Nachrichtenagentur Bloomberg. Es sei damit zu rechnen, dass einige Verbraucher ihren Alkoholkonsum zugunsten des Marihuana reduzieren werden.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 10:18:13
      Beitrag Nr. 116 ()
      Video zu: Chris Sayegh verfeinert seine Speisen mit Cannabis
      17.09.16 – 02:46 min
      Der US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien entscheidet im November über die Legalisierung von Marihuana. Diese Chance will ein junger Koch aus Los Angeles für sich nutzen. Er möchte die Haute cuisine auf ein ganz neues Level heben - mit Gerichten, die mit Marihuana zubereitet werden.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 10:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 117 ()
      Cannabis Slows Down Progression Of Parkinson’s Disease
      Parkinson's Disease Treatments With Medical Marijuana…

      schrieb am 30.11.16 11:23:28
      Beitrag Nr. 118 ()
      Shoppers Drug Mart’s medical marijuana move could be huge for Aphria, says Clarus
      Wenn Aphria den Zuschlag bei Shoppers Drug Mart erhält, dürfte ein großer Meilenstein für das anstehende Wachstum bei Aphria gesetzt sein.

      Bei Stockhouse wird berichtet, das Shopper's Drug Mart aktuell nur Aphria in Erwägung gezogen hat, wegen den günstigeren Kosten und gleichbleibender Qualität trotz Produktionserweiterung.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 12:03:48
      Beitrag Nr. 119 ()
      Watch Medical Marijuana's effect on Parkinson's, Part 3 of 3.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 12:18:56
      Beitrag Nr. 120 ()
      Man With Parkinson's Disease Demonstrates The Relief He Gets From Medical Marijuana!
      schrieb am 30.11.16 12:35:58
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: auf eigenen Wunsch des Users
      schrieb am 30.11.16 12:53:38
      Beitrag Nr. 122 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.799.609 von sunny3999 am 30.11.16 12:35:58
      Cannabis Grow Ops use More Electricity than the Mining Industry in Canada…

      Cannabis cultivation has a dirty secret, but the future is sun-grown | Dan Sutton | TEDxVancouver

      schrieb am 30.11.16 13:20:52
      Beitrag Nr. 123 ()
      Aphria Inc Is Today’s Cannabis Focus
      Aphria looks to be one of the best plays in not only Canada, but also in the entire cannabis space. We believe investors should look towards Canada for not only its favorable regulatory environment, but also well-financed and well-run companies like Aphria.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 13:59:42
      Dieser Beitrag wurde von MadMod moderiert. Grund: doppelt
      schrieb am 30.11.16 15:41:53
      Beitrag Nr. 125 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.795.013 von AktiesuchtBauer am 29.11.16 19:48:43
      Zitat von AktiesuchtBauer: Hallo Sunny,
      großes Kompliment zu deinen tollen und sehr ausführlichen Beiträgen und Informationen, man sieht Du lebst mit dieser Aktie ***

      beim Kurs sehe ich noch eine Korrektur welche um die 4,50 CAD drehen könnte *** bitte nicht erschrecken :confused:

      langfristig gute, bis sehr gute Aussichten :yawn:

      uns allen viel Glück und Erfolg ***

      Danke und sieht leider so aus, das du wohl mit den 4,50 CAD recht behältst....
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 15:48:59
      Beitrag Nr. 126 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.801.229 von sunny3999 am 30.11.16 15:41:53Umso besser dann kann man wenigstens günstig nachkaufen
      schrieb am 30.11.16 17:29:33
      Beitrag Nr. 127 ()
      Aphria Announces Closing Of Bought Deal Financing Wednesday, November 30, 2016
      Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is pleased to announce it has closed its short form prospectus offering, on a bought deal basis, including the exercise in full of the underwriters' over-allotment option. A total of 10,062,500 common shares (the "Shares") of the Company were sold at a price of $4.00 per Share, for aggregate gross proceeds of $40,250,000 (the "Offering"). The Offering was underwritten by a syndicate of underwriters led by Clarus Securities Inc. and included, Cormark Securities Inc., Mackie Research Capital Corporation, Haywood Securities Inc. and Sprott Private Wealth LP (collectively, the "Underwriters").

      The net proceeds of the Offering are expected to be used in connection with the Company's ongoing expansion of its production capabilities beyond its Part II Expansion and Part III Expansion, which are currently in process, including the planning, design, development, construction and implementation of a project internally identified as "Part IV Expansion". It is currently anticipated that Part IV Expansion is expected to commence during the Company's third quarter, but remains subject to the approval of the Company's Board of Directors ("Board").

      Until approved by the Board and spent by the Company, the net proceeds of the Offering will be held as cash balances in the Company's bank account or invested at the discretion of the Board.

      The Shares were offered for sale in each of the provinces of Canada, other than the Province of Quebec, by short form prospectus, and in those jurisdictions outside of Canada which were agreed to by the Company and the Underwriters, where the Shares were issued on a private placement basis, exempt from any prospectus, registration or other similar requirements.…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 18:55:49
      Beitrag Nr. 128 ()
      Danke, Sunny, für das Posten der Meldung. Und der Kurs: Reagiert positiv!

      Die "$4.00 per Share" dienen nun als fette Unterstützung.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 19:27:36
      Beitrag Nr. 129 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.802.978 von MVAL am 30.11.16 18:55:49
      Aphria ist extrem unterbewertet im Gegensatz zu Canopy Growth und Aurora!
      New Cannacord paper on projected capacities. Aphria at the top
      Note Apria expansion at 70,000 Kg. and they now have 100M for expansion
      RE:Production Capacity (kg)
      This is mass production for the facilties they have currently these projected capacities in the near term.

      OGI ~ 26,000 Kg
      ACB ~178,000 Kg * this is adding the extra 100,000 Kg they expect from Aurora Sky.
      CGC- have not announced anything really but are believed to be more that 30,000 Kg
      APH- more than 70,000 Kg.
      MT- ~50,000 Kg

      These projections should change quickly as APH is sitting on 100M in cash and have not made any announcements. They are expected to expand current facilities to 1M square feet in the future along with some acquisitions. This is double the amount of cash that Aurora made their announcements with .

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 19:34:52
      Beitrag Nr. 130 ()
      Das ist mal eine fundierte Analyse von Canaccord Profis
      schrieb am 30.11.16 19:47:37
      Beitrag Nr. 131 ()
      Dies dürfte die Unterbewertung verdeutlichen.....
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 20:19:46
      Beitrag Nr. 132 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.803.422 von sunny3999 am 30.11.16 19:47:37Was würdest du denn aktuell für einen fairen Preis für aphria erwarten? Ich will definitiv nochmal aufstocken bin mir aber nur unschlüssig ob wir die 4.50 CAD wirklich nochmal sehen werden
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 20:25:30
      Beitrag Nr. 133 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.803.677 von Snaxico am 30.11.16 20:19:46
      Zitat von Snaxico: Was würdest du denn aktuell für einen fairen Preis für aphria erwarten? Ich will definitiv nochmal aufstocken bin mir aber nur unschlüssig ob wir die 4.50 CAD wirklich nochmal sehen werden

      Ich schätze die 4,50 CAD von @AktiesuchtBauer waren nun heute bei 4,69 CAD der Wendepunkt, alle Gaps sind geschlossen.

      Es dürfte mit der nächsten Meldung innerhalb der nächsten 2 Wochen neue Höhen erreichen!

      Da werden nach der langen Pause an News, einige nach einander folgen.

      Mal sehen bis wann wir 2stellig werden. Ich schätze spätestens wenn die Regierung die Freigabe per Pressemeldung öffentlich macht!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 20:40:38
      Beitrag Nr. 134 ()
      CBD and the Brain: What Does It Do and What is It Good For?

      schrieb am 30.11.16 20:51:00
      Beitrag Nr. 135 ()
      Medizinische Einsatzgebiete von Cannabis!
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 30.11.16 20:51:56
      Beitrag Nr. 136 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.803.713 von sunny3999 am 30.11.16 20:25:30mir wäre es auch lieber, wenn dies nun der unterste Punkt gewesen ist ?

      wobei die Kurse in Deutschland etwas hinter herhinken .... und wohl gute Gelegenheiten bieten, noch günstig einzusteigen ... :confused:

      was alles noch unvorhergesehenes passieren kann :rolleyes: kann ich auch nicht sagen, lebe in der Hoffnung bald über den 4,- € eine Stabilisierung zu finden ***
      mit Cannabis und Co. tut man sich in Germany wohl noch etwas schwer, an blühende Unternehmen zu denken :confused:
      persönlich musste ich auch erst an mir arbeiten, den großen Medizinischen Nutzen hier zu erkennen ***
      in diesem Sinne, uns allen den besten Erfolg damit *
      schrieb am 30.11.16 22:33:22
      Beitrag Nr. 137 ()
      Aphria Inc Vying To Become The Biggest
      Aphria Inc is also spreading its wings through both domestic capacity expansion and through acquisition in the U.S.

      The company announced it had acquired a 5 per cent interest in Copperstate Farms LLC, who had purchased a 40-acre (equivalent to 1.7 million square feet) high tech, Dutch style greenhouse facility in Snowflake, Arizona. Aphria says with its current expansion underway from 100,000 to 300,000 square feet, it will increase yields to 18,000 kilograms annually.…

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.11.16 23:09:02
      Beitrag Nr. 138 ()
      Marijuana producer jumps 356% as Canada’s investor pot frenzy intensifies…
      schrieb am 30.11.16 23:25:38
      Beitrag Nr. 139 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.804.511 von sunny3999 am 30.11.16 22:33:22
      Zitat von sunny3999: Aphria Inc is also spreading its wings through both domestic capacity expansion and through acquisition in the U.S.

      The company announced it had acquired a 5 per cent interest in Copperstate Farms LLC, who had purchased a 40-acre (equivalent to 1.7 million square feet) high tech, Dutch style greenhouse facility in Snowflake, Arizona. Aphria says with its current expansion underway from 100,000 to 300,000 square feet, it will increase yields to 18,000 kilograms annually.…


      Wenn Aphria mit den 100 Mio $ die Copperstate Farm kaufen könnte, wäre sie auf einen Schlag die Nummer 1 - weltweit!

      Homepage von Copperstate Farm:

      Dieses Bild ist nicht mehr verfügbar:
      " target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">
      schrieb am 01.12.16 06:57:46
      Beitrag Nr. 140 ()
      Statement from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation…
      schrieb am 01.12.16 10:45:35
      Beitrag Nr. 141 ()
      Canopy übernimmt Mettrum im Aktientausch für 8,42C$
      das ist für mich eine nicht nachvollziehbare strategische Fehlentscheidung!

      Die übernehmen einen teueren "INDOOR" grower siehe hier:…

      Aphria wird als low cost grower in Gewächshäusern jedem indoor grower im weiteren Wettbewerb die Stirn bieten können und braucht keine teure Übernahme wie Mettrum.

      Wenn der Wettbewerb um Marktanteile startet, wird sich dieser Canopy invest in Mettrum als Bremse zeigen! Aktuell sehe ich es als eine riesige Verwässerung der Aktien.

      Wenn Aphria "Copperstone" in Arizona übernimmt, werden sie den größte Gewächshausfläche und somit zum kostengünstigsten Hersteller in USA und Kanada werden einem mind. 30 Mrd. $ Markt.

      Cole Cacciavillani (VP Growing Operation and Founder) und John Cervini (CTO and Founder) hat Verbindungen nach Kalifornien & Mexiko Greenhouse Farmen - und ich bin mir sicher da kommt noch etwas vor Jahresende zum Nikolaus am 6 dez. wäre richtig cool!

      Zu Copperhouse Farm news vom 27.10:
      As part of the transaction, Aphria invested as a Limited Partner, purchasing sufficient membership interests in Investors to bring Aphria’s total flow-thru ownership in Copperstate to 10%.…

      Ich meine der Wettbewerb (Canopy/Mettrum) von Aphria verliert die strategische Ausrichtung und verzettelt sich!
      schrieb am 01.12.16 11:21:45
      Beitrag Nr. 142 ()
      Statement from the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation
      Also Task Force Info für Kanada Legalisierung Mitte Dezember:
      Translation is expected to be complete in mid-December. The final report will then be received by Ministers and posted online at…
      schrieb am 01.12.16 16:01:02
      Beitrag Nr. 143 ()
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.12.16 16:33:23
      Beitrag Nr. 144 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.809.275 von sunny3999 am 01.12.16 16:01:02Dementsprechend müssten wir doch kurzfristig sinkende Kurse haben aufgrund der leichten verwässerung oder?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.12.16 16:52:43
      Beitrag Nr. 145 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.809.566 von Snaxico am 01.12.16 16:33:23
      Die einen sagen so die anderen so: Technical Study: Following Indicators for Aphria Inc (APHQF)...
      ...Charttechnisch sieht jedoch bullish aus....…
      schrieb am 01.12.16 17:26:43
      Beitrag Nr. 146 ()
      Aphria Expanding With Renewed Cash Position…
      schrieb am 01.12.16 17:41:28
      Beitrag Nr. 147 ()
      schrieb am 01.12.16 21:57:16
      Beitrag Nr. 148 ()
      Die 10% Beteiligung an Copperstone ist gut aber woran beteiligen Sie sich eigentlich? Es geht ja vor allem um einen Austausch von Erfahrungen oder?

      Außerdem denke ich, dass Fläche grundsätzlich kein Problem ist da Aphria bereits viel Fläche besitzt und auch mit mehr als 70.000Kg jährlich erstmal ein ausreichend dimensioniertes Ziel vor Augen hat.

      Der von dir verlinkte Bericht zeigt das deutlich. Nur Aurora mit mehr als 100.000Kg jährlich und Canopy (inklusive Mettrum) mit 82.000Kg jährlich haben noch größere Pläne. Wobei der Gesamtmarkt in Kanada (inklusive Recreational) bis 2024 "nur" auf 700.000Kg steigen soll.

      Langfristig wäre aber die produktion in den USA sicher sinnvoll, weißt du etwas darüber wie der Export von Cannabis in die USA aussehen kann? Produziert Canopy schon in den USA?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 01.12.16 22:25:51
      Beitrag Nr. 149 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.812.533 von TheDude335 am 01.12.16 21:57:16
      Zitat von TheDude335: Die 10% Beteiligung an Copperstone ist gut aber woran beteiligen Sie sich eigentlich? Es geht ja vor allem um einen Austausch von Erfahrungen oder?

      Die erste Meldung war IP Transfer mit 5% Gewinnbeteiligung ohne Invest von Aphria, dann kam die Erhöhung mit 10% Beteiligung.

      Zitat von TheDude335: Außerdem denke ich, dass Fläche grundsätzlich kein Problem ist da Aphria bereits viel Fläche besitzt und auch mit mehr als 70.000Kg jährlich erstmal ein ausreichend dimensioniertes Ziel vor Augen hat.

      Der von dir verlinkte Bericht zeigt das deutlich. Nur Aurora mit mehr als 100.000Kg jährlich und Canopy (inklusive Mettrum) mit 82.000Kg jährlich haben noch größere Pläne. Wobei der Gesamtmarkt in Kanada (inklusive Recreational) bis 2024 "nur" auf 700.000Kg steigen soll.

      Die Zahlen sind geschätzt und werden mit den wenigen (bis jetzt 30-40) lizensierten Herstellern nicht realisierbar sein. Kanada hat den Vorteil die LP Hersteller gut mit Geld austatten und somit für den anstehenden globalen Wettbewerb gerüstet zu sein. Deswegen bauen die Kanadier Kapazitäten auf.

      Zitat von TheDude335: Langfristig wäre aber die produktion in den USA sicher sinnvoll, weißt du etwas darüber wie der Export von Cannabis in die USA aussehen kann?

      Für den medizinischen Bedarf dürfte es Einfuhrlizenen & Ausnahmegenehmigungen geben, für Recreational müssen wohl amerikanischen Niederlassungen vorhanden sein. Aphria fährt mit "Tokio Smoke" den recreational Markt über Coffee Shops in Colorado und den zukünftig freigegebenen US Staaten Ende 2016 Anfang 2017 hoch.

      Zitat von TheDude335: Produziert Canopy schon in den USA?

      Das kann ich dir nicht 100% sagen, soweit ich weiß nicht, da es die Lizenzen zur Herstellung also LP's aktuell nur in Kanada gibt dachte ich.

      Somit wäre Aphria mit Copperstate, der erste im medizinischen Cannabis zugelassene LP in den USA. Die haben wohl auch gehofft, das Arizona für recreational stimmt - hat bei der Wahl am 8 Nov. leider nicht geklappt aber der medizinische Markt in USA ist groß genug um Copperstate nur dafür aufzubauen.
      schrieb am 02.12.16 07:15:10
      Beitrag Nr. 150 ()
      Canada’s Reefer Madness Reaches New Heights as Pot Rivals Merge
      Der Kauf von Mettrum durch Canopy bringt weitere Bewegung in den Cannabis - Sektor.

      Der Markt entwickelt sich so schnell, das nun Länder in denen schon seit einigen Jahren die Legalisierung umgesetzt wurde nun mutig an die freie kanadische Börse gehen um Geld für Wachstum zu generieren.

      So auch ein ganz neuer aus Urugay: South American Marijuana Producer ICC Lists in Canada

      Video auf Bloomberg vom ICC Ceo:…
      schrieb am 02.12.16 10:49:16
      Beitrag Nr. 151 ()
      Aph ogi
      Man hört ja jetzt seit der Meldung mit canopy und mettrum, dass aphria und Organigram sich möglicherweise zusammenschließen. In wie weit hälst du dieses Gerücht für realistisch. Aktuell ist ein anstieg bei ogi ja ziemlich attraktiv meiner Meinung nach. Fraglich ist nur ob man nicht lieber einfaxh in aphria aufstocken sollte.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.12.16 11:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 152 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.814.996 von Snaxico am 02.12.16 10:49:16
      Auf Verdacht in OGI reingehen ?
      Kann funktionieren, nur das nun eine Übernahme kommt kann keiner garantieren.

      Ich würde mich eher fragen, warum sollte sich Aphria bei Organigram in Monton - New Brunswick verzetteln, wenn die Musik im Westen der USA spielt.

      Macht für mich persönlich keinen Sinn. Nur weiß ich auch nicht ob ich damit richtig liege....

      ....das muß wirklich jeder für sich selbst herausfinden.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.12.16 13:17:44
      Beitrag Nr. 153 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.815.224 von sunny3999 am 02.12.16 11:20:44Klar garantieren kann mir sowieso niemand was am Markt. Ich sehe nur ogi früher oder später als Übernahmekandidat von wem auch immer. Den großen Vorteil eines merges sehe ich einfaxh darin, das man an canopy ausschließt was die Kundenanzahl betrifft. Ogi und Aph sind ja eine der beiden günstigsten Produzenten. In dem Bereich könnten ggf. Synergien entstehen bzw genutzt werden
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.12.16 13:25:32
      Beitrag Nr. 154 ()
      Task Force Ergebnis soll wohl am 21 Dez. verkündet werden...
      John Ivison: Marijuana report to urge Liberals to strike at the black market

      Sources familiar with the report, which is expected to be made public Dec. 21, say all the other recommendations flow from that guiding principle.…
      schrieb am 02.12.16 13:35:40
      Beitrag Nr. 155 ()
      Für ganz wilde Spekulanten gibt es ICC aus Uruguay!
      Mehr will ich dazu jedoch nicht mir die Zeit zu Schade...das Video vom CEO von ICC war ja auf Bloomberg.…
      schrieb am 02.12.16 14:02:34
      Beitrag Nr. 156 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.816.061 von Snaxico am 02.12.16 13:17:44
      Zitat von Snaxico: Ogi und Aph sind ja eine der beiden günstigsten Produzenten. In dem Bereich könnten ggf. Synergien entstehen bzw genutzt werden

      Ja, aber auch Supreme, Cronos Group oder private wie Tilray könnten interessant werden.....wenn Aphria einen Deal in Aussicht hat mit Shoppers Drug Mart, werden sie eventuell auf Einkaufstour gehen, sollte die eigene zur Verfügung stehende Flächenerweiterung nicht ausreichen um den Markt zu bedienen.

      Ich finde die Achse Arizona - Ontario für extrem gut ausgeklügelt und leicht erweiterbar.

      Das Branding also die Entwicklung der Marke, sollte nun stärker in Betracht gezogen werden, dafür haben sie wohl Arlene Dickinson geholt.....mal sehen was von ihr so kommt.
      schrieb am 03.12.16 10:29:28
      Beitrag Nr. 157 ()
      Umsatzzahlen und Gewinn für Q2 17 die im Januar gemeldet werden sollten (geschätzt)
      Ich habe mal die Umsatzzahlen und den Gewinn von Aphria für Q2 2017 mit best/worst case geschätzt! Das 4x in Folge ein positives Quartal bzw. ein Jahresabschluß mit Gewinn (ca. 1-2 Mio C$) für ein Startup nicht schlecht - hat übrigens keiner der Wettbewerber (nicht mal die, die 2-3fache Marktkapitalisierung haben)!…
      schrieb am 03.12.16 20:15:33
      Beitrag Nr. 158 ()
      Ab nächster Woche könnte eine Reihe an interessanter News kommen.....
      Canadian company to help Copperstate grow marijuana

      SNOWFLAKE – When J. Fife Symington IV announced his company’s plans to grow medical marijuana in an operation west of Snowflake last May, he specified his horticultural experience was in tomatoes, not marijuana.

      Symington, the principal of Copperstate Farms, is also the owner of over 850 acres of greenhouses in Mexico, and grows and ships vegetables to the U.S. annually.

      He has over 20 years of greenhouse experience himself.

      Symington announced at the initial press conference that he would be seeking out the most experienced in the medical marijuana greenhouse growth field to assist with their business venture.

      He has found them.

      Aphria, Inc. a Canadian licensed producer of pharmaceutical-grade marijuana, is an expert in marijuana greenhouse production. And now they are a partner of Copperstate Farms.

      On Oct. 27 Aphria announced they had entered into an Intellectual Property Agreement with the company.

      Aphria will receive a five percent cashless membership interest in Copperstate. As part of the transaction, Aphria will share the knowledge it has gained over the last five years related to successful growing of cannabis in greenhouses.

      In addition, Aphria invested in Copperstate as a limited partner, bringing their ownership in Copperstate to ten percent.

      This transaction is subject to approval by the TSX Venture Exchange, Canada’s Toronto Stock Exchange.

      Aphria is located Leamington, Ontario, which is known as the greenhouse capital of Canada.

      Symington said, “I have known one of Aphria’s founders for 10 years.”

      Symington distributed tomatoes from his Mexico operation to him in Canada during the off season.

      “We are excited because they chose us to partner with,” he said.

      “We will be able to exchange training for our employees and accelerate the learning curve for growing a premium product.”

      According to a press release from Marketwire Company, “Aphria is the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations, and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.”

      Aphria developed integrated greenhouse growing solutions specifically focused on quality production of cannabis. They grow the pharmaceutical cannabis, provide the patient care and balance patient economics and returns to their shareholders.

      In Canada it is legal on a federal level to do everything from growing to filling prescriptions at the same location which adheres to Canada’s new Marijuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR) for the medicinal marijuana industry.

      Snowflake Mayor Thomas Poscharsky said, “Copperstate is not only proving to be a good corporate citizen, but with the Aphria partnership is also showing their intelligence in making themselves successful.”

      The general partners of Copperstate Farms, LLC are Symington and Scott Barker, who will retain the remaining membership interests of Copperstate Farms.

      Copperstate - Aphria Partnering
      Read more at…
      schrieb am 03.12.16 21:00:56
      Beitrag Nr. 159 ()
      Here Is Why These 3 Marijuana Stocks Haven't Even Started to Peak
      The Street trommelt:…

      schrieb am 03.12.16 21:14:35
      Beitrag Nr. 160 ()
      Cannacord: Canada May Face Marijuana Shortage When It's Legalized
      The Huffington Post Canada…
      schrieb am 03.12.16 21:28:56
      Beitrag Nr. 161 ()
      What Is The Buzz Surrounding Aphria Inc. (OTCMKTS:APHQF)?
      By Jason Williams - November 21, 2016 601 0

      Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc. through its subsidiary unit, PhytoPain Pharma Inc. has signed a Supply deal with ACMPR licensed producer Aphria Inc. (OTCMKTS:APHQF). This deal is pertaining to the distribution of dried medical cannabis as an API for PhytoPain’s inhalation cannabis offering ‘PPP001’. PPP001 is stated as a medical marijuana offering that the firm is advancing as a prescription controlled medication for inhalation utilizing a fully assembled titanium pipe.

      The highlights

      Aphria is an approved producer under the ACMPR. Under the reported supply deal, PhytoPain shall pursue the advancement of a prescription controlled inhalation medication offering of medical marijuana and get marketing nod across the globe either indirectly or directly through licensing agreements or partnerships. The company will be the exclusive dealer of this API to PhytoPain for the commercialization and advancement of PP001.

      PPP is given a limited, non-transferrable, royalty free, license to utilize the API in the advancement of PPP001. The deal highlights a purchase price in the clinical advancement and a volume rebate after target volume is touched.

      Both USA and Canadian prescription drug guidelines enforce rigorous quality systems for the manufacturing of the finished drug product and API. These requirements comprise conformance to pharmaceutical GMP as well as showcasing the ability of the manufacturer to confirm lot-to-lot consistency in the safety and quality of the prescription drug.

      The expert view

      Dr. Guy Chamberland, M.Sc., Ph.D., the Chief Scientific Officer of PhytoPain, said that they are extremely excited and pleased to be working with Aphria in the advancement of PPP001. Advancing prescription botanical based medications needs a high quality GMP system and established product specifications to get consistent efficacy and finally get the patients safety. Based on the evaluation of company, they are confident that their premium GMP medical marijuana production facility and notable quality assurance team will exceed or meet the expectations of both the USA and Canadian prescription drug authorities.
      schrieb am 04.12.16 11:00:21
      Beitrag Nr. 162 ()
      Marijuana sector to be flooded with M&A activity soon, says analyst
      Khurram Malik, head of research and partner with Jacob Capital Management joins BNN for a look at the marijuana industry and what to expect next. He says it's important to look at the life cycle for this industry, and thinks there will be a spark of M&A activity to come.…
      schrieb am 04.12.16 12:05:11
      Beitrag Nr. 163 ()
      CANNABIS: Canada’s reefer madness reaches new heights as rivals merge
      Bloomberg News
      Published Thursday, Dec. 01, 2016 12:06PM EST
      Last updated Thursday, Dec. 01, 2016 7:02PM EST

      Canopy Growth Corp., the largest company in Canada’s rapidly developing marijuana industry, agreed to buy competitor Mettrum Health Corp. for about $430-million to expand production as the government moves toward legalization.

      The all-stock deal values Mettrum at $8.42 a share, the companies said Thursday in a statement, representing a 42-per-cent premium to Wednesday’s closing price.

      Marijuana companies rose in Toronto trading, extending huge gains this year, with Canopy’s shares quadrupling. Canada’s plan to legalize recreational use in 2017 has attracted a wave of capital in anticipation of billions of dollars of new revenue. Expectations were further heightened on Wednesday after the country’s Task Force on Marijuana Legalization and Regulation delivered a report to the government on how the drug should be legalized and regulated. The group said its recommendations will be made public in mid-December. The market value of Canada’s six largest marijuana companies has swollen to more than $3.6-billion.

      Canada is the best marijuana play for investors because it is the first member of the Group of Seven countries that is moving toward legalization, and there could be $7-billion in sales by 2024, said Mason Brown, an analyst at M Partners. Still, how the country will regulate, tax, market and distribute the products remains unknown and could affect margins and revenues, he said.

      Further consolidation will probably occur as bigger players make acquisitions, Mr. Brown said. There’s more than 35 licensed companies currently, and an increase of deals will probably leave five to eight companies controlling the bulk of the market, he said.

      “There’s quite a bit of risk because there’s a lot of unknowns,” Mr. Brown said in a telephone interview. There are some companies “that we still think have upside from here even with all the risk associated with it,” he said.

      “One overvalued company buying another one doesn’t really add up,” and Canopy’s move to acquire Mettrum may be more about absorbing the competition to control excess cannabis in the market, Chris Damas, an analyst at BCMI Research in Barrie, Ont., said in a note. It’s possible that Canada will issue fewer licenses for producers, which makes buying the existing 36 licenses more important, he said.

      Aurora Cannabis Inc., with a market capitalization of more than C$700 million, is too large to be bought but may be looking at acquisitions, Mr. Damas said. Aphria Inc. and Organigram Holdings Inc. are probably going to look at merging, according to the note.

      If legalization occurs along expected timelines, there will be about 3.8 million legal recreational users in Canada by 2021 with the potential for $6-billion of sales, Canaccord Genuity analysts Matt Bottomley and Neil Maruoka said earlier this week in a note.

      Canopy said buying Mettrum will reduce costs, boost its total licensed production area to about 665,00 square feet (61,781 square metres) and add the Mettrum Spectrum brand of marijuana.

      “Mettrum has established a line of cannabis products that work well in a medical context and will transition naturally into a natural and healthy lifestyle market,“ Bruce Linton, the co-founder and chief executive officer of Smiths Falls, Ont.-based Canopy, said in the statement.

      Mettrum climbed 28 per cent to $7.57 at 2:26 p.m. in Toronto while Canopy rose 1.1 per cent to $11.93. Among other marijuana companies, Aphria gained as much as 11 per cent and ICC International Cannabis Corp. -- which listed on the TSX Venture Exchange earlier this week -- 33 per cent.

      The industry is waiting to see what the task force’s report says on guidelines for marketing recreational cannabis and timelines for legalization, said Denis Arsenault, the CEO of OrganiGram Holdings Inc., another Canadian marijuana supplier. There’s a lot of excitement regarding the burgeoning industry, he said.

      “You’d have to go back to literally something like Prohibition to see the birth of an industry like this,” Mr. Arsenault said Wednesday in an interview with Bloomberg TV Canada.

      Meanwhile in the U.S., Innovative Industrial Properties Inc., said it sold 3.35 million shares at $20 each in an initial public offering. The company is a real-estate investment trust, or REIT, that focuses on acquiring and managing properties leased to state-licensed producers of medical marijuana. The shares fell to $19.65 in their first day of trading in New York.
      schrieb am 04.12.16 12:18:22
      Beitrag Nr. 164 ()
      Vergleich der großen MJ-Wettbewerber
      schrieb am 04.12.16 12:38:26
      Beitrag Nr. 165 ()
      Aphria Inc to Post FY2019 Earnings of $0.40 Per Share, Clarus Securities Forecasts (APH)
      Ich schätze da dürften bal ein paar Höherbewertungen für Aphria kommen!

      Aphria Inc to Post FY2019 Earnings of $0.40 Per Share, Clarus Securities Forecasts (APH)
      Posted by Carolyn Dwyer on Dec 3rd, 2016 // No Comments
      Aphria logoAphria Inc (CVE:APH) – Equities research analysts at Clarus Securities increased their FY2019 earnings per share estimates for shares of Aphria in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday. Clarus Securities analyst N. Atkinson now forecasts that the firm will earn $0.40 per share for the year, up from their prior estimate of $0.36.…
      schrieb am 04.12.16 12:59:09
      Beitrag Nr. 166 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.12.16 15:10:14
      Beitrag Nr. 167 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.825.174 von Popeye82 am 04.12.16 12:59:09
      Zitat von Popeye82: Green “Gold” is OUTshining Bullion…

      Aphria Inc. (TSX.V: APH) -- With supposedly the lowest growing costs for an LP in Canada, Aphria -- which is based Leamington, Ontario -- is well-financed and has the ability to scale-up to over 1,000,000 square feet of growing space. If this happens, Aphria stands to become a clear market leader.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 04.12.16 15:58:08
      Beitrag Nr. 168 ()
      Hiermit wird der Weg den Kanada's Premierminister gehen wird eindeutig!
      Dem Schwarzmarkt und illegalen Dispensaries (Coffee-Shops oder MJ-Shops) wird der gar ausgemacht!

      Die LP und zugelassenen Apotheken/Drogerien wie Shoppers Drug Mart werden den Markt übernehmen....das werden interessante Wochen und Monate..... [/url]

      Trudeau urges police to ‘enforce the law’ on marijuana
      A “frustrated” Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wants police to enforce the law and criminally charge illegal marijuana dispensaries.…
      schrieb am 04.12.16 23:55:44
      Beitrag Nr. 169 ()
      Why Cannabis Biotech Needs to be in Your Portfolio Right Now
      The biotech sector may be one of the biggest beneficiaries of the legal cannabis movement.

      In previous articles, we have been quite vocal about our bullish stance on the cannabis biotech sector. In the current US markets, we believe the greatest opportunity lies in biotech and the pharmaceutical production of cannabinoid and cannabis related drug treatments. And recent political shifts may have just created a perfect storm for cannabis biotech investors. Right now could be your greatest opportunity to consider adding cannabis biotech to your portfolio. And we aren’t the only ones who think so.

      Todd Hagopian, manager of a biotech fund at Marketocracy, believes the biotech sector will benefit most from a Donald Trump Presidency. Todd is one of the most successful biotech investors in the market today. His returns have averaged 26.03% since starting his fund in 2011, which compares nicely to the S&P 500’s 11.58% return over the same period. Over the last five and three year periods, Todd Hagopian did better than the top U.S. Equity fund managers.

      But why are we so bullish on cannabis biotech?

      For over a year, analysts have been anticipating and factoring in a Hillary Clinton victory that sent the ishares NASDAQ Biotechnology ETF (IBB) plummeting 23% from 9/21/15 through Election Day this November. Why? Clinton was very vocal about her desire to slash what she believed to be excessive profits in the biotech industry. This would force drug companies to lower prices that would tighten margins and decrease net profit. If Clinton won the election, there were concerns that she would flip the Senate and/or House of Representatives to Democratic control. This would have allowed her to take action on the pricing practices of the biotech sector.

      But with the White House and Congress now in Republican control, the biotech sector is set up for an extraordinary comeback. In fact, it has already begun. The IBB is up about 10% since Election Day. With Trump taking the White House, biotech investors could be in for one heck of a ride as this could be just the beginning of a move that could see the biotech sector double.

      In an interview with Ken Kam of Forbes, Todd Hagopian said, “After underperforming the S&P 500 by over 30% in the past 14 months, there is plenty of room for this sector to run. In fact, the S&P 500 Biotechs are trading at a Forward P/E of just 22.4% vs. Consumer Staples who are trading at a Forward P/E of 17.2%. This is pretty remarkable, considering that the same group of Biotech companies have a short term earnings growth rate of 17.3%, versus the Consumer Staple companies who are projected to grow at just 8.0%. Basically, this data would seem to suggest that either there is a huge bubble in Consumer Staples stocks, or the Biotechnology market is about to double.”

      This is the perfect storm for cannabis biotech investors. Not only is the overall biotech industry expected to experience a massive bull run, but cannabis legalization is quickly spreading across the US. The November Election Day was an enormous victory for the cannabis industry. There are now 8 states that allow the recreational use of marijuana and another 21 that allow its medical use. We could be looking at a golden opportunity for cannabis biotech investors.

      In his interview with Forbes, Hagopian went on to name a few other catalysts that biotech investors seem to have in their favor:

      The Obamacare fight needs to stay away from pricing. The odds of a Republican House and Senate trying to pass a law regulating drug prices, and have it signed by a Republican President seems slim to none.
      The Supreme Court needs to stay conservative. Donald Trump has already promised to nominate conservative judges to the court. The Supreme Court will likely stay 5-4, or even 6-3, in favor of conservative views.
      M&A activity needs to restart. The low valuations seen in the biotech sector after the Clinton selloff mentioned earlier in this article has sparked a ton of M&A rumors in the biotech sector. The Clinton biotech scare not only provided great opportunity for individual investors but also for large biotech titans to swallow up smaller companies with promising intellectual property and clinical data from early drug trials. We have already seen recent M&A activity in the cannabis sector with Canopy Growth Corp., Canada’s largest marijuana company, agreeing to buy competitor Mettrum Health Corp. for $8.42 a share.
      The current environments of the overall biotech sector and marijuana industry have created an exciting time for cannabis biotech investors. Several catalysts are aligning for what could be a booming 2017 for the entire space. In addition, many companies are expected to announce FDA clinical and pre-clinical trial data soon. Favorable results will be a catalyst to send individual stocks and the overall cannabis biotech sector considerably higher.

      If you haven’t done so already, it’s time to consider adding cannabis biotech to your portfolio, Now!
      schrieb am 05.12.16 15:23:00
      Beitrag Nr. 170 ()
      Mackie Research Capital Corp. has boosted its outlook for medical marijuana stock Aphria Inc.
      Mackie Research Capital Corp. has boosted its outlook for medical marijuana stock Aphria Inc. (APH-T) after the company raised $40-million in an equity financing.

      Aphria plans to use the funds to expand its greenhouse operation and other infrastructure, such as a power co-generation facility.

      "This expansion is expected to provide an additional 21,000 kg of annual production capacity and is scheduled to complete by December, 2017," wrote analyst Neal Gilmer.

      "Aphria is in an excellent position to benefit in this growing market and is well positioned to execute on its growth strategy. The company has a solid balance sheet and positioned to expand towards 40,000kg in a little over a year. We are rolling forward our valuation basis to capture and reflect some of the earnings potential. We note however that the full realization of the company's earnings potential is not likely until F2020-2021."

      "We are increasing our target price on Aphria as we roll our valuation basis forward. We had previously set our target using a 12-times multiple to the average of our Fiscal 2018/19 estimates (Note: May 31 fiscal year end). We now use Fiscal 2019 estimates as our valuation basis to capture the earnings growth we expect from the capacity expansion. We remind investors as we have before that the earnings capability following the outlined expansion is much higher than we currently forecast.

      With forecast expansion to 40,000kg by 2018, APH is likely able to generate $200- to $250-million in sales once fully constructed. At the low end of the range and using an EBITDA [earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amoritization] margin of 38 per cent that we model for F2019 would imply approximately $75-million in EBITDA annually and about $95-million on the high end. We expect that the timing of recreational legalization, medical regulation evolution and Aphria's ability to scale production once the capital expenditures are complete will all factor into when Aphria will reach that earning capability."

      He reiterated his "speculative buy" rating on the stock but boosted his target price to $6.40 from $4.35.…

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 05.12.16 15:41:07
      Beitrag Nr. 171 ()
      Rising Demand From Cannabis Recreational and Medicinal Users Fueling Canadian Marijuana Market…
      PALM BEACH, Florida, December 5, 2016 /PRNewswire/ --

      Canadian Companies within the legal marijuana and cannabis sector are actively expanding operations as demand in the multi-billion dollar market continues to skyrocket globally. Active companies in the cannabis sector this week include: Marapharm Ventures Inc. (MDM.CN), OrganiGram Holdings Inc. (OGI.V), Aphria Inc. (APH.V), Aurora Cannabis Inc. (ACB.V) and Veritas Pharma Inc. (VRT.CN).

      Marapharm Ventures Inc. (CSE: MDM.CN) (MRPHF) Marapharm Ventures Inc. announces that it is paying the Nevada Title, Escrow Agent, for full payment and discharge of the first mortgage financing on 5.9 acres located in Apex Industrial Park, Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition Marapharm is paying cash without debt for the previously announced addition of 1.1 adjoining acres. Read this full Press Releases and recent news for Marapharm at

      "We've received several million dollars recently from warrants being exercised by loyal shareholders with more coming in daily, and we decided to pay off our debt, which is this one mortgage. We paid $445,500 USD for the property and financed $309,000. In addition we paid taxes and fees and posted about $100,000 for wet and dry utility bonds. We've also done improvements on the site and have invested more than $100,000 on site and facilities planning. And we've paid for buildings that are to be delivered within 3 weeks and erected for cultivation. The monthly mortgage payments were $2,785.22" said Linda Sampson, Marapharm CEO and she added "paying off a relatively small mortgage and paying $110,000 cash for the 1.1 acres may not sound like a big deal but to us the significance is that we did what we planned to do in terms of reaching our milestones."

      "With more than 50 million adult visitors each year, Las Vegas is the known as the best cannabis play in the world. Marapharm chose Las Vegas and Nevada for its model and for a place we wanted to be for doing business. There's no state corporate income tax, there's no personal income tax, there's City tax concessions, there's excellent State incentives and we are located in a logistical hub of 11 state regions. Further there's an educated and cost effective workforce and a superior telecommunications infrastructure. So we believe that we are in the right place at the right time" says Linda Sampson. Marapharm CEO.

      Marijuana/Cannabis sector performances of note include:

      OrganiGram Holdings Inc. (TSX-V:OGI.V) is pleased to recently announce it has completed the design work related to a proposed addition to the onsite production building located at 35 English Drive in Moncton, NB. The preliminary design and drawings provide sufficient additional space to facilitate incremental production capacity of approximately 9,000 kg per year. When combined with the previously announced and ongoing expansions to both buildings, this new addition brings the total proposed production capacity at OrganiGram to approximately 26,000 kg per year.

      Aphria Inc. (TSX-V:APH.V) closed up slightly on Friday at $5.40 trading just over 1.5 Million shares by the market close. Aphria, one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders.

      Aurora Cannabis Inc. (TSX-V:ACB.V) is pleased to recently announce that it has broken ground, and initiated construction on an unprecedented 800,000 square foot production facility. To be known as "Aurora Sky", the new hybrid greenhouse facility, with a footprint larger than 16 football fields, is expected, on completion, to be the largest, most advanced and most automated cannabis production facility in the world. Situated on 30 acres of leased land in Leduc County, Alberta , management anticipates Aurora Sky to be capable of producing in excess of 100,000 kilograms of high quality, low cost cannabis per year. The location of the new facility provides unrivaled access to transportation, industrial infrastructure, power, water, gas, and courier services.

      Veritas Pharma Inc. (VRT.CN) closed up over 14% on Friday closing at $0.36. Veritas Pharma Inc. is an emerging-stage pharmaceutical and IP development company, who, through Cannevert Therapeutics Ltd. (CTL), is advancing the science behind medical cannabis. It is the Company aim, through its investment in CTL, to develop the most effective cannabis strains (cultivars) specific to pain, nausea, epilepsy and PTSD, solving the critical need for clinical data to support medical marijuana claims.
      schrieb am 05.12.16 18:13:05
      Beitrag Nr. 172 ()
      Canada's high-growth cannabis industry
      An in-depth look at the Canadian cannabis industry and its potential for massive growth. We talk supply, demand and pricing on both the medical and recreational side of the pot story with Matt Bottomley, equity research associate, Canaccord Genuity.…
      schrieb am 06.12.16 09:45:27
      Beitrag Nr. 173 ()
      The Market Hasn’t Seen An Opportunity Like This Since 1933
      The Market Hasn’t Seen An Opportunity Like This Since 1933
      November 02, 2016, 07:00:48 AM EDT By Street Authority, InvestorPlace Media

      1933 was an important year for U.S. investors. That was the year the 18th amendment was repealed.

      This regulatory breakthrough accomplished two things. For one, it once again made it legal to drink a cold beer after work.

      Then, it unleashed one of the best investment opportunities of the century, setting the stage for a billion dollar wealth transfer and giving birth to future global leaders such as Anheuser-Busch InBev SA NV (ADR) ( BUD ) and Brown-Forman Corporation's ( BF.B ) Jack Daniels brand.

      If you weren't around back then to capitalize, don't worry.

      Today, that same cycle is repeating itself. Cannabis is being legalized all across North America.

      In the United States, 25 states have adopted medical marijuana programs. Three states have legalized recreational consumption. The list of cannabis-friendly states continues to grow. Nine states are set to vote on cannabis initiatives on Election Day (November 8).

      In Canada, medical marijuana is already legal on the federal level. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party are making it a top priority to also legalize recreational cannabis. It is possible an initiative could be voted on in Canada within the next 12 months.

      In Mexico, it's already legal for citizens to carry up to an ounce of cannabis. In April, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto suggested implementing a national medical marijuana program. Although such an initiative still looks years away, it signals an important shift in sentiment.

      This recent wave of legalization has given birth to the fastest-growing industry in North America. Market research firm Arcview is projecting North American legal cannabis industry sales to grow more than 200% in the next four years to $22.8 billion.

      Just like in 1933 when the federal government repealed the 18th amendment, this billion-dollar wealth transfer is creating a great investment opportunity.

      However, cannabis use in any form, medically or recreationally, is still illegal on the federal level in the United States. That creates more legal risk for companies operating in the U.S cannabis industry.

      A safer way to invest is looking north of the border into Canada. Canada's cannabis market is still a fraction of the size of the U.S. market. But unlike the United States, medical marijuana is legal on the federal level in Canada. This is an important distinction for investors looking to curb risk in this frequently volatile industry.

      On that note, here is a list of the four largest medical marijuana companies in Canada by market cap.

      Canada's Largest Medical Marijuana Companies Name Ticker Market Cap Canopy Growth Corp TSE: CGC $620M Aphria CVE: APH $342M Aurora Cannabis CVE: ACB $229M Organigram Holdings CVE: OGI $161M
      From this group I have chosen to highlight OrganiGram Holdings ( OGI ). Headquartered in New Brunswick, it operates two production facilities on 5.5 acres with 78,500 feet of potential production space.

      Despite its size, OrganiGram hasn't been around for very long. The company was founded in 2014 after receiving a production permit under Canada's Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations (MMPR).

      But what I find most interesting about OrganiGram is that it's the only Canadian medical marijuana company that is certified organic. That unique selling proposition has been fueling the company's incredible growth.

      OrganiGram's revenue is up 228.6% in the last 12 months. Take a look below.

      That incredible sales growth has sent shares soaring: OGI is up 204% in 2016.

      Despite those gains, I am expecting more of the same. The market leader is making aggressive moves to capitalize on surging demand for medical marijuana in Canada.

      On October 11 Organigram announced the closing of its acquisition of a 136,000 square foot building adjacent to its current property to expand production capacities.

      What Stocks Will Win the 2016 Election?
      Risks To Consider: Optimism in the medical marijuana sector has been red-hot. That's why OrganiGram shares are up more than 204% this year. That is a clear signal investors are expecting big things from this company. If OrganiGram misses short-term expectations, I would expect shares to see a sharp pullback.

      Action To Take: OrganiGram is an early leader in the fastest growing industry in North America. The company's status as the only certified organic producer in Canada gives it a unique selling proposition over the competition. Look for a pullback below $2.50 and then buy for the long haul.

      P.S. Marijuana isn't the only medical investment you need to be making . A life-saving device could soon be rolled out to 5,627 hospitals and medical facilities across the country. It's already at work in California, where it is on track to save 15,000 lives this year. And only one tiny company produces it. This puts it in control of a $34.5 billion market. How much you stand to gain as an investor is staggering.…
      schrieb am 06.12.16 09:51:52
      Beitrag Nr. 174 ()
      Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld ist heute am 6 Dez. um (2:30 pm = 20:30 MEZ) auf BNN
      Info aus dem Stockhouse:
      Vic Neufeld on BNN Dec 6 at 2:30 pm
      Read more at…

      He will be interviewed about his views in the MJ sector
      Canopy the leader LP has an energetic and Bruce Linton who has great vision and charasmatic personality they now have more cash with bought deal 40 mil and Mettrum
      Aphria has Vic who is more plodding and practical as he is a CA but he keeps costs down and earns cash or break even
      Cole Cacciaillani and john Cervini are farmer greenhouse specialists
      Aphria needs a couple of years to complete their full capacity grow ops and will eventually catch Canopy
      The task force report next week Dec 15 or 21 will give all the LP the inside track with mail order first for re. And then provinces do retail Aphria will wholesale to Shoppers or LCBO
      Dec 2017 $ 10 per share phase 2 production
      Dec 2018 $ 20 per share phase 3 production
      Dec 2019 $ 30 phase 4 production
      2020 th 2021 take out by large multinational $40 to $50
      all phases are capitalized and operations are not burning cash
      the DiNiro adjacent land has been purchased and owned not leased with existing greenhouse built up
      Aphria has the BEST cannabis business plan that is sustainable and will service both medical and the re that is inevitable next year
      Arlene the dragon den lady has done her homework and is a director marketing genius
      Dont sweat the short term noise fluctuations
      Put the shares away and relax with life because next year will be 100 % return at $ 10 bucks
      better than a GIC

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 06.12.16 15:35:35
      Beitrag Nr. 175 ()
      Aphria investiert 1 Mio in Tetra Bio-Pharma in PP um PhytoPain Pharma Clinical Trials zu finanzieren
      Aphria Makes $1,000,000 Investment in Tetra Bio-Pharma via Private Placement to Fund PhytoPain Pharma Clinical Trials…
      schrieb am 06.12.16 20:17:56
      Beitrag Nr. 176 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.12.16 20:40:35
      Beitrag Nr. 177 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.839.859 von Popeye82 am 06.12.16 20:17:56
      Zitat von Popeye82:…

      Aphria hat 3 Quartale in Folge Gewinne vermeldet und Golden Leaf ist bisher einer der schlechtest geführten Weed stocks überhaupt.

      Wie gesagt 3 Quartal in Folge Gewinne und eventuell im Januar wieder!
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 06.12.16 21:55:41
      Beitrag Nr. 178 ()
      Aphria CEO: Stay tuned for more on U.S. market Vic Neufeld, chief executive officer of Aphria...
      Aphria CEO: Stay tuned for more on U.S. market
      Vic Neufeld, chief executive officer of Aphria, joins BNN's Catherine Murray to discuss some of the key issues facing growth in Canada's budding marijuana industry and the company's expansion plans.… :eek: [/url]
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.12.16 22:31:12
      Beitrag Nr. 179 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.840.717 von sunny3999 am 06.12.16 21:55:41
      Wer sich das Interview anschaut, sollte auch die Bilder des Baufortschritts im Hintergrund beachten!
      Das ist keine Schall und Rauch - da werden gerade mal 100 Mio investiert!

      Ich bin sicher da kommt noch mehr, so wie Vic Neufeld in sich hineinlacht....:laugh:

      Zitat von sunny3999: Aphria CEO: Stay tuned for more on U.S. market
      Vic Neufeld, chief executive officer of Aphria, joins BNN's Catherine Murray to discuss some of the key issues facing growth in Canada's budding marijuana industry and the company's expansion plans.… :eek:
      schrieb am 07.12.16 00:24:35
      Beitrag Nr. 180 ()
      Die Zahlen hören sich gut an und auch der Ausbauplan ist solide.

      Ich frage mich nur, warum Aphria das im Vergleich so "langsam" voran treibt. Aurora wird Ende 2017 bereits seine 800.000 square feet haben und auch Canopy wird sicher schneller als Aphria Kapazitäten aufbauen.
      Da würde ich mir persönlich einen strafferen Plan zum Ausbau bei Aphria wünschen. Ich habe auch wegen Vic in Aphria investiert und denke er ist ein guter Mann mit Erfahrung. Er spricht die Kapazitätssorgen der Industrie an und wünscht sich deshalb sogar mehr LP´s, warum hat der Ausbau dann nicht die Priorität1 bei Aphria? Oder dauert der Aufbau einer Greenhouse Anlage einfach länger?

      Vielen Dank für die Quellen sunny!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.16 00:43:40
      Beitrag Nr. 181 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.841.392 von TheDude335 am 07.12.16 00:24:35
      Zitat von TheDude335: Die Zahlen hören sich gut an und auch der Ausbauplan ist solide.

      Ich frage mich nur, warum Aphria das im Vergleich so "langsam" voran treibt. Aurora wird Ende 2017 bereits seine 800.000 square feet haben und auch Canopy wird sicher schneller als Aphria Kapazitäten aufbauen.
      Da würde ich mir persönlich einen strafferen Plan zum Ausbau bei Aphria wünschen. Ich habe auch wegen Vic in Aphria investiert und denke er ist ein guter Mann mit Erfahrung. Er spricht die Kapazitätssorgen der Industrie an und wünscht sich deshalb sogar mehr LP´s, warum hat der Ausbau dann nicht die Priorität1 bei Aphria? Oder dauert der Aufbau einer Greenhouse Anlage einfach länger?

      Vielen Dank für die Quellen sunny!

      Die brauchen die Verträge mit Shoppers Drug Mart und Pharmacy und die Empfehlungen von Ärzten, das wächst nur langsam an.

      Das Geld wird dazu noch in strategische Partnerschaften eingesetzt um weiteres Bindung und Wachstum zu generieren!

      Die Welle rollt langsam an aber wird eine Monsterwelle mit dem recreational in 2018! [/url]

      Hier mal meine Berechnung:…
      schrieb am 07.12.16 09:44:13
      Beitrag Nr. 182 ()
      Aphria’s Management MJ masterplan rollout:
      schrieb am 07.12.16 10:45:44
      Beitrag Nr. 183 ()
      Und für das Marketing und die Show haben wir ja....
      schrieb am 07.12.16 11:43:23
      Beitrag Nr. 184 ()
      Aphria besitzt mehr als 8% an....
      December 6, 2016…
      schrieb am 07.12.16 17:32:16
      Beitrag Nr. 185 ()
      Aktuell sieht es ja wieder ziemlich gut aus. Widerstand bei 5 cad scheint zu halten
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.16 17:57:59
      Beitrag Nr. 186 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.847.830 von Snaxico am 07.12.16 17:32:16
      Zitat von Snaxico: Aktuell sieht es ja wieder ziemlich gut aus. Widerstand bei 5 cad scheint zu halten

      Ich würde mal behaupten, das wir gerade den nächsten Lauf sehen.....mal sehen wie hoch!

      The Next Leg Up.....
      by CONNECTING the DOTS:

      Aphria gets paid 5% of earnings + 10% Partner for showing how to grow with their IP in Copperstone-Arizona!

      There is much more behind this connection....
      Copperstone Partner J. Fife Symington IV his Father Symington III was Governor in Arizona!

      Aphria CEO: Stay tuned for more on U.S. market Vic Neufeld, chief executive officer of Aphria...…
      schrieb am 07.12.16 18:38:49
      Beitrag Nr. 187 ()
      APH - CMM NEWS $8.4 Million Equity Financing
      VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Dec. 7, 2016) - Canabo Medical Inc. (TSX VENTURE:CMM)("Canabo" or the "Company") today announces its intention to complete a 7,500 patient observational study in 2017. The study will be led by Andrew Davis, Ph.D., of Acadia University, and will focus on correlations within the patient database in three specific areas;

      relation of opioid use following cannabinoid therapies by condition and patient category
      relation of benzodiazepines use following cannabinoid therapies by condition and patient category, and
      change in quality of life measurements following cannabinoid therapies by condition and patient category.
      The study will complete participant enrollment in 2017, is expected to publish initial results in late 2017, and complete study findings in 2018.

      Canabo is also pleased to announce it has entered into an agreement with Aphria Inc. (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) ("Aphria") for the private placement of 6,000,000 common shares (the "Shares") at a price of $1.40 per Share, to raise gross proceeds of $8,400,000 (the "Offering"). After giving effect to the Offering, Aphria will own approximately 16.6% of the total issued and outstanding common shares of the Company (on an undiluted basis). The placement will be subject to an aggregate finders' fee equal to 5% of the gross proceeds payable to Haywood Securities Inc., PowerOne Capital Markets Limited and Clarus Securities Inc. In addition, Haywood Securities Inc. shall be granted an over-allotment option to sell additional common shares equal to 15% of the size of the offering. This option may be exercised at any time, in whole or in part, until 30 days following the closing date.

      The Offering is subject to certain conditions including, but not limited to, the receipt of all necessary regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange. All of the securities issued pursuant to this Offering will have a hold period expiring four months after the closing date.

      Dr. Neil Smith, Executive Chairman of Canabo Medical stated, "The study announcement speaks to the core principles and values of Canabo, contributing to the evidence based medical body of work to support cannabinoid therapies." Smith went on to say, "Adding an investment partner like Aphria is an obvious strategic partner aligned to advance the standard of cannabinoid treatments."

      "Canabo is one of the largest and most respected referral clinics in the country. Its commitment to educating both patients and physicians when it comes to prescribing cannabinoid treatment to effectively manage patients suffering from chronic pain and disabling illnesses, has resulted in Canabo becoming a market leader in cannabinoid medicine and assuring it is playing a meaningful role in improving the quality of life of their patients, consistent with the values we hold at Aphria," said Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer of Aphria Inc. "We very much look forward to working closely with them as part of this strategic investment."…

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 07.12.16 18:54:24
      Beitrag Nr. 188 ()
      CANABO MEDICAL INC: Canabo unterzeichnet Betriebsvereinbarung zur Behandlung von bis zu 20.000 Patienten
      IRW-News: CANABO MEDICAL INC: Canabo unterzeichnet Betriebsvereinbarung zur Behandlung von bis zu 20.000 Patienten in der Provinz Alberta…
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.16 19:05:39
      Beitrag Nr. 189 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.848.550 von sunny3999 am 07.12.16 18:54:24Mir gefällt der Weg den Vic da geht. Med. MJ darf man nicht vernachlässigen
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.12.16 19:21:27
      Beitrag Nr. 190 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.848.640 von Snaxico am 07.12.16 19:05:39
      Zitat von Snaxico: Mir gefällt der Weg den Vic da geht. Med. MJ darf man nicht vernachlässigen

      Das sichert Aphria über Jahre den Zugang zu Kunden und Ergebnissen, dessen Bedarf über die Krankenkassen finanziert wird solange die Patienten versichert sind.

      VIC sagte gestern im Interview:
      Alleinstellungsmerkmal = USP - Unique Selling Proposition [/url]
      schrieb am 08.12.16 05:19:27
      Beitrag Nr. 191 ()
      Leamington grower Aphria has huge, multimillion-dollar recreational pot plans (Interview mit Cacciavillani)
      Leamington pot grower Aphria Inc. is so high on the prospect of Canada soon legalizing the recreational use of marijuana that it’s giving Hydro One an ultimatum — guarantee extra power or the company builds its own power plant.…
      schrieb am 08.12.16 07:34:42
      Beitrag Nr. 192 ()
      Aphria hat sich mit über 16% bei Canabo Corp. die größte kanadasche Medical Marijuana Klinik-Kette in Canada eingekauft!

      Präsentation Canabo Corp.:…

      schrieb am 08.12.16 07:44:04
      Beitrag Nr. 193 ()
      CANABO MEDICAL INC hat in der Datenbank 17,4 Mio behandelbare Fälle!

      schrieb am 08.12.16 11:21:28
      Beitrag Nr. 194 ()
      Aphria investiert strategisch in die Medizinbranche - Pharma Peer Bewertung ?!
      schrieb am 08.12.16 12:05:23
      Beitrag Nr. 195 ()
      Cannabis Royalty ist online ! WOW
      Aphria besitzt 8,33% von Cannabis Royalty!

      Cannabis Royalty Online:

      Cannabis Royalty - Aphria - Bodhi Relation:

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 08.12.16 16:19:34
      Beitrag Nr. 196 ()
      schrieb am 08.12.16 19:03:28
      Beitrag Nr. 197 ()
      Die einen denken es ist eine Blase, die anderen sehen eine Riesenmarkt
      The next big bubble could be in Canada’s soaring pot market
      Bloomberg News
      Published Thursday, Dec. 08, 2016 10:12AM EST

      The surge of capital into Canada’s nascent marijuana industry has sent stock prices soaring -- and brought warnings it’s a bubble that could soon burst.

      The value of 26 marijuana stocks listed in Canada has swelled to almost $4-billion from close to nothing in the past two years, as investors rushed to bet on the country’s move toward legalizing recreational use. Canopy Growth Corp. became the first marijuana unicorn, reaching a valuation of $1.24-billion on Wednesday. Other producers, including OrganiGram Holdings Inc. and Aurora Cannabis Inc., saw their share prices surge more than 250 per cent this year.

      While investor optimism is being fuelled by analysts’ estimates that there could be about 3.8 million recreational marijuana users in Canada by 2021 and billions in sales, there’s mounting concern companies are overvalued. How Canada will regulate, tax or distribute the products, remains unknown and some of the publicly traded companies have yet to make a sale.

      “Oh, they’re going to pop,” Nick Brusatore, the largest shareholder of Affinor Growers Inc., said by phone. Once a mining company, the Vancouver-based firm now develops greenhouse technology for crops, including cannabis. “It’s going to pop hard.”

      Canada is on track to become the first Group of Seven country to legalize pot for recreational use if it pushes forward with introducing legislation in 2017. It would join eight U.S. states where it won’t be a crime to use the drug recreationally by January and follows Uruguay, which became the first country to legalize it in 2013.

      ‘Serious Bubble’

      Chris Damas, an analyst at BCMI Research in Barrie, Ont., likens the capital pouring into the sector to the dot com craze of the 1990s. At the time, the value of technology stocks rose rapidly as investors saw opportunity in the Internet’s growth despite the fact many companies had no revenue, he said.

      Many holders of pot stocks that have increased tenfold are company insiders, and the market could crash if they decide to start selling to take profits, Mr. Damas said. “It does smell like a real serious bubble,” he said in a telephone interview.

      Companies started piling into the sector after Canada changed rules governing medical use to allow access only through licensed producers. In 2013, Health Canada began approving licenses and six medical marijuana companies began trading on the TSX Venture Exchange. When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau wooed voters with a promise to legalize the drug in the country’s 2015 election campaign, the industry began to take off.

      Frenzy Begins

      The market went into a frenzy ahead of a report to the government in November that laid out practical issues surrounding legalization. It’s yet to be made public but price-earnings ratios now range as high 737 for Moncton-based OrganiGram and 108 on a forward earnings basis for Aurora, a Vancouver-based producer. Canopy, the country’s largest medicinal producer, has a ratio of enterprise value to trailing 12-month sales of 50. That compares to 1.3 for Quebec-based pharmacy chain Jean Coutu Group (PJC) Inc. Enterprise value is market value plus debt.

      For their part, many pot companies say investors are betting on future growth.

      “The stocks are not overvalued,” said Denis Arsenault, chief executive officer at OrganiGram. Volumes have risen alongside prices, which signals that investment funds are becoming more comfortable with the industry and the idea that a legal one will soon exist in Canada, he said. “The investment community is waking up to the reality this is going to happen.”

      Prohibition Ending

      Cam Battley, executive vice-president of Aurora, whose market value has risen to $581-million from about $50-million this year, said that unlike pharmaceutical companies, which have long lead times between startup and generating revenue, marijuana companies will become profitable faster as there’s pent-up demand for product and millions of potential customers. “It’s been a remarkable fast growth period for us,” Mr. Battley said.

      Canopy has more than half a million square feet of production space and has proven it can raise and deploy capital, said Chief Executive Officer Bruce Linton. Smith Falls, Ont.-based Canopy, which operates out of an old Hershey chocolate factory, has the most substantial production facilities and Canada will have a multibillion-dollar marijuana market when prohibition ends, he said.

      In the U.S., the cannabis market in legal states totalled $6-billion in 2015 and is expected to reach $50 billion in 2026, according to data from Cowen & Co. But the drug remains illegal at the federal level and publicly traded companies are largely in auxiliary industries selling such things as seed kits and lotions, or raising investment funds for the industry.

      Pure Play

      That makes Canada a destination for investors who want to focus on producing and distributing the drug, said Brendan Kennedy, CEO of Seattle-based Privateer Holdings Inc. Privateer has raised $120 million to invest in cannabis companies including closely held British Columbia-based producer Tilray.

      That said, securities regulators have issued an “unprecedented” number of warnings to investors regarding the risks of cannabis penny stocks, Mr. Kennedy said.

      Last year, a review of issuers entering the medical pot business by the Canadian Securities Administrators found 25 “raised serious investor protection concerns” due to deficiencies in their disclosures.

      “Most of these companies are unproven,” Mr. Kennedy said in a Dec. 5 telephone interview. “They’re all based on a hope and a prayer.” Still, there’s massive opportunities in the industry with other countries such as Germany and Australia also looking at moving into medical marijuana, he said.

      While Affinor investor Brusatore is bracing for a pot bust, he’s betting another big investor will eventually move into the sector: Big Tobacco.

      “I’m pretty sure the tobacco boys are already getting their tie ups happening right now.”
      schrieb am 08.12.16 19:43:39
      Beitrag Nr. 198 ()
      Aphria's 8,3% Beteiligung in Kalifornien zum Handel freigegeben und kauft sich ein....
      CannaRoyalty Commences Trading and Acquires Majority Stake in DermaLeaf Skincare
      schrieb am 08.12.16 20:12:29
      Beitrag Nr. 199 ()
      Bodhi Inc. - Aphria - Cannabis Royalty
      Lange habe ich nach Bodhi Inc. gesucht, mit denen Aphria eine Studie mit über 1000 Patienten durchführen wird. Nichts nirgends - keine Namen keine Firma -

      Heute mit der Eröffnung der Internetseite von Cannabis Royalty siehe da:

      Bodhi Research is conducting a research trial into the use of cannabis in the treatment of concussion and post-concussive syndrome, under the direction of Dr. Neilank Jha, Neurosurgeon, Editor in Chief of Current Research: Concussion, and Chair of The Konkussion Retreat.

      Concussions – bruising of the brain caused by impacts – are one of the most common brain injuries. Bodhi Research is conducting trials exploring the use of cannabis to treat concussion and post-concussive syndrome. Trials began in September 2016, using cannabis from a leading Canadian Licensed Producer. Ultimately over 1000 patients are expected to be included in the study.

      Das ist Dr. Neilank Iha:

      Darüber forscht er:

      schrieb am 08.12.16 20:23:50
      Beitrag Nr. 200 ()
      Mackie Research bewertet Aphria mit $ 6,40 und schätzt volles Potential bis 2020
      Aphria’s full potential won’t be realized until 2020, says Mackie Research

      Mackie Research Capital analyst Neil Gilmer is feeling bullish about Canadian marijuana LP Aphria (TSX:APH).
      In a research report to clients last Wednesday, Gilmer maintained his “Speculative Buy” rating on Aphria, but raised his one-year price target on the stock from $4.35 to $6.40, implying a return of 32 per cent at the time of publication.

      The analyst explains that he arrived at his new target price by rolling forward his valuation to use a multiple of his fiscal 2019 estimates for the company.

      Gilmer expects Aphria will generate Adjusted EBITDA of $6.4-million on revenue of $21.2-million in fiscal 2017. He thinks these numbers will improve to EBITDA of $17.8-million on a topline of $56-million the following year.

      In the year of his valuation basis, fiscal 2019, Gilmer expects Aphria will generate EBITDA of $46.9-million on revenue of $121-million. But the analyst cautions that we won’t see Aphria’s true potential until a couple years after that.

      “Aphria is in an excellent position to benefit in this growing market and is well positioned to execute on its growth strategy,” he says. “The company has a solid balance sheet and positioned to expand towards 40,000kg in a little over a year. We are rolling forward our valuation basis to capture and reflect some of the earnings potential. We note however that the full realization of the company’s earnings potential is not likely until F2020-2021.”

      On November 30, Aphria announced it had closed a bought deal financing worth $40.25-million from a a syndicate of underwriters led by Clarus Securities Inc. and including Cormark Securities Inc., Mackie Research Capital Corp., Haywood Securities Inc. and Sprott Private Wealth LP. The company said the proceeds would be used for its ongoing expansion.

      Gilmer notes that Aphria currently has multiple expansions underway, with Phase Two expected to be complete shortly, a milestone that he thinks will increase the company’s total capacity to 5,500-6,000kg annually. Ultimately, says the analyst, the company’s Phase Four expansion should bring Aphria’s capacity close to 40,000kgs by 2018. But he thinks the producer won’t necessarily peak out at that level. “We continue to believe that there is opportunity for Aphria to scale up more quickly should the demand exist,” says Gilmer.

      Shares of Aphria closed today down 3.3 per cent to $5.22.
      schrieb am 08.12.16 20:38:28
      Beitrag Nr. 201 ()
      Eine "Blase" sehe ich hier noch lange nicht. Eine Anfangseuphorie, vielleicht, aber die wurde ja auch schon abgebaut. Von da her sehe ich für die nächsten Jahre ebenfalls einen großen Zukunfts- und Wachstumsmarkt.
      schrieb am 09.12.16 07:34:13
      Beitrag Nr. 202 ()
      Bloomberg Report: Die Pharma, Tabak- und Alkoholindustrie könnte in den Markt einsteigen...
      Die Gefahr von einer Blase wird ebenfalls gesehen.

      Im Gegensatz zur Pharmaindustrie sind bei Cannabis-Firmen jedoch viel schneller Umsätze generierbar.

      Auch die Tabak- und Alkoholbranche sieht den Markt und könnte mit viel Geld einsteigen.

      Bei Aphria mach ich mir keine Sorgen eines frühzeitigen Ausstiegs des Managements:

      - Die haben ihr eigenen Gewächshäuser, Geld und Know-How eingebracht!
      - Das Management will den Erfolg und bereitet das Geschäft solide vor.
      - Es werden starke Partnerschaften geschmiedet mit kleinen agilen Unternehmen.
      - Die man bei erfolgreichen Ergebnissen auch noch günstig übernehmen kann.
      - Aphria hat ohne Einsatz von Kapital eine Partnerschaft in Arizona-USA bekommen,
      - damit sind sie über Kanada nun auch in USA und Australien.
      - Hier wird mit viel Know-How und "Vitamin B" ein Weltunternehmen aufgebaut,
      - das sich dem Wohl der Menschen durch Einsatz von medizinischen Cannabis verschrieben hat!

      - Der Spaßfaktor mit "Coffee-Shops", Getränke- Nahrungsmittelindustrie kommt mit der Legalisierung.…

      schrieb am 09.12.16 08:02:58
      Beitrag Nr. 203 ()
      Bodhi Inc. - Aphria - Cannabis Royalty
      Dr. Neilank Iha ist wohl der Spezialist im Gebiet der Gehirnerschütterung - Concussion,

      hier eine Veranstaltung aus 2015 mit Ärzten aus Kanada, USA.... deswegen konnte ich unter Concussion nicht finden - Da ist sogar Google überfordert bei "Konkussion".

      Aphria - Bodhi - Cannabis Royalty bauen zusammen über die Grenzen hinweg etwas auf.

      schrieb am 09.12.16 08:16:32
      Beitrag Nr. 204 ()
      Die "Bought Deals" sorgen für eine schnelle Reifung in der Marihuana Branche!
      Steht nichts explizit von Aphria, nur die hatten ja erst vor kurzem auch 40 Mio "closed bought deal gemeldet" !

      Bought deals in Canada’s marijuana business show an industry rapidly maturing…
      schrieb am 09.12.16 09:44:45
      Beitrag Nr. 205 ()
      Bodhi Inc.: Dr. Jha discusses the Governor General efforts..
      CTV National [Video] (Dec. 6, 2016)

      Dr. Jha discusses the Governor General’s efforts to bring attention to concussion in sports and the importance of going beyond.…

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 09.12.16 13:57:18
      Beitrag Nr. 206 ()
      Aphria's invest in CannaRoyalty am ersten Tag nach IPO verdoppelt MK 150 Mio = 12,5 Mio für Aphria
      Im Interview ab 9:00 min spricht Marc Lustig über die Partnerschaft mit APHRIA…
      Mr. Lustig has a great deal of confidence about these opportunities and others he sees in the cannabis market.

      “I believe that cannabis will be bigger than alcohol, tobacco, and nutraceuticals, in some cases, all combined.”

      Shares of CannaRoyalty opened the day at $5.00, reaching as high as $5.20 before falling to $3.38 in late afternoon trading.
      Ottawa marijuana investment firm CannaRoyalty makes public debut…
      schrieb am 09.12.16 14:06:49
      Beitrag Nr. 207 ()
      CannaRoyalty (CRZ.C) debuts on CSE, blows up to $150m market cap…

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.12.16 14:17:30
      Beitrag Nr. 208 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.863.072 von sunny3999 am 09.12.16 14:06:49
      Zitat von sunny3999:…

      ab der 4:00 min sagt Cannaroyalty CEO Marc Lustig das APHRIA der Lizenzpartner für Kanada ist!

      schrieb am 09.12.16 16:32:13
      Beitrag Nr. 209 ()
      Legal Marijuana Growing Technologies Allowing Canadian Companies to Capitalize on Exploding Cannabis Industry…

      Aphria Inc. (TSX-V: APH) closed up over 4% on Wednesday at $5.23 trading over 1.9 Million shares by the market close. Tetra Bio-Pharma Inc.(TBP) is conducting a non-brokered private placement with Aphria Inc. (APH.V) of 5,000,000 units at a price of $0.20 per unit for aggregate gross proceeds of $1,000,000. Each unit will consist of one common share and one non-transferable warrant, with a whole warrant entitling the holder to purchase one common share of the Company at a price of $0.26 per share for a period of 3 years following the closing date. The warrants are subject to an accelerated expiry if the Company's shares trade above $0.45 for thirty (30) consecutive trading days then the warrants will expire in 30 days if not exercised.

      OrganiGram Holdings Inc. (TSX-V: OGI) closed up on Wednesday $3.41 trading over 1.4 Million Shares by the market close. OrganiGram Holdings Inc. is a TSX Venture Exchange listed company whose wholly owned subsidiary, OrganiGram Inc., is a licensed producer of medical marijuana in Canada. OrganiGram is focused on producing the highest quality, condition specific medical marijuana for patients in Canada.

      Canabo Medical Inc. (TSX-V: CMM) closed up over 12% on Wednesday at $1.16 trading over 1.78 Million shares by the market close. Canabo Medical Inc. is a Canadian corporation incorporated on March 19, 2014. Canabo wholly owns and operates Cannabinoid Medical Clinics, Canada's largest referral-only clinics for medical cannabis.

      THC Biomed Intl Ltd. (CSE: THC) closed up over 7% on Wednesday at $1.02 trading over 720,000 shares by the market close. THC BioMed Intl Ltd. focuses on the cultivation of medical marijuana in Canada. The company intends to research and develop technologies, products, and services related to medical marijuana.
      schrieb am 09.12.16 19:11:30
      Beitrag Nr. 210 ()
      Aphria: Unsichtbarer Champion noch unter dem Radar!
      schrieb am 10.12.16 07:41:25
      Beitrag Nr. 211 ()
      Der Kanadische MJ Markt allein könnte über 40 Mio sein (nach positivem Task Force Bericht geht es wohl los)
      The Canadian Cannabis Market: A Gross Projection…

      schrieb am 10.12.16 10:44:45
      Beitrag Nr. 212 ()
      @2:00 min Thema: Aphria Partnerschaft beim BNN Interview mit CEO Marc Laustig von CannaRoyalty
      Wenn CEO Marc Lustig schon Werbung für Aphria macht, dann dürfte auch ein Strahl an Invest auf Aphria gelenkt werden.

      Das heißt Aphria bekommt aufgrund der vielen Partnerschaften von allen Richtungen Zuspruch!

      Auch hier @4:00 min geht es um die Zusammenarbeit mit Aphria:…
      schrieb am 10.12.16 12:27:25
      Beitrag Nr. 213 ()
      Die produzieren sehr viele Meldungen zwischen den Zahlen...oder ist mein Eindruck falsch, weil du jeden Cannabiskrümel hier reinstellst?! Wenn es ein Unternehmen nötig hat, soviel an Meldungen rauszuwerfen ist das Zahlenwerk meist nicht so besonders.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 10.12.16 14:20:46
      Beitrag Nr. 214 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.869.411 von sdaktien am 10.12.16 12:27:25
      Zitat von sdaktien: Die produzieren sehr viele Meldungen zwischen den Zahlen...oder ist mein Eindruck falsch, weil du jeden Cannabiskrümel hier reinstellst?! Wenn es ein Unternehmen nötig hat, soviel an Meldungen rauszuwerfen ist das Zahlenwerk meist nicht so besonders.

      Warum liest du nicht die letzten 3 Quartalsberichte mit positivem Gewinn/Ertrag von Aphria und stellst dazu noch sinnlose Fragen?

      Als Profi und Anlageberater bei sdaktien, der Zahlen lesen und die Zukunft eines Geschäftmodells ableiten können sollte, wirkt das schon sehr ärmlich muß ich gestehen.

      Cannabis war Jahrzehnte ein NoGO und als abhängig machende Droge verschrien worden.

      Aufklärung zu den sehr vielen positiven und heilenden Eigenschaften, mit niedrigem THC -Wert und erhöhten CBD Wert tut der Gesellschaft bittere Not.

      Das dazu sehr viele Krümmel und Überzeugungsarbeit gehört, sollte jedem nach jahrzehntelangen Verboten und Strafen klar sein.

      Mein Vorschlag für dich lese nur was dich interessiert......und wenn es nur die letzten positiven Quartalsberichte sind.

      Den Link hatte ich dir ja schon 2x geschickt.
      schrieb am 11.12.16 09:11:03
      Beitrag Nr. 215 ()
      Kanada bereitet sich vor auf die vollständige Legalisierung von MJ Marktwert 4,5 Mrd in 2021
      Canada May Be Readying to Fully Legalize Marijuana
      If legalized, Canada's cannabis industry could be worth $4.5 billion by 2021.
      Sean Williams (TMFUltraLong) Dec 10, 2016 at 9:12AM…

      schrieb am 11.12.16 11:09:44
      Beitrag Nr. 216 ()
      Naina findet diese Düsseldorfer Idee gut: Cannabis soll dort legal werden
      schrieb am 11.12.16 11:53:59
      Beitrag Nr. 217 ()
      Cannabis in Canada – Klondike goldrush reloaded
      schrieb am 11.12.16 12:12:12
      Beitrag Nr. 218 ()
      Gefördert durch die europäische Union.....
      schrieb am 12.12.16 20:46:05
      Beitrag Nr. 219 ()
      Heute um 21:30 h gibt es eine Regierungsmitteilung: Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
      Möglich das es da unter anderem auch um die Task Force geht ?…

      Ministers Philpott and Goodale to make an important announcement, followed by a media technical briefing
      December 11, 2016

      The Honourable Jane Philpott, Federal Minister of Health and the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, will make an important announcement regarding an Act to amend the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act and to make related amendments to other Acts.

      Health Canada and Canada Border Services Agency officials will hold a media technical briefing by teleconference following the announcement by the Ministers.

      Government officials will be available to answer questions from the media following a statement.

      December 12, 2016

      Announcement: 3:30 pm EST
      Technical Briefing: 4:15 pm EST

      The announcement will take place in the Foyer of the House of Commons.
      schrieb am 12.12.16 20:51:11
      Beitrag Nr. 220 ()
      Interview mit Vic Neufeld bei "Globe and Mail" Investment Reporterin Jennifer Dowty
      Globe & Mail
      Marijuana stocks - Are they in a bubble ready to burst or is their market leadership expected to continue?
      Wer fragen stellen möchte, kann die bis zum 15 Dez. an die Mailadresse: senden. Interview wird am Ende des Jahres veröffentlicht.

      The Globe and Mail's investment reporter, Jennifer Dowty, this week will be sitting down with Vic Neufeld, the chief executive officer of Aphria Inc.

      If you have specific questions that you want answers to, e-mail by the end of the day on Thursday, Dec. 15, and in the subject line indicate, "Aphria question." Regretfully, not all questions may be addressed in the upcoming feature due to the potentially high volume of questions.

      The interview will be published by the end of this year in our print pages and will also be available to Globe Unlimited subscribers.

      Mon, 12 Dec 2016 14:40 EST

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 13.12.16 04:52:31
      Beitrag Nr. 221 ()
      schrieb am 13.12.16 07:07:49
      Beitrag Nr. 222 ()
      Heute ist es soweit - DER Task Force spricht zu den Medien um 16:45h MEZ
      NOTICE TO THE MEDIA - December 12, 2016 - The Honourable Anne McLellan, Chair of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation, and Dr. Mark Ware, Vice Chair, will speak to media about their report to the Ministers of Justice, Health and Public Safety.

      Ms. McLellan and Dr. Ware will be available to answer questions from the media.

      December 13, 2016…

      schrieb am 13.12.16 07:22:50
      Beitrag Nr. 223 ()
      Why the Canadian Marijuana Sector Is the Next Big Thing…
      schrieb am 13.12.16 08:48:49
      Beitrag Nr. 224 ()
      Aphria - Empfehlung Financial Times: 4x buy; 2x outperform ; 1xhold
      As of Dec 09, 2016, the consensus forecast amongst 7 polled investment analysts covering Aphria Inc advises that the company will outperform the market. This has been the consensus forecast since the sentiment of investment analysts deteriorated on Nov 23, 2016. The previous consensus forecast advised investors to purchase equity in Aphria Inc.…
      schrieb am 13.12.16 11:04:21
      Beitrag Nr. 225 ()
      schrieb am 13.12.16 11:19:16
      Beitrag Nr. 226 ()
      Bloomberg: Canada to Release Expert Report on Legalizing Marijuana Tuesday
      Greg Quinn[/b]
      12. Dezember 2016, 23:47 MEZ[/url]

      Canada will release an expert report on legalizing and regulating marijuana Tuesday, the federal health department said.

      The task force’s report will be released in the morning from Ottawa, according to a statement e-mailed by the department. The review ordered earlier this year by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government is a step towards his pledge to regulate the drug’s use.

      Canada is on a path to become the first Group of Seven country to allow recreational use, on top of its current legal system for some medical patients. The move has fueled a surge of growth in Canada’s marijuana industry in anticipation of billions of dollars of legitimate revenue. The value of publicly listed marijuana stocks has swelled.
      schrieb am 13.12.16 14:04:50
      Beitrag Nr. 227 ()
      Colorado's MJ Steuereinnahmen in 2016 könnten höher als 2014 und 2015 (zusammen genommen) werden!
      Colorado marijuana shops sold more than $1 billion of cannabis in first 10 months of 2016
      It’s possible 2016 pot tax totals will surpass taxes from 2014, 2015 combined! [/url]…

      schrieb am 13.12.16 16:44:57
      Beitrag Nr. 228 ()

      The Honourable Anne McLellan, Chair of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation, and Dr. Mark Ware, Vice Chair, will speak to media about their report to the Ministers of Justice, Health and Public Safety. Ms. McLellan and Dr. Ware will be available to answer questions from the media.
      schrieb am 13.12.16 16:55:16
      Beitrag Nr. 229 ()
      Chartpuls bei der Live-Übertragung
      schrieb am 13.12.16 19:13:40
      Beitrag Nr. 230 ()
      schrieb am 13.12.16 21:53:09
      Beitrag Nr. 231 ()
      Pot stocks surge following federal task force recommendations…

      schrieb am 13.12.16 21:55:11
      Beitrag Nr. 232 ()
      Federal task force advises wide-ranging legalization of recreational marijuana…

      schrieb am 14.12.16 00:27:45
      Beitrag Nr. 233 ()
      PI raises price targets on Aphria, Mettrum, Emblem and OrganiGram
      Jason Zandberg
      Special Situations Analyst
      B.BA, CFA
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      schrieb am 14.12.16 06:40:13
      Beitrag Nr. 234 ()
      Aphria CEO on BNN says: We're ready to jump into the recreational marijuana market…

      The federal task force report has been released with numerous recommendations on recreational marijuana legalization. BNN gets industry perspective from Aphria's CEO Vic Neufeld.
      schrieb am 14.12.16 07:00:57
      Beitrag Nr. 235 ()
      Bloomberg: Trudeau Gets Green Light on Legalizing Pot With Retail Sales…

      schrieb am 14.12.16 07:13:45
      Beitrag Nr. 236 ()
      Task force takes questions
      The task force takes questions about their report, saying we would like to have a diversity of marijuana producers.…
      schrieb am 14.12.16 07:18:39
      Beitrag Nr. 237 ()
      Auf Allen Kanälen - Legalizing marijuana: Task force outlines recommendations
      schrieb am 14.12.16 10:19:33
      Beitrag Nr. 238 ()
      Man wird es brauchen um die nächste US-Regierung zu ertragen. Möcht mal wissen, wieviele da rauchen. Kann es sein, dass der Cannabisgeruch in Washington weiter zunimmt?
      schrieb am 14.12.16 10:48:20
      Beitrag Nr. 239 ()
      5 Krankheiten die mit Cannabis besser behandelt werden als mit Pharmamedizin!
      schrieb am 14.12.16 11:08:33
      Beitrag Nr. 240 ()
      Hanf als Medizin: News aus aller Welt
      Während in Deutschland Leute wie Kanzlerin Merkel und die unselige Bundesbeauftragte Mortler ideologisch Cannabis auch weiterhin verteufeln und stattdessen den Alkohol preisen, sind andere Länder gerade in der Forschung schon viel weiter. Wir müssen dazu nicht jedes Mal in die USA schauen, auch wenn dort mit Sicherheit die spannendste Entwicklung rund um Hanf und Medizin am Laufen ist. Überall wird geforscht und getestet – hier ein paar Auszüge aus den neusten Studien und Ergebnissen.

      Australien: Regierung erlaubt Anbau von Hanf

      Allerdings erstmal nur für medizinische Zwecke, das trat jetzt Ende des vergangenen Monats auch gesetzlich in Kraft. Australische Unternehmen beziehungsweise Forschungseinrichtungen dürfen Hanf nun problemlos anbauen, dafür gibt es ohne große Umwege eine Lizenz und das gibt der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchung von Haschisch und Marijuana Down Under mit Sicherheit einen ordentlichen Schub.

      Studien zur geistigen Leistungsfähigkeit: In Australien wurde darüber hinaus in diesen Tagen auch eine aktuelle Studie vorgestellt, die über vier Jahre mittelalte Leute begleitete und dabei Kognition und die Fähigkeit zum Erinnern im Zusammenhang mit Cannabiskonsum dokumentierte. Die Ergebnisse weisen klar aus, dass es keinerlei Abnahme der geistigen Leistung gibt und man solche düsteren Beschreibungen getrost ins Reich der Anti Hanf Propaganda verbannen kann.

      Norwegen: Hanf als Medizin künftig erlaubt

      In gemeinsamer Initiative von Arzneimittelagentur und Gesundheitsministerium wurde in Norwegen jetzt der Konsum und die Verschreibung von Cannabis als medizinisches Mittel zur Therapie zugelassen. Künftig werden die Hanfprodukte vermehrt zur Anwendung kommen, zu diesem Zweck sollen Grasblüten in ausreichender Anzahl aus Holland importiert werden.

      Kanada: Verdampfen steht an erster Stelle

      Bei einer Umfrage von gut 400 Leuten zum Konsum von Cannabis zu medizinischen Zwecken in Kanada gaben 53 % an, vor allem auf den Vaporizer zu setzen. Es folgt der Joint mit gut 46 %. Der Vaporizer selbst wird bevorzugt als tragbares, handliches Modell genutzt und es ist gut möglich, dass diese Methode des Hanf Konsums aufgrund des unkomplizierten Gebrauchs und der gesundheitlichen Vorteile auch weltweit immer mehr Anhänger finden. Es gibt heute schon spezielle Unternehmen, die entwickeln ausschließlich Verdampfer und dieser Trend dürfte wie die Studie zeigt, weitergehen.
      Update: 14/12/16
      schrieb am 14.12.16 14:57:08
      Beitrag Nr. 241 ()
      News: Aphria continues expansion strategy -Aphria acquires additional 200 acres in Leamington, Ontario… [/url]

      schrieb am 14.12.16 15:31:45
      Beitrag Nr. 242 ()
      schrieb am 15.12.16 15:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 243 ()
      Vic Neufeld on BNN - hat er viel Neues zu berichten ?
      Morgen 16.12. ab 11:30h für eine Stunde bezüglich der MJ Industrie.

      Vic Neufeld berichtet über die 200 acres Neuefelder option für die Erweiterung! :laugh:

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 16.12.16 17:36:52
      Beitrag Nr. 244 ()
      Über 1000 Bewerbungen bei Copperstate in Arizona
      von 130 Mitarbeitern bereits 40 eingestellt, es geht voran mit großen Schritten.

      Freigabe zur Bewirtschaftung von Behörden ebenfalls erfolgt....Aphria hat den Fuß in Arizona und eine Beteiligung Californien - da soll noch mehr kommmen in den USA...…
      schrieb am 16.12.16 19:26:56
      Beitrag Nr. 245 ()
      schrieb am 16.12.16 21:23:29
      Beitrag Nr. 246 ()
      Direkter Link zu BNN mit Vic Neufeld -Here is how I think retailing MJ will work…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.12.16 05:08:21
      Beitrag Nr. 247 ()
      schrieb am 17.12.16 09:04:35
      Beitrag Nr. 248 ()
      Die Q2 17 Zahlen stehen Anfang Januar 17 an.
      Ich habe schon konservative gerechnet.

      Denn Aphria kann 2500 kg herstellen und haben bis jetzt erst 1163 kg verkauft.
      Der Rest von 2327 kg müßte schon einen Umsatz von 14-18 Mio ermöglichen.

      Ich habe aber nur 5,6 - bzw 8,6 Mio angenommen und komme dennoch auf 1,4 - 2,1 Mio Nettogewinn!

      Bei diesen Wachstumraten werden die und der Erweiterung die von 100.000 auf 300.000 sf geht wird Aphria Wachstum (g)ras-end schnell erfolgen.

      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 17.12.16 15:39:09
      Beitrag Nr. 249 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.905.202 von sunny3999 am 16.12.16 21:23:29
      Aphria CEO: Here's how I think retailing cannabis will work
      Zitat von sunny3999:…

      Vic Neufeld sagt:

      23,000 kg = 300,000 sf bereit in 2017 + Erweiterung von 700,000 sf 20 % erledigt = 140,000 sf !

      Das ergibt alleine für die 23,000 kg einen Wert von:
      23,000.000 gr. X $ 8/gr. = $ 184 Mio Umsatz = 55,2 Mio (30%) EBIT = GeGewinn $ 0,5/Aktie =

      Zukunftsbewertung bei diesen Wachstumsraten 30x/Gewinn = 15 $/Aktie spätestens Ende 2017!

      Dies alles ohne weitere Katalysatoren wie z.B.:

      - Höherstufung an die TSE
      - Partner Canabo Medicals, Tetra Bio, Bodhi, Medlab, CanaRoyalty, Massroots, Phytopain....
      - weitere mögliche Partner in Canada
      - Loblaw; Shoppers Drugmart, London Drugs, Rexall wurde von US Gigant McKesson Corp übernommen
      - Recreational Gesetz durch Regierung im April 2017
      - Copperstone-Arizona
      - weitere Partner in USA
      - Medlab in Australien und weitere Partner oder weitere Länder,
      - & zum guten Schluß, die neueste Meldung von 8,7 Mio sf Ackerfläche für was die auch immer gut ist !

      Kanadische und USA Börse haben dieses Jahr über Weihnachten und Neujahr nicht zu, damit dürfte auf niedrigem Volumen der Kurs gehalten oder gar noch oben gehen. Dazu kommt noch der Medienrummer der Marihuana Industrie die dieses und nächstes anhalten dürfte bei diesen exorbitanten Wachstumsraten.
      schrieb am 18.12.16 18:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 250 ()
      Habe mal einen Datenvergleich im Internet gefunden, die Zahlen sind jedoch nicht ganz nachvollziehbar - der Vergleich hilft dennoch:…
      schrieb am 19.12.16 10:55:45
      Beitrag Nr. 251 ()
      180 Grad Wende bei medizinischen Cannabis in der Europäischen Union: Stimmen von Patienten überzeugten!
      schrieb am 19.12.16 14:13:03
      Beitrag Nr. 252 ()
      Wenn jetzt auch noch der Öttinger anfängt zu rauchen ham'ses geschafft.
      schrieb am 19.12.16 16:35:40
      Beitrag Nr. 253 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.906.411 von sunny3999 am 17.12.16 09:04:35
      Zitat von sunny3999: Ich habe schon konservative gerechnet.

      Denn Aphria kann 2500 kg herstellen und haben bis jetzt erst 1163 kg verkauft.
      Der Rest von 2327 kg müßte schon einen Umsatz von 14-18 Mio ermöglichen.

      Ich habe aber nur 5,6 - bzw 8,6 Mio angenommen und komme dennoch auf 1,4 - 2,1 Mio Nettogewinn!

      Bei diesen Wachstumraten werden die und der Erweiterung die von 100.000 auf 300.000 sf geht wird Aphria Wachstum (g)ras-end schnell erfolgen.


      Hey sunny,
      könntest du mal kurz genauer erläutern wie du auf die Zahlen kommst?
      Im Annual Report steht was von annual production von 6000kg? oder meintest du, dass die 2500 in einem Q herstellen können?
      Wie kommst du auf den average sales price? In den Berichten lese ich immer nur etwas über cost per gram jedoch nicht, wie viel die umsetzen. Teile ich den Umsatz in Q1 durch die kg komme ich nur noch auf ne 5,x Zahl.

      Wie siehst du die Anlaufzeit von der Part II expansion? sind ja noch mal 57000 sq ft? also bis wann kann man da mit Umsätzen rechnen? sollten ja wenn ich mich nicht irre april '17 fertiggestellt sein?

      Was schätzt du für das Geschäftsjahr 2017? 5000kg sold? -> 25-35 Mio Umsatz?
      Wie siehst du die Entwicklung von den Expenses ? von 4mio in '15 auf 7mio in '16 angestiegen...da geht noch einiges an Geld für Markteting usw. drauf.

      Des Weiteren würde ich deine Meinung hören, zu den Optionen die die Managerebene immer wieder bekommt?

      Dickes Lob schon mal, für die ganze Arbeit die du bis jetzt geleistet hast!

      Gruß currahee
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 19.12.16 20:11:37
      Beitrag Nr. 254 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.916.974 von currahee am 19.12.16 16:35:40
      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999: könntest du mal kurz genauer erläutern wie du auf die Zahlen kommst?

      2016 sollten 2500 kg Produktion und Ernte möglich sein, geht aus der Tabelle heraus. Also 1327 kg noch für dieses Jahr zu ca. $ 7,5 = 9,95 Mio max. möglich. Denke aber zwischen 5,6 -8,6 Mio ist realistischer.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999: Im Annual Report steht was von annual production von 6000kg?

      Bei aktueller sf bekommen sie 2500 kg. ab Dez. 16 haben 100.000 sf = 7000 kg.
      Ab 2017 Sept ist Bauabschnitt III mit 300.000 sf fertig = 23.000 kg.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999: oder meintest du, dass die 2500 in einem Q herstellen können?

      Da die Zahlen und Daten und Termine ständig variieren lag da ein Fehler vor also in 2016 = 2500 kg!

      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999: Wie kommst du auf den average sales price?

      Den kannst du aus den Quartals-/ Jahresberichten auf der Aphria Homepage ersehen, steht alles drin.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999: Wie siehst du die Anlaufzeit von der Part II expansion? sind ja noch mal 57000 sq ft?

      Ich dachte die Lizenz ist bereits mit dem Anbau auf dem gleichen Grundstück mit drin, also Fertigstellung Ende 2016, dann dürfte die erste Ernte im März erfolgen, denke ich.

      Zitat von currahee: ...
      schrieb am 19.12.16 21:17:58
      Beitrag Nr. 255 ()
      currahee da hat es wohl einiges verdreht und verschoben, deswegen nochmal!
      Zitat von currahee:
      könntest du mal kurz genauer erläutern wie du auf die Zahlen kommst?

      2016 sollten 2500 kg Produktion und Ernte möglich sein, geht aus der Tabelle heraus.
      Also 1327 kg noch für dieses Jahr zu ca. $ 7,5 = 9,95 Mio max. möglich. Denke aber zwischen 5,6 -8,6 Mio ist realistischer.

      Zitat von currahee: Im Annual Report steht was von annual production von 6000kg?

      Bei aktueller sf bekommen sie 2500 kg. ab Dez. 16 haben 100.000 sf = 7000 kg. Ab 2017 Sept ist Bauabschnitt III mit 300.000 sf fertig = 23.000 kg.

      Zitat von currahee:
      oder meintest du, dass die 2500 in einem Q herstellen können?

      Da die Zahlen und Daten und Termine ständig variieren lag da ein Fehler vor also in 2016 = 2500 kg!

      Zitat von currahee:
      Wie kommst du auf den average sales price?

      Den kannst du aus den Quartals-/ Jahresberichten auf der Aphria Homepage ersehen, steht alles drin.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Wie siehst du die Anlaufzeit von der Part II expansion? sind ja noch mal 57000 sq ft?

      Ich dachte die Lizenz ist bereits mit dem Anbau auf dem gleichen Grundstück mit drin, also Fertigstellung Ende 2016, dann dürfte die erste Ernte im März erfolgen, denke ich.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Was schätzt du für das Geschäftsjahr 2017? 5000kg sold? -> 25-35 Mio Umsatz?

      Die haben die DiNiro Farm mit 345.000 sf Gewächshäusern anscheinend um 1 Jahr vorgezogen, also bauen gerade um und dürften folglich 445.000 ab März voll zur Verfügung haben:

      Ich schätze das dürften 21.000 kg mit 157 Mio Umsatz bis Ende 2017 geben! Also ca. 40-45 Mio EBIT!

      Zitat von currahee:
      Wie siehst du die Entwicklung von den Expenses ? von 4mio in '15 auf 7mio in '16 angestiegen...da geht noch einiges an Geld für Markteting usw. drauf.

      Da geht kaum mit was Werbung und Marketing, ist laut Task Force Ratschlag nicht erwünscht!
      Aphria gibt eher Geld für Sponsoring, Unterstützung von Organisationen aus und kauft sich in Partnerschaften ein.

      Zitat von currahee:
      Des Weiteren würde ich deine Meinung hören, zu den Optionen die die Managerebene immer wieder bekommt?

      Da ist Aphria sehr sparsam, Arlene Dickinson hat denke mal gerade so 50.000 Optionen zu 3-4$ erhalten. Bought Deals werden nicht mit billigen/geschenkten Warrants verkauft, was der Verwässerung des Wertes sehr gut tut mit gerade mal 110 Mio fully diluted.

      Das Management hat sein eigenes Geld, Grundstücke, Know-How und alles was zum
      dazu gehört!
      schrieb am 20.12.16 15:13:33
      Beitrag Nr. 256 ()
      Die ruhigen Handelstage vor Weihnachten bis Neujahr werden holprig!
      Sieht so aus, das das niedrige Volumen dazu genutzt wird den Kurs zu drücken.....

      Bin gespannt wie das ausgeht.
      schrieb am 20.12.16 17:16:01
      Beitrag Nr. 257 ()
      Einfach ruhe bewahren ich finde die Grafik ist passend…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 20.12.16 18:34:04
      Beitrag Nr. 258 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.925.998 von Snaxico am 20.12.16 17:16:01heute eine gute Gelegenheit, das Weihnachtsgeld für die Zukunft anzulegen *** :yawn:

      Lebkuchen, Schokolade usw bringen nur kurzfristig Freude ...:lick: :rolleyes:
      schrieb am 20.12.16 19:01:43
      Beitrag Nr. 259 ()
      Habe mein Weihnachtsgeld dummerweise schon gestern angelegt
      warte nun auf die Bescherung....ob dieses, nächstes oder übernächstes Jahr zu Weihnachten, Ostern oder Geburtstag ist egal. Hauptsache die Kurve steigt von links unten nach rechts oben....

      schrieb am 21.12.16 10:12:19
      Beitrag Nr. 260 ()
      Aphria News mit weiteren Ergänzungen zum Exclusive Vertrag mit Medlab

      Auszüge aus einigen News von Aphria und Medlab:
      Excerpts from several news regards Aphria/Medlab:

      22nd August both released Aphria & Medlab IR:
      Assuming all regulatory approvals are received, the volumes associated with the project will represent a significant portion of Aphria's production of the strains associated with the project and its oil extraction capacity. In anticipation of executing this agreement and the associated future demand, Aphria has already commenced its Part II expansion project and increased its oil extraction capacity necessary to support the project. The agreement affirms Aphria's commitments to investing in cash flow positive initiatives and the quality requirements necessary to produce pharma-grade medical cannabis.

      30th August

      7th Nov.

      10th Nov.

      Medlab will import the proprietary cannabis blend from Canada, through a licenced producer of medical marijuana, Aphria Inc. (TSX-V: APH, OTCQB: APHQF), completing the final product at a specialised pharmaceutical facility in Melbourne.

      Cannabis plant species, yields and a novel extraction process have been established in collaboration between Medlab and Aphria, allowing Aphria to produce large scale supply for Medlab.

      Medlab’s clinical trials at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, will be supervised by Professor Stephen Clarke OAM, a medical oncologist, palliative medicine specialist and Professor of Medicine at the University of Sydney.

      Recent statistics regarding cancer pain indicate it is prevalent in 64 per cent of patients with metastatic or advanced stage disease and that for one in two patients with cancer, it is undertreated.

      Mr Hall said this was a major pillar in Medlab’s research and development of its pain management portfolio.
      Read more at…
      schrieb am 21.12.16 10:30:14
      Beitrag Nr. 261 ()
      Auf BNN: Peter Imhof von AGF diskutiert Aphria
      Peter Imhof of AGF Investments gives his outlook for shares of Aphria Inc

      schrieb am 21.12.16 12:46:21
      Beitrag Nr. 262 ()
      Aphria's exclusive Partner Medlab mit neuem Dec.16 -Febr.17 Magazin
      schrieb am 21.12.16 15:32:57
      Beitrag Nr. 263 ()
      Aphria Announces Final Approval of Copperstate transaction
      Aphria increases investment to 15%…

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 21.12.16 18:24:16
      Beitrag Nr. 264 ()
      BTV Video zu Aphria- Value Analysis : December 21 by CapitalCube…

      Capitalcube gives Aphria, Inc. a score of 80.


      Aphria Inc trades at a lower Price/Book multiple (6.96) than its peer median (109.48).
      APH-CA's operating performance is relatively good compared to its peers. The market currently does not expect high earnings growth relative to its peers but seems to expect the company to maintain its relatively high rates of return.
      APH-CA has relatively high profit margins while operating with median asset turns.
      The company's year-on-year change in revenues and earnings are better than the median among its peer group.
      The company's relatively high gross and pre-tax margins suggest a differentiated product portfolio and tight control on operating costs relative to peers.
      APH-CA's operating performance may not allow it to raise additional debt.
      schrieb am 21.12.16 22:02:26
      Beitrag Nr. 265 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.932.859 von sunny3999 am 21.12.16 15:32:57
      Zitat von sunny3999: Aphria increases investment to 15%…


      Aphria könnte mit Copperstate Farm Investor und Eigentümer J. Fife Symington noch schneller wachsen:

      Er ist oder war Managing Director mit Joseph. J. Ueberroth bei Terra Nova Ventures im folgenden Firmenverbund:

      und Mexico hat gerade auch d´Cannabis für medizinische Zwecke freigegeben:

      Mexico Gets Ready To Legalize Marijuana…

      schrieb am 22.12.16 12:33:16
      Beitrag Nr. 266 ()
      Aphria Landkarte von Partnern & Marken
      Link zum Bild mit besserer Übersicht:…

      schrieb am 22.12.16 12:41:11
      Beitrag Nr. 267 ()
      Chartanalyse mit Geamtübersicht
      schrieb am 27.12.16 16:53:31
      Beitrag Nr. 268 ()
      Ein "MUST OWN STOCKS" im Portfolio!
      Aphria Inc Making Big Moves
      Financial Insiders
      By Alex Carlson / in Momentum Stocks, Sector Watch, Stocks / on Tuesday, 27 Dec 2016 02:18 AM / 0 Comment / 427 views
      Aphria Inc continues to prove why it’s one of the must-own stocks in the cannabis space with a series of aggressive moves. We knew this was going to happen last month after the company boosted its war chest. Aphria Inc closed a private placement with Clarus Securities Inc generating C$35 million, bringing its total cash hoard to just over C$88 million. We said at the time that “we believe the company is on the verge of some major developments in terms of production and M&A activities.” As we look at the latest developments, Aphria Inc could just be getting started with its grand plans.…

      schrieb am 28.12.16 09:54:19
      Beitrag Nr. 269 ()
      It's Time To Buy The Canadian Cannabis Licensed Producers
      Die Unsicherheit in Canada läßt immer mehr amerikanische MJ Firmen nach Kanada auswandern....…

      schrieb am 28.12.16 10:02:34
      Beitrag Nr. 270 ()
      FORBES News: Six Predictions For The Marijuana Industry In 2017
      Debra Borchardt , CONTRIBUTOR
      I write about retail and cannabis.
      Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own.

      Das interessanteste dabei ist Punkt 4:

      4. An Increase In Interest For Synthetic CBD

      With the Hemp Industries Association and the DEA battling over the legality of cannabis extracts like cannabinoids or CBD, there is an expectation for increased interest in synthetic cannabinoids. Seth Yakatan, the chief executive officer of biotech company Kalytera, said, “With AG Sessions and the DEA's clarification that plant derived CBD isn't legal federally, there will likely be interest in synthetic forms of CBD, which is what Kalytera has been testing the efficacy of for a few years.” Aside from the debate over whether CBD is legal or not, Yakatan is right that synthetic products do not have the legal limitations of other products. However, the synthetic products are not believed to be as effective as the natural products according to some patients. Fear over legal issues could create more demand for the synthetics.

      Read more at……
      schrieb am 28.12.16 10:32:06
      Beitrag Nr. 271 ()
      Aphria kauft sich wohl auch in die Kalytera Therapeutics ein......
      ...damit sind sie an der Kernzelle der MJ Entwicklung mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung die von Dr. Raphael Mechoulam in Israel entwickelt wurde!

      Mit den Partner Yissum (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) und Ramot (Tel Aviv University) sind die starken Partner mit über 4 Jahrzehnten Forschung Partner von Kalytera und somit zukünftig auch von Aphria!

      Aphria bekommt die Anteile über die Delavaco Group an Kalytera Therapeutics gesichert, dabei wird eine "Santa Maria Petroleum" Aktiengesellschaft als Mantel zur Verfügung gestellt in denen Kalytera, Delavaco und Aphria sich einkaufen bzw. verschmelzen!

      Aphria bekommt damit in Kalifornien, Delaware und Florida und Israel Partnerschaften.…

      The Delavaco Group, a lead and strategic investor in Aphria, Inc. (TSX:APH) ("Aphria"), a Health Canada Licensed Producer of medical cannabis products, secured Aphria's interest, and financial participation in the Offering as a strategic and lead investor. The Delavaco Group also participated in the Offering as a lead and strategic investor.

      Dabei wird Gary Leong Aphria Chief Scientific Officer ein Director der Kalytera Therapeutics:…

      Kalytera Investor kommt demnächst:

      Sehr interessant dabei ist das die Firma "SANTA MARIA" Petroleum ihren Namen für das NEXT BIG THING hergeben darf - Kolumbus hatte 1492 mit dem Flaggschiff "Santa Maria" und den deutlich kleineren Schiffen Niña und Pinta die nahe an USA liegenden Inseln entdeckt und damit Amerika erobert:

      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.12.16 11:29:12
      Beitrag Nr. 272 ()
      Innovations Abound in Cannabis, Despite Regulation
      Ethan Andersen; Tuesday, 27 December 2016 12:38 (EST)

      If there’s any industry in the US that’s growing at a rate like that of the tech sector in the late ‘90s, it’s the cannabis space. 28 states now allow for the medical consumption of cannabis, eight of which allow for its use as a recreational substance, and there’s no sign that state-specific industries will slow down their rate of growth.

      This rapid upward movement “is fueling products, services, and processes that will change the world as these innovations change how we look at all agriculture,” according to Electrum Partners President Leslie Bocskor, and most industry professionals would agree. Given the massive increase in employment and entrepreneurship that’s taken place over the last few years, as well as the expected increases to come, it’s important that would-be entrepreneurs take notice of the innovative practices being implemented in the space and brainstorm new ways to improve the services and products being offered by the industry.

      With that, here are some thoughts on innovation in the cannabis industry by its leading entrepreneurs:

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 30.12.16 06:31:18
      Beitrag Nr. 273 ()
      Aphria reassures market that its pot is clean pot…

      2016-12-29 17:11 ET - News Release

      Mr. Vic Neufeld reports


      Aphria Inc. has always prided itself on being an industry leader when it comes to the adherence of good production practices in the cultivation of medical cannabis under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR).

      Despite most licensed producers taking great care to provide safe and effective products, there are still reports surfacing regarding the presence of harmful pesticides in regulated medical cannabis. "We support the use of independent evaluations and testing of medical cannabis as a necessary measure to protect the safety of Canadians," said Vic Neufeld, chief executive officer of Aphria.

      Patients rely on a safe and high-quality product to meet their medical needs and it is critically important that all products sold through the ACMPR adhere to the strict guidelines established by Health Canada to ensure that their needs are met.

      "Aphria has always held itself to the highest standards when it comes to the production and cultivation of medical cannabis. This commitment stems from over 40 years of experience balancing the science, experience, and economics of growing high-quality and consistent products for commercial scale sales," said Cole Cacciavillani, co-founder.

      Aphria relies on a strict quality management program that continuously tests for pesticides and monitors all suppliers to ensure that any products used exceed the minimum standards set to comply with Health Canada's regulations.

      We have a good thing growing.

      About Aphria

      Aphria produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. The company is the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.

      We seek Safe Harbor.

      © 2016 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 01.01.17 23:27:45
      Beitrag Nr. 274 ()
      Hallo sunny!

      Vielen Dank erstmal für deine Mühe und den Enthusiasmus für diesen Wert und die ganzen Informationen dazu. Für diejenigen, die hier (wie ich) neu dazukommen, wäre es super, wenn du vllt auf ein zwei Seiten Word oder hier einfach nen Beitrag ein "Factsheet" erstellen könntest. Quasi ein Prospekt mit den wichtigsten Informationen rund um die Firma, Pros/Cons, Risiken, Management, Partner, Marktanteil, Entwicklung wichtigster Kennzahlen, und ein kurzer Überblick über die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe die du hier benutzt (wie z.b. "sf" und was es mit den kg etc auf sich hat und wie alles zusammenhängt).. Ich denke das würde ungemein helfen hier mehr Durchblick zu bekommen und vorallem neue Mitleser "ins Boot" zu holen :) Guten Start ins neue Jahr!
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.01.17 12:51:58
      Beitrag Nr. 275 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.988.320 von Oskilor am 01.01.17 23:27:45
      Zitat von Oskilor: Hallo sunny!

      Vielen Dank erstmal für deine Mühe und den Enthusiasmus für diesen Wert und die ganzen Informationen dazu. Für diejenigen, die hier (wie ich) neu dazukommen, wäre es super, wenn du vllt auf ein zwei Seiten Word oder hier einfach nen Beitrag ein "Factsheet" erstellen könntest. Quasi ein Prospekt mit den wichtigsten Informationen rund um die Firma, Pros/Cons, Risiken, Management, Partner, Marktanteil, Entwicklung wichtigster Kennzahlen, und ein kurzer Überblick über die wichtigsten Fachbegriffe die du hier benutzt (wie z.b. "sf" und was es mit den kg etc auf sich hat und wie alles zusammenhängt).. Ich denke das würde ungemein helfen hier mehr Durchblick zu bekommen und vorallem neue Mitleser "ins Boot" zu holen :) Guten Start ins neue Jahr!

      Vielen Dank Oskilor und auch dir einen guten Start für 2017,

      gerne habe ich einen Link zur Gesamtübersicht (teilweise mit Fehlern) aller Marihuana Produzenten "MJ LP" als Excel Datei, Cannabis Industrie Analyse - nicht 100% korrekt und nicht von mir…

      Damit kann jeder sich selbst erstmal einen kompletten Einblick schaffen, ohne nur Aphria als einzigen Wert zu sehen - jeder sollte selber eine Analyse machen - auch wenn das der Aphria Thread ist.

      Meinen Aphria Strategieplan habe ich vom englischen ins deutsche übersetzt, die Partner-Marken/Anteile und deren Nordamerika Betriebe im Überblick als Bild angehängt, das ich immer wieder überarbeite und reinstelle.

      1 sf = square foot = 0,093 qm
      bei 100.000 sf bekommt Aphria ca. 7000 kg Marihuana pro Jahr (für 2017),
      ab Sept. 2017 wollen sie dann 300.000 sf mit über 23.000 kg an Fläche erstellt haben,
      Freigabe für 1 Mio sf wird gerade im Vorstand diskutiert.
      Das Gramm wird aktuell im Schnitt bei 7,50-8 $ verkauft - siehe Quartalszahlen....

      Eines muss ich sagen, die Geschwindigkeit mit der in diesem Bereich MJ gerade Themen vorwärts gehen ist enorm.

      Ich kann mittlerweile nicht mehr 100% folgen was da alles passiert, denn hier sind Milliarden Investitionen von Privatier, Institutionen, Fond und Angel-Investoren getätigt, die im Hintergrund die Fäden ziehen - alles legal versteht sich. Als Beispiel: Tilray (Privateer Invest von mehreren 100 Mio.), Delavaco mit Aphria und Kalytera und viele mehr....

      Ich denke medizinisches Marihuana und freie Nutzung von MJ wird die nächsten Jahre sehr interessant!

      Alles zu Aphria und deren Zahlen auf der Aphria-Homepage:
      - Management
      - Finanzen
      - News

      schrieb am 02.01.17 13:03:03
      Beitrag Nr. 276 ()
      Alan Brochstein der Guru der MJ Industrie in Nordamerika sagt im Interview...
      ...behaltet ein Auge auf folgende Kanadische MJ Hersteller, im speziellen Aphria, mit der Option bei Shoppers Drugmart mit über 10.000 Läden reinzukommen.…
      Das von dem "MJ Profi" der eine eigene MJ Plattform leitet, sagt einiges zu Aphria's Chancen für die Zukunft aus......

      Alan Brochsteins: 420 Investor

      Alan Brochsteins: New Cannabis Investor……
      schrieb am 02.01.17 14:17:42
      Beitrag Nr. 277 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.988.320 von Oskilor am 01.01.17 23:27:45
      Aphria Strategieplan von mir zusammengestellt - nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen...
      ----unverbindlich und keine Gewährleistung auf Richtigkeit, da alles aus Informationen von verschiedenen IR-News von mir zusammentragen wurde.

      schrieb am 04.01.17 09:57:17
      Beitrag Nr. 278 ()
      Update von Copperstate Farms Arizona
      Aphria Inc. increases investment in Copperstate to 15 percent
      BY Barbara Bruce, The Independent Dec 30, 2016…
      schrieb am 05.01.17 09:08:29
      Beitrag Nr. 279 ()
      Copperstate Farms hat $27.1 mio an Finanzierung erhalten!
      Copperstate Farms sold up to $27.1 man in equity financing

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.01.17 09:17:27
      Beitrag Nr. 280 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.014.156 von sunny3999 am 05.01.17 09:08:29
      SEC Eintrag zu Copperstate Farms…
      schrieb am 06.01.17 15:06:43
      Beitrag Nr. 281 ()
      Aphria's Q2 Ergebnisse werden wohl besser sein als erwartet sagt M Partners!
      Aphria’s Q2 results will be better than expected, says M Partners…

      Aphria’s (TSXV:APH) second quarter results will be better than the street consensus expectations, says M Partners analyst Mason Brown.

      On Wednesday, January 11, before market open, Aphria will report its Q2, 2017 results. The street is expecting the cannabis company will post Adjusted EBITDA of $1.3-million and gross profit of $3.7-million on revenue of $5.1-million.
      Brown’s estimates for Aphria’s quarter are higher, across the board. The analyst thinks Aphria will post Adjusted EBITDA of $1.4-million and gross profit of $4.4-million on a topline of $5.3-million. He says there is still upside in the stock, despite the strong run that all cannabis stocks have enjoyed.
      “We like APH as a longterm play on the medical + recreational cannabis market,” he says. “We expect APH to be one of the lowest cost producers in the space and that the company, run by owner-operators and management with considerable operational experience, will continue to diligently allocate capital to position itself ahead of the impending recreational market. We highlight management’s operational experience in the agriculture and greenhouse industries and believe APH’s management team will be extremely valuable as APH executes on its rapid expansion plans (6,000kg pa now built and growing to over 40,000kg pa by Jan/18) to produce on an industrial scale. APH currently trades at 7.2x our CY2020E adj. EBITDA est; our target price implies 10.1x.”
      In a research update to clients today, Brown maintained his “Buy” rating and one-year price target of $7.10 on Aphria, implying a return of 37 per cent at the time of publication.
      Brown thinks Aphria will generate Adjusted EBITDA of $6.1-million on revenue of $23.3-million inn fiscal 2017. He expects these numbers will improve to EBITDA of $11.9-million on a topline of $40.2-million the following year.

      schrieb am 07.01.17 12:09:05
      Beitrag Nr. 282 ()
      Aphria spendet 100.000$ für Arthritis Studie!
      Aphria in Leafly: Can Cannabis Help Repair Arthritic Joints?…

      Aphria in Facebook:
      Aphria contributes $100,000 towards the Athrtitis Society to fund the grant for a comprehensive, three-year study to investigate if medical marijuana can help repair arthritic joints and relieve pain.

      Auszug aus in Leafly:
      Two Canadian licensed producers of medical marijuana, Aphria, Inc. and the Peace Naturals Project, contributed $100,000 each to the Arthritis Society to fund the grant, and the research project has been approved by Health Canada. Researchers hope to start the study by September, and preliminary results will be collected by the end of 2016.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 08.01.17 14:43:02
      Beitrag Nr. 283 ()
      Das sind die 5 Anti Marihuana Lobbyisten Gruppen in den US!
      These 5 industries are the reason why marijuana is still illegal…

      Why Marijuana is Better For You Than Alcohol…

      schrieb am 09.01.17 08:44:46
      Beitrag Nr. 284 ()
      Das sind die 5 Medikamente die Marihuana Umsatzverluste erzeugen könnte!
      Marijuana Could Literally Replace These 5 Prescription Drugs…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.01.17 08:52:06
      Beitrag Nr. 285 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.038.092 von sunny3999 am 09.01.17 08:44:46Guten Morgen,

      da scheint auf uns für die Zukunft was ganz GROSSES zu zukommen ***
      schrieb am 09.01.17 15:40:18
      Beitrag Nr. 286 ()
      NEWS: Aphria to Invest in New Cannabis Investment Fund…
      Green Acre Capital Launches Investment Fund

      Green Acre Capital Fund to Invest Exclusively in the Legal Cannabis Industry

      TORONTO, Jan. 9, 2017 /CNW/ – Green Acre Capital (“GAC”) is pleased to announce the launch of the Green Acre Capital Fund (“the Fund”) which is exclusively dedicated to making investments in the legal cannabis industry in Canada, the U.S. and internationally. GAC was founded by a team of entrepreneurs with a strong track record of early success investing in the cannabis industry in Canada. The team is led by Managing Directors, Matt Shalhoub and Tyler Stuart. The board of advisors includes Shawn Dym, Managing Director of York Plains Investment Corp., Lorne Gertner, co-Founder of Tokyo Smoke and Vic Neufeld, CEO & Chairman of Aphria.

      GAC has received lead investment commitments from York Plains Investment Corp. and Aphria Inc. (TSXV: APH) (OTC: APHQF) and is continuing to take on new investment commitments.

      The goal of the Fund is to build a diversified portfolio of the most compelling cannabis investment opportunities across numerous verticals within the industry. The focus will predominantly be on investing in private companies.
      tyler-stuart-green-acre-fundGAC Managing Director, Tyler Stuart

      Shareholders of the Fund will have the benefit of investing alongside a team with extensive operating and management experience as well as deep-rooted strategic relationships with Canadian cannabis pioneers and leaders.

      The legalization of cannabis offers a rare opportunity to invest in what will quickly become a multi-billion-dollar industry, as demand shifts away from the black market. The Fund plans to deploy capital, and leverage the experience of its leaders and advisors to help companies in the space succeed.
      matt-shalhoub-green-acre-fundGAC Managing Director, Matt Shalhoub

      About Green Acre Capital

      Green Acre Capital is a private investment fund focused on the Canadian medical and recreational cannabis industry with consideration for international opportunities. The Fund plans to invest in multiple sectors of the cannabis value chain, and to create an eco-system amongst portfolio investments that will help fuel growth and innovation.
      Original press release:…
      schrieb am 10.01.17 07:04:31
      Beitrag Nr. 287 ()
      BNN Interview: Green Acre Capital mit Matt Shalhoub…

      Aphria, Tokio Smoke, CanvasRx formen mit Green Acre Capital wohl den Recreational Marihuana Markt für Produkte, Software....Berater und Investoren sind Vic Neufeld (Aphria), Shawn Dym (CanvasRx), L. Gertner (Tokio Smoke).

      Canada's first cannabis fund launches
      Matt Shalhoub, managing director at Green Acre Capital, joins BNN's Catherine Murray for a look at why his firm launched Canada's first-ever fund specifically geared towards the global cannabis industry.
      schrieb am 10.01.17 08:52:07
      Beitrag Nr. 288 ()
      Aphria schreibt auf Facebook: THC in MJ kann Alzheimer reduzieren
      Die Studie wurde schon vor Jahre von Prof. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam in Israel bestätigt, jetzt erfolgt die weitere Untersuchung mit positiven Ergebnissen am Salk Institute in LaJolla Kalifornien.…

      Researchers believe that THC could actually reduce the bad plaque buildup and inflammation caused by Alzheimer’s disease. They say this could be the biggest break for the disease yet.

      schrieb am 10.01.17 16:24:38
      Beitrag Nr. 289 ()
      Aphria Inc (TSXV:APH): What can we expect from this high growth stock?

      Aphria Inc (TSXV:APH): What can we expect from this high growth stock?
      Ashwin Virk January 10, 2017
      Based on the latest analyst predictions Aphria Inc (TSXV:APH) is estimated to grow its earnings 71.6% over the next year. What should potential investors be aware of? I’m going to investigate the latest data and look into some metrics you shouldn’t overlook.…

      schrieb am 11.01.17 16:59:49
      Beitrag Nr. 290 ()
      Besten Dank übrigens an Dich Sunny!! Habe mich noch garnicht für die so rasch erfolgte und vor allem umfangreiche Antwort von dir bedankt :)) Werde am Ende der Woche meine Aktien von der NGB auf Aphria umschichten, denke da ist das Chance- Risiko- Verhältnis langfristig etwas aussichtsreicher.
      schrieb am 11.01.17 17:00:05
      Beitrag Nr. 291 ()
      Besten Dank übrigens an Dich Sunny!! Habe mich noch garnicht für die so rasch erfolgte und vor allem umfangreiche Antwort von dir bedankt :)) Werde am Ende der Woche meine Aktien von der NBG auf Aphria umschichten, denke da ist das Chance- Risiko- Verhältnis langfristig etwas aussichtsreicher.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 11.01.17 17:04:28
      Beitrag Nr. 292 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.060.982 von Oskilor am 11.01.17 17:00:05Sorry für den Doppelpost, habe NGB zu NBG (National Bank of Greece) geändert. Habe leider keine Ahnung, wie man eigene Beiträge löschen kann..
      schrieb am 11.01.17 20:10:09
      Beitrag Nr. 293 ()
      Aphria Reports 19% Growth in Quarterly Revenue…

      Klingt sehr gut. Aphria wächst und gedeiht... :)
      schrieb am 12.01.17 17:46:20
      Beitrag Nr. 294 ()
      Trotz guter Ergebnisse wird Aphria durch Daytrader runtergeprügelt.
      Schade eigentlich
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 12.01.17 19:34:54
      Beitrag Nr. 295 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.070.523 von sunny3999 am 12.01.17 17:46:20Der Trend ist jedoch voll in Takt. :) Bei den Wachstumsprognosen wird der Kurs unweigerlich folgen, mit der üblichen rauf/runter Bandbreite...

      Warten wir mal ab, wo wir Ende 2017 stehen... "The trend is your friend", wie im Lehrbuch!
      schrieb am 13.01.17 10:35:26
      Beitrag Nr. 296 ()
      Sunny und alle anderen, wie berechnet Ihr eigentlich bei eurer Kalkulation eine MK für bestimmte Umsätze pro Jahr?

      Ich bin bei Aphria investiert und würde gerne nachlegen aber mir erscheint das aktuelle Kursniveau als etwas heiß. Aphria macht im Quartal 1 Millionen Dollar Gewinn und ist bereits 500 Millionen Kanadische Dollar wert.

      Wenn die Legalisierung da ist und Aphria die 75 Tonne im Jahr verkauft, entspricht das in etwa einem Umsatz von 600 Millionen im Jahr also in etwa 150 Millionen im Quartal. Es geht nun also darum, den Faktor zu bestimmen der den Zusammenhang zwischen MK und Umsatz/Gewinn herstellt.

      Wie schätzt ihr das ein, was ist der best case in 2020 und wohin sollen Firmen wie Canopy, Aurora oder Aphria explodieren? Die Firma Nordex ist knapp 2,3 Mrd Euro Wert.
      Canopy ist bereits heute 1,5 Mrd Kanadische Dollar Wert.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 13.01.17 11:39:37
      Beitrag Nr. 297 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.075.473 von TheDude335 am 13.01.17 10:35:26
      Bewertung speziell Aphria und andere...
      Aphria besitzt Anlagevermögen von 100 Mio und cash 100Mio macht 4 Q Gewinn hat ein Top Management und Anteile in vielen Medizinischen MJ wie Tetra, Canabo, Copperstate uvm.

      Der Markt MMJ ist ein sehr schnell wachsender mit ca. 1,2 Mrd bis 2020 + 1,2 Mrd mit den Drugstores an denen Aphria dran ist.

      Dazu kommt der amerikanische Markt und die vielen angelaufenen Untersuchungen auf Klinikebene mit Tetra, Canabo, Bodhi und Australien.

      Vom Rec. Markt der 5-6x so groß ist und der im April das "Go" erhalten soll und langsam umgesetzt wird ganz abgesehen.

      Alleine Kanada soll einen Markt von 20 Mrd. sein ohne USA.

      In 2017 wird Aphria 300.000 sf + Diniro Farms 235.000 sf + 15% Copperstate & Partneranteile haben.
      300.000 sf = 23.000 kg + 18.000 kg Dino + 19.000 kg Copperstate = 60.000 kg + Partneranteile

      Das heißt spätestens Ende 2018 sind 500 Mio Umsatz realisierbar (Kanada/USA) über Drugstores.

      $ 500 Mio bei 30% Gewinn = $ 150 Mio also über 1,3 $/Aktie x -20 fache des Gewinns = $ 26

      Das wären gerade mal 4% kanadischer Marktanteil ohne USA!

      Die Chancen, das schnelle Wachstum mit den vielen An-/Um/Neubaute und freien Feld als Licensed Producer umzusetzen sind immens und läßt die hohe Bewertung zu.

      Eine aktuelle reine Bewertung auf Umsatz/Gewinn würde Aphria als überbewertet erscheinen lassen.

      Der Kurs nimmt einiges vorweg und eine 4-5x Fachung in 2 Jahren passiert eben nicht über Nacht.

      Das ist meine Einschätzung und alles deutet daraufhin, das die LP's aufgrund hoher Qualitätsvorschriften durchaus eine Vorreiterfunktion und somit eine globale Rolle spielen können.
      schrieb am 13.01.17 15:38:25
      Beitrag Nr. 298 ()
      Aphria’s management team gives it a real advantage, says M Partners - Target $ 7,10…

      With another quarter of growth under its belt, M Partners analyst Mason Brown says Aphria (TSXV:APH) is winning in the marijuana sector because of its superior management.
      Yesterday, Aphria reported its Q2, 2016 results. The company earned $945,679 on revenue of $5.22-million, a topline that was up 19.5 per cent over Q1.
      “I am most proud of the best-in-class and sustainable successes delivered by Aphria,” said CEO Vic Neufeld. “First public licensed producer to report consecutive positive quarterly operating results. First public LP to report consecutive quarters with net profits. First public LP to license its cultivation intellectual property. Diversification with non-cultivation assets. Low-cost producer status. The best customer service, as determined by Lift. Health Canada approval process for part II expansion under way. Significant progression on part III expansion. Cash on hand to pay for part II and part III expansions. Oil sales growing to over 10 per cent of revenue. One hundred employees and growing. Diversification into Arizona and the United States. Our primary focus continues to be building a strong, diversified and profitable market leader for our shareholders. Clearly, Aphria continues to outperform.”
      Brown says Aphria’s numbers came in just slightly below his expectations, but says in the longer term Aphria will win because of the decades of relevant experience its management team possesses.
      “We believe APH has one of the best-in-class management teams for navigating the difficulties of expanding production and operations multiples of where it is now, and we believe investors need to be cognizant of the various management teams driving the steering wheels as the industry moves forward on its widespread expansion plans,” says the analyst. “We see quality and experience of LP management teams as one of the largest risks to the entire industry moving forward on what we forecast as very large production expansion plans. We believe APH has one of the strongest management teams in the space: the company is run by owner-operators and management with considerable operational experience. The co-founders have decades of experience in agriculture and the greenhouse industries, producing and selling on an industrial scale, and the CEO boasts 21 years of experience at Jamieson Laboratories, a Canadian nutraceutical. With a strong understanding of the agriculture, greenhouse, and pharmacy industries as well as relationships in the pharmacy industry, we believe APH has one of the most qualified management teams to navigate the rapidly advancing Canadian cannabis landscape.”
      In a research update to clients today, Brown maintained his “Buy” rating and one-year price target of $7.10 on Aphria, implying a reurn of 30 per cent at the time of publication.
      Brown thinks Aphria will generate Adjusted EBITDA of $4.5-million on revenue of $21.5-million in fiscal 2017. He expects these numbers will improve to EBITDA of $10.5-million on a topline of $44.5-million the following year.
      schrieb am 13.01.17 20:26:25
      Beitrag Nr. 299 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 53.964.008 von sunny3999 am 28.12.16 10:32:06
      Aphria Partner Kalytera Therapeutics kauft sich für 10 Mio US $ in Talent Biotechs ein
      Kalytera to buy Talent Biotechs for $10M (U.S.), shares…

      Zitat von sunny3999: ...damit sind sie an der Kernzelle der MJ Entwicklung mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung die von Dr. Raphael Mechoulam in Israel entwickelt wurde!

      Mit den Partner Yissum (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) und Ramot (Tel Aviv University) sind die starken Partner mit über 4 Jahrzehnten Forschung Partner von Kalytera und somit zukünftig auch von Aphria!

      Aphria bekommt die Anteile über die Delavaco Group an Kalytera Therapeutics gesichert, dabei wird eine "Santa Maria Petroleum" Aktiengesellschaft als Mantel zur Verfügung gestellt in denen Kalytera, Delavaco und Aphria sich einkaufen bzw. verschmelzen!

      Aphria bekommt damit in Kalifornien, Delaware und Florida und Israel Partnerschaften.…

      The Delavaco Group, a lead and strategic investor in Aphria, Inc. (TSX:APH) ("Aphria"), a Health Canada Licensed Producer of medical cannabis products, secured Aphria's interest, and financial participation in the Offering as a strategic and lead investor. The Delavaco Group also participated in the Offering as a lead and strategic investor.

      Dabei wird Gary Leong Aphria Chief Scientific Officer ein Director der Kalytera Therapeutics:…

      Kalytera Investor kommt demnächst:

      Sehr interessant dabei ist das die Firma "SANTA MARIA" Petroleum ihren Namen für das NEXT BIG THING hergeben darf - Kolumbus hatte 1492 mit dem Flaggschiff "Santa Maria" und den deutlich kleineren Schiffen Niña und Pinta die nahe an USA liegenden Inseln entdeckt und damit Amerika erobert:

      schrieb am 14.01.17 22:30:46
      Beitrag Nr. 300 ()
      schrieb am 15.01.17 13:25:05
      Beitrag Nr. 301 ()
      Aphria's 15% Copperstate Anteil in Arizona kann durchstarten....
      SYMINGTON: A MODERN-DAY FARMER - From vegetables to cannabis
      Former governor's son has made career in agriculture, now ventures into medical marijuana at Copperstate
      BY Barbara Bruce, The Independent Jan 12, 2017

      schrieb am 15.01.17 17:39:25
      Beitrag Nr. 302 ()
      Ab nächster Woche könnten einige Nachrichten kommen
      wie z.B.:

      - Phase II mit 100,000 sf zertifiziert durch Health Canada,

      - Aphrias 15% Anteil mit der Lizenz für Produktion und Verkauf für medizinisches Cannabis, Copperstate hatte 40-ha (ca. 1.7 million square feet) State-of-the Art, Dutch style Gewächshaus in Snowflake, Arizona gekauft. Copperstate hat einer der größten medizinischen Cannabis Gewächshäuser in Arizona,

      - Diniro Farms 235,000 sf 1 Jahr früher als geplant Neuigkeit,

      - und zuletzt 200 ha freie Ackerfläche und was daraus werden soll....

      Ein paar eindrucksvolle Bilder von Copperstate-Arizona:

      schrieb am 15.01.17 23:25:07
      Beitrag Nr. 303 ()
      schrieb am 16.01.17 04:02:40
      Beitrag Nr. 304 ()
      schrieb am 16.01.17 15:38:13
      Beitrag Nr. 305 ()
      Aphria's Vision wird Realität auf über 1 Mio square feet Erweiterung beschlossen!
      Aphria's Vision to be Reality - Part IV expansion project to increase greenhouse growing space to 1 million square feet

      Project necessary to support continued mid-term demand expectations
      LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Jan. 16, 2017) - Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is pleased to announce that its Board approved a $137 million capital project, known internally as Part IV expansion ("Part IV"). The project will increase Aphria's capacity under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations ("ACMPR") from 300,000 square feet to 1,000,000 square feet. In addition to the 1,000,000 greenhouse growing square feet, the Company's infrastructure will grow to over 250,000 square feet, necessary to service the expected 70,000 kilograms of eventual annualized harvests.
      The project includes 700,000 square feet of Leamington standard, Dutch style greenhouses, 230,000 square feet of infrastructure, including new Level 9 vaults, automation for all of the greenhouses, processing areas, warehouse facilities, a 15 MW power and heat co-generation facility and security consistent with ACMPR standards. Aphria anticipates completion of Part IV within 12 months, Health Canada approvals within 4 months of completing the expansion and first harvest within 4 months after Health Canada approval.
      Aphria is in the midst of completing its previously disclosed 57,000 square foot Part II expansion and its 200,000 square foot Part III expansion. Part II expansion has reached the point that the Company has requested that Health Canada perform its inspection of the expansion. The Company anticipates increasing production capacity from 2,800 kgs annually to 7,500 kgs annually and is on target for full crop rotation by June 2017, once Part II expansion is approved by Health Canada. Part III expansion remains on schedule and on budget, with expected completion in late October 2017, Health Canada approval in January 2018 and reaching full crop rotation by the end of April 2018. The Company anticipates increasing production capacity from 7,500 kgs to 21,000 kgs, once Part III expansion is approved by Health Canada.
      "Demand for medical cannabis remains strong," said Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer. "Additional future medical cannabis distribution channels will only add to that demand. With over 260 acres of assembled land, Aphria has positioned itself to grow as the market for cannabis grows."
      We have A Good Thing Growing.
      About Aphria
      Aphria Inc., one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licenced producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. Aphria's common shares are listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the ticker symbol "APH" and on the US OTC market under the ticker symbol "APHQF".

      Vic Neufeld
      President & CEO
      schrieb am 17.01.17 07:04:30
      Beitrag Nr. 306 ()
      Aphria auf BNN: Vic Neufeld CEO sagt bei 1 mio sf 80 cent/gramm voraus!
      Das ist unschlagbar:

      Aphria earmarks more cannabis-growing space for medical and recreational demand
      BNN speaks with Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld about its move to increase its square footage of greenhouse growing space. He also talks about energy prices and how that affects business as well.…

      schrieb am 17.01.17 21:32:27
      Beitrag Nr. 307 ()
      Aphria Partner: Tokyo Smoke raises $3 million in Series A funding
      TORONTO, ON--(Marketwired - January 17, 2017) - Tokyo Smoke, a premium cannabis-oriented lifestyle brand, has become the first Canadian cannabis consumer brand to raise capital, and oversubscribed on its first round of fundraising. Strong investment interest in the burgeoning start-up resulted in a total of $3 million (CAD) raised by international angel investors, 50% more than its initial target. Key investors include W. Brett Wilson (iBanker, CBC Dragon Emeritus), Chuck Rifici (co-founder Nesta Holding Co, co-founder of Canopy Growth Corp) and Globalive Capital Inc. (founders of Wind Mobile).

      "I greatly respect Tokyo Smoke as a reputable brand focused on a legal and responsible approach to bringing clarity, safety, education and product excellence to the cannabis industry," says Wilson. "My strategic investment in Tokyo Smoke is in response to inevitable changes in the business environment for medical and recreational marijuana, and my desire to see the industry accelerate research initiatives around the various available products and promote responsible usage, especially in our younger consumers."

      Tokyo Smoke is an award-winning lifestyle brand that brings sophistication and design to the cannabis space. With immersive experiences and designer retail spaces with coffee, clothing and designer products, Tokyo Smoke is developing an international reputation as the go-to destination for luxurious, creative offerings within the industry. In collaboration with Aphria Inc. ("Aphria") (TSX VENTURE: APH) (APHQF), one of Canada's largest licensed producers of medical marijuana, Tokyo Smoke will release four branded cannabis strains in the first quarter of 2017.

      "Creating a new caliber of high quality products and experiences for the developing cannabis industry is extremely exciting," says Tokyo Smoke co-founder & CEO Alan Gertner. "We've witnessed a real demand for a beautiful, design-focused retail and lifestyle experience, where none existed before. Just like people who drink coffee or whisky, cannabis consumption is not what defines an individual. With the Canadian government taking steps towards legalization in the coming months, Canada could be to cannabis what France is to wine, and Tokyo Smoke will help lay the groundwork for that experience."

      With investment from Canada, the U.S.A and South America, the raised funds will be earmarked for product development, growing the management team and international expansion, with the first foray into the U.S. market slated for spring 2017.

      Follow Tokyo Smoke on Instagram: @tokyosmoke

      Follow Tokyo Smoke on Facebook: /tsmokecoffee…
      schrieb am 18.01.17 13:56:48
      Beitrag Nr. 308 ()
      Aphria Partner: Tokyo Smoke Ignites Cannabis Investor Interest…

      schrieb am 19.01.17 15:20:14
      Beitrag Nr. 309 ()
      Bundestag gibt Cannabis AUF Rezept in Deutschland frei; Krankenkassen müssen in Zukunft in bestimmten Fällen Cannabis als Heilmittel bezahlen. Bisher gab es nur eine Sondergenehmigung. Eine grundsätzliche Legalisierung ist das Gesetz aber nicht…
      schrieb am 19.01.17 16:59:36
      Beitrag Nr. 310 ()
      langfristig gesehen auf jeden fall sehr intesannt!!
      schrieb am 19.01.17 19:50:00
      Beitrag Nr. 311 ()
      Topthema vom 19.01.2017 - Podcast SWR 3

      Cannabis: Vom Rauschgift zur Heilpflanze…
      schrieb am 23.01.17 07:10:50
      Beitrag Nr. 312 ()
      Aphria's neue Investor Präsentation
      Highlights: 98 Mio $ cash
      Option/Warrants: 15,5 Mio $ (nur ca. 10,4 Mio Optionen/Warrants)

      Somit dürfte eine Finanzierung bis zur Fertigstellung der 1,0 Mio sf (137 Mio) fast durch Eigenmittel möglich sein! Noch 3-4 sehr starke Quartale und eine kleine Finanzierung und die Produktion für über 500 Mio $ Cannabis wäre realistisch!…
      schrieb am 23.01.17 07:18:49
      Beitrag Nr. 313 ()
      Insiderkäufe von Arlene Dickinson - Vertrauen in Aphria!
      Obwohl sie noch 50.000 Optionen für 3,7 C$ hat, kauft sie für 5,53 C$ auf dem freien Markt ein!…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 23.01.17 11:02:23
      Beitrag Nr. 314 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.139.253 von sunny3999 am 23.01.17 07:18:49
      Der Link der Insiderkäufe von Arlene Dickenson…

      schrieb am 24.01.17 08:35:21
      Beitrag Nr. 315 ()
      23.01 insider verkauf

      gestern Insiderverkäufe für 279.000 $
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.01.17 12:14:00
      Beitrag Nr. 316 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.148.676 von LithiumLove am 24.01.17 08:35:21
      Insider Caciavillani, Cole hat knapp 19% Anteile ... Aphria, sicher nicht schön dieser Insiderverkauf aber Cole Caciavillani hat:

      9,944,444 Aktien = 18.9% an Aphria. Die verkauften 50.000 Aktien sind 0,005% seiner Anteile.…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.01.17 13:56:00
      Beitrag Nr. 317 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.151.100 von sunny3999 am 24.01.17 12:14:00danke für die info!
      schrieb am 25.01.17 17:03:05
      Beitrag Nr. 318 ()
      Why Medical Marijuana is Critical to the Evolution of the Cannabis Industry
      January 24, 2017 at 11:00 pm

      Published by NCV Newswire
      DrBryan Doner Guest post by Dr. Bryan Doner, Co-Founder of Compassionate Certification Centers

      More than half of the adult population in the U.S. now has access to legal cannabis, and it is estimated that more than 500,000 patients may potentially benefit from medical marijuana treatments. The integration of medical cannabis into our healthcare system is a tremendous accomplishment, especially considering this was initiated by a patient centered movement.

      Though the recreational market garners a lot of the spotlight, the medical side of the industry has been a critical component of the entire industry’s evolution, and will continue to do so in the future. Recent research from New Frontier has projected that the U.S. medical marijuana market will reach $11 billion in 2020. Further estimates reveal that states like Ohio, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, are going to be key players in the industry.

      Florida’s market alone is expected to reach $1.6 billion by 2020, making it half the size of California’s projected $2.6 billion market and above Colorado’s projected $1.5 billion medical marijuana market. From a research and clinical integration standpoint, we have only scratched the surface of medical cannabis as an entity. It very well may be one of the most important developments in the history of modern medicine, and time will tell. Its importance to the acceptance, integration and expansion of the cannabis industry cannot be underestimated.

      These numbers are astounding and yet what is even more astounding is the lack of resources available to healthcare providers, who are a critical cog in the wheel. Medical marijuana is applicable to anyone who is involved in patient care, yet until recently, resources have been difficult to find and only initiated on a small scale. As a physician and medical marijuana advocate, I have noticed that despite the overwhelming amount of directories and educational platforms for patients, there is a surprisingly small amount of resources for those on the other end of the spectrum – physicians, nurses, clinicians, etc.

      For the legal cannabis industry to progress and move forward we need to educate providers and work towards integrating medical marijuana into mainstream medicine. Now that 28 states have passed legalization measures, it is imperative that all physicians and providers have a baseline understanding of the endocannabinoid system and medical marijuana. Not only of the science, but also how the system in our country works, which differs state-by-state and is far from traditional. They also, like patients, need to be provided with the ongoing support and tools to make integration effective and safe.

      Those of us who are physicians and providers have an obligation to understand the treatment options that are available today. Whether we believe in it or not, we still need to educate ourselves on the current research and have a basic understanding of the endocannabinoid system, because in the end, what we do is ultimately for our patients.

      Though we have a long way to go, there are some resources available for providers interested in learning more about the benefits of medical marijuana, and even how to expand their practice to include medical marijuana. Organizations such as Compassionate Certification Centers, The Answer Page, the American Association of Medical Cannabis, Americans for Safe Access, among others have dedicated programs to helping physicians and health care providers become educated and understand medical cannabis more thoroughly.

      In order for the industry to truly succeed, both healthcare providers and cannabis industry leaders need to be open to establishing a more inclusive and progressive U.S. healthcare dialogue. In my opinion, this includes DEA consideration of removing “marihuana” from the Schedule I listing. People ask me all the time what will happen when “marijuana is legal recreationally in your state.” To this, my answer is “nothing will change at all.” The potential medical benefits of cannabinoids are just starting to be clearly understood, and as time moves on, our understanding and knowledge will only increase. This ensures that medical marijuana will play a critical role in the long term viability and expansion of the legal cannabis industry.


      About the author:

      Dr. Bryan Doner is the CEO Medical Director and Co-Founder of Compassionate Certification Centers™, a medical marijuana marketing and consulting company that offers the educational resources, guidance, and leadership, needed to service providers and patients in states where medical marijuana is legal, as well as states with pending legislation.

      Dr. Doner received his undergraduate education at Denison University and completed a graduate program in Medical Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Boston. He then completed his medical education at the Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine, immediately followed by residency training in Emergency Medicine at Saint Vincent Health System (Erie, PA).

      He is a member of the American Academy of Cannabinoid Medicine, American’s for Safe Access, and the Society of Cannabis Clinicians.

      Dr. Doner currently practices clinically in multiple states, and has active medical licenses in Pennsylvania, Ohio and New York. He is currently certified to attest for medical marijuana in New York, and soon Pennsylvania and Ohio. He has attended numerous symposiums and educational events regarding medical marijuana and research, oftentimes serving as a speaker or panel member. As an advocate for Medical Marijuana and as a clinical researcher, Dr. Doner is especially interested in future research within this industry.
      schrieb am 25.01.17 19:54:31
      Beitrag Nr. 319 ()
      Interview mit Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld bei MIDAS Letter!…

      schrieb am 25.01.17 21:06:08
      Beitrag Nr. 320 ()
      Der Unterschied von Gewächshaus zu Fabrikgebäude Cannabis Ernte

      schrieb am 25.01.17 22:44:31
      Beitrag Nr. 321 ()
      Deutscher Hanfverband News!…

      schrieb am 26.01.17 12:20:44
      Beitrag Nr. 322 ()
      Chart of the Day: Marijuana Investing Search Trends
      wird Zeit, das sich das mal am Kurs wiederspiegelt!

      schrieb am 27.01.17 12:26:30
      Beitrag Nr. 323 ()
      Atheena auf Stockhouse schreibt: I was at the Aphria presentation on Wednesday!…
      ----> und das upgrade an die große Toronto Stock Exchange ist auch unterwegs! Weg von Venture
      I had the occassion to ask questions and to speak directly to John Cervini.

      Firstly he is a very personable guy who was very forthright with his discussion.
      The bullet points are:

      -they are the lowest cost producer.
      -they understand farming
      -they brought on Arlene D because of her marketing experience and to leverage her completely different industry experience and viewpoint.
      -the competition really isn't.
      -most of the companies in the space are just trying to get bought out.
      -the investments they are making are to open up more markets
      -Shoppers Drug Mart.... :-)
      -both partners and the CEO have long standing business relationships with the Weston family
      -John Cervini because he was a vegetable farming operation and sold to the grocery divisions like Fortino's, Loblaws, No Frills etc.
      -Vic N through Jameson Vitamins
      -after the formal part of the luncheon John was pelted by questions from was a joy to watch him field everything with ease.

      Final thoughts...hold this stock until June of 2018. The expected full roll out of the recreational should start by early 2018. Probably Jan 1st. Aphria is ready. Expansion is fully planned out and they are NOT looking for money in the markets. The company is being run by real professional farmers. They know business and they know growing plants/flowers.
      The numbers are astronomical. If you are a serious investor you are accumulating on dips and buying up everything under $6.00 This price won't last. Enjoy it while it does because most of the companies in the space are the get financing and try to drive stock price up with press releases. Aphria is in the business of cannabis production and sales.
      Good luck to all of you!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.01.17 20:57:52
      Beitrag Nr. 324 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.179.575 von sunny3999 am 27.01.17 12:26:30
      Zitat von sunny3999:…
      ----> und das upgrade an die große Toronto Stock Exchange ist auch unterwegs! Weg von Venture

      "Weg von der Venture". Ein kluger Schachzug! Die Venture schreckt m.E. noch viele Investoren ab. Gibt es dafür schon einen ungefähren Zeitplan?
      schrieb am 27.01.17 21:04:53
      Beitrag Nr. 325 ()
      Am 30. April soll das Uplisting an die TSX angeblich kommen... Ist das richtig?
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 27.01.17 21:57:07
      Beitrag Nr. 326 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.182.651 von MVAL am 27.01.17 21:04:53
      30 April soll es an die große Börse TSX gehen!
      Bis dahin versuchen einige noch billig reinzukommen, das wird jedoch nicht gelingen, denn es stehen zu viele gute News an!
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.01.17 00:13:35
      Beitrag Nr. 327 ()
      schrieb am 30.01.17 19:50:45
      Beitrag Nr. 328 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.182.859 von sunny3999 am 27.01.17 21:57:07heute gab es die günstigen Kurse zum letzten mal :look:,
      exact die Unterstützung getroffen,
      somit kann es jetzt nach oben gehen .. :laugh:
      schrieb am 01.02.17 08:20:49
      Beitrag Nr. 329 ()
      CEO of Marijuana producer Aphria on why investors in his stock will be richly rewarded
      CEO prepares fro explosiv growth!

      Vic Neufeld CEO, left, Cole Cacciavillani, centre, and John Cervini co-chairs of Aphria, stand in front of some of their Medical Marihuana plants at the company's greenhouse in Leamington, Ontario, May 26, 2014.

      31 MINUTES AGO
      Investors in marijuana stocks enjoyed phenomenal returns last year. While the parabolic rallies for many of these stocks have paused in recent months, further longer-term gains may be far from over. This may be the calm before another explosive move higher for these stocks.

      Last year, speculative traders in this space helped drive stock prices higher. Absent news from the government, many of these traders may have moved into other areas with price momentum, such as the so-called "Trump"-driven stocks.

      However, this spring, the federal government is expected to table legislation to legalize recreational marijuana.

      Favourable news for the marijuana industry may be a driver to reinvigorate these stocks, and more importantly, may, over time, expand the shareholder base to a greater number of longer-term investors with a high risk tolerance who see the growth potential for companies in this space in the years ahead.

      However, there are risks for shareholders to consider, one being time. While the path for the legalization of recreational marijuana appears to be moving forward, it is still a long road ahead. For shareholders, patience may be required while many of these investments transition from speculative stocks to growth stocks.

      For interested investors, several companies in the space stand out. One such company is Aphria Inc., given its cost leadership and attractive growth profile. I recently sat down with Vic Neufeld, the chief executive officer of Aphria. My questions ranged from those of my own, to those submitted by readers to me.

      Potential catalyst

      Mr. Neufeld says the expected draft legislation will bring "a lot of clarity" to the rules of recreational marijuana and investors will be in a better position to assess industry players. "Who's got the commitment, the passion, the capital, the money in the bank, who's got capacity to grow?"

      The answers to these questions, he says, may lead a potential investor back to Aphria.

      Growth potential

      Mr. Neufeld's near-term vision for Aphria revolves around the company's core operation in Leamington, Ont.

      On Jan. 16, the company announced that its board approved a $137-million capital project, the company's "Part 4" expansion plan at its Leamington facility. This project is a massive plan expected to propel Aphria's annual harvest capacity up to 70,000 kilograms. To put this in perspective, today, the company has approximately 2,800 kilograms of annual harvest capacity.

      The company has also purchased another 200-acre farm about six kilometres north of its main operation. Mr. Neufeld says he wanted to make sure Aphria has land in place for future growth saying, "You don't have the land, you can't build. You can't build, you can't build a business model."

      Low cost producer

      A key competitive advantage for the company is its low-cost structure due to its greenhouses, "Greenhouse is the only way to go forward to command a good share of the market price because at the end of the day the low-cost producer is going to dictate the market price."

      He noted that, "Almost every other licensed producer is indoor. What does that mean? They have more lights, intensity of lights, they're more intense, they use them longer during the course of 365 days, they have to air condition in the summer. We have less lights, lower intensity, we use them less, and we don't air condition…We use so much less power…That's a huge cost differentiator."

      Today, Aphria has a cash cost of approximately $1.30 per gram, and when you add depreciation and packaging to the cash cost, it rises to roughly $1.80 per gram. He is targeting even lower costs down the road with expected efficiencies realized from the company's expansion projects. For instance, the Part III expansion is anticipated to reduce costs to approximately $1.50 per gram from $1.80, and he says with pride, "it's even better after Part IV".

      Lowering costs is a main objective for management, "We are still learning little trade secrets on how to tweak our growing techniques to improve yield, less yield loss, better potency, better bud, thicker bud, bigger bud."

      He added, "There are many other benefits of being in Leamington. We use biological controls in terms of our pests. The incubation lab that grows them is like a mile and a half down from our campus, right in Leamington. ... We buy massive tanks of individual fertilizers… It is very simple to us because we've grown it for decades."

      Top three priorities

      In terms of Mr. Neufeld's objectives, capacity growth and increased efficiencies from the Leamington facility top the list. No. 2 would be "clinic platform growth." The purchase of cannabis clinics would enable the company to service more medical cannabis patients, accelerating Aphria's growth model.

      The third key objective is for Aphria to build a product presence in Canada's drug stores.

      If Health Canada allows pharmacies to be a distribution point for medical marijuana, Aphria is in a good position given Mr. Neufeld's professional background. For more than 20 years, he was the CEO at vitamin and natural health manufacturer Jamieson Laboratories. This position enabled him to establish strong relationships with pharmacies. "We are in deep, deep dialogue with a major banner to service their medical needs," he said.

      Professional expertise

      If Health Canada allows pharmacies to be a distribution point for medical marijuana, Aphria is in a good position given Vic Neufeld's professional background.

      For over 20 years, he was the chief executive officer at the vitamin and natural health manufacturer, Jamieson Laboratories. This position enabled him to establish strong relationships with pharmacies. He indicated, "We are in deep, deep dialogue with a major banner to service their medical needs."

      With a plethora of new marijuana companies sprouting into the market, Aphria's experienced management team is a key differentiator.

      Vic recalls his team at Jamieson, "We grew up as a family. When I started I had four executives, when we sold, I had 14, so in other words, I straddled myself with more intelligent people than me, and a lot of them." While this may be a humble statement from a former accounting professional and accomplished CEO, he has maintained this philosophy of surrounding oneself with a team of strong individuals. Co-founders Cole Cacciavillani and John Cervini are both farmers by trade with decades of experience. In addition, last October, Arlene Dickinson, an accomplished business executive well-known for her stint on the popular television show, "Dragon's Den", joined Aphria's board of directors in 2016, contributing her marketing expertise to the company.

      Industry consolidation

      Merger and acquisition activity may heat up. For instance, last month, Canopy Growth Corporation (CGC-T) announced plans to acquire Mettrum Health Corp. (MT-X). Once recreational marijuana legislation becomes clear, larger players may enter the space.

      "There are five spaces that are so logical as potential friendly suiters to come into Canada and look at licensed producers." He listed them as Tobacco, Alcohol, Energy Drink, Agriculture, and Pharma.

      "Every one of these spaces has a lot of 900-pound gorillas" noting companies such as Philip Morris, Bacardi, Red Bull, Monster Energy, Monsanto, Bayer, Scotts Pharma as, "all logical suiters".

      "They'll all be friendly. They need management so these will not be hostile."

      Aphria's low-cost production profile, sizeable harvest capacity, and land available for future growth may put the company in the spotlight for potential takeover consideration.

      In terms of any exit strategy plans, he notes that while he was a Jamieson Laboratories, he, "Built a company with 7 per cent market share to 27 per cent… I like to build. What we've done at Aphria from square one, started with nothing, absolutely nothing except a lot of our own money... What we've been able to do in two, two and a half years,… we've just done a lot of things right. I don't want the journey to stop."

      His growth objectives for the company are not dependent on receiving a takeout offer. "There are no land mines either ahead of us. The government is going to do what they are going to do and we are very capable and flexible to change whatever strategy we have to change ... We are not building our livelihood around waiting for the day when recreational comes."

      Graduation to the TSX

      He anticipates the stock may graduate to the Toronto Stock Exchange from the TSX Venture Exchange this month.

      Jennifer Dowty, CFA, Globe Investor's in-house equities analyst, writes exclusively for our subscribers at Inside the Market.

      Read more at…
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      schrieb am 01.02.17 20:10:10
      Beitrag Nr. 330 ()
      schrieb am 01.02.17 22:27:40
      Beitrag Nr. 331 ()
      Premierminister Trudeau macht Druck auf Cannabis - Gesetzgebung
      Trudeau-Canada pressing forward with marijuana legislation
      By The Canadian Press
      Tues., Jan. 31, 2017

      OTTAWA—Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould says the Liberal government is determined to bring forward legislation to legalize and regulate the recreational use of pot this spring, despite the fact it is working overtime to manage many unknowns associated with U.S. President Donald Trump.

      Wilson-Raybould says Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale is talking with U.S. counterparts about any potential impacts of the government’s plans.

      There are concerns introducing marijuana legislation in Canada could create problems with the U.S.

      Wilson-Raybould says the Liberal government is seriously considering a report presented by a special task force late last year.

      Among more than 80 recommendations, the panel suggested Canadians 18 and older should be allowed to buy recreational cannabis through storefront and mail-order sales.

      The world is watching Canada as it moves to greenlight recreational pot because no other major western country, with the exception of Uruguay, has fully legalized the drug.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 04.02.17 08:01:53
      Beitrag Nr. 332 ()
      Huffington Post: Cannabis muß, wenn vom Arzt verschrieben, von der Krankenversicherung bezahlt werden!
      Das wird die legale MJ Industrie weiter mit Umsätzen befeuern.…
      schrieb am 04.02.17 14:17:18
      Beitrag Nr. 333 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.210.517 von sunny3999 am 01.02.17 08:20:49
      Höherstufung an die TSE schon im Februar ?
      Aus dem Globe and Mail:

      Graduation to the TSX

      He anticipates the stock may graduate to the Toronto Stock Exchange from the TSX Venture Exchange this month.
      schrieb am 04.02.17 22:34:33
      Beitrag Nr. 334 ()
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      schrieb am 04.02.17 22:39:30
      Beitrag Nr. 335 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.240.890 von Popeye82 am 04.02.17 22:34:33
      Planting Seeds: The Cannabis Revolution Webinar
      schrieb am 05.02.17 09:55:22
      Beitrag Nr. 336 ()
      CASHING in on the Marijuana Boom

      Cashing in on the Marijuana Boom
      By Gerald Celente

      Gerald CelentePot is hot. And it’s going to get hotter.

      Today, either recreational- or medical-use marijuana is legal in 28 states.

      And given pot’s resounding victory this past November, when four states approved recreational use and another four states legalized medical-marijuana measures, investors and entrepreneurs of all sizes and shapes have been looking to cash in.

      Trends are born, they grow, mature, reach old age and die. The marijuana legalization trend is only in its infancy and can be compared to the end of Prohibition in 1933.

      And just as the sale of alcohol began in fits and starts, with different states having different laws, the long-term growth was explosive and sustained growth, which we forecast for marijuana.

      Indeed, Colorado, where recreational and medical marijuana was approved by voters, is a snapshot state of the powerful potential of pot as an economic game-changer.

      Gross sales from marijuana products in Colorado topped $1 billion in 2016, adding about 18,000 news jobs. And taxes derived from marijuana-product sales in that state now outpace tax revenue from selling alcohol.

      Gross sales from marijuana products in Colorado topped $1 billion in 2016, adding about 18,000 news jobs. I like to call it Reefer Money Moneyss.
      But as President Donald Trump’s administration is formed, the potential confirmation of Jeffrey Sessions as attorney general and other potential straight-laced appointments has some investors and analysts nervous.

      After all, Sessions did famously say last April: “Good people don’t smoke marijuana” and that pot is “not the kind of thing that ought to be legalized.”
      Those are among the comments that have some seeing a rough road ahead for marijuana.

      But I see it differently – much differently.
      My tracking of this trend finds:
      Trump is a businessman forming an administration that will function more like a board room than a cabinet. And pot is good business, just like legalized gaming was for Trump in Atlantic City, Las Vegas and worldwide.

      Trump will manage Sessions and others more like senior vice presidents, rather than political regulars. As long as the aim is economic and job growth that increase tax revenues, pot is safe.

      No longer considered a gateway drug, the social stigma and other societal resistances to marijuana have substantially weakened. And citizens, either by their votes or by pushing their state legislators, are proving they can make their own decisions about pot by letting the people decide. And Trump is a big supporter of states’ rights.

      Finally, though Sessions is clearly no fan of pot use, he also reversed course on harsh sentences for crack cocaine and related drug offenses. And in doing so, he reflected a more tolerant stance than his reputation and how it is routinely portrayed in the mainstream media.
      With “reefer madness” fears at all-time lows, and Reefer Money Madness aspirations still growing, the perceived obstacles to pot’s future – largely political – represent temporary delays at best.
      I’ve said it all along: states will write and implement the laws differently. Ultimately, however, people power and consensus will bring them to market.

      Marijuana-legalization momentum will continue to build. And as more states legalize pot, bordering states will be hard-pressed to stand still and watch the opportunity to generate healthy new revenue streams and tax income pass them by.

      The people want pot — and the states want profits.

      Let’s forget the government hacks in Washington for a moment. Polls in the last five years show public approval of legal marijuana is rapidly rising. An October 2016 Gallup Poll found that 60% of respondents approved. Gallup reported:
      Polls in the last five years show public approval of legal marijuana is rapidly rising. When Gallup first asked this question in 1969, 12% of Americans supported the legalization of marijuana use.

      In the late 1970s, support rose to 28% but began to retreat in the 1980s during the era of the “Just Say No” to drugs campaign. Support stayed in the 25% range through 1995, but increased to 31% in 2000 and has continued climbing since then.

      In 2013, support for legalization reached a majority for the first time after Washington and Colorado became the first states to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Since then, a majority of Americans have continued to say they think the use of marijuana should be made legal.
      The trend is clear: A majority of the public is over its reefer-madness thinking.

      Yes, Massachusetts’ delay on implementing the legal pot law is a setback. Still, this and other examples to come are curves in the road, not roadblocks.

      Just consider Rhode Island, Massachusetts’ southern New England neighbor. As Massachusetts delayed action, Rhode Island was fast-tracking legalization. Its state legislature is exploring how it can advance legalization laws within the governing body, not at the ballot box.

      Rhode Island sees the growth potential in bordering states with new lax marijuana laws, like Maine. It needs to act fast to generate the same tax-revenue potential those nearby states will soon enjoy.
      Bottom line: States want the dough.

      Look at Colorado. It’s emerging as the model template. Tax revenues from marijuana commerce exceed dollars from alcohol sales.
      Pure entrepreneurism at a small-business level is driving growth now. It will help shape the industry landscape that goes national — and then global.

      The potential market cap explosions are huge.

      As I wrote two years ago in my Trends Journal, “Legalizing marijuana would, in effect, create an industry that would enable government’s long regulative arm to reach into and, eventually, play party favorites with Big Pharma and other established mainstream companies.”

      Look at the product development. Look at business and marketing models being developed by pot’s first generation of entrepreneurs.
      Corporate America soon will have a navigational map to huge profits.

      Gerald Celente

      for The Daily Reckoning
      Ed. note: Most small penny pot stocks you’ll hear about are total junk.

      But there are a few that have a real chance at becoming blue chip marijuana stocks.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.02.17 14:26:01
      Beitrag Nr. 337 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.241.814 von sunny3999 am 05.02.17 09:55:22
      Zitat von sunny3999: taxes derived from marijuana-product sales in that state now outpace tax revenue from selling alcohol

      schrieb am 05.02.17 16:18:03
      Beitrag Nr. 338 ()
      Klingt wirklich sehr interessant. Was denkt ihr zum amerikanischen Markt, ist Aphria da mit Copperstate Farms gut aufgestellt? Reicht das?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 05.02.17 17:42:42
      Beitrag Nr. 339 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.243.329 von TheDude335 am 05.02.17 16:18:03
      In Midas Letter sagt Vic Neufeld (CEO Aphria):
      US Staaten Illinois, Connecticut, Florida sind im Visier von Aphria! Darüberhinaus laufen Gespräche mit 2 deutschen Unternehmen!

      Zitat von TheDude335: Klingt wirklich sehr interessant. Was denkt ihr zum amerikanischen Markt, ist Aphria da mit Copperstate Farms gut aufgestellt? Reicht das?

      VIC NEUFELD in Midas Letter:
      "And that’s why I said Illinois, I say Connecticut, and most recently, Florida. And Florida, given its climate and environmental conditions, is absolutely ideal for my greenhouse technology".…
      schrieb am 06.02.17 10:12:28
      Beitrag Nr. 340 ()
      Das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel schreibt drei ungewöhnliche Jobs aus: Es sucht Cannabis-Experten
      CANNABIS; 30. Januar 2017, 18:52 Uhr
      Dealer gesucht

      Joint mit Marihuana
      Seit wenigen Tagen bekommen Schmerzpatienten Cannabis auf Rezept. Damit sich alles im legalen Rahmen bewegt, wurde die Cannabisagentur geschaffen, die nun Mitarbeiter sucht. (Foto: Daniel Karmann/dpa)

      Das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel schreibt drei ungewöhnliche Jobs aus: Es sucht Cannabis-Experten - mit "einschlägiger Berufserfahrung".

      Von Kim Björn Becker
      Wenn der Staat zum Dealer wird, braucht er dafür natürlich gutes Personal. Um das zu finden, könnte die Bundesrepublik Deutschland nun einfach einen Beamten an den Frankfurter Hauptbahnhof schicken, damit dieser im Souterrain nach geeigneten Kandidaten sucht - eine entsprechende Fachkompetenz könnte man den Händlern dort wohl unterstellen. Doch weil die Jobs im öffentlichen Dienst erfahrungsgemäß etwas anders besetzt werden, hat das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte nun ganz offiziell drei Stellen für Drogenexperten ausgeschrieben: Gesucht werden Mitarbeiter für die neue Cannabisagentur, die am 1. März die Arbeit aufnehmen soll.

      Keine zwei Wochen ist es her, da hat der Bundestag ein neues Gesetz beschlossen. Seit Jahren weiß man, dass bei manchen schwer kranken Schmerzpatienten nur noch Joints die Leiden mindern. Doch weil der Besitz von Cannabis unter Strafe steht, mussten für Betroffene aufwendige Sondergenehmigungen her. Um ihnen das Leben leichter zu machen, gibt es nun Cannabis auf Rezept - und die Kasse zahlt's. Allerdings steht die Regierung damit vor einem gewaltigen Problem: Woher nur sollen die Pharmakonzerne die Pflanzen nehmen, um daraus ihre Arzneien zu fertigen - wo doch hierzulande jeder, der im Besitz von Cannabis ist und dabei erwischt wird, Post vom Staatsanwalt bekommt?

      Da kommt die neue Cannabisagentur ins Spiel. Die Behörde betätigt sich gewissermaßen als oberster Gras-Dealer der Republik. Sie kauft zu Marktpreisen ganz offiziell Cannabis an, prüft intern die Qualität des Stoffs und gibt diesen dann an Pharmaunternehmen, Großhändler und Apotheken ab. Später soll die Agentur sogar Lizenzen vergeben, damit Dritte für sie legal Gras anbauen können. Womit wir wieder bei der Frage wären, wer genau diese heiklen Aufgaben übernehmen soll.

      Was das betrifft, hat das Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel, unter dessen Dach die Cannabisagentur arbeiten soll, schon recht genaue Vorstellungen. So sucht es unter Kennziffer 4.02/17 einen "Beschäftigten im allgemeinen Verwaltungsdienst". Der Kandidat soll "administrative Abläufe in der Cannabisagentur" betreuen und "interne Dokumente für das Qualitätsmanagement" erstellen, was immer das genau bedeutet. Dafür erwartet der Staat aber auch "einschlägige Berufserfahrung". Deutlich interessanter (und auch besser bezahlt) ist die Stelle als Wissenschaftler, Kennziffer 4.03/17. Die Aufgaben: "Planung und Organisation der Inbesitznahme und der effektiven Weitergabe des Cannabis in das Vertriebssystem" sowie "Steuerung der Kommunikation mit Anbauenden". Erwartet werden ein abgeschlossenes Pharmaziestudium sowie "Teamfähigkeit" und "soziale Kompetenz". Und schließlich soll der Bewerber um eine weitere Stelle als Wissenschaftler, Kennziffer 4.01/17, aufpassen, dass es nicht am Ende zu viel mit dem Cannabis wird. "Überwachung der Lizenznehmenden" heißt es in der Beschreibung seines Tätigkeitsfelds. Bewerbungen werden noch bis zum 13. Februar angenommen.
      schrieb am 06.02.17 17:57:54
      Beitrag Nr. 341 ()
      Zulassung für TSX bis 3. Mai und KE zu 5 C$
      Zuckerbrot und Peitsche würde ich sagen. Aber angesichts dessen, was das Management mit der anvertrauten Kohle bisher gemacht hat, haben die sicher noch mehr gute Pfeile im Köcher und werden das Geld aktionärsfreundlich anlegen.

      Aphria Receives Conditional Approval For Listing On TSX…
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.17 18:03:12
      Beitrag Nr. 342 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.251.630 von TraeidIngIdI0t am 06.02.17 17:57:54
      Quelle zur KE
      Angaben zur KE habe ich von SeekingAlpha:
      They have also entered into an agreement with Clarus Securities, who will purchase 10M common shares at a price of C$5/share with an over-allotment option to purchase up to an additional 1.5M shares.

      80% of the net proceeds will be used for unfunded portion of Part IV Expansion and the remaining for strategic investments.…
      schrieb am 06.02.17 19:45:17
      Beitrag Nr. 343 ()
      "They have also entered into an agreement with Clarus Securities, who will purchase 10M common shares at a price of C$5/share with an over-allotment option to purchase up to an additional 1.5M shares."

      Das ist der Investor:
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 06.02.17 19:58:02
      Beitrag Nr. 344 ()
      Field of Greens

      Brock Winterton
      January 18, 2017
      Clarus was active in Q4/16 as it was involved in seven transactions raising a total of $444 million. We maintained our marquee position in the emerging marijuana space having participated in four transactions (two as lead) raising a total of $105 million. Other major transactions were completed raising $288 million in the oil and gas sector, and $51 million in the technology and diversified spaces.

      Issuing Company - Capital Raised - MEDICAL MARIJUANA

      Aphria Inc. $40.3 -Lead-

      CannaMed $50.0 -Co-

      Cannabo $8.4 -Co-

      Kalytera Therapeutics $7.0 -Lead-

      Da diese Zahlen am 18.01. veröffentlicht wurden, dürfte der Anteil an Aphria nun entsprechend höher ausfallen.

      Quelle:…" target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">…
      schrieb am 06.02.17 22:00:43
      Beitrag Nr. 345 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.252.803 von MVAL am 06.02.17 19:45:17Clarus Sec. ist aber nicht der Investor, sondern die Lead-Bank, die die Finanzierung durchführt und somit das Platzierungsrisiko trägt. Wer letztendlich bei der Finanzierungsrunde zugreift, das werden wir wohl nicht erfahren - außer es werden Meldeschwellen überschritten.

      Auszug: [...] it has entered into an agreement with Clarus Securities Inc., on behalf of a syndicate of underwriters (collectively, the "Underwriters"), pursuant to which the Underwriters have agreed to purchase [...]

      Ich vermute mal, das man vor dem Wechsel zur TSX noch die vmtl. einfacheren Bedingungen für eine KE nutzen wollte/musste. Denn eigentlich ist ja derzeit genug Cash in de Tash.
      Aber andererseits: Was du heute kannst besorgen... ausgegeben ist es ja eh schon für die Erweiterungsphase IV. Und derzeit ist man ja hoch im Kurs.
      Braucht`s für diese Phase IV eigentlich noch eine Zertifizierung durch Health Canada?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.02.17 15:06:15
      Beitrag Nr. 346 ()
      Also der größte Player, Canopy Growth, hat seit der Notierung an der TSX (letzte Woche) bereits über 10% zugelegt. Und das, obwohl sie ja schon eine fette Market Cap > 1 Mrd. $ haben.

      Habe jedenfalls keine unternehmensbezogene News in dem Zeitraum gefunden, die den Kursanstieg erklären könnte.

      Das verheißt doch was Gutes für Aphria`s TSX-Start bist Mai ;-)
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.02.17 20:13:44
      Beitrag Nr. 347 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.254.144 von TraeidIngIdI0t am 06.02.17 22:00:43
      Zitat von TraeidIngIdI0t: Clarus Sec. ist aber nicht der Investor, sondern die Lead-Bank, die die Finanzierung durchführt und somit das Platzierungsrisiko trägt. Wer letztendlich bei der Finanzierungsrunde zugreift, das werden wir wohl nicht erfahren - außer es werden Meldeschwellen überschritten.

      Danke für die Richtigstellung! Da war ich etwas zu schnell mit die Tasten. :)

      Aber der Wechsel an die TSX macht das Investment auf jeden Fall "seriöser". Das sollte auf Dauer noch mehr Investoren anlocken... Gefällt mir.
      schrieb am 07.02.17 20:14:48
      Beitrag Nr. 348 ()
      Sehr interessanter Cannabis Studie!
      Stepping Up to the Next:

      Level Canada’s Cannabis Companies Preparing for Market Expansion…
      schrieb am 07.02.17 20:17:43
      Beitrag Nr. 349 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.259.781 von TraeidIngIdI0t am 07.02.17 15:06:15
      Nicht ganz Canopy wurde am 25 July an die TSX hochgestuft und hat sich seitdem fast verfünfacht
      Link dazu:…
      quote=TraeidIngIdI0t;54259781]Also der größte Player, Canopy Growth, hat seit der Notierung an der TSX (letzte Woche) bereits über 10% zugelegt. Und das, obwohl sie ja schon eine fette Market Cap > 1 Mrd. $ haben.

      Habe jedenfalls keine unternehmensbezogene News in dem Zeitraum gefunden, die den Kursanstieg erklären könnte.

      Das verheißt doch was Gutes für Aphria`s TSX-Start bist Mai ;-)[/quote]
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.17 06:43:14
      Beitrag Nr. 350 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.263.597 von sunny3999 am 07.02.17 20:17:43
      Es wird also noch viel besser ;-)
      Danke für die Aufklärung, hatte eine fehlerhafte Quelle. Aber toll ist, das die Realität noch viel besser aussieht ;-)

      Ist eine ähnlich hohe Bewertung wie bei Canopy realistisch? Ich empfinde die von Canopy ja schon zu hoch... Nur wegen der Recreational-Ausrichtung?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 08.02.17 07:14:55
      Beitrag Nr. 351 ()
      Copperstate Farms Video
      schrieb am 08.02.17 07:19:58
      Beitrag Nr. 352 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.265.526 von TraeidIngIdI0t am 08.02.17 06:43:14
      Für TSX ist höchste Zeit für Aphria!
      Viele große Investoren können nicht an der Venture investieren.

      Wie sich Aphria nach Höherstufung nun entwickeln wird, kann man noch nicht sagen. Einiges an Plus sollte dennoch drin sein.

      Canopy hat eben schon sehr früh die Gunst der großen Anleger genutzt.
      schrieb am 10.02.17 18:28:40
      Beitrag Nr. 353 ()
      schrieb am 14.02.17 20:13:04
      Beitrag Nr. 354 ()
      Aphria wird größte Konkurrenz zu Canopy Growth!
      Canopy Growth Corp.’s TSX Marijuana Niche Has Just Been Invaded

      Brian Paradza | February 14, 2017 | More on: WEED APH

      Canopy Growth Corp (TSX:WEED) has enjoyed being the only marijuana stock on the TSX since its graduation from the junior TSX-Venture exchange (TSXV) on September 1, 2016. The graduation brought about an increased focus on, new investor interest in, and a surge in the stock price of Canopy Growth.

      However, that position has come to an end.

      On February 6, 2017, Aphria Inc (TSXV:APH) announced that it has been granted conditional approval to graduate from the TSXV to the main TSX. Aphria has to meet the TSX listing requirements by May 3, 2017.

      What does that mean for Canopy Growth?

      The competition is closing in.

      Graduating from the TSXV to the TSX increases the visibility of a stock among institutional investors and analysts as well. For investors who choose only to focus on senior-listed stocks, Canopy has been the only marijuana stock of choice since September 2016.

      However, with Aphria’s arrival on the main exchange, that position is going to change. Aphria is going to compete heavily and snatch some attention away from Canopy Growth.

      Now there will be two options to look at when taking a speculative marijuana gamble on the TSX — not just one.

      Since its grand entry into the elite TSX senior club, Canopy Growth has generated so much interest and attention that it has hysterically lifted the stock price. This has enabled the company to go on a shopping spree, acquiring other marijuana producers and boosting market share while using the bloated share price as the transaction currency.

      The entry of Aphria into the fray could dampen the growth in that buying power and slow down Canopy Growth’s share-price growth.

      Canopy’s listing on the TSX represented another major industry milestone. Now Aphria is joining it on the TSX to enjoy the limelight and take some share of glory away too.

      As Aphria lists on the senior exchange, it may become even easier for the smaller contender to raise the much-needed capital for further capital investments in productive capacity in time for the recreational marijuana legalization that may bring a boom to the marijuana market size.

      As Canopy Growth CEO Bruce Linton said back in 2016, “Listing on the TSX will bring even more visibility and credibility as we pursue domestic and international business.” The same is going to be true for Aphria and will result in intense competition against Canopy Growth in the near future.

      Investor takeaway

      The marijuana market is still the most volatile and highly uncertain market in Canada as producers jostle for market positions, and media hype drives share prices like crazy. As the marijuana market is shaping up, producers are wrestling each other for market share as well as the elite investor’s dollar.

      Aphria’s graduation to the TSX could do good to its share price, but it may also bring about further scrutiny for the company. Canopy Growth is being closely followed by competitors and needs to hold strong to its early mover gains.

      Investor due diligence is strongly advised. High volatility in marijuana stocks means you should invest with full knowledge of the probability that you may lose a significant stake in mere weeks.

      schrieb am 14.02.17 21:24:55
      Beitrag Nr. 355 ()
      Aphria auf Globe an Mail als TSX Kandidat mit großem Potential…

      TSX breakouts: This marijuana stock is gaining momentum!

      The Globe and Mail Published Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017 9:29AM EST Last updated Tuesday, Feb. 14, 2017 9:40AM EST 1 Comments f t i A A In Canada, the economic calendar is light today. Watch for housing data as the Teranet-National Bank home price index figures from January get released. In terms of earnings releases for Canadian stocks, CAE Inc. (CAE-T), Keyera Corp. (KEY-T) and Pan American Silver Corp. (PAAS-T) are all scheduled to release their quarterly results. In the U.S., inflation data will be announced, and U.S. Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen will be speaking before Congress, providing the semi-annual monetary policy report. On the commodity front, the price of oil is firmer, rising above $53 (U.S.) a barrel. Meanwhile, the price of natural gas futures continues to slide after falling below the $3 (U.S.) mark on Monday. The price of gold is up modestly, less than 1 per cent. Briefly recapping Mondays stock market returns, major North American equity markets extended their gains, closing at all-time highs. In the U.S., the Dow Jones Industrial Average rallied 0.70 per cent, and both the S&P 500 index and Nasdaq composite index advanced 0.52 per cent. Turning to Canada, the S&P/TSX composite index increased 27 points, or 0.17 per cent. There were 117 securities in the TSX Index that advanced, 128 securities declined in value, and four stocks closed the day unchanged. The TSX Index is up 3.07 per cent year to date. On todays TSX Breakouts report, there are 62 stocks on the positive breakouts list (stocks with positive price momentum), and just six stocks are on the negative breakouts list (stocks with negative price momentum). The security highlighted today remains in an uptrend and may appear on the positive breakouts list in the upcoming months.

      The shares appear to be under accumulation with more than double the historical daily average trading volume trading on Monday. The company is Aphria Inc. (APHX). Given controversy surrounding the topic of legalized recreational marijuana, this security may be best suited for consideration by growth investors with a high risk tolerance. A brief outline is provided below that may serve as a springboard for further fundamental research. The company Leamington, Ontario-based Aphria is a producer and marketer of medical marijuana products. The company generates revenue through two channels, retail and wholesale. This is a company with significant upside revenue growth potential given potential legislative changes. On Feb. 6, the company announced a $50-million bought deal financing. Proceeds will be used to fund its recently announced Part IV expansion project. On Jan. 16, the company announced that its Board of Directors approved a $137-million capital project. This expansion project is a massive plan expected to propel their annual harvest capacity up to 70,000 kilograms, up from the companys present annual harvest capacity of approximately 2,800 kilograms. One key competitive advantage for the company is its low cost structure given that the company uses greenhouses, reducing their power consumption. Today, Aphria has a cash cost of approximately $1.30 per gram, and when you add depreciation and packaging to the cash cost, it rises to roughly $1.80 per gram. Management anticipates cash costs will fall to approximately $1.50 per gram with the companys Part III expansion project, and decline even further with the completion of its Part IV project. Earlier this month, the company received conditional approval from the Toronto Stock Exchange to graduate to the big board, the TSX, from the TSX Venture Exchange. Final approval is expected to be received on or before the deadline date of May 3. The companys fiscal year-end is May 31. Aphria Inc Past year Feb. 17, 2016 1.14 Feb. 14, 2017 5.97 SOURCE: BARCHART Dividend policy The company is focused on growth and currently does not pay its shareholders a dividend. Financial forecasts The Street is forecasting revenue of $20.5-million in fiscal 2017, rising to $43.7-million in fiscal 2018, and nearly tripling to $127.3-million the following fiscal year. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) is forecast by the Street to come in at $4.5-million in fiscal 2017, $13.9-million in fiscal 2018, and $47.3-million in fiscal 2019. Finally, the consensus earnings per share estimates are 2 cents in fiscal 2017, 8 cents in fiscal 2018, and 27 cents in fiscal 2019. Over the past six months, forecasts have been relatively stable with minor revisions. In August 2016, the consensus revenue estimates were $20.9-million for fiscal 2017 and $41.6-million for fiscal 2018. The consensus EBITDA estimates were $5.1-million in fiscal 2017 and $15-million the following fiscal year. In comparison, revenue for industry peer, Canopy Growth Corp. (WEED-T), is forecast by the Street to be $45.6-million in fiscal 2017, $130-million in fiscal 2018, and $324-million in fiscal 2019. The consensus EBITDA forecasts are a $2-million loss in fiscal 2017, a profit of $15-million in fiscal 2018, and a gain of $45.8-million in fiscal 2019. Valuation According to Bloomberg, the stock is trading at an enterprise value-to-sales multiples of 12.8 times the fiscal 2018 consensus estimate and 4.4 times the fiscal 2019 consensus estimate. The consensus one-year target price is $6.56, suggesting a potential price return of 13 per cent over the next 12 months. Individual target prices range from a low of $5 (at GMP) to a high of $7.50 (at Eight Capital). Individual target prices are as follows in numerical order: $5, $6, $6.40, $6.50, $7.10, $7.40, and $7.50. Analysts recommendations This small cap stock, with a market capitalization of $650-million, is covered by seven analysts, four analysts have buy recommendations, two analysts have speculative buy recommendations, and one analyst has a hold recommendation. The seven firms providing research coverage are as follows in alphabetical order: Clarus Securities, Cormark Securities, Eight Capital, GMP, M Partners, Mackie Research Capital, and PI Financial. Revised target prices Analysts have been revising their target prices higher. This month, Daniel Pearlstein, the analyst from Eight Capital, bumped his target price to $7.50 from $6. In January, Mason Brown, the analyst at M Partners, increased his target price to $7.10 from $6.10. In addition, Martin Landry, the analyst from GMP, revised his target price to $5 from $4.25, and PI Financials analyst, Jason Zandberg, raised his target price by 50 cents to $6. Insider transaction activity Last month, co-founder, Cole Cacciavillani, sold 50,000 shares at a price of $5.58 per share on Jan. 23 but maintains a significant ownership position. On the flip side, Arlene Dickinson, board member who well-known for her stint on CBCs Dragons Den, purchased 4,400 shares at a price of $5.53 per share on Jan. 19. Chart watch The stocks chart is attractive with the share price remaining in an uptrend. This sector remains an area under accumulation by investors with the road to legalize recreational marijuana still moving forward. Year to date, Aphrias share price is up 15 per cent. On Monday, the stock price rallied 5 per cent on high volume. Over 4-million shares traded, well above the two-month historical daily average trading volume of approximately 1.6-million shares. Shares of an industry peer, Canopy Growth Corp. (WEED-T) also increased 5 per cent on Monday on high volume with over 10-million shares traded, above the two-month historical daily average trading volume of approximately 3.3-million shares. Shareholders of Canopy Growth has seen the stock price soar 42 per cent year-to-date. Initial overhead resistance appears to be around $6, and after that around $6.50. Initial downside support appears to exist around $5. Failing that, there is support at $4.50 and then at $4. The relative strength index is at 64, suggesting the share are in neutral territory, neither overbought nor oversold.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 15.02.17 20:08:55
      Beitrag Nr. 356 ()
      Wow... Der Kurs zieht aber mächtig an...

      Danke Sunny3999 für Deine fundierten Beiträge! Eine tolle "Stoffsammlung" hast Du mittlerweile hier im Thread zusammengetragen. :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 15.02.17 23:39:39
      Beitrag Nr. 357 ()
      Aphria dürfte über Delavaco Capital in Kalytera investiert sein!
      Heute war der letzte Tag an dem die Übernahme von Talent bekannt gegeben werden sollte.

      Soviel wie Kalytera in Talent übernimmt und Geld investiert muß mehr dahinter stecken als nur positive Phase 2a Ergebnisse.

      Aphria sieht dies wohl auch so, ich bin mal mit eingestiegen. Schreibe wohl demnächst im Kaly Forum auf WO.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 16.02.17 00:09:08
      Beitrag Nr. 358 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.331.834 von sunny3999 am 15.02.17 23:39:39
      Aphria ist in Kalytera investiert - also News zur Übernahme könnte morgen kommen!
      From their Q2 financials:
      "On November 7, 2016, Aphria entered into a subscription agreement with Kalytera Therapuetics Inc. The Company purchased 2,500,000 subscription receipts at a price of $0.40 per receipt for a total of $1,000,000."

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 16.02.17 08:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 359 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.330.133 von MVAL am 15.02.17 20:08:55
      Als Partner und Ergänzung zu Aphria . Kalytera Therapeutics
      Zur Info: Kalytera Therapeutics könnte sehr interessant werden! Habe mal ein Forum dazu angelegt.…

      Danke MVAL, ich denke Aphria wird dieses Jahr noch sehr spannend, wenn sie an die TSX kommen.

      Es stehen sehr viele News an die den Kurs weiter beflügeln können.
      schrieb am 16.02.17 14:09:11
      Beitrag Nr. 360 ()
      schrieb am 17.02.17 02:16:59
      Beitrag Nr. 361 ()
      Kalytera hält am 23 Febr. ein Konferenz Call…

      Kalytera Therapeutics to Announce Phase 2a Clinical Study Results Investigating CBD for the Treatment of Acute Graft versus Host Disease

      Kalytera to host conference call and webcast on Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 12:00 PM ET

      February 16, 2017 16:30 ET | Source: Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc.
      VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Feb. 16, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc. (TSXV:KALY) (“Kalytera”) will announce the results of a Phase 2a study investigating the safety and efficacy of cannabidiol (“CBD”) for the treatment of acute (Grades 3-4) Graft versus Host Disease (“GvHD”) on Wednesday, February 22, 2017. A conference call and webcast will be held on Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 12:00 PM ET to discuss the study results.

      The Phase 2a study was conducted by Talent Biotechs, Ltd. (“Talent”), an Israeli-based company evaluating the use of CBD to prevent and treat GvHD, that has been newly acquired by Kalytera.

      GvHD is a multisystem disorder that is a common, life-threatening complication of hematopoietic stem cell transplant (“HCT”) procedures. HCT is a lifesaving procedure for many diseases of the blood and bone marrow including leukemia, Hodgkin and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. GvHD occurs when the transplanted donor cells attack the patient’s organs, including the skin, gastrointestinal tract, liver, lungs, and eyes. GvHD is associated with acute and chronic illness, infections, disability, reduced quality of life, and death.

      The Phase 2a treatment study enrolled ten patients with acute GvHD, including five patients with Grade 3 GvHD and five patients with Grade 4 GvHD. All ten patients were steroid refractory, meaning that they had not responded to previously administered standard of care steroid treatment. Patients were administered daily doses of CBD for up to three months, alongside standard of care therapy.

      Conference Call and Webcast Information

      Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017
      Time: 12:00 PM ET
      Conference Call: (Register to receive dial-in instructions)
      Webcast: (Allow at least ten minutes to access the site before the webcast begins)
      The conference call and webcast will be available for replay on the Kalytera website.

      About Kalytera Therapeutics
      Kalytera (TSXV: KALY) is pioneering the development of a next generation of cannabinoid therapeutics. Through its proven leadership, drug development expertise, and intellectual property portfolio, Kalytera seeks to establish a leading position in the development of novel cannabinoid medicines for a range of important unmet medical needs, with an initial focus on Graft versus Host Disease (“GvHD”).

      Kalytera is focused first on developing a new class of proprietary cannabidiol (“CBD”) therapeutics. CBD is a remarkable compound that has shown activity against a number of pharmacological targets. However, there are limitations associated with natural CBD, including its poor oral bioavailability and short half-life. Kalytera is developing innovative CBD formulations and prodrugs in an effort to overcome these limitations, and to target specific disease sites within the body. Kalytera intends to file composition of matter and method of use patents covering its novel inventions, with the goal of limiting future competition.

      Website Home:
      News and Insights:
      schrieb am 17.02.17 09:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 362 ()
      Es geht los: Regierung startet Tour zum Austausch von Informationen und zur Legalisierung Cannabis…

      Canadian Cannabis Political News

      Parliamentary Secretary Bill Blair launches tour to meet with Canadians to discuss cannabis legalization and regulation
      3 hours agoby admin

      Written by admin
      News Release
      From Department of Justice Canada
      February 16, 2017 – Toronto, ON – Department of Justice Canada

      Bill Blair, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould, has started a cross-country tour to discuss the legalization and regulation of cannabis. Mr. Blair will be meeting with Canadians and various stakeholders on the government’s commitment to legalizing, strictly regulating and restricting access to cannabis.

      The Government has committed to legalizing, regulating and restricting access to cannabis to keep it out of the hands of children and the profits out of the hands of criminals. The Government’s goal, with input from Canadians, is to better control access to cannabis, and put in place appropriate safeguards for its production and sale. These engagement sessions conducted by Mr. Blair will help further inform the Government’s work going forward.

      “I look forward to meeting with Canadians from across the country to hear their perspectives on regulating access to legal cannabis. We know that the current system of prohibition through the criminal justice system is not protecting the health and safety of Canadians, especially our young people. These meetings, along with the work of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation and the online consultations, will help inform the development of legislation to be introduced in Parliament this spring.”

      Bill Blair, M.P.

      Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada

      For more information, media may contact:
      David Taylor
      Office of the Minister of Justice
      Media Relations
      Department of Justice Canada

      Follow Department of Justice Canada on Twitter (@JusticeCanadaEn), join us on Facebook or visit our YouTube channel. Follow Minister Wilson-Raybould on Twitter (@MinJusticeEn).
      schrieb am 17.02.17 09:34:32
      Beitrag Nr. 363 ()
      Kanada's Regierung startet Diskussion zur Umsetzung der Cannabis Legalisierung…

      National News posted February 16, 2017 by Laurence Watt
      Ottawa sparks discussion in run up to cannabis legalization
      The Government of Canada is sparking up a discussion regarding how to go about legalizing and regulating marijuana with various stakeholders across the country.

      Representing the government, Bill Blair, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada Jody Wilson-Raybould, are embarking on a cross-country tour where they consider the opinions and ideas of representatives from different communities across Canada.

      According to a news release from the Department of Justice Canada, the Government’s goal is to collect information from Canadians to help them shape regulation policy and create appropriate safeguards for the production and sale of marijuana.

      According to Mr. Blair, the engagement sessions hosted by himself and Jody Wilson-Raybould will help further inform the Government as it moves towards legalization.

      “I look forward to meeting with Canadians from across the country to hear their perspectives on regulating access to legal cannabis,” said Blair. “We know that the current system of prohibition through the criminal justice system is not protecting the health and safety of Canadians, especially our young people.”

      “These meetings, along with the work of the Task Force on Cannabis Legalization and Regulation and the online consultations, will help inform the development of legislation to be introduced in Parliament this spring.”

      The Government of Canada has committed to introducing legislation for the regulation and legalization of cannabis in the spring of 2017.

      schrieb am 17.02.17 10:25:43
      Beitrag Nr. 364 ()
      Große Fonds und instituionelle Anleger starten Anträge für Cannabis Anlagen
      Fund company files for first-ever marijuana-based ETF

      Published: Feb 16, 2017 4:28 p.m. ET
      Marijuana sales grew 30% in 2016

      A new fund could be lighting up in investor portfolios soon.

      In what would be a first for the exchange-traded fund industry, a marijuana-based ETF could soon begin trading. The ETF Managers Trust on Thursday filed paperwork with regulators, referring to the fund as Emerging AgroSphere ETF.

      The fund wouldn’t track marijuana as a commodity, but instead invest in medical marijuana companies involved in the production or sale of products derived from hemp. It would also buy companies which are in the supply chain of either of those categories.


      The Stars' Best Kept Secrets: Justin Bieber
      Sponsored By Connatix
      There are some caveats:

      “The Fund will not invest in any companies that are focused on serving the non-medical marijuana market in the United States, Canada or any other country unless and until such time as the production and sale of non-medical marijuana becomes legal in the United States, Canada or such other country, respectively,” the firm wrote in its filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

      While the fund has yet to be approved, the push toward legalizing marijuana has been growing. In 2016, roughly 60% of Americans said they favored the legalization of recreational marijuana, as the industry gained support in invalidating the war on drugs and seven states voted to legalize pot for recreational or medical use.

      This medical device scans your brain on marijuana(2:52)
      The BrainBot, a brain-scanning technology developed by tech startup PotBotics, enables physicians to pick a marijuana strain that is most suited for their patients' needs.

      The ETF Managers Trust couldn't be immediately reached for a comment.

      Read: Here’s why the ETF graveyard is getting crowded

      The marijuana industry has seen surging growth of late. Sales grew 30% in 2016, according to Arcview Market Research, and they are seen tripling in four years. In Colorado alone, marijuana revenue topped $1.3 billion, contributing $200 million in taxes to the state’s coffers.

      In the filing, the ETF Managers Trust said the fund shares had been approved for listing on the NYSE Arca.
      schrieb am 17.02.17 12:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 365 ()
      Es riecht nach Frühling im Cannabissektor...
      ...und vielen grünen Tagen bis zum Legalisierung-Gesetz im April in Kanada für den freien Gebrauch von Marihuana!

      Parliamentary Secretary Bill Blair launches tour to meet with Canadians to discuss cannabis legalization and regulation... [/url]

      Ottawa sparks discussion in run up to cannabis legalization [/url]

      Fund company files for first-ever marijuana-based ETF [/url]

      schrieb am 17.02.17 22:39:28
      Beitrag Nr. 366 ()
      Canadian marijuana sales could top $11-billion within three years, says Echelon Wealth

      schrieb am 18.02.17 13:11:11
      Beitrag Nr. 367 ()
      Aphria picked their primry contractors for part VI expansion
      Aphria has chosen their primary vendor/ contractors for their Part IV expansion in 2017.
      3 hours ago

      Aphria Inc., one of Canada’s medical cannabis leaders located in Leamington, Ontario confirmed their choice of primary vendor/contractors for their Part IV expansion project planned for later this year.

      Thermo Energy Systems Ltd of Leamington, Ontario has been chosen to provide and build the greenhouse structure including highly sophisticated systems to deliver precise internal environmental conditions specifically tailored for cannabis production. The more than 16 acre expansion will be fitted with highly advanced robotics and automation systems designed and provided by AgriNomix LLC of Oberlin, Ohio USA. AgriNomix leveraged its close working relationship with Dutch growing automation experts Bosman Van Zaal, Flier Systems and Indigo Logistics to provide the robotics, automated plant moving systems and cutting-edge tracking and tracing software that goes well beyond Health Canada’s regulatory requirements.

      Aphria’s extensive plant growth trialing throughout 2016 allowed AgriNomix and Thermo Energy Systems to work in concert with Aphria experts to design the optimal environment for plant growth regimes in a highly automated manner. The facility is expected to utilize robotic planting machines, cutting-edge camera sorting software and specially designed ebb and flood moving grow benches that traverse throughout the different growing environments without human touches. Aphria’s clear intention to be the “high yield – low cost producer” is clearly evident through their choice to apply these progressive growing technologies.

      Board approved a $137 million capital project, known internally as Part IV expansion (“Part IV”). The project will increase Aphria’s capacity under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (“ACMPR”) from 300,000 square feet to 1,000,000 square feet. In addition to the 1,000,000 greenhouse growing square feet, the Company’s infrastructure will grow to over 250,000 square feet, necessary to service the expected 70,000 kilograms of eventual annualized harvests.

      The project includes 700,000 square feet of Leamington standard, Dutch style greenhouses, 230,000 square feet of infrastructure, including new Level 9 vaults, automation for all of the greenhouses, processing areas, warehouse facilities, a 15 MW power and heat co-generation facility and security consistent with ACMPR standards. Aphria anticipates completion of Part IV within 12 months, Health Canada approvals within 4 months of completing the expansion and first harvest within 4 months after Health Canada approval.

      schrieb am 18.02.17 13:52:51
      Beitrag Nr. 368 ()
      Anbei noch mal meine Kalkulation in englisch spare mir die Übsersetzung
      I did my calculation on different phases/MMJ-Pharmacy-REC for each year.

      In my calculation there is no impact of Partner stakes, unknown growth factors in REC/MMJ/Pharmacy on further plans of sf increases in different countries.

      PPS 2017 is at todays level of P/E100!
      PPS 2018 is adjusted to a level of P/E 50.
      PPS 2019 I took P/E at 30.

      Any news of further partner stake/takeover/sf increase/ Sale from REC (not only MJ) e.g. edibles, etc. are not included.

      Please feel free to correct my assumptions as it is just my 2 cents.


      Link: Big Picture
      7 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:05:42
      Beitrag Nr. 369 ()
      Warum Aphria die viel bessere langfristige Anlage ist als Canopy Growth Corp.…
      Why Aphria Inc. Is a Much Better Long-Term Play Than Canopy Growth Corp.
      Chris MacDonald | February 18, 2017 | More on: WEED APH

      Taking a long-term perspective on marijuana stocks, or any stocks for that matter, is something all investors looking for abnormal returns should do. Getting in early and holding great companies for long periods of time is the way legendary investors have managed to beat the market year after year. It’s not rocket science — just good old-fashioned prudent investing.

      I’ll be looking at why Aphria Inc. (TSXV:APH) may be a better long-term play for a marijuana investor than Canopy Growth Corp. (TSX:WEED).

      Company fundamentals

      One of the first things I look for in companies I’m considering as long-term positions are solid fundamentals. In growth businesses such as the cannabis production and distribution business, free cash flow generation and solid margins (top and bottom line) will play a large role in allowing the large players to be able to achieve a long-term competitive advantage.

      As marijuana eventually becomes a commodity good, the ability for large producers to manage costs and achieve higher margins will be a primary metric to determine the long-term success of the enterprise.

      Looking at the numbers, we see the two companies differ significantly in free cash flow generation. Aphria currently generates positive free cash flow of $2.2 million (approximately 14% of revenue), while Canopy continues to operate at a loss, with free cash flow listed at -45.6% of revenues.

      We can see that top- and bottom-line margins appear to be mixed. For top-line growth and operating margin, Canopy has outperformed Aphria. The gross operating margin for Canopy stands at 13.5%, compared to Aphria’s 7.9% operating margin. Looking at the bottom line, however, we can see that Aphria stands out: Aphria’s profit margin is almost 21%, while Canopy continues to lose money with a -2% net margin.

      Sustainable growth

      As the numbers above show, top-line growth and revenue generation may work in the short term; however the longer-term issue of creating solid free cash flow and profit will ultimately be the deciding factor in deciding which company is the better long-term play.

      The recent announcement of a voluntary recall of over $1 million of cannabis by Canopy’s subsidiary Mettrum Ltd. is one of the perils companies in a consolidating industry face: investor demands for growth at an ever-increasing pace means acquisitions … lots of acquisitions.

      Canopy’s acquisition of Mettrum has just recently received court approval, and within a month of the announcement, the announcement of a wide-scale recall has the company reeling back bottom-line expectations. Growth is one thing, but manageable and sustainable growth is an entirely different animal.

      For the time being, I believe the smaller, but more stable, Aphria will be a better long-term play for investors looking to add a marijuana stock to their portfolio.

      Stay Foolish, my friends.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:22:16
      Beitrag Nr. 370 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.354.475 von sunny3999 am 18.02.17 13:52:51Tabelle sieht gut aus auf den ersten Blick, habe für 2017 in etwa die gleichen Zahlen.
      Jedoch ist folgendes Anzumerken:
      In der Tabelle werden die sq-ft aufaddiert, die kg-Produktion jedoch nicht, sorgt vielleicht ein bisschen für Verwirrung.
      Sind die Annahmen für die jeweiligen Zahlen auf das jeweilige Kalenderjahr bezogen oder auf das Geschäftjahr von Aphira? Dieses endet erst im Ende May!
      Für die Geschäftsjahre komme ich für 2018 nämlich dann auf ca 145 mio umsatz, 157mio (2019) und dann für das GJ 2020 dann auf über 500mio
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:25:15
      Beitrag Nr. 371 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.354.475 von sunny3999 am 18.02.17 13:52:51*auch denke ich das eine Ebit-Marge von 30% (noch?) zu optimistisch geschätzt ist.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:36:14
      Beitrag Nr. 372 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.355.345 von currahee am 18.02.17 17:22:16
      Zitat von currahee: In der Tabelle werden die sq-ft aufaddiert, die kg-Produktion jedoch nicht, sorgt vielleicht ein bisschen für Verwirrung.

      Hast recht, die kg sind jedoch zum berechnen per $ Phase MMJ/Pharmacy/Rec.

      Zitat von currahee: Sind die Annahmen für die jeweiligen Zahlen auf das jeweilige Kalenderjahr bezogen oder auf das Geschäftjahr von Aphira? Dieses endet erst im Ende May!

      Ich habe das Jahr als solches genommen und die Umsätze neuer sf erst ab dem Zeitpunkt der ersten Ernte hinzugerechnet, z.B. 2017 ab Juni mit 50%. Wenn man das Geschäftsjahr ab Mai nimmt dürfte es besser aussehen für 2018/19.

      Zitat von currahee: Für die Geschäftsjahre komme ich für 2018 nämlich dann auf ca 145 mio umsatz, 157mio (2019) und dann für das GJ 2020 dann auf über 500mio

      Könnte passen, denke nur zwischen 2018 auf 2019 sind 12 Mio etwas wenig Differenz.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:49:37
      Beitrag Nr. 373 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.355.351 von currahee am 18.02.17 17:25:15
      Zitat von currahee: *auch denke ich das eine Ebit-Marge von 30% (noch?) zu optimistisch geschätzt ist.

      Aphria wird in Phase 3 auf schon auf $1/gr Kosten kommen ab Phase 4 soll es auf $0,80/gr. liegen.

      Das heißt ihre Kosten werden um 35% in Phase 3 um fast 70% in Phase IV gedrückt, die Marge in MMJ bleibt bleibt bei $8, Apothekendistrubution etwas geringer bei $6.

      Bei Rec habe ich einen Kampfpreis von $5 eingerechnet, der aber sehr sehr konservativ gerechnet ist.

      Bei Copperstate partizipieren sie mit 15% Anteil am Gewinn ohne wirklich Kosten zu haben, das ist schon eine Hausnummer, das hat das Aphria Management verhandelt in der Beratungsphase.

      Dann gibt es noch einiges an Unschärfe von C$ zu $, die man berücksichtigen könnte....aber 20-30% EBIT sollten in jedem Fall drin sein.

      Was ist deine Annahme ?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:51:11
      Beitrag Nr. 374 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.355.399 von sunny3999 am 18.02.17 17:36:14
      Zitat von sunny3999:
      Zitat von currahee: In der Tabelle werden die sq-ft aufaddiert, die kg-Produktion jedoch nicht, sorgt vielleicht ein bisschen für Verwirrung.

      Hast recht, die kg sind jedoch zum berechnen per $ Phase MMJ/Pharmacy/Rec.

      Weiß jetzt nicht ob die Tabelle von dir ist, jedoch wäre die Lösung, dass man vielleicht einfach die sq-ft auch nicht aufaddiert. Bzw man als Spaltenüberschrift Gesamt-sq-ft schreibt ;)

      Zitat von sunny3999:
      Zitat von currahee: Sind die Annahmen für die jeweiligen Zahlen auf das jeweilige Kalenderjahr bezogen oder auf das Geschäftjahr von Aphira? Dieses endet erst im Ende May!

      Ich habe das Jahr als solches genommen und die Umsätze neuer sf erst ab dem Zeitpunkt der ersten Ernte hinzugerechnet, z.B. 2017 ab Juni mit 50%. Wenn man das Geschäftsjahr ab Mai nimmt dürfte es besser aussehen für 2018/19.

      Zitat von currahee: Für die Geschäftsjahre komme ich für 2018 nämlich dann auf ca 145 mio umsatz, 157mio (2019) und dann für das GJ 2020 dann auf über 500mio

      Könnte passen, denke nur zwischen 2018 auf 2019 sind 12 Mio etwas wenig Differenz.

      Die wenige Differenz führt daher, dass wenn ich das richtige im Kopf habe, Phase IV erst kurz vor GJ produziert. Daher keine volle Produktion/Verkäufe. Könnte mir aber bis dorthin weitere Käufe von Aphira vorstellen. Auch sollte man auf die Lizenz achten, meines Wissens nach hat man noch eine Lizenz laufen, die nur erlaubt 3600kg zu produzieren und 2800 kg zu verkaufen. Diese läuft noch bis spätestens Sep 2017 laut der neusten Investor-Präsentation.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 17:58:19
      Beitrag Nr. 375 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.355.486 von sunny3999 am 18.02.17 17:49:37
      Zitat von sunny3999:
      Zitat von currahee: *auch denke ich das eine Ebit-Marge von 30% (noch?) zu optimistisch geschätzt ist.

      Aphria wird in Phase 3 auf schon auf $1/gr Kosten kommen ab Phase 4 soll es auf $0,80/gr. liegen.

      Das heißt ihre Kosten werden um 35% in Phase 3 um fast 70% in Phase IV gedrückt, die Marge in MMJ bleibt bleibt bei $8, Apothekendistrubution etwas geringer bei $6.

      Bei Rec habe ich einen Kampfpreis von $5 eingerechnet, der aber sehr sehr konservativ gerechnet ist.

      Bei Copperstate partizipieren sie mit 15% Anteil am Gewinn ohne wirklich Kosten zu haben, das ist schon eine Hausnummer, das hat das Aphria Management verhandelt in der Beratungsphase.

      Dann gibt es noch einiges an Unschärfe von C$ zu $, die man berücksichtigen könnte....aber 20-30% EBIT sollten in jedem Fall drin sein.

      Was ist deine Annahme ?

      Meine Annahme ist, dass man die EBITDA-Marge ab Part3 auf 30% gesteigert hat (liegt ja bei den neusten Zahlen bei 23% glaube ich). Da dürfte dann die EBIT-Marge bei um die 25% sein. Eine EBIT-Marge von 30% könnte dann ab Part4 realistisch sein, jedoch ist der Zeitraum bis dahin ziemlich lang und die Geschäfte entwickeln sich ziemlich rasant im Canabis-Bereich. Hier sollte man die Konkurrenz nicht außer acht lassen. Denke aber wenn Aphira so weiter macht, sind wir auf einen guten Weg. Zeigt ja dein neuster Artikel von (Alle Zahlen sind nur Annahmen von mir und können jedoch genauso falsch oder richtig sein wie deine ;))
      schrieb am 18.02.17 18:42:18
      Beitrag Nr. 376 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.355.492 von currahee am 18.02.17 17:51:11
      Zitat von currahee:
      Zitat von sunny3999:
      Zitat von currahee: Weiß jetzt nicht ob die Tabelle von dir ist, jedoch wäre die Lösung, dass man vielleicht einfach die sq-ft auch nicht aufaddiert. Bzw man als Spaltenüberschrift Gesamt-sq-ft schreibt ;)

      Ja, Tabelle ist von mir, muß aber sowieso nochmal einiges anpassen wie z.B.: DiNiro, da kann ich die Spalte auch gleich ändern. Danke für den Hinweis.


      Ok, das mit der Phase IV müßte ich auch mal genauer anschauen. Die Lizenz sollte mit Phase 2 Akkreditierung durch Health Canada sowohl für Jahre als auch kg-Verkauf erweitert werden können.
      Das kann sich nur noch um Tage oder Wochen handeln, bis das durch ist.
      schrieb am 18.02.17 19:51:28
      Beitrag Nr. 377 ()
      Weitere inputs zur Tabelle aus dem Stockhouse mit eingearbeitet
      Danke für dein feedback currahee:…

      schrieb am 20.02.17 08:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 378 ()
      Marijuana Stocks to Buy: Aphria (APHQF)

      Marijuana Stocks to Buy: Aphria (APHQF)
      TWMJF is only one of a number of marijuana stocks taking advantage of the booming Canadian market. Aphria Inc COM NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) is another major Canadian marijuana grower and retailer that recently gained conditional approval to list on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      APHQF focuses on a low-cost approach to its production. The company originally planned to sell both directly to patients and to serve as a wholesaler for other providers. However, the patient business took off so rapidly that the company has since chosen to focus primarily on that side of the business.

      Of course, APHQF could change the plan as the Canadian government grants more licenses to sellers. Popular Canadian drug store chain Shoppers Drug Mart applied for a license to distribute medical marijuana back in October. With more than 1,300 nationwide locations, Shoppers could be a huge new customer for APHQF if the grower chooses to go the wholesale route.

      Canada could also open up the recreational marijuana floodgates at some point. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is pro-legalization. In addition, a government task force recently recommended that Canadians should be able to possess up to 30 grams of marijuana for recreational use. The report sent shares of Canadian marijuana stocks like APHQF and TWMJF soaring.

      It also gave investors hope that Canadian recreational marijuana could possibly be a massive wildcard catalyst in the years ahead.

      As of this writing, Wayne Duggan did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 20.02.17 12:30:23
      Beitrag Nr. 379 ()
      Neuer ETF Fond wurde bestätigt und freigegeben!
      Principal Investment Strategies

      The Fund uses a “passive” or indexing approach to try to achieve its investment objective. Unlike many investment companies, the Fund does not try to “beat” the Index and does not seek temporary defensive positions when markets decline or appear overvalued.

      The Fund will use a replication strategy. A replication strategy is an indexing strategy that involves investing in the securities of the Index in approximately the same proportions as in the Index. However, the Fund may utilize a representative sampling strategy with respect to the Index when a replication strategy might be detrimental to shareholders, such as when there are practical difficulties or substantial costs involved in compiling a portfolio of equity securities to follow the Index, in instances in which a security in the Index becomes temporarily illiquid, unavailable or less liquid, or as a result of legal restrictions or limitations (such as tax diversification requirements) that apply to the Fund but not the Index.

      The Index was created by BE Asset Management, Inc. (the “Index Provider”) and tracks the performance of the exchange-listed common stock (or corresponding American Depositary Receipts (“ADRs”) or Global Depositary Receipts (“GDRs”)) of companies across the globe that (i) engage in lawful medical research intended to lead to the production of government approved prescription drugs which utilize natural or synthetic versions of the cannabidiol CBD and other cannabis based extracts, (ii) are involved in the production or sale of products which are legal derivatives of industrial hemp, or (iii) are involved in the supply chain of either category of company. The Fund will not invest in any companies that are focused on serving the non-medical marijuana market in the United States, Canada or any other country unless and until such time as the production and sale of non-medical marijuana becomes legal in the United States, Canada or such other country, respectively.


      The initial universe of companies engaged in the above activities is determined based on proprietary research and analysis conducted by the Index Provider. The Index Provider uses a variety of publicly available resources for such analysis, including financial statements and other reports published by issuers to determine whether a company is actively engaged in an appropriate activity.

      Eligible companies are then screened for [investibility (e.g., must not be listed on an exchange in a country which employs certain restrictions on foreign capital investment), a minimum market capitalization of $[_________], and liquidity].

      The Index is calculated and maintained by Solactive AG, which is independent of the Index Provider, the Fund, its adviser, and distributor.

      The Index has a [quarterly] review each year at which time the Index is reconstituted and rebalanced. Changes are announced on the [Index Provider's] publicly available website prior to their effective date.

      As of [ ], the Index had [ ] constituents, [ ] of which were foreign companies, and the three largest stocks and their weightings in the Index were [ ].

      The Fund will invest at least 80% of its total assets, exclusive of collateral held from securities lending, in the component securities of the Index and in ADRs and GDRs based on the component securities in the Index (the “80% Policy”). The Fund may invest up to 20% of its total assets in securities that are not in the Index to the extent that the Fund’s investment adviser believes that such investments should help the Fund’s overall portfolio track the Index.

      Marijuana ETF approved:…

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 21.02.17 18:51:50
      Beitrag Nr. 380 ()
      Multibillion Hemp Market Talk
      schrieb am 22.02.17 07:08:41
      Beitrag Nr. 381 ()
      APHRIA leitet und investiert in Übernahme eines weiteren Pharmaunternehmens durch RTO Neues Pharmaunternehmen zur Gehirnforschung (speziell Concussion)

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. and Scythian Biosciences Inc. Announce Reverse Takeover Transaction and Concurrent Financing for Up to $10 Million with Strategic Lead Investment from Aphria Inc.

      Scythian Biosciences Inc is developing a proprietary Cannabinoid (CBD) combination therapy for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury

      TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Feb. 21, 2017) –

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KIT) (the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated February 17, 2017 (the “Letter of Intent“) with Scythian Biosciences Inc., a private Canadian corporation (“Scythian“), in connection with a proposed reverse take-over of the Company (the “Proposed Transaction“), subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV“), to list the shares of the resulting entity (the “Resulting Issuer”) on the TSXV. The Resulting Issuer will operate as a life sciences issuer continuing the business of Scythian. Aphria Inc. (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is expected to be a lead investor in the Offering as defined below.

      Proposed Transaction

      The Letter of Intent provides that the Company and Scythian will negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement in respect of the Proposed Transaction on or before March 10, 2017 (the “Definitive Agreement“).

      Pursuant to the terms of the Letter of Intent, completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to a number of conditions, including completion of an Offering (described below), shareholder approval, if required, completion or waiver of sponsorship, receipt of all required regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSXV, completion of satisfactory due diligence reviews, satisfaction of the initial listing requirements of the TSXV and all requirements under the policies of the TSXV relating to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, and execution of the Definitive Agreement.

      The Company and Scythian will complete the Proposed Transaction by way of a three-cornered amalgamation whereby a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company will amalgamate with Scythian to form a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Resulting Issuer. The Proposed Transaction is an arm’s length transaction.

      Prior to or contemporaneously with the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares on a 4 for 1 basis.

      The anticipated completion date for the Proposed Transaction is May 31, 2017.

      A filing statement or management information circular, as applicable, will be prepared and filed in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      Concurrent Financing

      As a condition to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a brokered subscription receipt financing, through a syndicate of agents led by Clarus Securities Inc. and including Haywood Securities Inc. and Canaccord Genuity Corp. (the “Agents“), for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $10,000,000 through the issuance of up to 25,000,000 subscription receipts (“Subscription Receipts“) at a price of $0.40 per Subscription Receipt (the “Offering“), subject to the rules of, and approval by, the TSXV. Upon satisfaction of the escrow release conditions, including all conditions precedent to the Proposed Transaction being satisfied, each Subscription Receipt will automatically convert without any further action on the part of the holder into one (1) common share of the Resulting Issuer. Should the escrow release conditions not be satisfied, the Subscription Receipts will be cancelled and all proceeds from the sale of Subscription Receipts will be returned to subscribers without interest.

      As compensation for the services provided in connection with the Offering, the Agents will receive a cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds raised in connection with the Offering and broker warrants equal to 7% of the Resulting Issuer shares.

      Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, the proceeds of the Offering will be used to further develop the business of the Resulting Issuer and for general working capital purposes.


      Sponsorship of the Proposed Transaction may be required by the TSXV unless an exemption or waiver from this requirement can be obtained in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. The Company intends to apply for a waiver of the sponsorship requirement. There is no assurance that a waiver from this requirement can or will be obtained.

      About Scythian Biosciences Inc

      Scythian is a research and development company committed to finding a solution for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury (“TBI“) with its proprietary Cannabinoid (“CBD”) combination.

      Scythian’s mission is to be the first accepted drug regimen for concussive treatment. Scythian has recently formed a collaboration with the University of Miami and its world renowned neuroscientific team to conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials of its drug regimen. The University of Miami believes that Scythian’s scientific approach shows significant promise and differs from previous approaches to treat this growing problem. The collaboration with the University of Miami allows access to their extensive knowledge base in the fields of traumatic brain injury and concussions and allows for Scythian’s clinical studies to be undertaken at their world-class facilities.

      Gillian A. Hotz, PhD, is leading Scythian’s program at the University of Miami. Dr. Hotz is a nationally recognized behavioral neuroscientist and expert in neurotrauma, concussion management, and neurorehabilitation. She has extensive experience in neurocognitive testing. Dr. Hotz has been the co-director of University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Concussion Program since 1995.

      Scythian is also endorsed by the NFL Alumni Association and the World Boxing Association on its mission.

      About Kitrinor Metals Inc.

      Kitrinor is a junior mining exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada. The Company’s activities are currently focused on the exploration and development of the Culroc Property located in the Township of Sothman, Ontario.

      Additional Information

      The common shares of the Company are currently halted from trading pending completion of the Proposed Transaction.

      A comprehensive press release with further particulars relating to the Proposed Transaction, financial particulars and descriptions of the proposed board of directors and management of the Resulting Issuer will follow in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      All information contained in this press release with respect to the Company and Scythian was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">[/ Reverse Take Over (Mine nur als Hülle)

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. and Scythian Biosciences Inc. Announce Reverse Takeover Transaction and Concurrent Financing for Up to $10 Million with Strategic Lead Investment from Aphria Inc.

      Scythian Biosciences Inc is developing a proprietary Cannabinoid (CBD) combination therapy for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury

      TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Feb. 21, 2017) –

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KIT) (the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated February 17, 2017 (the “Letter of Intent“) with Scythian Biosciences Inc., a private Canadian corporation (“Scythian“), in connection with a proposed reverse take-over of the Company (the “Proposed Transaction“), subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV“), to list the shares of the resulting entity (the “Resulting Issuer”) on the TSXV. The Resulting Issuer will operate as a life sciences issuer continuing the business of Scythian. Aphria Inc. (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is expected to be a lead investor in the Offering as defined below.

      Proposed Transaction

      The Letter of Intent provides that the Company and Scythian will negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement in respect of the Proposed Transaction on or before March 10, 2017 (the “Definitive Agreement“).

      Pursuant to the terms of the Letter of Intent, completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to a number of conditions, including completion of an Offering (described below), shareholder approval, if required, completion or waiver of sponsorship, receipt of all required regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSXV, completion of satisfactory due diligence reviews, satisfaction of the initial listing requirements of the TSXV and all requirements under the policies of the TSXV relating to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, and execution of the Definitive Agreement.

      The Company and Scythian will complete the Proposed Transaction by way of a three-cornered amalgamation whereby a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company will amalgamate with Scythian to form a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Resulting Issuer. The Proposed Transaction is an arm’s length transaction.

      Prior to or contemporaneously with the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares on a 4 for 1 basis.

      The anticipated completion date for the Proposed Transaction is May 31, 2017.

      A filing statement or management information circular, as applicable, will be prepared and filed in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      Concurrent Financing

      As a condition to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a brokered subscription receipt financing, through a syndicate of agents led by Clarus Securities Inc. and including Haywood Securities Inc. and Canaccord Genuity Corp. (the “Agents“), for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $10,000,000 through the issuance of up to 25,000,000 subscription receipts (“Subscription Receipts“) at a price of $0.40 per Subscription Receipt (the “Offering“), subject to the rules of, and approval by, the TSXV. Upon satisfaction of the escrow release conditions, including all conditions precedent to the Proposed Transaction being satisfied, each Subscription Receipt will automatically convert without any further action on the part of the holder into one (1) common share of the Resulting Issuer. Should the escrow release conditions not be satisfied, the Subscription Receipts will be cancelled and all proceeds from the sale of Subscription Receipts will be returned to subscribers without interest.

      As compensation for the services provided in connection with the Offering, the Agents will receive a cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds raised in connection with the Offering and broker warrants equal to 7% of the Resulting Issuer shares.

      Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, the proceeds of the Offering will be used to further develop the business of the Resulting Issuer and for general working capital purposes.


      Sponsorship of the Proposed Transaction may be required by the TSXV unless an exemption or waiver from this requirement can be obtained in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. The Company intends to apply for a waiver of the sponsorship requirement. There is no assurance that a waiver from this requirement can or will be obtained.

      About Scythian Biosciences Inc

      Scythian is a research and development company committed to finding a solution for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury (“TBI“) with its proprietary Cannabinoid (“CBD”) combination.

      Scythian’s mission is to be the first accepted drug regimen for concussive treatment. Scythian has recently formed a collaboration with the University of Miami and its world renowned neuroscientific team to conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials of its drug regimen. The University of Miami believes that Scythian’s scientific approach shows significant promise and differs from previous approaches to treat this growing problem. The collaboration with the University of Miami allows access to their extensive knowledge base in the fields of traumatic brain injury and concussions and allows for Scythian’s clinical studies to be undertaken at their world-class facilities.

      Gillian A. Hotz, PhD, is leading Scythian’s program at the University of Miami. Dr. Hotz is a nationally recognized behavioral neuroscientist and expert in neurotrauma, concussion management, and neurorehabilitation. She has extensive experience in neurocognitive testing. Dr. Hotz has been the co-director of University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Concussion Program since 1995.

      Scythian is also endorsed by the NFL Alumni Association and the World Boxing Association on its mission.

      About Kitrinor Metals Inc.

      Kitrinor is a junior mining exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada. The Company’s activities are currently focused on the exploration and development of the Culroc Property located in the Township of Sothman, Ontario.

      Additional Information

      The common shares of the Company are currently halted from trading pending completion of the Proposed Transaction.

      A comprehensive press release with further particulars relating to the Proposed Transaction, financial particulars and descriptions of the proposed board of directors and management of the Resulting Issuer will follow in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      All information contained in this press release with respect to the Company and Scythian was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party.
      " target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">FEBRUARY 21, 2017 BY PRESS RELEASE
      Kitrinor Metals Inc. and Scythian Biosciences Inc. Announce Reverse Takeover Transaction and Concurrent Financing for Up to $10 Million with Strategic Lead Investment from Aphria Inc.

      Scythian Biosciences Inc is developing a proprietary Cannabinoid (CBD) combination therapy for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury

      TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Feb. 21, 2017) –

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KIT) (the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated February 17, 2017 (the “Letter of Intent“) with Scythian Biosciences Inc., a private Canadian corporation (“Scythian“), in connection with a proposed reverse take-over of the Company (the “Proposed Transaction“), subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV“), to list the shares of the resulting entity (the “Resulting Issuer”) on the TSXV. The Resulting Issuer will operate as a life sciences issuer continuing the business of Scythian. Aphria Inc. (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is expected to be a lead investor in the Offering as defined below.

      Proposed Transaction

      The Letter of Intent provides that the Company and Scythian will negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement in respect of the Proposed Transaction on or before March 10, 2017 (the “Definitive Agreement“).

      Pursuant to the terms of the Letter of Intent, completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to a number of conditions, including completion of an Offering (described below), shareholder approval, if required, completion or waiver of sponsorship, receipt of all required regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSXV, completion of satisfactory due diligence reviews, satisfaction of the initial listing requirements of the TSXV and all requirements under the policies of the TSXV relating to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, and execution of the Definitive Agreement.

      The Company and Scythian will complete the Proposed Transaction by way of a three-cornered amalgamation whereby a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company will amalgamate with Scythian to form a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Resulting Issuer. The Proposed Transaction is an arm’s length transaction.

      Prior to or contemporaneously with the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares on a 4 for 1 basis.

      The anticipated completion date for the Proposed Transaction is May 31, 2017.

      A filing statement or management information circular, as applicable, will be prepared and filed in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      Concurrent Financing

      As a condition to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a brokered subscription receipt financing, through a syndicate of agents led by Clarus Securities Inc. and including Haywood Securities Inc. and Canaccord Genuity Corp. (the “Agents“), for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $10,000,000 through the issuance of up to 25,000,000 subscription receipts (“Subscription Receipts“) at a price of $0.40 per Subscription Receipt (the “Offering“), subject to the rules of, and approval by, the TSXV. Upon satisfaction of the escrow release conditions, including all conditions precedent to the Proposed Transaction being satisfied, each Subscription Receipt will automatically convert without any further action on the part of the holder into one (1) common share of the Resulting Issuer. Should the escrow release conditions not be satisfied, the Subscription Receipts will be cancelled and all proceeds from the sale of Subscription Receipts will be returned to subscribers without interest.

      As compensation for the services provided in connection with the Offering, the Agents will receive a cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds raised in connection with the Offering and broker warrants equal to 7% of the Resulting Issuer shares.

      Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, the proceeds of the Offering will be used to further develop the business of the Resulting Issuer and for general working capital purposes.


      Sponsorship of the Proposed Transaction may be required by the TSXV unless an exemption or waiver from this requirement can be obtained in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. The Company intends to apply for a waiver of the sponsorship requirement. There is no assurance that a waiver from this requirement can or will be obtained.

      About Scythian Biosciences Inc

      Scythian is a research and development company committed to finding a solution for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury (“TBI“) with its proprietary Cannabinoid (“CBD”) combination.

      Scythian’s mission is to be the first accepted drug regimen for concussive treatment. Scythian has recently formed a collaboration with the University of Miami and its world renowned neuroscientific team to conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials of its drug regimen. The University of Miami believes that Scythian’s scientific approach shows significant promise and differs from previous approaches to treat this growing problem. The collaboration with the University of Miami allows access to their extensive knowledge base in the fields of traumatic brain injury and concussions and allows for Scythian’s clinical studies to be undertaken at their world-class facilities.

      Gillian A. Hotz, PhD, is leading Scythian’s program at the University of Miami. Dr. Hotz is a nationally recognized behavioral neuroscientist and expert in neurotrauma, concussion management, and neurorehabilitation. She has extensive experience in neurocognitive testing. Dr. Hotz has been the co-director of University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Concussion Program since 1995.

      Scythian is also endorsed by the NFL Alumni Association and the World Boxing Association on its mission.

      About Kitrinor Metals Inc.

      Kitrinor is a junior mining exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada. The Company’s activities are currently focused on the exploration and development of the Culroc Property located in the Township of Sothman, Ontario.

      Additional Information

      The common shares of the Company are currently halted from trading pending completion of the Proposed Transaction.

      A comprehensive press release with further particulars relating to the Proposed Transaction, financial particulars and descriptions of the proposed board of directors and management of the Resulting Issuer will follow in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      All information contained in this press release with respect to the Company and Scythian was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party." target="_blank" rel="nofollow ugc noopener">[/ Reverse Take Over (Mine nur als Hülle)

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. and Scythian Biosciences Inc. Announce Reverse Takeover Transaction and Concurrent Financing for Up to $10 Million with Strategic Lead Investment from Aphria Inc.

      Scythian Biosciences Inc is developing a proprietary Cannabinoid (CBD) combination therapy for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury

      TORONTO, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – Feb. 21, 2017) –

      Kitrinor Metals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:KIT) (the “Company“) is pleased to announce that it has entered into a non-binding letter of intent dated February 17, 2017 (the “Letter of Intent“) with Scythian Biosciences Inc., a private Canadian corporation (“Scythian“), in connection with a proposed reverse take-over of the Company (the “Proposed Transaction“), subject to approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (“TSXV“), to list the shares of the resulting entity (the “Resulting Issuer”) on the TSXV. The Resulting Issuer will operate as a life sciences issuer continuing the business of Scythian. Aphria Inc. (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is expected to be a lead investor in the Offering as defined below.

      Proposed Transaction

      The Letter of Intent provides that the Company and Scythian will negotiate and enter into a definitive agreement in respect of the Proposed Transaction on or before March 10, 2017 (the “Definitive Agreement“).

      Pursuant to the terms of the Letter of Intent, completion of the Proposed Transaction will be subject to a number of conditions, including completion of an Offering (described below), shareholder approval, if required, completion or waiver of sponsorship, receipt of all required regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSXV, completion of satisfactory due diligence reviews, satisfaction of the initial listing requirements of the TSXV and all requirements under the policies of the TSXV relating to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, and execution of the Definitive Agreement.

      The Company and Scythian will complete the Proposed Transaction by way of a three-cornered amalgamation whereby a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company will amalgamate with Scythian to form a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Resulting Issuer. The Proposed Transaction is an arm’s length transaction.

      Prior to or contemporaneously with the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a consolidation of its issued and outstanding common shares on a 4 for 1 basis.

      The anticipated completion date for the Proposed Transaction is May 31, 2017.

      A filing statement or management information circular, as applicable, will be prepared and filed in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      Concurrent Financing

      As a condition to the completion of the Proposed Transaction, Scythian will complete a brokered subscription receipt financing, through a syndicate of agents led by Clarus Securities Inc. and including Haywood Securities Inc. and Canaccord Genuity Corp. (the “Agents“), for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $10,000,000 through the issuance of up to 25,000,000 subscription receipts (“Subscription Receipts“) at a price of $0.40 per Subscription Receipt (the “Offering“), subject to the rules of, and approval by, the TSXV. Upon satisfaction of the escrow release conditions, including all conditions precedent to the Proposed Transaction being satisfied, each Subscription Receipt will automatically convert without any further action on the part of the holder into one (1) common share of the Resulting Issuer. Should the escrow release conditions not be satisfied, the Subscription Receipts will be cancelled and all proceeds from the sale of Subscription Receipts will be returned to subscribers without interest.

      As compensation for the services provided in connection with the Offering, the Agents will receive a cash commission equal to 7% of the gross proceeds raised in connection with the Offering and broker warrants equal to 7% of the Resulting Issuer shares.

      Upon completion of the Proposed Transaction, the proceeds of the Offering will be used to further develop the business of the Resulting Issuer and for general working capital purposes.


      Sponsorship of the Proposed Transaction may be required by the TSXV unless an exemption or waiver from this requirement can be obtained in accordance with the policies of the TSXV. The Company intends to apply for a waiver of the sponsorship requirement. There is no assurance that a waiver from this requirement can or will be obtained.

      About Scythian Biosciences Inc

      Scythian is a research and development company committed to finding a solution for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury (“TBI“) with its proprietary Cannabinoid (“CBD”) combination.

      Scythian’s mission is to be the first accepted drug regimen for concussive treatment. Scythian has recently formed a collaboration with the University of Miami and its world renowned neuroscientific team to conduct pre-clinical and clinical trials of its drug regimen. The University of Miami believes that Scythian’s scientific approach shows significant promise and differs from previous approaches to treat this growing problem. The collaboration with the University of Miami allows access to their extensive knowledge base in the fields of traumatic brain injury and concussions and allows for Scythian’s clinical studies to be undertaken at their world-class facilities.

      Gillian A. Hotz, PhD, is leading Scythian’s program at the University of Miami. Dr. Hotz is a nationally recognized behavioral neuroscientist and expert in neurotrauma, concussion management, and neurorehabilitation. She has extensive experience in neurocognitive testing. Dr. Hotz has been the co-director of University of Miami Miller School of Medicine’s Concussion Program since 1995.

      Scythian is also endorsed by the NFL Alumni Association and the World Boxing Association on its mission.

      About Kitrinor Metals Inc.

      Kitrinor is a junior mining exploration company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of mineral resource properties in Canada. The Company’s activities are currently focused on the exploration and development of the Culroc Property located in the Township of Sothman, Ontario.

      Additional Information

      The common shares of the Company are currently halted from trading pending completion of the Proposed Transaction.

      A comprehensive press release with further particulars relating to the Proposed Transaction, financial particulars and descriptions of the proposed board of directors and management of the Resulting Issuer will follow in accordance with the policies of the TSXV.

      All information contained in this press release with respect to the Company and Scythian was supplied by the parties respectively, for inclusion herein, and each party and its directors and officers have relied on the other party for any information concerning the other party.
      schrieb am 22.02.17 08:49:03
      Beitrag Nr. 382 ()
      Analyse von den 4 aussichtsreichsten Cannabis-Unternehmen…
      schrieb am 22.02.17 09:03:45
      Beitrag Nr. 383 ()
      Aphria ist laut Seeking Alpha Artikel unterbewertet - Gut zu wissen!
      Auszug Seite 3 aus dem Artikel von Seeking Alpha:

      Given the immature financials of these 4 stocks, we believe examining revenue per share and price to sales would be more meaningful than looking at their price to earnings. Going by revenue per share, Canopy is far and away the leader with $.186. In terms of price to sales, Aphria appears to be undervalued with a P/S of 44.7 compared to the average P/S of 54.

      Cash & Debt

      Source: Bloomberg

      Canopy and Aphria each have around 13x more cash on hand than debt. With $68.7 million and $75.2 million cash/cash equivalents respectively, Canopy and Aphria appear to be in prime form to expand their operations, increase marketing, or invest in R&D OrganiGram, with $18.8 million, has much less cash on hand compared to the two giants but the company is maintaining a decent 6.7x more cash than debt. Aurora, on the other hand, seems to be much more open taking on debt. The company, with $10.3 million in debt and only $17.7 million in cash, is treading on thin ice compared to its competitors.
      schrieb am 22.02.17 09:34:24
      Beitrag Nr. 384 ()
      Update der Aphria Partner und Brands Landkarte!
      Nach geplanter SCYTHIAN BIOSCIENCES INC. Reverse Take Over (RTO)!
      schrieb am 22.02.17 10:27:54
      Beitrag Nr. 385 ()
      schrieb am 22.02.17 10:40:51
      Beitrag Nr. 386 ()
      Aphria's Partner Kalytera Therapeutics Prodrug Milliarden Markt laut neuer Hompage!


      Therapeutic goal and molecular design K-1012 is a novel prodrug invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment of Adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Designed as a bi-phosphate derivative of cannabidiol (CBD), K-1012 will be administrated intratracheally via a novel formulation expected to increase the bioavailability of CBD, known for its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties.

      Intended mechanism of action Direct exposure to the lungs is a prerequisite in ARDS therapy, thus we have developed an aerosolized formulation. In contrast with CBD, K-1012 is soluble in aqueous solutions, allowing the development of an isotonic solution for an aerosolized formulation. Due to the negative charge of the phosphate groups, K-1012 is predicted to be entrapped in the lumen until being cleaved. Given the increased levels of lung alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in lung lavage as a result of pulmonary damage, we predict ALP will liberate bioactive CBD in ARDS disease models. Progressive ARDS is closely linked to activation of inflammation. The benefits of CBD are expected to be augmented via specific targeting of K-1012 by the phosphate groups, inducing prevention of long-term effects of ARDS.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies in rodent models of E. coli LPS induced ARDS have been utilized to determine appropriate dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1012 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. We expect to carry out detailed ADME/PK analysis in rats as well as a non-clinical safety assessment of K-1012 in rats and dogs that will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies, to complete IND enabling studies.

      Unmet need To date, no effective therapy exists for ARDS, thus there remains an urgent need for a new first line therapeutic to improve the survival of patients suffering with ARDS. The development of K-1012 will provide the first pharmacological treatment for patients with ARDS.


      Therapeutic goal K-1022 is a novel prodrug invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment of Ulcerative Colitis (UC), a chronic condition characterized by inflammation of the colonic mucosa extending from the rectum proximally to varying portions of the large intestine. The increase in pro-inflammatory factors promotes inflammation and facilitates damage to intestinal tissues. Understanding the pathophysiology of colitis has provided us an opportunity to identify new targets for this disease. The active parent compound of K-1022, CBD, is known for its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties.

      Molecular design and intended mechanism of action Designed as a bi-sulfate derivative of cannabidiol (CBD) with a novel formulation, K-1022 will be administered orally to maximize the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD. The rationale for constructing a sulfate-derivitized prodrug of CBD (K-1022) lies in the augmented delivery to the colon, where K-1022 will be converted to the active compound via the activity of colon-specific sulfatases. In contrast to CBD, the disulfated derivative is water soluble, enhancing the probability of developing a successful oral formulation of K-1022. Given the safety profile and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, it is expected that K-1022 may serve as a potent and tolerated treatment for UC.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies have been used to determine suitable dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1022 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. In the near future, we will perform detailed ADME/PK analysis in rats, as well as non-clinical safety assessment of K-1022 in rats and dogs that will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies, to complete IND enabling studies.

      Unmet need Presently, there are no efficacious treatments for UC, that effectively manage inflammation associated with this disease. No therapeutic on the market today targets severe UC patients, who have a poor prognosis and require hospitalization. Therefore, the development of K-1022 will provide a first line treatment for patients afflicted with severe UC.


      Therapeutic goal K-1032 is a novel prodrug invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment of the chronic skin diseases Atopic dermatitis (AD) and Acne Vulgaris. K-1032 is the L-valine-ester derivative of CBD. AD is a chronic disease of the skin caused by skin barrier dysfunction, which together with environmental factors and immune system variability, leads to eczematous and itchy lesions at the flexural folds. Acne is a chronic inflammatory disease of the sebaceous-pilosebaceous unit. Acne vulgaris is the most common skin disease, affecting 45 million people in the USA; nearly 80 percent of adolescents present with acne. Progressive AD and acne are closely linked to activation of inflammation. CBD, is known for its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties, which has been demonstrated in rodent models of arthritis via transdermal application. Thus, we elect K-1032 as novel candidate for the treatment of AD and acne, which we anticipate to suppress the inflammation present in both chronic skin diseases.

      Molecular design and intended mechanism of action K-1032 was selected as a relevant prodrug since substantial evidence has been provided to support the assertion that the biotransformation of drugs, including CBD, occurs in human skin, and that this biotransformation may impair efficacy. Esterases have particularly high activity in the epidermis and hair follicles. These intracellular esterases are important for metabolism and/or pro-drug activation. Nonspecific esterase activity has been demonstrated in human skin and cultured skin cells preventing the drugs to be delivered to the systemic circulation so that biotransformation will occur within the skin. Our assumption is that K-1032 will be captured in the skin, due to the valine moiety, and rapidly cleaved by esterases to yield the active CBD. We are currently developing a formulation for K-1032 to be administered topically.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies in a rodent model of acne have been used to determine suitable dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1032 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. We intend to undergo detailed ADME/PK analysis of K-1032 in pigs, as well as non-clinical safety assessment of K-1032 in rats and dogs that will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies, to complete IND enabling studies.

      Unmet need AD is one of the most common chronic inflammatory skin diseases that affect both children and adults with an increased prevalence of 2–3 fold during the last century, particularly in industrialized countries. Despite its increased prevalence worldwide, no specific therapies for AD exist that provide long-term remission for patients with moderate to severe AD. Despite the advantage of topical products and systemic drugs that have being applied to treat acne, they possess side effects. Therefore, there remains an unmet need for an effective treatment for improvement the outcome of acne and AD.


      Therapeutic goal K-1042 is a novel prodrug invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment of Acute renal failure (ARF). Designed as a boronic acid derivative of cannabidiol (CBD), K-1042 is being developed to improve the long-term outcome of ARF patients. ARF is a syndrome characterized by rapid loss of kidney function, specifically the glomerular filtration rate, measured by increases in serum creatinine and limited or lack of urine output. ARF is a common complication of acute illness, affecting more than 35% of critically ill patients. Despite advances in treatment and prevention, ARF continues to be associated with high rates of mortality and morbidity, particularly for patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU), where mortality rates can exceed 50%. Various types of injury lead to ARF. Common to all these injuries is an inflammatory response due to the kidney insult. The active parent compound of K-1042, CBD, is known for its immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, we elect K-1042 as novel candidate for the treatment of ARF, which we anticipate to suppress the inflammation present in ARF patients and prevent long-term kidney failure.

      Molecular design and intended mechanism of action We expect the prodrug boronate moiety to undergo kidney-specific cleavage due to increased local levels of hydrogen peroxide produced in ARF patients. Our novel formulation will be administered intravenously (IV) to hospitalized patients, in order to avoid first-pass metabolism of CBD and improve the pharmacokinetic (PK) profile. The combination of direct targeting to the kidney along with the novel formulation design are expected to increase the efficacy of CBD and prevent the long-term consequences ARF.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies in a rodent models of renal ischemia, induced by sepsis or reperfusion injury, have been used to determine suitable dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1042 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. Additionally, we intend to undertake detailed pharmacokinetic studies in rats. Data obtained from these studies will be utilized in the future to design clinical PBPK/PD-based human models to inform the design of clinical PK studies. Non-clinical safety assessment of K-1042 will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies. These investigations will include separate studies that permit full toxicokinetic (TK) characterization of K-1042. The toxicology of K-1042 will be evaluated in rats and dogs, 2 pharmacologically-relevant species, given IV, the intended route of administration in humans.

      Unmet need The standard of care for the treatment of ARF is renal replacement therapy, which is supportive but not curative. To date, there is no drug treatment for acute renal failure. Thus, an urgent need remains to develop an effective treatment for ARF. Therefore, the development of K-1042 will provide the first pharmacological treatment for patients suffering from ARF.


      Therapeutic goal K-1052 is a novel cannabidiol (CBD)-based pharmaceutical composition invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment Traumatic brain injury (TBI). K-1052 is a di-GW274150 ((S)-2-amino-(1-iminoethylamino)-5-thioheptanoic acid) derivative of CBD. TBI is a highly complex multi-factorial disorder, which involves primary and secondary injury cascades that underlie delayed neuronal dysfunction and death. Following head injury, TBI is a consequence of neuroinflammation caused by an increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and a concomitant increase in levels of inflammatory cytokines.

      Molecular design and intended mechanism of action K-1052 consists of two pharmacologically active components, that are coupled together into a single prodrug molecule. The first one, CBD, is known for its neuroprotective role and is therefore expected to control TBI-associated neuroinflammation. The second component, (S)-2-amino-(1-iminoethylamino)-5-thioheptanoic acid, is a specific inducible Nitric Oxide synthase (iNOS) inhibitor that has been tested in phase III human clinical trials for other indications. K-1052 was selected as a relevant prodrug since iNOS-produced nitric oxide (NO) was shown to mediate blood-brain barrier (BBB) damage, and consequently drive the formation of post-traumatic brain edema. We predict that a combination of these two neuroprotective compounds will result in an extremely powerful anti-inflammatory treatment.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies in a rodent models of TBI, have been used to determine suitable dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1052 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. Additionally, we intend to undertake detailed pharmacokinetic studies in rats. Data obtained from these studies will be utilized in the future to design clinical PBPK/PD-based human models to inform the design of clinical PK studies. Non-clinical safety assessment of K-1052 will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies. These investigations will include separate studies that permit full toxicokinetic (TK) characterization of K-1052. The toxicology of K-1052 will be evaluated in rats and dogs, 2 pharmacologically-relevant species, given IV, the intended route of administration in humans.

      Unmet need Currently, there is no efficacious therapeutic or intervention utilized by physicians in daily clinical practice for TBI patients. Hence the urgent requirement for an effective therapy for TBI.


      Therapeutic goal K-1062 is a novel cannabidiol (CBD)-based pharmaceutical composition invented by Kalytera Therapeutics, intended for the treatment Congestive Heart Failure (CHF). K-1062 is a di-nitrate-derivative of CBD. CHF is characterized by a rousing cardiac injury that triggers a cascade of neurohormonal responses, commonly associated with poor quality of life, frequent hospital admissions, and poor survival affecting approximately 26 million people worldwide (Arroll B et al., 2010), (Verschure DO et al., 2016).

      Molecular design and intended mechanism of action K-1062 consists of two pharmacologically active components, that are coupled together into a single prodrug molecule. The first one, CBD, is known for its anti-inflammatory role and is therefore expected to control CHF-associated inflammation. The second component, is organic nitrates (ONs) which have a direct relaxant effect on vascular smooth muscles and the dilation of coronary vessels improves oxygen supply to the myocardium (Torfgard, K.E, 1994). We predict that a combination of these two compounds will result in useful treatment for patients with CHF.

      Current pharmacology studies In vivo efficacy studies in a rodent models of CHF, have been used to determine suitable dosing and exposure time. These data will provide a rationale for assessment of K-1062 in a model testing efficacy via systemic exposure. Additionally, we intend to undertake detailed pharmacokinetic studies in rats. Data obtained from these studies will be utilized in the future to design clinical PBPK/PD-based human models to inform the design of clinical PK studies. Non-clinical safety assessment of K-1062 will include safety pharmacology and toxicology studies. These investigations will include separate studies that permit full toxicokinetic (TK) characterization of K-1062. The toxicology of K-1062 will be evaluated in rats and dogs, 2 pharmacologically-relevant species, administered sublingually, the intended route of administration in humans. The advantage of sublingual administration for CHF is direct absorption into systemic circulation, thus avoiding degradation in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract and first pass effect.

      Unmet need Although conventional drugs known for treating CHF improved survival, the prognosis of CHF remains poor. Thus, there remains a need to develop new therapeutics to treat CHF.
      schrieb am 22.02.17 15:27:31
      Beitrag Nr. 387 ()
      Erste Institutionen planen ETF fond für Investitionen in Cannabis Markt!
      Proposed U.S. ETF would track flowering marijuana market
      Published Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2017 1:40PM EST

      An investment company is making plans to launch what could be the first exchange-traded fund to profit on marijuana.

      The Emerging AgroSphere ETF would give investors an opportunity to buy a group of companies making prescription drugs using cannabis extracts, selling hemp derivatives and other related stocks, fund backer ETF Managers Group LLC said in a filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission last week.

      More than two dozen U.S. states have legalized some form of marijuana for medical or recreational use, though the drug remains illegal at the federal level.

      Support for legalization of marijuana has risen to nearly 60 percent among U.S. adults, the Pew Research Center said last year. Ten years ago, just 32 percent of adults favored legalization, while 60 percent were opposed to it.

      The investment company did not disclose a ticker symbol, its fees or a launch date but said the fund will be listed on NYSE Arca. A spokesman for ETF Managers Group LLC declined to comment.

      Legal cannabis spending could rise to $21.6-billion in 2021, from $6.9 billion last year, according to the Arcview Group LLC, an investment and research company.

      The ETF, which would buy stocks globally, “will not invest in any companies that are focused on serving the non-medical marijuana market in the United States, Canada or any other country unless and until such time as the production and sale of non-medical marijuana becomes legal in the United States, Canada or such other country,” the prospective fund’s managers said in the filing.
      schrieb am 22.02.17 15:30:22
      Beitrag Nr. 388 ()
      Aphria beliefert Australische Royal North Shore Klinik…

      Aphria supplies Australian Clinic

      Medlab Clinical to start Australia’s first trial of cannabis for oncology patients

      13:00 22 Feb 2017
      Cannabis will be incorporated with Medlab’s medicine delivery system.Medlab Clinical (ASX:MDC) is completing the final steps to start Australia’s first clinical trial using cannabis for oncology patients suffering intractable pain.

      The company’s efforts have been supported by the federal government’s recent announcement to facilitate faster supply of medicinal cannabis products.

      Medlab recently obtained clearances from Australian health departments and is awaiting a final shipment clearance from Canadian health authorities to import cannabis material from Canada.

      The cannabis material is a combination of the two most active cannabis ingredients, formulated by Medlab and being supplied by Canadian licenced producer of medical marijuana, Aphria Inc.

      Medlab has arranged the delivery of the cannabis material to a contractor in Melbourne, licenced for controlled substance manufacture.

      The cannabis material will be incorporated with Medlab’s small particle medicine delivery system, Nanocelle™, to be readied for the trial.

      In conjunction with the manufacturer, Medlab has established a drug manufacturing method that will be the prescribed template for future production.

      Prerequisites for trial commencement are ethics approval from Royal North Shore Hospital, which is progressing well, and the issue of a clinical trial number from Therapeutic Goods Administration.

      Importantly, the supportive government attitude towards cannabis is encouraging for the future prospects of Medlab’s initiative with cannabis.

      The company’s share price has more than doubled during the past six months, last trading at $0.755.

      Medlab is well funded with a cash balance of $4.3 million as at 31 December 2016.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 23.02.17 15:33:34
      Beitrag Nr. 389 ()
      Aphria Partner - Green Acre Capital hat schon erste Investitionen erhalten und will bis zu 25 Mio einsammeln!…

      Green Acre Capital Fund Secures Lead Order for Cannabis Investments

      Investors Include Dragons’ Den Veteran, Seasoned Cannabis and Pharma Experts

      February 23, 2017 09:07 ET | Source: Green Acre Capital
      TORONTO, Feb. 23, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Green Acre Capital (“GAC”) today announced the first close of Green Acre Capital Fund I, dedicated to investments in the Canadian legal cannabis industry. The Fund remains open and on pace to raise the targeted amount of $25 million in Q1 2017.

      GAC is also pleased to confirm that Dragons’ Den veteran and co-founder of FirstEnergy Capital Corp, W. Brett Wilson, will be a lead investor alongside York Plains Investment Corp. and Aphria Inc. (TSXV:APH.V) (OtherOTC:APHQF). In connection with the investment, Wilson joins Shawn Dym, Managing Director of York Plains, Lorne Gertner, co-Founder of Tokyo Smoke and PharmaCan Capital (now Cronos Group) and Vic Neufeld, CEO and Chairman of Aphria on GAC’s board of advisors. The GAC team is led by Managing Directors, Matt Shalhoub and Tyler Stuart.

      “We are excited to be partnering with such reputable and seasoned leaders and advisors. The addition of Brett is a big win for GAC. He is an incredibly savvy investor and entrepreneur who will bring a lot of passion to our team. We look forward to leveraging the experience and insight of our entire Advisory Board to deploy capital to the most compelling ventures across the cannabis value chain,” said Stuart.

      “The legal cannabis market is inevitable and I feel this will be an intelligent place to deploy capital. The Green Acre Capital Fund is ahead of the curve in offering a product like this to investors. I intend to be an advocate for two main themes as I get involved in the industry. The first is to advance medical research initiatives on a plant that has been illegal to date. And the second is around responsible consumption, particularly for our youth,” adds Wilson.

      The launch of the fund was announced in early 2017 with the goal of building a diversified portfolio of the most attractive cannabis investment opportunities across numerous verticals within the industry. “Canada is on the verge of what is sure to become a multi-billion dollar industry. We’re proud to be here early, and eager to shape the industry moving forward,” says Shalhoub.

      Green Acre Capital is currently exploring early stage cannabis product, branding, research and technology investment opportunities in anticipation of the legalizing of the Canadian recreational cannabis market while building on the platform of investments in the medical marijuana space.

      About Green Acre Capital
      Green Acre Capital is a private investment fund focused on the Canadian medical and recreational cannabis industry with consideration for international opportunities. The Fund plans to invest in multiple sectors of the cannabis value chain, and to create an eco-system amongst portfolio investments that will help fuel growth and innovation.

      Matt Shalhoub

      Tyler Stuart
      schrieb am 23.02.17 17:44:01
      Beitrag Nr. 390 ()
      Aphria Partner Kalytera hält Heute um 18:00 Uhr einen Conference Call
      Link: Registration for webcast - Is this the conference for which you would like to register?

      Conference Details
      Hosting Company: Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc.
      Conference Title: Conference Call to Discuss Phase 2a Clinical Study Results Investigating CBD for the Treatment of Acute GvHD

      Conductor: Andrew L. Salzman, M.D., Chief Executive Officer
      Scheduled Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017
      Scheduled Time: 12:00 PM
      Time Zone: (GMT -5:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
      Your Local Time: 6:00 PM
      Estimated Duration: 1 hour
      Notes: To view the webcast for this conference, please click on the following

      Date: Thursday, February 23, 2017
      Time: 12:00 PM ET
      Conference Call: (Register to receive dial-in instructions)
      Webcast: (Allow at least ten minutes to access the site before the webcast begins)
      schrieb am 23.02.17 22:44:48
      Beitrag Nr. 391 ()

      schrieb am 24.02.17 06:39:38
      Beitrag Nr. 392 ()
      Guter Bericht zu Aphria auf Nasdaq Seite!…
      schrieb am 24.02.17 18:23:27
      Beitrag Nr. 393 ()
      Aphria die zukünftige Cash Cow…


      The stock has returned upwards of 500% in the last 12 months.

      The company enjoys the lowest production costs on the market.

      Strong demand forecasting demonstrated by management.

      For the last 3 years, investors with large risk-appetite and a bullish sentiment on marijuana have looked to the Canadian stock exchanges for undervalued pharmaceutical companies. One of the companies that often gets overlooked by investors is Aphria Inc. (OTCQB:APHQF) which we believe might be a better long-term play than large companies such as Canopy Growth Corporation (OTCPK:TWMJF).

      Aphria Inc. is a cannabis producer based in Leamington, Ontario. Aphria is one of a handful of greenhouse-only LPs and is one of the lowest cost producers in the MMPR. Aphria is Canada's 2nd largest biotechnology company by market cap. Over the last 12 months, the stock has soared upwards of 500% closing yesterday at $6.48. This stock has outperformed 94% of Canada-listed stocks in the same period.

      (Source: Yahoo Finance)

      Aphria recently announced their expansion project which will increase growing capacity to 1 million square feet and output 70,000 kg. Part IV of the project which will cost $137 million includes 700,000 square feet of automated greenhouses, 230,000 square feet of infrastructure including vaults, processing and warehouse areas and ACMPR-standard security. The project is being financed by an equity offering of 10 million shares to Clarus Securities. However, it is important to note that this is contingent on the conditional approval that was recently received from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      This is an important project for the company as large competitors in the industry have shown poor demand forecasting and have lost out on potential revenue. In the beginning of January, a news website named Lift published an analysis of the number of dried bud varieties on LP websites between October and December of 2016. As can be seen below, Aphria consistently carried one of the largest varieties on the market. This signifies that management has a strong grasp on both forecasting and operations. We believe this will continually play a big role in companies' performances and Aphria is well positioned to succeed.

      Source: Lift News)

      Fundamental Analysis

      When looking for long-term investments in volatile sectors such as the cannabis business, it is important to invest in companies which display solid fundamentals. Specifically, free cash flows and margins will be the driving keys to success in this highly competitive market. These numbers signify who can produce the highest quality product and distribute it at the lowest possible cost. This year, Aphria announced that cannabis oil products accounted for over 10% of sales in Q2, versus a minimal contribution in Q1. Cash production cost was $1.31 per gram in Q2, up modestly from $1.23 per gram in Q1 as oils and their small incremental processing cost assumed a larger portion of revenue in the quarter. The company currently enjoys the lowest production costs amongst competitors.

      (Source: Company Financial Reports)

      This is essential in this industry quickly moving toward a wholesale model, where the ability for large producers to suppress their expenses and achieve larger margins will provide a sustainable advantage for years to come. Aphria currently operates on $2.2 million free cash flow, which is equivalent to approximately 14% of company revenue. This is extremely impressive as the company's biggest competitor Canopy Growth has negative cash flows and has yet to generate any profits.

      Regulatory Risk
      It is important to note that this stock has already priced in the expected legalization of marijuana across Canada. However, these policies are not likely to be instituted until 2019, so investors will not receive the full benefits of recreational marijuana market for another 3 years. Additionally, many Canadian companies have growth plans that require the legalization of marijuana in the United States. While over 50% of the population is in favor of legalization, only a few states have taken action in legalizing recreation cannabis. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies connected to the cannabis industry may be at risk of federal and state criminal prosecution under the Controlled Substances Act. There are further barriers in the legalization process that may significantly derail expected growth in the industry.

      Consolidation Opportunities
      The marijuana industry has been prone to M&A activity as they are gearing up for the shift into the wholesale market. This may result in large competitors merging and creating large economies of scale and inter-departmental synergies that will allow them to cultivate cannabis at the lowest cost on the market. This will take away Aphria's main competitive advantage and would significantly reduce margins and volume on all products sold. Currently, cost of goods sold is the focus for many of the firms, as they are looking to maximize operational efficiencies. We believe more consolidation is to come from large companies such as Canopy Growth as their management has stated that M&A will be a large part of their growth plans.
      (Source: IBIS World)

      Our Takeaway

      We initiate a BUY rating on this stock as it displays strong fundamentals, quality product and strong management. Aphria is the first public-licensed, medical cannabis company to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. In a volatile industry this stock can produce steady returns, while capitalizing on double-digit industry demand.

      Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

      I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

      Editor's Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.
      schrieb am 24.02.17 18:27:03
      Beitrag Nr. 394 ()
      Aphria closes bought deal financing with over allotment of $ 57,5 Mio
      Aphria closes bought deal financing

      Feb. 24, 2017 9:55 AM ET|About: Aphria Inc. (APHQF)|By: Mohit Manghnani, SA News Editor
      Aphria (OTCQB:APHQF) announced today that it has closed the finance offering on bought deal basis.

      The deal was closed with full underwriter allotment option of 11.5M shares at C$5/share, bringing in gross proceeds of C$57.5M, which will be used for unfunded portion of Part IV Expansion and strategic investments.

      Previously: Aphria receives conditional approval for listing on TSX (Feb. 06 2017)

      Now read: Aphria Inc.: A Future Cash Cow? »
      schrieb am 24.02.17 18:41:18
      Beitrag Nr. 395 ()
      Hier die ganze Meldung: Aphria Announces Closing of Bought Deal Financing
      Aphria Inc.
      Dieses Bild ist nicht SSL-verschlüsselt: [url]
      Aphria Inc.
      February 24, 2017 09:20 ET

      Aphria Announces Closing of Bought Deal Financing
      Announces Additional Investment in Kalytera
      LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - Feb. 24, 2017) -
      Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is pleased to announce it has closed its short form prospectus offering, on a bought deal basis, including the exercise in full of the underwriters' over-allotment option. A total of 11,500,000 common shares (the "Shares") of the Company were sold at a price of $5.00 per Share, for aggregate gross proceeds of $57,500,000 (the "Offering"). The Offering was underwritten by a syndicate of underwriters led by Clarus Securities Inc. and included Cormark Securities Inc., Canaccord Genuity Corp., Haywood Securities Inc. and PI Financial Corp (collectively, the "Underwriters").
      The net proceeds of the Offering are expected to be used in connection with the Company's ongoing Part IV Expansion project and for strategic investments. It is currently anticipated that Part IV Expansion is expected to commence during the Company's third quarter.
      Until spent by the Company, the net proceeds of the Offering will be held as cash balances in the Company's bank account or invested at the discretion of the Company's Board of Directors.
      The Shares were offered for sale in each of the provinces of Canada, other than the Province of Quebec, by short form prospectus, and in those jurisdictions outside of Canada and the United States which were agreed to by the Company and the Underwriters, where the Shares were issued on a private placement basis, exempt from any prospectus, registration or other similar requirements.
      This news release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the securities of Aphria Inc. in the United States, nor shall there be any sale of the securities in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sale would be unlawful. The securities offered have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act or any U.S. state securities laws and may not be offered or sold within the United States or to, or for the account or benefit of, U.S. Persons unless registered under the U.S. Securities Act and applicable state securities laws or unless an exemption from such registration is available.

      Additional investment in Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc.
      The Company also announces that, on February 7, 2017, the Company acquired 2,222,000 common shares of Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc. ("Kalytera") at a price of $0.45 per share, for an aggregate purchase price of $999,900. This transaction was part of Kalytera's private placement announced on January 23, 2017. Further, on February 21, 2017, the Company purchased an additional 1,450,000 common shares of Kalytera on the secondary market. As of today's date, the Company owns 6,172,000 common shares in Kalytera, representing approximately 4.8% of their issued and outstanding shares.

      About Aphria
      Aphria Inc., one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licenced producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.
      CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "expect", "believe", "intend" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to internal expectations, the use of proceeds of the Offering and the intended expansion of the Company's facility and the anticipated timing with respect to such expansion. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing costs; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments involving medical marijuana; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; the medical marijuana industry in Canada generally, income tax and regulatory matters; the ability of Aphria to implement its business strategies; competition; crop failure; currency and interest rate fluctuations and other risks.
      Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated. Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Aphria Inc.
      Vic Neufeld
      President & CEO
      schrieb am 25.02.17 11:36:39
      Beitrag Nr. 396 ()
      Hinter dem Aphria invest in Kalytera steckt etwas mehr...…

      Aphria news stated following Additional investment in Kalytera Therapeutics Inc. The company also announces that, on Feb. 7, 2017, the company acquired 2,222,000 common shares of Kalytera Therapeutics at a price of 45 cents per share for an aggregate purchase price of $999,900. This transaction was part of Kalytera's private placement announced on Jan. 23, 2017. Further, on Feb. 21, 2017, the company purchased an additional 1.45 million common shares of Kalytera on the secondary market. As of today's date, the company owns 6,172,000 common shares in Kalytera, representing approximately 4.8 per cent of its issued and outstanding shares. I think there is more and always the same Management Team sunny3999 wrote: There is more behind: Tisbury Pharmaceuticals the whole team is/was already at Tisbury Ph. and more: SALZMAN CAPITAL VENTURES and more: Radikal RX and more: Quitsa Pharmaceuticals and more: Respirometics (RSPX) and more: Menemsha Pharmaceuticals

      Revolution in der Cannabismedizin mit Kalytera Therapeutics | - Vollständige Diskussion unter:…
      schrieb am 26.02.17 17:25:14
      Beitrag Nr. 397 ()
      Mal ne Frage. Wie kommt ihr auf so hohe EBIT Margen (finde da nur EBITDA)? Bin zwar nicht tief in der Materie, aber ein Blick auf die Daten aus dem Annual Report 2016 (fiscal year Mai 15 - Mai 16) sagt mir was anders? Vielleicht könnt ihr mir ja weiterhelfen! :)

      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.02.17 17:34:49
      Beitrag Nr. 398 ()
      Übrigens: Auf der Website von Aphria gibt leider keine Bilder von dem Zeug was man da kauft, leider immer nur die entsprechenden Logos mit Name. Wer sich also mal einige Praxistests ansehen will:
      schrieb am 26.02.17 17:41:15
      Beitrag Nr. 399 ()
      Eine letzte Frage für heute: Gibt es irgendwo eine fundierte Übersicht bezüglich der Absatzmengen? Würde gerne mal wissen, in welcher Reihenfolge Aphria, Canopy und Aurora stehen!
      schrieb am 26.02.17 19:17:40
      Beitrag Nr. 400 ()
      -Another TSX Stock That Could Be A Smash Hit…

      Feb.26.17 | About: Aphria Inc. (APHQF) Get Alerts


      StreetAuthorityFollow(4,036 followers)
      Research analyst
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      Aphira is the second largest cannabis producer in Canada and is poised for explosive market growth.

      APH's recent inclusion in Canadian index funds makes it more visible to investors.

      Recent capital expenditures gives Aphira the facilities needed to meet growing demand.

      By Michael Vodicka

      Canada had the best performing stock index in the developed world in 2016. The TSX (Toronto Stock Exchange) index delivered a total return of 18.26%. That was a 34% premium to the S&P 500's total return of 13.59%.

      This awesome performance was driven by a newly-listed TSX stock. On July 26, Canopy Growth Corp (OTCPK:TWMJF, TSX:WEED) became the first-ever cannabis company to be listed on the TSX Index. The listing generated huge interest from investors eager to cash in on the high-growth medical cannabis industry.

      Since the listing, shares of Canopy have gained 186%, making it the one of the best performing stocks on the entire TSX Index. I wrote about CGC on November 1, telling investors to pay attention. Since my article was published, Canopy has risen 81%.

      If you missed out on those big returns, don't worry. I see that same pattern unfolding again. Canopy is about to be joined on the TSX Index by a second cannabis company.

      Aphria (OTCQB:APHQF, CVE:APH) is the second-largest medical cannabis company in Canada with a market value of $591 million. Shares of Aphria are currently traded on the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange, a subsidiary of the TSX that allows smaller companies to access public capital.

      Just like Canopy, Aphria has been on a roll. Shares are up 452% in the last 12 months. Take a look below.


      TSX stock, Aphria Stock, Marijuana Stock

      Despite those outsized gains, I see an important short-term catalyst that I believe will propel shares to a new all-time high. With investors across the world clamoring for access to cannabis stocks, Aphria is set to join Canopy Growth Corp as the second medical cannabis TSX stock.I expect this uplisting to be great for Aphria's share price for two reasons.
      Aphria Will Be A Component Of Most Canadian Index Funds
      Up-listing to the TSX Index will make Aphria a component in most Canadian index funds.

      This is important. Any time a billion-dollar fund manager or individual investors purchases a Canadian index fund, such as iShares MSCI Canada (NYSEARCA:EWC), they will be buying shares of Aphira.

      Canada's stock market is hot right now. With energy rebounding, Canada's resource driven economy is back in high gear. I am expecting fund managers to dump billions into TSX stock buys throughout 2017. Aphria's share price would directly benefit from those inflows.

      The up-listing will also put the spotlight on Aphria's amazing growth.

      Aphria Is Building A 1 Million-Square-Foot Cultivation Facility
      Aphria is cashing in on the high-growth legal cannabis industry. Second-quarter revenue was up 157% from the same period last year to $5.2 million. Net income jumped to $946,000 from a loss of $432,000 last year.

      Looking forward, I am expecting more big-time revenue growth. Aphria just finished step two in a four-step expansion project to build a 1,000,000-square-foot cannabis cultivation facility. Part three is now underway, a $25 million investment to add another 200,000 square feet of cultivation capacity. This stage is set to be completed in the spring of 2018.

      The final phase, phase four, is a $137 million investment to add another 700,000 square feet of production capacity. This portion of the project has yet to be funded and would be scheduled to go online in the spring of 2019.

      When you add it all together, Aphria has laid the groundwork for a 1 million-square-foot cultivation facility capable of producing 70,000 kilograms of dried cannabis every year.

      The expansion project comes at an ideal time. Medical cannabis is already legal in Canada. Now, recreational could be right around the corner. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has laid the groundwork for a potential vote on legalizing recreational use this spring.If recreational gets approval, early estimates suggest it could add between one and four million users to Canada's legal cannabis market. That would be a huge windfall for the entire industry and particularly for Aphria with its rapidly growing cultivation capacity and customer base.
      Risks To Consider: Aphria has posted huge gains. Shares are up 446% in the last 12 months. Although I am not expecting a big pullback, shares look a little overbought in the short run.

      Action To Take: Aphria is set to become the newest TSX stock in the growing cannabis sector. I am expecting that to trigger new capital inflows and lift shares to a new all-time high in 2017.

      This article was originally posted on

      Disclosure: I/we have no positions in any stocks mentioned, and no plans to initiate any positions within the next 72 hours.

      I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it. I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

      Editor's Note: This article discusses one or more securities that do not trade on a major U.S. exchange. Please be aware of the risks associated with these stocks.

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 26.02.17 20:50:50
      Beitrag Nr. 401 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.415.336 von Oskilor am 26.02.17 17:25:14
      Quartalszahlen vom Januar 17…
      schrieb am 27.02.17 16:19:02
      Beitrag Nr. 402 ()
      Aphria Invests Aggressively into the Cannabis Industry…
      schrieb am 28.02.17 19:18:07
      Beitrag Nr. 403 ()
      The Motley Fool: Ist Aphira die beste Cannabis Aktie ?…

      Is Aphria Inc. the Best Marijuana Stock?
      Joey Frenette | February 28, 2017 | More on: WEED APH

      Aphria Inc. (TSXV:APH) is the second-largest marijuana producer that’s going to give its peer Canopy Growth Corp. (TSX:WEED) a real run for its money in 2017. Aphria plans to expand its production capacity by leaps and bounds over the next few years. The management team is focused on operational efficiency and hopes to be a major player once cannabis is legalized across Canada.

      There’s been a huge surge in demand for marijuana, which will only continue to increase once the drug is legalized. The amount of medical marijuana prescriptions has skyrocketed over the past year, and Canopy hasn’t been able to keep up…

      Fool contributor Joey Frenette has no position in any stocks mentioned.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.02.17 19:34:15
      Beitrag Nr. 404 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.432.812 von sunny3999 am 28.02.17 19:18:07..."If you’re looking for a marijuana stock to buy, then Aphria Inc. may be your best bet." :cool:
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 28.02.17 19:35:17
      Beitrag Nr. 405 ()
      Auf BNN: Dragon's Den Brett Wilson diskutiert invest in Aphria Partner Green Acre Capital!
      Dragon's Den ist in Deutschland "Höhle der Löwen" und Brett Wilson ist ein "großer" Investor im Öl, Gas und Energie Sektor, seit neuestem auch in Cannabis Start-up Green Acre Capital die wiederum Partner von Aphria ist.
      Link BNN Interview:…
      Brett Wilson's latest investment: Cannabis startups
      W. Brett Wilson, advisor and investor, Green Acre Capital tells BNN's Catherine Murray why he jumped on board with a private equity Cannabis fund and why Canada is poised to become a leader in cannabis innovation.
      schrieb am 01.03.17 09:47:32
      Beitrag Nr. 406 ()
      BNN Diskussion mit Khurram Malik von Jacob Capital Management über MMJ…

      'Superficial' U.S. comments pressure Canadian pot companies: Jacob Capital Management

      Shares of medical marijuana producers fell after the White House's press secretary said the Trump administration will do more to enforce U.S. marijuana laws. Khurram Malik, head of research and partner at Jacob Capital Management joins BNN with his take.
      schrieb am 01.03.17 10:07:18
      Beitrag Nr. 407 ()
      Robert Lando: The lowest cost producer will win in this market
      Canadian Marijuana Companies Will Lead a Growing, Global Movement: Panel
      Posted By SmallCapPower - February 28, 2017

      Canadian marijuana companies should have first mover advantage
      SmallCapPower | February 28, 2017: The ‘Emerging Cannabis Sector’ was one of the panel discussions that took place at the recent Cantech Investment Conference 2017 in Toronto. Canadian marijuana companies, in particular, have been popular among investors and speculators alike following Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pledge to legalize marijuana for recreational use. Providing their insights that day were Cronos Group CEO Michael Gorenstein, CannaRoyalty Corp. (CSE:CRZ) CEO Mark Lustig, AgriNomix President Robert Lando, and CannTrust President & COO Brad Rogers.

      Here’s a summary of what was said:

      Michael Gorenstein:

      The current market is nearly $200 billion in revenue representing consumer purchasing habits.

      Canada is expected to be the first G7 country to recreational-ize cannabis consumption and will be the gold standard for compliance.

      Canadian companies will be the first movers and then spreading to other jurisdictions as they come online. As the market continues to expand there’s incremental cash flow that goes to each of the producers. There’s a first mover advantage for any producer that already has a license in Canada and it’s not just domestic but global.

      There’s a big gap between demand and supply, and he expects that to continue for a number of years. Future demand will come from countries such as Germany, with its population of about 81 million, which will likely see insurance re-imbursement for cannabis. He thinks it will be about five to 10 years before supply catches up to demand in the legal market. As new jurisdictions come online, they will likely look to Canada for its experience.

      Right now there’s just one international producer outside of Canada that is able to ship internationally to countries such as Germany or Australia, and the rest are all in Canada.

      Mark Lustig:

      Our Company is focused on future markets such as cannabis in pharmaceuticals, and other products.

      In 2016, the U.S. sold about $7 billion worth of legal cannabis products and California would account for $5.5 billion of that as a medical market. In November, California also voted on the recreational expansion of the market.

      Trump says he’s going to leave the marijuana issue in the hands of the individual states. It’s the fast-growing sector of the economies of the states that have legalized it and it’s generating a lot of jobs.

      Testing of the products is going to be a major part of a legalized marijuana market.

      Dealers’ licenses will be a most valuable asset.

      Robert Lando:

      The lowest cost producer will win in this market.

      A lot of technical aspects to growing a crop – it has to be tracked and traced throughout its entire life, and there’s a lot of movement to a growing crop.

      Brad Rogers:

      “This industry is as small as it will ever be right now.”

      He believes the Canadian product is the “gold standard” globally.
      schrieb am 01.03.17 20:39:13
      Beitrag Nr. 408 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.432.980 von MVAL am 28.02.17 19:34:15
      Zitat von MVAL: ..."If you’re looking for a marijuana stock to buy, then Aphria Inc. may be your best bet." :cool:

      Das ist doch mal eine Ansage aus dem "The Motley Fool"!…
      schrieb am 02.03.17 15:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 409 ()
      Aphria's Aktienpreisziel von 6 auf 8 erhöht durch Jason Zandberg von PI Financial…
      Aphria gets price target raise at PI Financial

      With a recent bought deal adding to an already impressive war chest, Aphria (TSX:APH) is now the market leader in terms of funded capacity, says PI Financial analyst Jason Zandberg.
      On February 24, Aphria announced that it had sold a total of 11.5-million shares at a price of $5.00 per share to raise $57.5-million. The company said the proceeds would be used to fund the expansion of its Part 4 expansion project and for strategic investments.
      Zandberg says this latest round of financing puts Aphria over the top in a key metric.
      “We believe Aphria is the MJ market leader in terms of funded capacity,” says the analyst. “Having recently closed a $57.5M bought deal financing, we estimate Aphria’s cash balance currently sits at around $130M – $160M. We estimate that Aphria’s total funded capacity is 61,000kg. This estimate includes current capacity of 2,800kg plus funded expansion plans – we have assumed Part 2 and 3 are funded and Part 4 expansion is partially funded. This funded capacity is the highest among the licensed producers in Canada.”

      Zandberg says Aphria’s capacity after its Part 4 expansion will be impressive.
      “After the Part 4 expansion is complete, Aphria will have a total greenhouse growing space of 1,000,000 sqft. and will be able to produce up to 70,000kg per annum implying yields of 70 grams/sqft above industry greenhouse average yields of 60 grams/sqft,” he says.
      In a research update to clients today, Zandberg maintained his “Buy” rating, but raised his one-year price target on Aphria from $6.00 to $8.00. The analyst says the target raise is due to the increase in peer multiples and our EV/Funded Capacity valuation.
      Zandberg believes Aphria will post EBITDA of $4.17-million on revenue of $20.2-million in fiscal 2017. He expects these numbers will improve to EBITDA of $14.9-million on a topline of $42.3-million the following year.
      schrieb am 02.03.17 15:45:22
      Beitrag Nr. 410 ()
      Aphria deutet auf Diversifizierung hin laut Oracle dispatch!…
      APHRIA INC COM NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) is an interesting stock. If there was a Blue Chip segment of the cannabis patch, this would be the stalwart best-in-class (or close to it). We have continued to push its virtues from a strictly financial standpoint in our coverage over recent months – fortress balance sheet, huge revenue growth trajectory, etc – but today’s update will be a little different. If there might be a concern for APHQF stock, it is the same type of concern that comes up with commodity producers (integrated oil stocks, copper miners, etc): The increased legality, and the massive media focus on pot growing has flooded the world with cheap marijuana.

      Prices are falling as a result. However, at the same time, demand is likely set to ramp up as more states legalize, and as Canada legalizes nationally, leading to a wider base of consumers. But, at some point, the market on the demand side will have stabilized – not everyone wants it – and supply will likely continue to ramp up until we get the point where margins only slightly exceed 0. That’s why we like to see APHQF starting to diversify. We’ll get to that in a moment. But first, let’s re-introduce the company.

      APHRIA INC COM NPV (OTCMKTS:APHQF) trumpets itself as a company that produces, supplies, and sells medical cannabis in Canada. Its cannabis products include dried flowers and cannabis oils.

      The company sells its products through its online store and telephone orders, as well as MMPR licensed producers. Aphria Inc. is headquartered in Leamington, Canada.

      According to company press materials, “Aphria Inc., one of Canada’s lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.”

      Find out when APHQF stock reaches critical levels. Subscribe to Right Now by entering your Email in the box below.


      As noted above, we think we see signs that this company is starting to become a deeper entity, with a more diversified operational palate.

      For example, in a recent press release, Green Acre Capital announced the first close of “Green Acre Capital Fund I”, dedicated to investments in the Canadian legal cannabis industry, naming APHQF as a lead investor.

      According to the release, the Fund remains open and on pace to raise the targeted amount of $25 million in Q1 2017.

      Green Acre announced the team in charge of the fund, including Dragons’ Den veteran and co-founder of FirstEnergy Capital Corp, W. Brett Wilson as a lead investor alongside York Plains Investment Corp. and Aphria Inc. (APHQF). In connection with the investment, Wilson joins Shawn Dym, Managing Director of York Plains, Lorne Gertner, co-Founder of Tokyo Smoke and PharmaCan Capital (now Cronos Group) and Vic Neufeld, CEO and Chairman of Aphria on GAC’s board of advisors. The GAC team is led by Managing Directors, Matt Shalhoub and Tyler Stuart.

      As we understand it, the launch of the fund was announced in early 2017 with the goal of building a diversified portfolio of the most attractive cannabis investment opportunities across numerous verticals within the industry. APHQF is one of the lead players in the fund, which means they are still in the patch, but can allocate their large cash stores (nearly $100M and growing, versus less than 1M in current liabilities) toward other avenues outside of pure cultivation.

      “Canada is on the verge of what is sure to become a multi-billion dollar industry. We’re proud to be here early, and eager to shape the industry moving forward,” says Shalhoub.

      The chart shows 30% during the past month in terms of shareholder gains in the listing. This is emblematic of the stock. APHQF stock has a track record that includes a number of dramatic rallies. Moreover, the listing has benefitted from a jump in recent trading volume to the tune of a bit less than 140% over what the stock has registered over the longer term. Since we last covered the name, the stock has moved 21.6% higher.

      Earning a current market cap value of $550M, Aphria Inc has a significant war chest ($98.6M) of cash on the books, which compares with about $743K in total current liabilities. One should also note that debt has been growing over recent quarters. APHQF is pulling in trailing 12-month revenues of $15.1M. In addition, the company is seeing major top line growth, with y/y quarterly revenues growing at 157.9%. As more color becomes clear on the name, we will review the situation and update our take. For continuing coverage on shares of APHQF stock, as well as our other hot stock picks, sign up for our free newsletter today and get our next hot stock pick!…
      schrieb am 03.03.17 13:43:25
      Beitrag Nr. 411 ()
      Aphria's große Zukunft für 2017!
      Aphria Inc. Looking At A Big 2017!!!
      Aphria Inc (CVE:APH) (OTCMKTS:APHQF) has held up in 2017 better than other cannabis names. While across the sector we have seen profit taking, Aphria is just C$1 off the highs. This is a very positive sign and one that indicates that when the Green Rush 2.0 rally kicks in again, Aphria Inc is going to be a leader. Taking a closer look, it’s easy to see why.



      Helping to drive Aphria’s share price will be its listing on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Aphria has received conditional approval and will be graduating from the TSX Venture Exchange and list its common shares on the TSX. Aphria’s listing on the TSX Venture Exchange will allow a whole new category of investors to participate in the Aphria story. We expect this listing to take place before May 3rd. CEO Vic Neufeld said:

      “Graduating to the TSX represents yet another important milestone for Aphria as we continue our successful journey as one of Canada’s leading cannabis companies. This achievement comes on the heels of many other important milestones we’ve reached: first public LP to report consecutive positive quarterly operating results. First public LP to report consecutive quarters with net profits. First public LP to license its cultivation intellectual property. Diversification with non-cultivation assets. Low cost producer status.”
      Last month, Aphria closed its most recent financing. The company sold 11,500,000 common shares at a price of C$5.00 per Share, for aggregate gross proceeds of C$57,500,000. The net proceeds of the Offering are expected to be used in connection with the Company’s ongoing Part IV Expansion project and for strategic investments. It is currently anticipated that Part IV Expansion is expected to commence during the Company’s third quarter.

      Aphria also acquired 2,222,000 common shares of Kalytera Therapeutics, Inc at a price of $0.45 per share, for an aggregate purchase price of $999,900. This transaction was part of Kalytera’s private placement announced on January 23, 2017. Further, on February 21, 2017, the Company purchased an additional 1,450,000 common shares of Kalytera on the secondary market. Aphria now owns 6,172,000 common shares in Kalytera, representing approximately 4.8% of their issued and outstanding shares.

      The part IV expansion is a major undertaking for Aphria. The C$137 million project will increase Aphria’s capacity under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) from 300,000 square feet to 1,000,000 square feet. In addition to the 1,000,000 greenhouse growing square feet, the Company’s infrastructure will grow to over 250,000 square feet, necessary to service the expected 70,000 kilograms of eventual annualized harvests.

      The project includes 700,000 square feet of Leamington standard, Dutch style greenhouses, 230,000 square feet of infrastructure, including new Level 9 vaults, automation for all of the greenhouses, processing areas, warehouse facilities, a 15 MW power and heat co-generation facility and security consistent with ACMPR standards. Aphria anticipates completion of Part IV within 12 months, Health Canada approvals within 4 months of completing the expansion, and first harvest within 4 months after Health Canada approval.

      In January, we covered Aphria’s Q2 results. The company reported 19% growth in quarterly revenues and delivered its fourth consecutive quarter of profitability. In Q2, Aphria reported C$945,678 in net income, or C$0.01 per share. Profits rose due to strong growth in the average selling price per kilogram (or kilogram equivalent) and very strong new patient registrations in the quarter. Revenue for the three months ended November 30, 2016 was C$5,226,589, representing a 19.5% increased over the prior quarter’s revenue of C$4,375,512. The gross margin for Q2 was 77.4%.

      Tokyo Smoke is working with Aphria and will release four branded cannabis strains in the first quarter of 2017. Tokyo Smoke is an award-winning lifestyle brand that brings sophistication and design to the cannabis space. With immersive experiences and designer retail spaces with coffee, clothing and designer products, Tokyo Smoke is developing an international reputation as the go-to destination for luxurious, creative offerings within the industry.

      Currently trading with a market cap of C$819 million, Aphria has become one of the most diversified cannabis companies in the world. Aphria has built quite an investment portfolio of cannabis names. This gives investors exposure across the entire cannabis spectrum. Aphria’s list of investments includes Cannabo Medical (OTCMKTS:CAMDF), CannaRoyalty (OTCMKTS:CNNRF), Copperstate Farms, Green Acre Capital, Kalytera Therapeutics, MassRoots (OTCMKTS:MSRT), Resolve Digital Health, Scythian BioSciences, and Tetra Bio-Pharma (OTCMKTS:GRPOF). For an investor wanting to be in the cannabis sector, this diversification makes Aphria Inc a must-own stock.…

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 03.03.17 13:53:02
      Beitrag Nr. 412 ()
      Auch im konservativen Deutschland wird Cannabis als Heilpflanze immer stärker nachgefragt:…
      schrieb am 04.03.17 10:01:56
      Beitrag Nr. 413 ()
      Will Aphria Inc. (OTCMKTS:APHQF) Be A Long-Term Play?…
      MMJ Reporter: Will Aphria Inc. Be A Long-Term Play?

      Will Aphria Inc. (OTCMKTS:APHQF) Be A Long-Term Play?

      Aphria Inc. (OTCMKTS:APHQF) has recorded upwards of 500% in the preceding 12 months. It enjoys the lowest production expenses on the market, while strong demand estimating shown by management.

      The buzz
      For the preceding 3 years, shareholders with a bullish sentiment and large risk-appetite on pot have looked to the CSE for undervalued pharmaceutical firms. One of the firms that often are overlooked by shareholders is Aphria which they consider might be a preferred long-term play compared to large firms like Canopy Growth Corporation (OTCMKTS:TWMJF).

      Aphria is a cannabis producer with its major operations in Leamington, Ontario. It is one of a few of greenhouse-only LPs. Also, it is Canada’s second largest biotech firm by market cap. In the preceding 12 months, the equity has gained upwards. This stock has outstripped 94% of Canada-listed shares in the same period.

      Aphria reported their expansion assignment which will extend growing capacity to one million square feet and production 70,000 kg. The fourth part of the assignment which is valued around $137 million comprises automated greenhouses of 700,000 square feet, infrastructure of 230,000 square feet including vaults, warehouse and processing zones and ACMPR-standard security.

      The assignment is being supported by an equity offering to Clarus Securities. But, it is vital to note that this is dependent on the conditional nod that was recently obtained from the Toronto Stock Exchange.

      It is a vital assignment for the firm as large peers in the industry have demonstrated poor demand estimation and have lost on prospective revenue. In the start of January, a website named Lift released an analysis of the count of dried bud varieties in the last quarter of 2016.

      Aphria consistently showed the remarkable varieties on the industry. This indicates that management has a robust grasp on both operations and forecasting. They consider this will repeatedly play a remarkable role in firms’ performances and Aphria is excellently positioned to succeed.

      Read more at:…
      schrieb am 04.03.17 17:40:13
      Beitrag Nr. 414 ()
      Aphria's neue Homepage

      sieht aus als ob sie alles aus einer Hand anbieten wollen!

      Blog, News, Rezepte.....

      schrieb am 04.03.17 20:03:33
      Beitrag Nr. 415 ()
      Aphria Fall Study sehr eindrucksvoll und ganz aktuell Ende Februar 2017!
      schrieb am 05.03.17 15:47:45
      Beitrag Nr. 416 ()
      Aphria's Investitionen in Partner im Überblick auf Youtube
      schrieb am 07.03.17 08:27:22
      Beitrag Nr. 417 ()
      Schau dir mal die Facebook Seite von Aphria an.. Zwar überwiegen die guten Kritiken, aber fallen zwei Punkte auf:
      1. Das Cannabis ist viel zu trocken
      2. Die Lieferung dauert viel zu lange
      (1 Woche)
      3. Qualität/Preis stimmt nicht
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.17 08:58:46
      Beitrag Nr. 418 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.480.339 von Oskilor am 07.03.17 08:27:22Hier stellt sich die Frage, inwieweit das repräsentativ ist. Meiner Erfahrung nach schildern im Netz meistens nur die Leute ihre Erfahrungen, die Probleme mit Produkten hatten.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.17 13:46:19
      Beitrag Nr. 419 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.480.591 von wouserxx am 07.03.17 08:58:46Ja das mag wohl sein. Deshalb ja auch der Verweis auf die überwiegend positiven Meldungen. Es lässt sich allerdinga feststellen, dass die schlechten Bewertungen alle in den letzten Monaten kamen, weil
      sich angeblich diverse Faktoren zum Schlechten entwickelt haben..
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.17 14:06:37
      Beitrag Nr. 420 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.483.075 von Oskilor am 07.03.17 13:46:19Du hast offensichtlich etwas intensiver recherchiert. Hast du auch nachgeschaut, wie es bei den direkten Konkurrenten, um die Qualität bestellt ist?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 07.03.17 14:17:10
      Beitrag Nr. 421 ()
      Hier sind noch weitere Erfahrungsberichte zu finden:
      schrieb am 07.03.17 21:38:02
      Beitrag Nr. 422 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.483.264 von wouserxx am 07.03.17 14:06:37Nein, das habe ich nicht geprüft, mit Ausnahme von Aurora Cannabis. Dort gibt es jedoch (auf der Facebookseite) keine Bewertungsmöglichkeit, deshalb habe ich mir mal die normalen Beiträge angesehen, dort scheint es außer marginalen Alltäglichkeiten keine Probleme der beschriebenen Art zu geben. Welche Unternehmen siehst du noch als direkte Konkurrenten? Meiner Meinung nach gibt es auch viele kleinere, lokale Unternehmen die den Kunden die Produkte liefern, zumindest hörte es sich so in einigen Beiträgen an..

      Weiterhin wäre ich sehr dankbar, wenn mal jemand eine kurze Übersicht über die wichtigsten Unternehmen aufstellen könnte mit einer kurzen Beschreibung der Tätigkeit, habe irgendwie noch nicht so ganz den Durchblick... es reicht eine Zeile pro Unternehmen, etwa wie folgt:

      Example Cannabis (baut med. Cannabis an und verkauft es direkt selbst über den OnlineShop)

      Wäre echt super :D
      schrieb am 07.03.17 23:10:49
      Beitrag Nr. 423 ()
      Auf den vorangegangen Seiten gibts irgendwo ein paar Listen mit Absatzszahlen und Anbaumengen der Konkurrenz.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 02:01:42
      Beitrag Nr. 424 ()
      schrieb am 09.03.17 03:28:29
      Beitrag Nr. 425 ()

      Leamington, Ontario – March 8, 2017 – In light of recent media coverage, Aphria Inc. (“Aphria” or the “Company”) (TSX VENTURE:APH) (OTCQB:APHQF) today issued the following statement with respect to its ongoing commitment to providing pharmaceutical-grade cannabis that is free of chemical pesticides.

      Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer of Aphria, said, “Aphria has always held itself to the highest standards when it comes to the cultivation and production of medical cannabis. As part of this, we made a strategic investment in a state-of-the-art greenhouse in Leamington, Ontario, which enables us to produce medical cannabis that meets our exacting standards of quality, consistency, and safety.”

      “Aphria is committed to product integrity through every step of the growing process. We make our own fertilizer, which significantly reduces the risk of unwanted chemicals that can be found in ‘pre-mixed’ fertilizers. Additionally, we do not use chemical pesticides in the production of medical cannabis; we only use biological controls in the Leamington greenhouse. To be clear, Aphria has never supported the use of Myclobutanil.”

      “Since Aphria was founded, we have enforced a strict Quality Management Program that continuously tests for pesticides, including Myclobutanil. We closely monitor all suppliers to ensure that any products used meet or exceed the minimum standards set to comply with Health Canada’s regulations. As we noted in December, we support the use of independent evaluations and testing of medical cannabis as a necessary measure to protect the safety of Canadians.”

      “In all, Aphria has adopted pharmaceutical-grade quality assurance and quality control processes, many of which are over and above what is required by Health Canada. We recognize that patients rely on a safe and high quality product to meet their medical needs and it is critically important that all products sold through the ACMPR adhere to the strict guidelines established by Health Canada to ensure that their needs are met.”

      “Aphria management has over 35 years of experience in agriculture and 20 years in the pharmaceutical space, we don’t need to rely on chemicals because we know how to grow naturally.”

      About Aphria

      Aphria Inc., one of Canada’s lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. For more information, visit

      For further information please contact:

      Mr. Vic Neufeld
      Chief Executive Officer
      schrieb am 09.03.17 08:34:56
      Beitrag Nr. 426 ()
      Warum Canabo Medical für Aphria als Datenlieferant so wichtig ist
      Ab 7:35 min warum Aphria in Canabo Medical investiert hat!

      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 14:38:26
      Beitrag Nr. 427 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.498.519 von sunny3999 am 09.03.17 08:34:56Die Meldung bezüglich der Aussage von Blair hat am Aktienmarkt auf jeden Fall für Wirbel gesorgt.
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 14:51:17
      Beitrag Nr. 428 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.501.801 von wouserxx am 09.03.17 14:38:26
      Zitat von wouserxx: Die Meldung bezüglich der Aussage von Blair hat am Aktienmarkt auf jeden Fall für Wirbel gesorgt.

      Eine Überreaktion und Bereinigung des Marktes. Keiner hat gedacht das im April 2017 oder überhaupt 2017 etwas endgültiges und bindendes Zustande kommt.

      Darüberhinaus ist Aphria viel stärker im medizinischen Umfeld aktiv und baut erst in Phase IV den Rec Markt aus, also 2018/19.
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 15:11:41
      Beitrag Nr. 429 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.501.885 von sunny3999 am 09.03.17 14:51:17Zumal nur eine ältere Meldung noch einmal aufgekocht worden sein soll, wenn ich das richtig gelesen habe.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 15:29:39
      Beitrag Nr. 430 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.502.014 von wouserxx am 09.03.17 15:11:41Das kommt noch dazu....
      schrieb am 09.03.17 19:22:49
      Beitrag Nr. 431 ()
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 19:28:35
      Beitrag Nr. 432 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.504.378 von wouserxx am 09.03.17 19:22:49
      Und es wird bald booooom machen!
      Zitat von wouserxx: REC is just around the corner.

      Marijuana Legalization around corner says federal health min
      schrieb am 09.03.17 19:37:36
      Beitrag Nr. 433 ()
      StatsCan releases new North American Product Classification System, includes cannabis products
      The development of NAPCS has been a joint project of the national statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States
      By Special to Lift
      February 16, 2017

      Statistics Canada has released the 2017 version of the North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) Canada, replacing NAPCS Canada 2012.

      Among the changes is the addition of marijuana/cannabis products.

      The North American Product Classification System is a classification that organizes goods and services throughout the economy. The development of NAPCS has been a joint project of the national statistical agencies of Canada, Mexico and the United States.

      Among the recent changes are those related to the following goods and services: pulse crops, medicinal marijuana products, energy products, footwear, e-cigarettes, smart wearable electronic devices, intellectual property and related products (including published products and software), advertising services, telecommunication and broadcasting services, cleaning services for buildings and dwellings, and waste management services.

      “Marijuana” and “cannabis” products are listed under the new listing for ‘medicinal plants’, including numerous plants like aloe, bearberry bark, cannabis, dried basil, licorice root, psyllium husk, coca leaves, ergot of rye for medicinal use, hemp seeds for medicinal use, and more. The full listing is viewable here. Cannabis oil is listed separately under “Medicinal chemicals and vitamins, in bulk”.

      It lists cannabis for medical purposes (except oil), cannabis herbs for medicinal use, cannabis plants for medicinal use, cannabis seeds for medicinal use, marijuana seeds and plants for medicinal use, and medical cannabis (except oil).

      The purpose of the project has been to develop a unified standard for products, which would allow comparisons of data among the three participating countries. It will also facilitate integration of data at Statistics Canada.

      The North American Product Classification System is developed by three agencies working together: The Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía of Mexico, the United States Office of Management and Budget, and Statistics Canada. The goal is to create a consistent framework for the “collection, analysis and dissemination of product statistics used by policy analysts, academics and researchers, the business community and the Canadian public.”

      Changes to NAPCS Canada for the 2017 version, says the press release, were made to improve the relevancy of product statistics in economic statistics programs and to users, and also to align with the trilateral agreements between Canada, the United States, and Mexico in developing NAPCS.
      schrieb am 09.03.17 21:04:28
      Beitrag Nr. 434 ()
      Podcast: Leafcast mit Vic Neufeld - cool!…

      Als nächstes im März kommt Alan Gertner von Tokio Smoke!
      schrieb am 09.03.17 21:10:18
      Beitrag Nr. 435 ()
      Globe says Aphria, others show good momentum
      2017-03-09 08:51 ET - In the News

      Also In the News (C-GS) Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc
      Also In the News (C-SVM) Silvercorp Metals Inc
      Also In the News (C-SW) Sierra Wireless Inc
      Also In the News (C-YGR) Yangarra Resources Ltd (3)

      The Globe and Mail attempts to develop a strategy that looks for companies with positive price momentum, but that are also supported by fundamental growth and profitability, in its Thursday, March 9, edition. The Globe's Ian Tam writes in the Number Cruncher column that the strategy ranks stocks on forward return on equity (a profitability metric that helps to understand how the book value of equity is growing), and three-month, six-month and nine-month price changes (these traits show positive price momentum). To qualify, companies needed to have a debt-to-equity ratio equal to or less than the median of the sector to which it belongs (to avoid overly leveraged companies). Stocks were also screened to ensure at least three analysts are actively covering the stock. Just a single company from each economic sector was considered. Only nine of 11 sectors currently met Mr. Tam's screening requirement. Lastly, to ensure reasonable liquidity, only companies that trade, on average, at least one million shares a month were considered. Mr. Tam's picks are Aphria, Sierra Wireless, Yangarra Resources, Silvercorp Metals and Gluskin, Sheff + Associates.

      © 2017 Canjex Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved.
      schrieb am 10.03.17 22:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 436 ()
      Etwas Futter.

      Law legalizing marijuana to be introduced this spring, Blair says during Durham visit.…
      schrieb am 11.03.17 13:59:29
      Beitrag Nr. 437 ()
      Die $7 ist wohl die größte Hürde - Chart ist Bullish!
      schrieb am 11.03.17 22:39:53
      Beitrag Nr. 438 ()
      Ab ca 41" spricht CEO Vic Neufeld über Resolve Digital Health zu Cannabis Tabs von Aphria!…

      schrieb am 14.03.17 17:54:51
      Beitrag Nr. 439 ()
      Scythian Bioscience with Strategic Lead Investment From Aphria Inc
      Kitrinor Metals Inc. and Scythian Biosciences Inc. Announce Closing of Subscription Receipt Financing of $13,085,000 With Strategic Lead Investment From Aphria Inc.

      Scythian Biosciences Inc. is developing a proprietary Cannabinoid combination therapy for the prevention and treatment of concussions and traumatic brain injury…
      schrieb am 14.03.17 20:56:33
      Beitrag Nr. 440 ()
      Die letzten Tage waren sehr ruhig. Die Ruhe vor dem Sturm, sunny?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 14.03.17 21:36:19
      Beitrag Nr. 441 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.536.613 von wouserxx am 14.03.17 20:56:33
      Aphria konsolidiert nun seit einem Monat auf dem Tagesschlußhoch 6,50 vom November - Ausbruch könnte anstehen!
      schrieb am 15.03.17 16:31:34
      Beitrag Nr. 442 ()
      Aphria hat also erneut investiert. Ich denke, wir können wieder auf gute Quartalszahlen hoffen.
      schrieb am 20.03.17 14:00:24
      Beitrag Nr. 443 ()
      Aphria löst Warrants von TBP ein - Ein Gewinn von $4,8 Mio möglich!
      Aphria exercised warrants in Tetra BioPharma
      premium54 wrote:…

      Picked up 5MM shares for 1.3MM....26 cents a shara and stock currently trading at .71

      Aphria has 10 Mio shares at $ 0,23 average and therefor, they could have a profit of 4,8 Mio from this invest!

      Read more at…
      schrieb am 21.03.17 08:39:17
      Beitrag Nr. 444 ()
      Aphria wechselt am 22 März 2017 an die große TSX Börse! Venture ade!
      APH: Bulletin 2017 0262
      APHRIA INC ("APH-T") - Bulletin 2017-0262
      Issuer: Aphria Inc. ("Aphria")
      Security: Common Shares (the "Shares")
      Symbol: APH
      Number of securities issued and outstanding: 124,665,219 Shares Number of securities reserved for issuance: 16,182,394 Shares Listing category: Industrial, Non-Exempt Issuer CUSIP: 03765K 10 4 Trading currency: CDN$ Listing and posted for trading date: March 22, 2017 (at the opening) Other market(s): The Shares have been listed on TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV") since December 1, 2014, under the symbol "APH". The Shares will be delisted from TSX Venture Exchange on March 22, 2017, upon commencement of trading on Toronto Stock Exchange.
      The common shares have also been listed for trading on the OTC QB (U.S.) since June 10, 2016 under the stock symbol "APHQF".
      Temporary market maker: RBC Capital Markets
      Investor relations: Carl Merton
      (519) 564-6374
      Incorporation: Business Corporations Act (Ontario) Fiscal year end: May 31 Nature of business: Aphria is licensed to produce and sell medical marijuana as a Licensed Producer under the provisions of the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (Canada). Aphria received its initial license to produce and sell medical marijuana on November 26, 2014. Aphria's operations are based in Leamington, Ontario.
      Transfer agent and registrar: Computershare Trust Company of Canada at its principal office Toronto
      Dividends: None anticipated in the foreseeable future
      Sponsorship: Not applicable
      TSX contact:
      Julie K. Shin, Director, Listed Issuer Services, Toronto Stock Exchange
      TSX Venture closing price for APH-V
      Date: 2017/03/17
      Closing Price: 6.44
      (c)2017 Market News Publishing Inc.
      (416) 366-8881 (604) 689-1101

      Source: Market News Publishing Non-Pro (Mar 20, 2017 20:13:38 EDT)

      News by QuoteMedia
      schrieb am 21.03.17 13:32:17
      Beitrag Nr. 445 ()
      Aphria Continues Success Story With TSX Listing…

      Listing increases access to capital and growing investor base interested in burgeoning cannabis industry
      LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - March 21, 2017) - Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX VENTURE:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF), a Health Canada Licensed Producer of medical cannabis products, today announced that the common shares (the "Common Shares") of the Company will begin trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") as of the open of the market on March 22, 2017. The Common Shares will continue to trade under the symbol "APH". In conjunction with listing on the TSX, the Common Shares will be voluntarily delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange prior to the commencement of trading on March 22, 2017.
      "Aphria's listing on the TSX represents a major milestone in our strategic growth plan, helping to increase trading liquidity, access a growing investor base interested in the cannabis industry, and raise capital for further investments," said Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer, Aphria. "As one of Canada's leading cannabis companies, we are excited about the opportunities in this rapidly growing market to drive shareholder value and continue Aphria's success story. The TSX is the premier listings destination and this achievement highlights the strength of our experienced management and team, our commitment to providing safe, quality products and our positive growth trajectory."
      Backed by over 35 years of experience in agriculture and over 20 years in the pharmaceutical space, Aphria is one of the lowest cost producers in the industry. In January 2017, the Company announced that its Board approved a $137 million capital project to increase Aphria's capacity greenhouse growing footprint capacity from 300,000 square feet to 1 million square feet, positioning the Company to support continued mid-term demand expectations and growth as the market for cannabis expands.
      We Have a Good Thing Growing.
      About Aphria
      Aphria Inc., one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. For more information, visit
      CAUTIONARY NOTE REGARDING FORWARD-LOOKING STATEMENTS: Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "expect", "potential", "believe", "intend" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to internal expectations, access to capital and expectations for future liquidity, expectations for future growing capacity and costs, the completion of any capital project or expansions, any commentary related to the legalization of marijuana and the timing related thereto, expectations of Health Canada approvals and expectations with respect to future production costs. Forward-looking statements necessarily involve known and unknown risks, including, without limitation, risks associated with general economic conditions; adverse industry events; marketing costs; loss of markets; future legislative and regulatory developments involving medical marijuana; inability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources, and/or inability to access sufficient capital on favourable terms; the medical marijuana industry in Canada generally, income tax and regulatory matters; the ability of Aphria to implement its business strategies; competition; crop failure; currency and interest rate fluctuations and other risks.
      Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated.
      Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement.
      Neither the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange") nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
      Nina Godard
      Media Relations

      Vic Neufeld
      schrieb am 22.03.17 17:11:11
      Beitrag Nr. 446 ()
      Aphria Chart an TSX wird nicht an angezeigt
      schrieb am 23.03.17 17:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 447 ()
      schrieb am 24.03.17 11:03:47
      Beitrag Nr. 448 ()
      Die Marktöffnung ist logischerweise positiv; sollte aber nicht darüber hinwegtäuschen, dass Cannabis von mindestens 90% der Konsumenten auch selbst hergestellt werden kann.
      Diese Möglichkeit wird vermehrt dann in Anspruch genommen werden, wenn die Konzerne ihre Gewinne über immer höhere Preise maximieren wollen.
      Ratsam ist es daher, nicht nur n die großen Cannabis-Produzenten zu investieren, sondern auch und vielleicht sogar vor allem in diejenigen Unternehmen, die entsprechendes Equipment zum Eigen- und gewerblichen Anbau anbieten
      13 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 13:11:43
      Beitrag Nr. 449 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.604.335 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 11:03:47
      Gute Idee!
      Kennst du oder jemand hier im Forum einige Unternehmen aus dem Bereich Equipment?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 13:22:20
      Beitrag Nr. 450 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.605.355 von Oskilor am 24.03.17 13:11:43
      Nein; welche Unternehmen da am Markt sind, musst du selbst recherchieren. Eine interessante Investition wären z.B. Growshop-Ketten, die alles rund um Anbau und Konsum feil bieten. . Ob es das in den USA/Kanada gibt, ist mir leider aiuch nicht bekannt, sollte aber über Google raiuszufinden sein.

      Boom Shiva :D.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 14:10:32
      Beitrag Nr. 451 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.604.335 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 11:03:47Theoretisch keine schlechte Idee. Ich sehe es aber etwas anders. Je mehr Unternehmen auf den Markt kommen, die das Produkt anbieten, desto weniger Personen wird es geben, die den Aufwand auf sich nehmen es selber anzubauen.
      Gurken und Tomaten sind doch auch sehr einfach selber anzubauen aber wie viele Menschen machen das und schaffen es ihre komplette Nachfrage nach Gurken und Tomaten zu decken?
      schrieb am 24.03.17 15:02:35
      Beitrag Nr. 452 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.604.335 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 11:03:47
      Alkohol und Tabak
      Diese Gedanken hatte ich auch schon. Aber: Alkohol und Tabak kann ich auch selber herstellen, trotzdem wird das meiste gekauft.

      Im medizinischen Bereich gelten entsprechende Hygiene-Standards. Gut, dass Aphria auch dort vertreten ist.

      Apropos selber herstellen. Ich habe schon Probleme, meine Tomaten richtig zu pflegen. Ob das bei Gras so viel einfacher ist. Ich habe da keine Erfahrungswerte :laugh:
      9 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 15:33:47
      Beitrag Nr. 453 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.606.354 von MVAL am 24.03.17 15:02:35

      egal wieviele Anbieter es am Markt gibt, wenn die Schmerzgrenze beim Preis erreicht ist, werden die Konsumenten Alternativen finden. Angenommen, du bist Normalverdiener, hast ein kleines Stück Garten, bist aber zu faul oder zu unkundig dein tägliches Lieblingsgemüse Paprika und Tomaten anzupflanzen, weil du den Preis im Gemüse und Obstladen oder von mir aus bei Aldi akzeptierst. Würde ein Kilo Tomaten 20 und der Paprika pro Stück 10€ kosten, wirst du dir die Zeit nehmen und dich insoweit weiterbilden, dass du Tomaten und Paprika für 1 € das Kilo im eigenen Garten erntest.;) So schwer ist das nicht.

      Beim Cannabis ist es äbnlich und es braucht gar keinen Garten.(Bei uns natürlich verboten; wenn dann läuft es eines Tages in Richtung Staats- und Apothekenmonopol; wir mahnen ja nicht umsonst so gerne den Freihasndel an :laugh:)

      Im medizinischen Bereich gelten Standards; ja und ? Das sind Vorgaben des Gesetzgebers; wenn der Preis in den Dispensaries zu hoch ist, die Versicherungen die Kosten nicht übernehmen oder die Versicherung deshalb zu teuer wird (die USA haben da ihr ganz eigenes System, mit hier nicht vergleichbar ) dann werden auch medizische Sorten privat angebaut werden.

      Meinerseits nur Denkanstöße ;)
      8 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 15:54:21
      Beitrag Nr. 454 ()
      Antwort ging natürlich auch an @lexuz ;)
      schrieb am 24.03.17 16:11:25
      Beitrag Nr. 455 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.606.627 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 15:33:47Es ist nicht egal wieviele Anbieter es gibt. Bei vielen Anbietern gibt es eine entsprechende Konkurrenz und Preiskampf. Das sind einfache Marktgesetze. Die von dir beschriebene Entwicklung bei Cannabis sehe derzeit garnicht. Zum Beispiel hat sich Aphria auf die Fahnen beschrieben immer günstigeres Cannabis in hoher Qualität herzustellen.
      6 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 16:20:51
      Beitrag Nr. 456 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.606.627 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 15:33:47
      Denkanstöße sind wichtig!
      Diese Überlegungen und Denkanstöße sind gerechtfertigt und sollten diskutiert werden. Schwirrt mir ja auch schon einige Zeit im Kopf rum.

      Um so wichtiger, dass Aphria günstig und qualitativ hochwertig den Stoff anbieten kann. Auch die Idee mit Tokyo-Smoke finde ich gut. Vermarktung über schicke-Inn-Läden.

      Der Preis muss stimmen, dann machen sich bestimmt die wenigsten die Mühe und bauen selber an. Soll auch gar nicht sooo einfach sein. Schimmel und Sporenbildung drohen, soviel ich weiß, wenn man Gras laienhaft anbaut.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 17:01:07
      Beitrag Nr. 457 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.606.963 von Lexuz am 24.03.17 16:11:25
      + MVAL,

      ein Beispiel dazu;

      In den Niederlanden gibt es seit ca. 30 Jahren legale Coffeeshops, die Cannabis an Personen über 18 abgeben dürfen, darunter auch medizinische Sorten. Der private Anbau ist auf fünf Pflanzen/Person begrenzt.

      Die Preise in den CS sind in den letzten 10 - 15 Jahren für die meisten konsumierenden Niederländer über die Schmerzgrenze gestiegen; sie bleiben vermehrt weg, bauen zuhause im Garten oder der Wohnung an, kaufen am Schwarzmarkt der keine schlechteren Qualitäten für den halben Preis und darunter liefern kann. Ab und zu geht man hin, um mal wieder eine neue Sorte zu probieren.

      (Hat mir jemand erzählt, der jemanden kennt.......;)

      Genau dasselbe wird in Kanada und den USA passieren, wenn die Preise zu hoch werden.

      schönes WE
      5 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 17:10:59
      Beitrag Nr. 458 ()

      Es geht also nicht nur um den Preis, den die Erzeuger von den Dispensaries verlangen, sondern um den Endpreis für die Konsumenten. Ein günstiger Einkaufspreis kann von den Dispensaries weitergegeben werden oder auch nicht.Wenn die Dispenaries aufgrund Gier zuviele Kunden verlieren, dann leidet auch der Erzeuger drunter; klaro. Das gilt auch dann, wenn ein Unternehmen die gesamte Wertschöpfrungskette abdeckt.;)
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 24.03.17 22:39:21
      Beitrag Nr. 459 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.607.347 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 17:10:59
      Kiffen ist keine Medizin
      Das ganze schweift zuviel in die Kifferszene.. Eh.. Das ist medizi isch und gegen Krebs hilft nur Öl, dass bis zu 16 verschiedene Pflanzen beinhaltet.. Also über was wird hier diskutiert!?!
      Weisst du wieviel Pflanzen man braucht um so ne Dose mit Öl zu füllen? Also komm.. Total unklassifizierte Kommentare..

      Wenn die Halle steht machen die bis zu 540€ pro Pflanze Umsatz.. Was willst jz mit Zimmeranbauer?!
      schrieb am 24.03.17 22:44:54
      Beitrag Nr. 460 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.607.347 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 17:10:59
      6-20€ je nach Marke normal!
      Also ich weiss jetzt wirklich nicht, ob man sich mit der Materie wirklich auseinander gesetzt hat.. Aber die Preise sind definitiv besser als bei dir in der Nachbarschaft :)
      schrieb am 24.03.17 22:49:55
      Beitrag Nr. 461 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.607.266 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 24.03.17 17:01:07Klar wird wie mit Kneipen laufen.. Man kann sein Bier klar auch daheim trinken 😊
      4 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.03.17 10:40:22
      Beitrag Nr. 462 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.609.705 von Scorpio1921 am 24.03.17 22:49:55Lieber Troll; der mir seine ersten Postings bei WO gewidmet hat

      Im Sinne der Inklusion/gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe; sollte niemand ausgegrenzt werden und antworte dir deshalb wie folgt

      hier geht es um die spezielle Aktie eines Cannabis-Produzenten, aber auch um mögliche Investments im Umfeld der Blütenproduktion und des Konsums im kanadischen und US-Markt, der sowohl medical- als auch recreational hemp umfasst, sowie den damit verbundenen Chancen und Risiken..Mit einem Wort; es geht um Spekulation, Investition und legales Geld verdienen.

      Die bei uns seit Jahren geführte verkrampfte Diskussion zwischen Realisten, Rechtspopulisten, Ärzten, Apothekern, S oziologen, Ewig Gestrigen, Kirchen, Juristen Behörden, Pharmaindustrie, Psychobudenprofiteure und sonstigen Lobbyisten, interessiert wenn überhaupt, höchstens am Rande oder beispielhaft..
      Kiffen und andere Formen des Freizeitkonsums sind zwar keine Medizin; allerdings auch kein Gift, da untoxisch wirkend. In vielen Fällen jedoch kann kiffen u.a. Konsumformen Medizin ersetzen, z.B. Beruhigungs- und Schlafpillen. als Aggressionshemmer und Stimmungsaufheller, Schmerzmittel .u.a.mehr . Natürlich isoliert, ohne Alkohol oder in Verbindung mit anderen Drogen und in entsprechender Dosis, die jeder Erwachsene für sich selbst finden muss und auch kann.. Es sei denn, er bekommt es ohnehin (wie die Allerwenigsten) legal verschrieben oder ist schlicht zu bescheuert-Soll es geben


      Dies soll (und ist) keine Empfehlung zum Freizeitkonsum, Ankauf, Transport oder Verkauf in Deutschland ! Im Gegenteil; solange noch der Muff von tausend Jahren durchs Land wabert, rate ich eindringlich davon ab. Besonders Jugendlichen und Autofahrern, die zur neuen Melkkuh auserkoren wurden, indem man die Grenzwerte lächerlich niedrig hält.

      Zu deinen sonstigen Ungereimtheiten

      Das ist medizi isch und gegen Krebs hilft nur Öl, dass bis zu 16 verschiedene Pflanzen beinhaltet..

      Ja, wenn unsere Pharma-Industrie o.a. das behauptet….dann wird sie das vermutlich nutzen, um bei den Kassen statt Mond-, Marspreise verlangen zu können. Für mich würde in diesem Fall bereits das Gesetz vom abnehmenden Grenznutzen nach Gossen gelten.-.

      Weisst du wieviel Pflanzen man braucht um so ne Dose mit Öl zu füllen?

      Klar, wenn du mir sagst, wieviel Gramm in die Dose soll und wie hoch der THC-Anteil des Materials, dann ist das Mathematik für Viertklässler.

      Wenn die Halle steht machen die bis zu 540€ pro Pflanze Umsatz

      Wenn du das sagst….. wäre aber nur die logische Folge der Prohibition. Würde die Prohibition für Eigenanbau zum Freizeitgebrauch und der daraus entstehende Besitz fallen, wäre der Umsatz für die großorganisierte Kriminalität irgendwo zwischen NULL und etwas über dem Selbstkostenpreis von ca. 1€ - 2/Gramm. Oder sie müßte dort verkaufen, wo noch Prohibition herrscht.

      6-20€ je nach Marke normal!

      Welche Marke ? Keine Ahnung was du meinst; megabreit gewesen ?:laugh:

      Aber die Preise sind definitiv besser als bei dir in der Nachbarschaft

      Welche Preise sollen wo und für was konkret besser sein ?

      Solltest du vielleicht daran denken, mir irgend was verkaufen zu können,….nein danke !:laugh:
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.03.17 11:00:57
      Beitrag Nr. 463 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.610.890 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 25.03.17 10:40:22
      Öl ist das Geheimwort, was ein Homegrower einfach nicht finanzierbar selber macht ;)
      Wieviel rauskommt hängt von der Verharzung deines Materials ab. Aus 50 g mittlerer Qualität kannst Du etwa 2-4 g Öl oder Hasch machen.

      Öl ist neben Bubblehasch die stärkste Darreichungsform!

      Jetzt überleg mal wieviel man da anbauen müsste, ausserdem weiss der Privatanbauer eben nicht welche Mischung aus welchen Art der Pflanzen und deren Anteil, gemessen in %, gegen den Krebs ist. Das muss komplett abgestimmt sein. Da gehts um Leben und tot.
      Für Brustkrebs wird eine andere Konstellation als bei Hirntumoren genutzt.. Welcher Privatanbauer kann das herstellen?

      Also gegen Krebs ist das Öl nicht selbstherstellbar..

      Marken: skunk, diesel, kush, nothern light usw
      2 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 25.03.17 11:05:08
      Beitrag Nr. 464 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.610.977 von Scorpio1921 am 25.03.17 11:00:57
      Ende der Diskussion, such dir ein Kifferforum wenn du unbedinmgt darüber, und deine sonstigen Weisheiten zum Thema Cannabis palavern willst.;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 26.03.17 14:15:06
      Beitrag Nr. 465 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.611.010 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 25.03.17 11:05:08
      Warum so aggressiv?
      Scorpio1921 hat lediglich auf die medizinische Seite hingewiesen.

      Beides, "normaler Konsum" und Medizin werden die Absatzmärkte von Aphria sein. Für ein starkes Wachstum in den nächsten Jahren sehe ich mehr Gründe dafür als dagegen.

      Wenn ich in mein historisches Depot schaue, stelle ich fest, dass ich mit Alkohol und Zigaretten - Aktien die besten Gewinne eingefahren habe.

      Ich werde daher meine Aphria-Position weiter ausbauen. Stück für Stück. Aufpassen muss man, wenn der Hype in 1 oder 2 Jahren mal zu überhitzen droht, dann kann es auch mal einen starken Rücksetzer geben.

      Lasst uns sachlich diskutieren und Argumente austauschen, ok?
      schrieb am 26.03.17 22:06:23
      Beitrag Nr. 466 ()
      Aphria's Hauptaugenmerk gilt im Moment dem medizinischen Cannabis, somit ist man bei einer Verzögerung der Legalisierung in Kanada erst einmal auf der sicheren Seite, was den kalkulierten Absatzmarkt betrifft. Sollte es widererwarten trotzdem zu einer eventuellen Verspätung der Legalisierung kommen, rechne ich mit einem starken Dämpfer.
      schrieb am 27.03.17 21:05:53
      Beitrag Nr. 467 ()
      Aphria Strengthens US Investment Platform, Increases Position in Copperstate Farms Investors to 18.5%
      Expanded investment increases Aphria's position in robust Arizona medical cannabis market…
      schrieb am 27.03.17 21:16:00
      Beitrag Nr. 468 ()
      Liberals to announce marijuana will be legal by July 1, 2018…
      schrieb am 27.03.17 22:34:09
      Dieser Beitrag wurde vom System automatisch gesperrt. Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an
      schrieb am 27.03.17 22:35:27
      Beitrag Nr. 470 ()
      schrieb am 27.03.17 22:43:09
      Beitrag Nr. 471 ()
      Weed stocks on fire: Ottawa plans to legalize marijuana by July 2018 sends investors into a frenzy
      Am 10 April 2017 soll Cannabis in Kanada gesetzlich legalisiert werden und nächstes Jahr im July für jeden an Front Stores "Coffee Shops" käuflich sein.…
      schrieb am 27.03.17 22:45:41
      Beitrag Nr. 472 ()
      Canadian marijuana stocks ride high off legalization reports…
      schrieb am 28.03.17 14:31:00
      Beitrag Nr. 473 ()
      NEWS: Resolve Digital Health Raises $5 million to Debut the First Standardized Patient Experience for MMJ
      TORONTO, March 28, 2017 /CNW/ - Resolve Digital Health is set to change the way cannabis is prescribed by physicians and experienced by patients with $5 million raised in a Series A round led by Aphria Inc (TSX:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) and brokered by Canaccord Genuity Group Inc. This marks the next phase in the company's development with an upcoming California launch of their debut medical device system, Breeze. The technology behind the product has been in development since 2015, following an initial seed investment with CannaRoyalty Corp. (CSE: CRZ) (OTCQB: CNNRF).

      Unlike existing cannabis products, Breeze provides a more accurate, metered, treatment solution with pre-packaged, single use Smartpod™ filled with the highest quality cannabis buds or oil. The cannabis Smartpod™ is inserted into the Company's proprietary patent pending vaporizer. The patient experience is tracked through a mobile application with all data securely stored for sharing with doctors, pharmacists and other caregivers.

      "Patients have specific needs and clear expectations around how prescribed solutions should address their pain," Rob Adelson, Founder and CEO of Resolve Digital Health. "The last couple of years have been focused on listening, researching, exploring, testing and ultimately ensuring that our solution is more than just another product option - Breeze represents significant advancements in the consistency, reliability and positive results within the patient experience."

      In recent years, growing awareness of the medical benefits of cannabis has spurred a rapid increase in the number of medicinal users. In Canada, the number of registered medical cannabis patients has increased five-fold in the last eighteen months, and by more than 2.5x in 2016 with a 76% increase in medical patients by March 2016 when compared to the same time just a year prior. By September 2016, there was a 26% increase in registered patients from the previous quarter alone.1

      However, despite a dramatic increase in market awareness and acceptance, there remain numerous barriers to widespread adoption of cannabis as a credible, legitimate replacement or complement to pharmaceutical care. With limited clinical research to validate the respective efficacy of the over 750 strains available, combined with inconsistent physician knowledge of dosing requirements, creates a volatile environment where standardization is needed most. Resolve's standardized pre-packaged solution is a marked departure from the current unmetered solutions using unknown strains via uncontrolled delivery methods with no process or system to track or monitor dosage and usage.

      "The need to standardize and systematize the patient experience is part of an industry evolution that is ready to 'grow up' and get serious," said Vic Neufeld, President & CEO of Aphria. "We know that patients are seeing the benefits of cannabis. We know they are eager to see solutions appear that are truly medical - with more than just superior strains, but superior technology delivering patient relief."

      In Q4 2015, CannaRoyalty entered into an agreement with Resolve and acquired a 35% ownership position, thereby providing substantial seed capital and resources to support the research and development of Breeze. Over the past seventeen months, the partnership behind such a transformative technology continues to create significant mutual shareholder value between Resolve and CannaRoyalty. Following the completion of the Series A financing with Aphria, CannaRoyalty will maintain 27.2% of the existing Resolve shares on a non-diluted basis.

      "2016 was a landmark year for cannabis and we're just getting started," said Marc Lustig, CEO of CannaRoyalty. "Seeing the revolutionary strides made by the Resolve team over the last seventeen months has been remarkable to say the least - now we're ready and thrilled about this next phase as Breeze officially enters the market."

      With an initial product launch planned with exclusive dispensary partners in California, Resolve is committed to building a repertoire of patient success stories before rapidly expanding into additional key markets across the United States and Canada throughout 2017 and into 2018.

      1 Market Data: Marijuana For Medical Purposes, Health Canada

      About Resolve Digital Health
      Resolve Digital Health is the leading provider of standardized medical cannabis for patients suffering from cancer, arthritis, migraine headaches, chronic pain and other diseases. The company's proprietary technology and cloud-based health information platform found in Resolve's debut product Breeze addresses the numerous issues with currently available methods of cannabis delivery - establishing a standard of care and rigorous medical approach previously missing from the medical cannabis industry. With over two years of research and development, the complete product ecosystem will be initially available Spring 2017 in select dispensaries in the United States. For more information, visit

      About Aphria
      Aphria Inc., one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. For more information, visit

      About CannaRoyalty
      CannaRoyalty is a fully integrated, active investor and operator in the legal cannabis sector. Our focus is to build and support a diversified portfolio of growth-ready assets in high-value segments of the cannabis sector, including research, consumer brands, devices and intellectual property. Our management team combines a hands-on understanding of the cannabis industry with seasoned financial know-how, assembling a platform of holdings via royalty agreements, equity interests, secured convertible debt and licensing agreements. For more information, visit

      SOURCE Resolve Digital Health

      For further information: Rachel Segal, VP Marketing, Resolve Digital Health, 778-873-7486,
      schrieb am 28.03.17 14:33:35
      Beitrag Nr. 474 ()
      Auf gehts: Breeze Pod-Based Cannabis Inhalers to Debut in California After Resolve Digital Health Raises $5mm…

      schrieb am 29.03.17 02:28:07
      Beitrag Nr. 475 ()
      Canada Set to Legalise Recreational Cannabis, By July 2018
      schrieb am 29.03.17 14:32:08
      Beitrag Nr. 476 ()
      Aphria: Licensed Producers Ready For Marijuana Legalization
      BY CARYN CEOLINMARCH 29, 2017 5:07AM@CarynCeolin
      With recreational weed expected to be sold to millions of Canadians, a Leamington-based medical marijuana producer says it’s ideally situated to meet that kind of demand.

      Aphria says legalizing pot by Canada Day of next year is in line with their growth plans.

      “We’ve launched our Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4 expansions that will eventually provide us with over a million sq. ft. of production area that will be able to generate 70,000 kgs of product,” says Chief Financial Officer Carl Merton. “Currently we’re only at 2,600 kgs.”

      Merton says Part two of the company’s greenhouse expansion is now complete, and awaiting a Health Canada inspection. Aphria’s 200,000 sq. ft. Part three expansion at their facility in Leamington is on schedule for Health Canada approval in early 2018.

      According to a CBC report Sunday, the federal government is creating the rules for the cultivation of marijuana, but will leave it up to the provinces to decide who will be allowed to sell pot. In Ontario, the premier has mused about an LCBO model. Merton says that leaves licensed producers well-positioned to supply the recreational market.

      “But there’s still a need for more sources of product to meet the eventual demand that’s forecasted for the industry,” he says. “An LCBO concept — like a cannabis control board — would make a great deal of sense in terms of regulating the supply into retail storefronts.”

      Merton says the target date is likely on the ambitious side, noting some big questions remain unanswered.

      “It’ll probably be a question of which provincial governments are equipped to make that decision quickly and which will need more time,” says Merton, adding he doesn’t expect Aphria to grow to 1-million sq. ft. before 2019. “We’re very excited that there is now a date, but there is a significant amount of work that has to be done between now and then for the entire country to be ready for this.”…
      schrieb am 29.03.17 21:36:26
      Beitrag Nr. 477 ()
      Recreational Cannabis
      Helft mir mal bitte mit meinem Englisch, ich bin nämich ein Schwabe :D

      Ist es jetzt schon zu 100% sicher, dass in Canada "Recreational Cannabis" legalisiert wird?

      Oder besteht noch die Gefahr, dass das noch gekippt wird?
      3 Antworten?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.03.17 05:54:53
      Beitrag Nr. 478 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.639.252 von MVAL am 29.03.17 21:36:26
      Sehr sicher
      Ab 10. April ist es legal und ab Frühjahr 2018 in Coffee Shops erhältlich.. Als erster G7 Staat.. Hut ab :)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.03.17 05:58:03
      Beitrag Nr. 479 ()
      Nächstes Jahr die Nummer 1?
      Aphira (TSX: APH): Will it Become the Industry Benchmark Over Canopy Growth Corp. (TSX: WEED)?

      Toronto, Ontario (FSCwire) - One of the biggest concerns for most investors in the marijuana space is whether or not the companies that they have invested in will become profitable. Although demand is set to explode, unless management can control costs while increasing production, profitability might not occur. With most producers in the start-up phase and burning cash fast, you should be thinking about what these companies would look like from an operational standpoint to determine whether or not they are heading in the right direction. That being said, there is one company that we can look at to start to generate that picture, Aphria Inc. (TSX: APH).

      Read the full article at…

      About (SCP) is the industry's most trusted resource for small cap stocks, offering unprecedented access to the research and tools you need to help uncover the next big thing.
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.03.17 06:00:21
      Beitrag Nr. 480 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.640.160 von Scorpio1921 am 30.03.17 05:58:03
      Noch der o-link dazu…
      schrieb am 30.03.17 10:59:02
      Beitrag Nr. 481 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.639.252 von MVAL am 29.03.17 21:36:26
      In Canada ist "Freizeithanf" zwar auf Bundesebene verboten, aber in fast allen Städten gibt es Abgabestellen; teils Cannbis-Automaten.
      In den USA ist es in den Vorreiter-Staaten ähnlich, teils werden zwar Rezepte verlangt, der Doc siotzt aber nur eine Tür weiter und verschreibt auch bei Rückenschmerzen etc.;) Auch Medizinalhanf kann geraucht werden, da nicht nurm die THC, auch die CBD-Anteile verschiedener Sorten variieren.

      Werde mir den Wert die nächsten Tage genauer ansehen.Vielleicht gibt es über CETA sogar Exportmöglichkeiten ins Europa von vorgestern.:D
      schrieb am 30.03.17 11:01:06
      Beitrag Nr. 482 ()
      Sorry Scorpio,

      auf solche schrägen Anpostings reagiere ich allergisch, war nicht bös gemeint.;)
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 30.03.17 15:28:32
      Beitrag Nr. 483 ()
      MassRoots Receives US$450,000 in Proceeds from Early Exercise of Warrant by Aphria…

      DENVER, March 30, 2017 /PRNewswire/ --

      Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX: APH or USOTCQB: APHQF) one of the leading Canadian licensed producers of medical cannabis, and MassRoots, Inc. (OTCQB: MSRT), one of the largest technology platforms for the cannabis industry, are pleased to announce the early exercise of warrants by Aphria at US$0.90 per share for total proceeds to MassRoots of US$450,000. Aphria initially invested US$250,000 in MassRoots last fall and established a two-year exclusive partnership focused on the Canadian market.

      "Aphria remains one of our most well-capitalized and highest-caliber partners and we are thankful for their continued support by fully exercising their warrants," stated MassRoots CEO Isaac Dietrich. "As a technology platform, MassRoots is available in every state and country that regulates the production of cannabis and these warrant proceeds will greatly assist in increasing our market share of cannabis consumers and businesses."

      "We're committed to continuing to build a robust portfolio of cannabis-infrastructure investments by backing innovate companies like MassRoots," stated Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld. "MassRoots has the potential to be the leading technology platform in the cannabis sector and we look forward to continuing to foster a close relationship between our companies."

      About MassRoots
      MassRoots is one of the largest technology platforms for the regulated cannabis industry. The Company's mobile apps enable consumers to make educated cannabis purchasing decisions through community-driven reviews. MassRoots is proud to be affiliated with the leading businesses and organizations in the cannabis industry, including the ArcView Group and National Cannabis Industry Association. For more information, please visit

      About Aphria

      Aphria Inc., one of Canada's lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sellers of medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first publicly licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters. For more information, visit

      schrieb am 31.03.17 04:07:40
      Beitrag Nr. 484 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.642.236 von derdieschnautzelangsamvollhat am 30.03.17 11:01:06
      Für was sorry? Das ist ein Forum.
      War was?!
      In Foren gehts halt manchmal so ab.. Find ich aber gut so.. Jeder darf seine Meinung haben und vertreten, alles gut 😁👍
      schrieb am 31.03.17 04:14:51
      Beitrag Nr. 485 ()
      Geiler Beitrag von Chris MacDonald
      This 1 Marijuana Company Could Lead the Pack and it’s Not Canopy Growth Corp.

      Chris MacDonald | March 30, 2017 | More on: WEED APH

      Many investors looking to gain exposure to the marijuana “green rush” of late in Canada and abroad have looked to Canopy Growth Corp. (TSX:WEED) as a first pick because of its large market capitalization and the belief that Canopy will be able to take advantage of a perceived first-mover advantage over rivals to gobble up market share in Canada and abroad.

      But there’s a long-term candidate in the marijuana space that I believe has a chance to outperform Canopy in the long run for a number of reasons.

      Let’s take a look at Aphria Inc. (TSX:APH).

      Business model and growth prospects

      With the marijuana industry and any other early stage company operating in an environment with a number of regulatory and economic uncertainties, the valuations placed on these companies are largely based on expectations:

      -Growth rate expectations (short, medium, and long term)
      -Market share expectations
      -Industry growth rate (in this case, relating to regulation and the ability of new consumers to legally consume)
      -Aphria is currently running the race, but lagging behind Canopy (the industry leader in Canada) for a number of reasons.

      Among these, Canopy has done a very good job of gaining ground on its competition, branding its products, and building international partnerships via acquisitions and investments than other firms.

      That said, it looks like Aphria is doing a good job of catching up.

      U.S. expansion

      In terms of international growth potential, Aphria continues to move forward with high-quality investments in geographic areas that are likely to produce a significant stream of future cash flows in the long term. One investment announced recently in an Arizona medicinal cannabis producer Copperstate Farms, LLC gives Aphria a foothold in Arizona, one of the newest states to announce legalized marijuana.

      This strategy of investing in areas that are untouched by other large competitors strengthens Aphria’s overall market share position, setting the company up as a viable rival to other large Canadian marijuana companies such as Canopy.


      One of the newest additions to the TSX, Aphria, is continuing to grow its presence domestically and abroad, setting itself up to “play with the big boys” in Canadian marijuana production. That said, long-term competition from large U.S. or global marijuana companies looking to defend geographical areas from small Canadian producers may provide significant headwinds for companies such as Aphria or Canopy.

      Given the fact that the competitive landscape is very messy right now, and the time horizon for the legalization of marijuana in specific jurisdictions remains unknown, I remain hesitant about Canadian marijuana companies. I do, however, prefer some over others.
      schrieb am 31.03.17 05:54:32
      Beitrag Nr. 486 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.640.151 von Scorpio1921 am 30.03.17 05:54:53
      Danke Scorpio1921
      für die Erläuterung. Haben mich meine schwäbischen Englischkenntnisse nicht im Stich gelassen :)
      schrieb am 01.04.17 17:49:42
      Beitrag Nr. 487 ()
      Laut Chartguys: Ist Aphria charttechnisch gesehen der stärkste unter allen Licensed Producern

      oder hier:
      schrieb am 02.04.17 20:08:00
      Beitrag Nr. 488 ()

      ich hätte eine kleine Frage.
      Aphria legt zunächst seinen Fokus auf medizinisches Marijuana. Wird nach der Legalisierung auch der Rec Markt in Angriff angenommen?
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 02.04.17 20:57:45
      Beitrag Nr. 489 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.661.463 von wouserxx am 02.04.17 20:08:00
      Licensed Producers Ready For Marijuana Legalization
      :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D ... :D

      "Aphria says legalizing pot by Canada Day of next year is in line with their growth plans."

      Hier die Quelle (Hat Sunny gefunden und weiter vorne gepostet):…
      schrieb am 02.04.17 22:27:14
      Beitrag Nr. 490 ()
      Danke für die Antwort.
      schrieb am 03.04.17 14:49:12
      Beitrag Nr. 491 ()
      ETF noch diese Woche?…
      Altria: Neuer Kick für die 92.000-Prozent-Aktie
      Andreas Deutsch | Redakteur
      03.04.2017 - 09:24 Uhr
      Altria67,08 € -0,33%
      Wann steigt Amerikas Marktführer Altria groß ins Cannabisgeschäft ein? Die Branche ist lukrativ, da Kiffen zunehmend gesellschaftsfähig wird. Auch an der Börse kommt das Thema gut an. Für zusätzliche Kursimpulse könnte bei Altria Iqos sorgen.

      Spekuliert wird schon lange, doch bislang macht Altria keine Anstalten, Cannabis anzubieten. Dabei wäre es für den Konzern ein leichtes, zwei, drei Player zu übernehmen, um damit direkt eine führende Rolle im stark wachsenden Cannabisgeschäft zu spielen.

      Das Potenzial jedenfalls ist enorm. Experten bezeichnen das Cannabis-Geschäft als eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Branchen weltweit. Der Umsatz mit Gras wird sich Berechnungen zufolge innerhalb der kommenden zwölf Jahre verzwanzigfachen: auf 100 Milliarden Dollar.

      Nun rückt das Thema erneut in den Fokus: Noch in dieser Woche könnte in Kanada der erste ETF nur mit Cannabis-Unternehmen an der Börse gelistet werden. Ein entsprechender Antrag wurde bei der Toronto Stock Exchange gestellt.

      Wann kommt Iqos?

      Darüber hinaus gibt es Neuigkeiten beim Thema Iqos. Philip Morris International hat sich bei der FDA nach der Zulassung der patentierten Heatsticks erkundigt, berichtet der Daily Mail. Laut einer Studie finden sich in den Heatsticks 90 Prozent weniger Giftstoffe als in herkömmlichen Zigaretten. Altria würde die Exklusivvertriebsrechte an Iqos in den USA erhalten.

      Im Testmarkt Japan waren die Raucher derart begeistert von iqos, dass die Innovation schlagartig auf einen Marktanteil von fünf Prozent kam. Jeder dritte Raucher in Japan kann sich einer Umfrage zufolge vorstellen, komplett auf klassische Glimmstängel zu verzichten und auf iqos umzusteigen.

      Da geht noch viel mehr

      Die Altria-Aktie hat seit 1980 92.000 Prozent zugelegt, während der S&P 500 lediglich 5.000 Prozent zugelegt hat. Steigt Altria ins Cannabisgeschäft ein und wird Iqos auch in den USA ein Erfolg, hat die Aktie noch ganz viel Luft. Zudem gilt Altria als Übernahmekandidat. Philip Morris International wird Interesse nachgesagt. Dabei bleiben und Stopp bei 51 Euro.
      schrieb am 03.04.17 15:38:31
      Beitrag Nr. 492 ()
      Aphria Stock Is Leading the Marijuana Stock Pack…

      APH Stock: Setting Up to Move
      Marijuana stocks are still popular among investors and it is easy to see the logic behind their enthusiasm. Marijuana is on its way to becoming a staple in the North American economy. Marijuana legalization is now in the process of becoming a realty, and although the framework has not yet been provided, the legalization date of July 2018 has been provided. (Source: “Liberals to announce marijuana will be legal by July 1, 2018,” CBC News, March 27, 2017.)
      Many companies are set to prosper under this new segment of the economy, and I believe that a licensed producer of marijuana, Aphria Inc (TSE:APH), is set flourish under such conditions. I believe that the previous performance of APH stock is only a precursor to what is to come, and further gains are likely for Aphria stock.
      From a fundamental standpoint, Aphria stock is a standout because it is already a profitable company, and that characteristic is a rarity among its peers. Currently, licensed producers are dependent on sales to medical marijuana patients. This segment is small and it is growing, but it has meant that many licensed producers have been operating in the red, losing money in the hopes of gaining new patients. These are the growing pains, and being profitable under such conditions illustrates the merits and skills of Aphria’s management. As a result, APH stock has outperformed its peers.
      I have been, and still am, under the impression that speculation continues to drive hot money into this sector. This speculation is driven around the notion that recreational marijuana will grow into a multi-billion dollar industry. I am not disputing this notion, but company valuations in this segment may have gotten ahead of themselves. This potentially creates a “buy on rumor, sell on news” event that will play out when the framework behind legalization is finally announced. At that point, I can expect the hot money that has been fueling these to names to head for the exits, and a sell-off to ensue.
      For anyone who has not read any of my previous publications, understand that even though I do respect fundamental analysis, I prefer technical analysis. This method has provided much in terms of success when I applied it to timely investment strategies. Technical analysis is based on the notion that historical price and volume data can be used to discern trends and forecast future prices. The price chart has become my tool of choice and the indications that are generated using this tool override any beliefs that I may be carrying.
      As a result, even though I believe that the “buy on rumor, sell on news” mantra is driving these investment, I continue to take cues from the signals and indicators generated on the price chart, one that is constructive and is in the process of generating signals that serve to suggest that higher APH stock prices are on the horizon.
      The following price chart illustrates the predominant trend and indicators that have been supporting the advance in Aphria stock.

      aphria stock chart
      Chart courtesy of
      The price chart above is the quintessential definition of a bullish trend: a trend that begins in the lower left of the price chart and ends at the upper right of the price chart. This bullish trend is easily defined using a simple uptrend line. This uptrend line is created just as easily by connecting the valleys on the price chart.
      This uptrend line began to develop in early July of last year, and every time APH shares have corrected lower to test this trend line line, buyers have stepped in to support it. There have been numerous attempts to trade below this trend line but all them have been thwarted. This trend line carries much importance; it is now the dividing line between being bullish on APH shares and being bearish. As long as APH shares are trading above this uptrend line, I can only assume that bullish tailwinds are still propelling this investment.
      The moving average converge/divergence (MACD) indicator in the lower panel has been instrumental in identifying when an advance was set to occur. MACD is a simple, yet effective trend-following momentum indicator that uses signal-line crossings to distinguish between bullish and bearish momentum.
      In November 2016, January 2017, and February 2017, whenever a bullish cross was generated, a bullish advance quickly ensued. This signal suggests that bullish momentum is now propelling APH stock, and as a result, the path of least resistance is geared towards higher prices.
      A bullish cross is now on the verge of being generated, and upon completion, it will indicate that another advance is set to take place.
      In order for this potential advance to commence, Aphria stock will need to get above a key level of resistance that is highlighted on the price chart below.

      APH stock price
      Chart courtesy of
      This price chart illustrates that Aphria’s shares are currently testing a key level of resistance. This resistance is outlined using a downtrend line. A successful breakout above this trend line will suggest that higher prices are set to prevail and the target of $7.50 that I pointed out in my previous publication, “Marijuana Stocks: Aphria Stock Is on the Verge of a Breakout,” will be fulfilled.
      Aphria stock’s performance continues to impress, and the price action below resistance has consisted of higher highs and higher lows. It is difficult to assume anything other than a bullish view on this investment at this juncture.
      Bottom Line on Aphria Stock
      I am bullish on Aphria stock because the indications and the price action on the APH stock chart continue to suggest that the path of least resistance is geared towards higher prices. New indications are now on the verge of being generated that will reinforce the bullish view. I will remain bullish on Aphria shares until there are indications on the APH price chart that suggest another view is warranted on this marijuana stock.
      schrieb am 03.04.17 20:55:08
      Beitrag Nr. 493 ()
      ETF ab 5.April
      1 Antwort?Die Baumansicht ist in diesem Thread nicht möglich.
      schrieb am 04.04.17 16:26:48
      Beitrag Nr. 494 ()
      Aphria Inc bleibt eine TOP Cannabis-Anlage(TSE:APH)(OTCMKTS:APHQF)
      Aphria Inc (TSE:APH)(OTCMKTS:APHQF) Remains A Top Cannabis Pick Read…
      By Alex Carlson / in Momentum & Growth, Momentum Stocks, Sector Watch, Stocks / on Tuesday, 04 Apr 2017 04:33 AM / 0 Comment / 400 views

      Aphria Inc (TSE:APH)(OTCMKTS:APHQF) has been and continues to be a top cannabis pick here at Insider Financial. We’ve categorized the stock as a must-own for cannabis investors looking for exposure to probably the hottest market sector right now. As we head into spring time, there’s no shortage of catalysts over the next coming months to propel Aphria Inc higher and turn the stock into a top winner for 2017. As we take a closer look, a breakout to new highs looks to be just around the corner.



      First up, a little background on the company for those looking at a new exposure. Aphria Inc is one of Canada’s lowest cost producers that produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada, Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. The company is committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. Aphria Inc was the first public licensed producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.

      The biggest catalyst for Aphria Inc and one which changes the dynamics of the entire cannabis landscape is federal recreational marijuana legalization in Canada. Back in December, we saw the Canadian Federal Task Force issues its recommendations on how to legalize recreational marijuana use. The proposals included a minimum purchase age of 18, federal oversight on production, provincial governments charged with retail distribution and maintaining criminal offenses for illicit production and trafficking. The Task Force was lead by Canada’s former attorney general and offered more than 80 recommendations on how Canada could become the largest developed-world country to legalize marijuana.

      The legislation is set to go into effect on July 1st and Aphria Inc is prepared to meet the expected increase in demand. Aphria is currently in the middle of a part IV expansion. The C$137 million project will increase Aphria’s capacity under the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) from 300,000 square feet to 1,000,000 square feet. In addition to the 1,000,000 greenhouse growing square feet, the Company’s infrastructure will grow to over 250,000 square feet, necessary to service the expected 70,000 kilograms of eventual annualized harvests.

      The project includes 700,000 square feet of Leamington standard, Dutch style greenhouses, 230,000 square feet of infrastructure, including new Level 9 vaults, automation for all of the greenhouses, processing areas, warehouse facilities, a 15 MW power and heat co-generation facility and security consistent with ACMPR standards. Aphria anticipates completion of Part IV within 12 months, Health Canada approvals within 4 months of completing the expansion, and first harvest within 4 months after Health Canada approval.

      Last month, Aphria became the second cannabis company after Canopy Growth Corp(TSE:WEED)(OTCMKTS:TWMJF) to join the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX). CEO Vic Neufeld said of this momentous event:

      “Aphria’s listing on the TSX represents a major milestone in our strategic growth plan, helping to increase trading liquidity, access a growing investor base interested in the cannabis industry, and raise capital for further investments. As one of Canada’s leading cannabis companies, we are excited about the opportunities in this rapidly growing market to drive shareholder value and continue Aphria’s success story. The TSX is the premier listings destination and this achievement highlights the strength of our experienced management and team, our commitment to providing safe, quality products and our positive growth trajectory.”
      The latest news out of Aphria is that the company made an additional investment of US$3 million in Copperstate Farms Investors, LLC. The investment will assist Copperstate Farms Investors in advancing its capital expenditure program related to extractions, lighting and power generation. This investment increases Aphria’s membership units in Copperstate Farms Investors from 10% to 18.5% of those issued. Copperstate Farms Investors owns a 95% interest in Copperstate Farms LLC, a licensed producer of medical cannabis in the State of Arizona. The remaining 5% interest in Copperstate is owned by Aphria, through its subsidiary Aphria (Arizona) Inc. Copperstate owns approximately 1.7 million square feet of greenhouses in Snowflake, Arizona and plans to bring approximately 348,000 square feet, into medical cannabis production in the fall of this year.

      Currently trading with a market cap of C$791 million, Aphria Inc is well-funded after closing its most recent financing. The company sold 11,500,000 common shares at a price of C$5.00 per Share, for aggregate gross proceeds of C$57,500,000. Besides its part IV expansion and investment in Copperstate, Aphria has also invested in Cannabo Medical (OTCMKTS:CAMDF), CannaRoyalty (OTCMKTS:CNNRF), Green Acre Capital, Kalytera Therapeutics, MassRoots (OTCMKTS:MSRT), Resolve Digital Health, Scythian BioSciences, and Tetra Bio-Pharma (OTCMKTS:GRPOF). This diversification makes Aphria Inc a top pick for cannabis investors.
      schrieb am 04.04.17 19:25:27
      Beitrag Nr. 495 ()
      Aphria eine gut geölte Maschine!…
      Aphria: A Well Oiled Machine


      Currently Aphria produces at $1.31 per gram, an industry best.

      More cost cutting initiative to come in the next 2 years.

      Decisions on marijuana distribution methods provide a large opportunity.

      As discussed in our previous article, we believe that Aphria Inc. (OTCQB:APHQF) should be part of the portfolio of all those who are bullish on the marijuana industry. This company is driven by their ability to have the lowest production costs in the market at $1.31 per gram. Management has recently announced that the company expects to lower its cash production costs. Once Aphria completes part III of their 200,000 square feet expansion (2018) they expect for the cost to drop to $1.00 per gram followed by a drop to $0.80 upon completion of part IV (2019). Reports suggest that part IV of the expansion will include extensive automation additions, including sophisticated environmental systems, robotic planting machines, and camera-based sorting.

      The increased automation and other economies of scale will help Aphria extend its production costs lead over the rest of the industry. Aphria was the first licensed producer to implement energy efficient greenhouses for cannabis cultivation. This, paired with many other cost-cutting initiatives have allowed the company to be one of the most efficient organizations in the market. We believe that future events will allow this to become a sustainable competitive advantage for the company. First, starting in 2018 pharmacies across Canada will be allowed to fulfill medical cannabis prescriptions in their stores. Secondly, legal retail sales of recreational cannabis will begin in early 2019, with a roll out on a province-by-province basis. Logically, this provides a great growth opportunity for licensed producers in Canada, but we believe that this will translate to great opportunities in wholesale supply of dried cannabis, cannabis oils, and related products. In this type of business model, we believe there will be a limited number of pharmacy chains and retail clients that will sign large volume contracts and have a lot of bargaining power. This will result in current Canadian LPs competing on price and distribution networks. Currently, there are a few companies with large production capacity, low production costs, and a proven ability to produce reliably at a large scale. Aphria holds a significant advantage in this field as they have proven to consistently supply a broad variety of cannabis strains in an efficient manner.

      siehe gesamten Beitragim Link oben...
      schrieb am 04.04.17 20:21:43
      Beitrag Nr. 496 ()
      Antwort auf Beitrag Nr.: 54.668.153 von Scorpio1921 am 03.04.17 20:55:08
      Morgen ist es soweit mit den ETF's
      Zitat von Scorpio1921:…

      The initial index has 16 members, the top 10 of which as of March 31 were Aurora Cannabis (TSXV: ACB) (OTC: ACBFF) at 10.6%, Insys Therapeutics (NASDAQ: INSY) at 10.2%,

      Aphria (TSX: APH) (OTC: APHQF) at 10.2%,

      ScottsMiracle-Gro (NYSE: SMG) at 9.8%, Canopy Growth (TSX: CGC) (OTC: TWMJF) at 9.7%, GW Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: GWPH) at 9.6%, Zynerba Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ZYNE) at 7.4%, Cronos Group (TSXV: MJN) (OTC: PRMCF) at 7.1%, CanniMed Therapeutics (TSX: CMED) (OTC: CMMDF) at 5.0% and Organigram (TSXV: OGI) (OTC: OGRMF) at 4.8%. The other six stocks are CannaRoyaty (CSE: CRZ) (OTC: CNNRF), Emblem Corp. (TSXV: EMC) (OTC: EMMBF), Emerald Health (TSXV: EMH) (OTC: TBQBF), ICC International Cannabis Corp (TSXV: ICC) (OTC: ICCLF), Maple Leaf Green World (TSXV: MGW) (OTC: MGWFF) and Supreme Pharmaceuticals (CSE: SL) (OTC: SPRWF). Several companies listed on the OTC in the United States seem to have qualified but were not included.
      schrieb am 05.04.17 06:05:47
      Beitrag Nr. 497 ()
      Aphria started US Expansion - Florida
      Aphria Launches US Expansion Strategy
      Announces 37% interest in entity to be branded Aphria USA
      LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO--(Marketwired - April 4, 2017) -

      Aphria Inc. ("Aphria" or the "Company") (TSX:APH)(OTCQB:APHQF) is pleased to announce the launch of its US expansion strategy through a strategic lead investment in an entity to be renamed Liberty Health Sciences Inc. ("Liberty") that will operate in the United States under the brand "Aphria USA". While the initial investment relates to the State of Florida, the intention of the US expansion strategy is to target key states that have approved medical use of marijuana and meet the Company's stringent investment criteria.

      Aphria will invest $25 million into DFMMJ Investment Ltd., a new special purpose private company which will acquire all or substantially all of the assets of Chestnut Hill Tree Farm LLC ("Chestnut") and subsequently amalgamate into a subsidiary of SecureCom Mobile Inc., a public company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange, as part of a business combination (the "Business Combination"). The funds, when combined with an additional $35 million to be raised in a brokered private placement led by Clarus Securities Inc. will allow Liberty, on completion of the Business Combination, to indirectly hold and operate the assets of Chestnut. Chestnut is a licensed holder in the state as an authorized dispensing organization of low-THC medical cannabis to patients in need in the State of Florida.

      As part of the transaction, Aphria has agreed, upon completion of the Business Combination, to licence its Aphria medical brand to Liberty, in exchange for a perpetual 3% royalty on all sales of marijuana and related products. Further, Aphria has agreed, upon completion of the Business Combination, to licence its greenhouse growing intellectual property system to Liberty in exchange for additional common shares in Liberty. As part of the investment in Liberty and Business Combination, Aphria will be entitled, among other customary rights, to appoint two nominees as board members to Liberty's proposed five-person board. It is the intention of the Company to appoint Vic Neufeld and John Cervini as nominees to Liberty's board of directors; it is also expected that they will be joined by Aaron Serruya of Serruya Private Equity, effective upon the completion of the Business Combination. Once the transaction is completed, Aphria will own approximately 37.6% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Liberty.

      Aphria received transactional advisory services from the Delavaco Group, who arranged the acquisition of Chestnut and who is participating as a significant shareholder in Liberty.

      "Aphria's success story is no longer limited to Canada," said Vic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer. "Aphria's footprint expansion provides significant growth opportunities for our shareholders. The royalty agreement provides an additional cash flow stream to our industry leading cash flow from operations. The additional equity received for our intellectual property continues the validation of our greenhouse model. We will continue to examine other US opportunities and strive to introduce new states to Liberty's business model."
      schrieb am 05.04.17 06:32:15
      Beitrag Nr. 498 ()
      Aphria hat sich in 3 US Firmen eingekauft.
      CHT Medical:

      In: SecureCom Mobile and DFMMJ Investments Announce Definitive Agreement for Business Combination and Concurrent Financing With Strategic Lead Investments From Aphria and Serruya Private Equity…
      schrieb am 05.04.17 09:40:49
      Beitrag Nr. 499 ()
      Aphria to Invest $25mm in Liberty Health Sciences, Acquire Florida MMJ Company CHT Medical…

      Aphria Launches US Expansion Strategy

      Announces 37% interest in entity to be branded Aphria USA

      LEAMINGTON, ONTARIO–(Marketwired – April 4, 2017) –

      Aphria Inc. (“Aphria” or the “Company”) (TSX: APH) (OTC: APHQF) is pleased to announce the launch of its US expansion strategy through a strategic lead investment in an entity to be renamed Liberty Health Sciences Inc. (“Liberty”) that will operate in the United States under the brand “Aphria USA”. While the initial investment relates to the State of Florida, the intention of the US expansion strategy is to target key states that have approved medical use of marijuana and meet the Company’s stringent investment criteria.

      Aphria will invest $25 million into DFMMJ Investment Ltd., a new special purpose private company which will acquire all or substantially all of the assets of Chestnut Hill Tree Farm LLC (“Chestnut”) and subsequently amalgamate into a subsidiary of SecureCom Mobile Inc., a public company listed on the Canadian Securities Exchange, as part of a business combination (the “Business Combination”). The funds, when combined with an additional $35 million to be raised in a brokered private placement led by Clarus Securities Inc. will allow Liberty, on completion of the Business Combination, to indirectly hold and operate the assets of Chestnut. Chestnut is a licensed holder in the state as an authorized dispensing organization of low-THC medical cannabis to patients in need in the State of Florida.

      As part of the transaction, Aphria has agreed, upon completion of the Business Combination, to licence its Aphria medical brand to Liberty, in exchange for a perpetual 3% royalty on all sales of marijuana and related products. Further, Aphria has agreed, upon completion of the Business Combination, to licence its greenhouse growing intellectual property system to Liberty in exchange for additional common shares in Liberty. As part of the investment in Liberty and Business Combination, Aphria will be entitled, among other customary rights, to appoint two nominees as board members to Liberty’s proposed five-person board. It is the intention of the Company to appoint Vic Neufeld and John Cervini as nominees to Liberty’s board of directors; it is also expected that they will be joined by Aaron Serruya of Serruya Private Equity, effective upon the completion of the Business Combination. Once the transaction is completed, Aphria will own approximately 37.6% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Liberty.

      Aphria received transactional advisory services from the Delavaco Group, who arranged the acquisition of Chestnut and who is participating as a significant shareholder in Liberty.

      Aphria’s success story is no longer limited to Canada. “Aphria’s footprint expansion provides significant growth opportunities for our shareholders. The royalty agreement provides an additional cash flow stream to our industry leading cash flow from operations.
      vic neufeld AphriaVic Neufeld, Chief Executive Officer

      The additional equity received for our intellectual property continues the validation of our greenhouse model. We will continue to examine other US opportunities and strive to introduce new states to Liberty’s business model.
      About Aphria

      Aphria Inc., one of Canada’s lowest cost producers, produces, supplies and sells medical cannabis. Located in Leamington, Ontario, the greenhouse capital of Canada. Aphria is truly powered by sunlight, allowing for the most natural growing conditions available. We are committed to providing pharma-grade medical cannabis, superior patient care while balancing patient economics and returns to shareholders. We are the first public licenced producer to report positive cash flow from operations and the first to report positive earnings in consecutive quarters.

      Original press release:…

      Before this cannabis stock news is here, it's published to subscribers on 420 Investor.
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      The NCV Newswire by New Cannabis Ventures aims to curate high quality content and information about leading cannabis companies to help our readers filter out the noise and to stay on top of the most important cannabis business news. The NCV Newswire is hand-curated by an editor and not automated in anyway. For questions contact us.

      schrieb am 05.04.17 20:24:23
      Beitrag Nr. 500 ()
      Die Jungs scheinen ja richtig was auf der hohen Kante liegen zu haben.
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